Why can't I use println with a str? - rust

Prologue: I'm at my first day on Rust here.
This is my demo code:
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
enum Move {
impl Move {
fn to_string(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Move::Empty => "Empty",
Move::X => "X",
Move::O => "O"
This is not compiling because of these errors
I kindly ask you a fix, but mainly I need an explanation.
I tried
but the error is identical.

Because println! is a macro in where the first term expects a string literal. That string literal is evaluated in compile time (so it can never be a reference to actual data).
You can use the newly added formatting string:
let x = Move::X.to_string();
or the usual formatting as the error message suggest you to do:
println!("{}", Move::X.to_string())

First of all, Move::X.to_string(): String, not Move::X.to_string(): &str or Move::X.to_string(): str. See this for an explanation. So even if println! did accept a &str, it's not by building a String that you would solve that issue (even though when calling a function that requires a &str, Rust can Deref String to a &str — but println! is not a function).
Second, the println! macro always and only wants a string literal as its first "argument". That's because it must be able to know at compile time what is the formatting required.


Unknown size at compile time when trying to print string contents in Rust

I have a couple of pieces of code, once errors out and the other doesn't, and I don't understand why.
The one that errors out when compiling:
fn main() {
let s1 = String::from("hello");
println!("{}", *s1);
This throws: doesn't have a size known at compile-time, on the line println!("{}", *s1);
The one that works:
fn main() {
let s1 = String::from("hello");
fn print_string(s1: &String) {
println!("{}", *s1);
Why is this happening? Aren't both correct ways to access the string contents and printing them?
In the first snippet you’re dereferencing a String. This yields an str which is a dynamically sized type (sometimes called unsized types in older texts). DSTs are somewhat difficult to use directly
In the second snippet you’re dereferencing a &String, which yields a regular String, which is a normal sized type.
In both cases the dereference is completely useless, why are you even using one?

How to return a Result containing a formatted string, as &str [duplicate]

There are several questions that seem to be about the same problem I'm having. For example see here and here. Basically I'm trying to build a String in a local function, but then return it as a &str. Slicing isn't working because the lifetime is too short. I can't use str directly in the function because I need to build it dynamically. However, I'd also prefer not to return a String since the nature of the object this is going into is static once it's built. Is there a way to have my cake and eat it too?
Here's a minimal non-compiling reproduction:
fn return_str<'a>() -> &'a str {
let mut string = "".to_string();
for i in 0..10 {
No, you cannot do it. There are at least two explanations why it is so.
First, remember that references are borrowed, i.e. they point to some data but do not own it, it is owned by someone else. In this particular case the string, a slice to which you want to return, is owned by the function because it is stored in a local variable.
When the function exits, all its local variables are destroyed; this involves calling destructors, and the destructor of String frees the memory used by the string. However, you want to return a borrowed reference pointing to the data allocated for that string. It means that the returned reference immediately becomes dangling - it points to invalid memory!
Rust was created, among everything else, to prevent such problems. Therefore, in Rust it is impossible to return a reference pointing into local variables of the function, which is possible in languages like C.
There is also another explanation, slightly more formal. Let's look at your function signature:
fn return_str<'a>() -> &'a str
Remember that lifetime and generic parameters are, well, parameters: they are set by the caller of the function. For example, some other function may call it like this:
let s: &'static str = return_str();
This requires 'a to be 'static, but it is of course impossible - your function does not return a reference to a static memory, it returns a reference with a strictly lesser lifetime. Thus such function definition is unsound and is prohibited by the compiler.
Anyway, in such situations you need to return a value of an owned type, in this particular case it will be an owned String:
fn return_str() -> String {
let mut string = String::new();
for _ in 0..10 {
In certain cases, you are passed a string slice and may conditionally want to create a new string. In these cases, you can return a Cow. This allows for the reference when possible and an owned String otherwise:
use std::borrow::Cow;
fn return_str<'a>(name: &'a str) -> Cow<'a, str> {
if name.is_empty() {
let name = "ACTG".repeat(10);
} else {
You can choose to leak memory to convert a String to a &'static str:
fn return_str() -> &'static str {
let string = "ACTG".repeat(10);
This is a really bad idea in many cases as the memory usage will grow forever every time this function is called.
If you wanted to return the same string every call, see also:
How to create a static string at compile time
The problem is that you are trying to create a reference to a string that will disappear when the function returns.
A simple solution in this case is to pass in the empty string to the function. This will explicitly ensure that the referred string will still exist in the scope where the function returns:
fn return_str(s: &mut String) -> &str {
for _ in 0..10 {
fn main() {
let mut s = String::new();
let s = return_str(&mut s);
Code in Rust Playground:
This is an old question but a very common one. There are many answers but none of them addresses the glaring misconception people have about the strings and string slices, which stems from not knowing their true nature.
But lets start with the obvious question before addressing the implied one: Can we return a reference to a local variable?
What we are asking to achieve is the textbook definition of a dangling pointer. Local variables will be dropped when the function completes its execution. In other words they will be pop off the execution stack and any reference to the local variables then on will be pointing to some garbage data.
Best course of action is either returning the string or its clone. No need to obsess over the speed.
However, I believe the essence of the question is if there is a way to convert a String into an str? The answer is no and this is where the misconception lies:
You can not turn a String into an str by borrowing it. Because a String is heap allocated. If you take a reference to it, you still be using heap allocated data but through a reference. str, on the other hand, is stored directly in the data section of the executable file and it is static. When you take a reference to a string, you will get matching type signature for common string manipulations, not an actual &str.
You can check out this post for detailed explanation:
What are the differences between Rust's `String` and `str`?
Now, there may be a workaround for this particular use case if you absolutely use static text:
Since you use combinations of four bases A, C, G, T, in groups of four, you can create a list of all possible outcomes as &str and use them through some data structure. You will jump some hoops but certainly doable.
if it is possible to create the resulting STRING in a static way at compile time, this would be a solution without memory leaking
extern crate lazy_static;
fn return_str<'a>() -> &'a str {
lazy_static! {
static ref STRING: String = {
Yes you can - the method replace_range provides a work around -
let a = "0123456789";
//println!("{}",a[3..5]); fails - doesn't have a size known at compile-time
let mut b = String::from(a);
println!("{}",b); //succeeds
It took blood sweat and tears to achieve this!

Passing a string slice, returning a string slice. But who owns it?

I'm a beginner to Rust and just learning the ownership concept.
I'm using this function to reverse a String
fn reverse(input: &str) -> String {
//we are receiving a borrowed value,
//get an iterator of chars from the string slice
//Goes between two iterators.
//From the doc: double-ended iterator with the direction inverted.
//collect into a String
fn process_reverse_case(input: &str, expected: &str) {
assert_eq!(&reverse(input), expected)
fn main() {
process_reverse_case("robot", "tobor");
I would like to understand who owns robot and tobor.
I'm passing a borrowed value. Which is a string slice.
I understand this can't be modified. So when we are collecting the reversed string, I think we are collecting it into a argument 1 of assert_eq!. Am I right?
But as the process of reversing + collection happens inside reverse, the memory needed keeps increasing. Does argument 1 of assert_eq! account for that?
The above question might have been solved by the compiler at compile time. Am I right?
Your claims are mostly wrong, let me try to correct them.
Passing a string slice, returning a string slice
fn reverse(input: &str) -> String you are accepting a string slice, but returning a String. A String "has ownership over the contents of the string".
I understand this [a string slice] can't be modified
You can modify a &mut str, e.g.
fn to_lower(s: &mut str) {
fn main() {
let mut a = String::from("ABC");
println!("{}", a);
to_lower(&mut a);
println!("{}", a);
So when we are collecting the reversed string, I think we are collecting it into a argument 1 of assert_eq!
No. You collect it into a string, that is what collect::<String>() is for. Also your function reverse returns a String.
This means, that you are calling the function reverse, which returns a String and you are passing that String as the first "argument" to the assert_eq! macro.
the memory needed keeps increasing. Does argument 1 of assert_eq! account for that?
No, how should it? That's all done inside of the reverse function. assert_eq! just takes two parameters. Where they come from is uncertain and not needed to know.
assert_eq!(&reverse(input), expected)
What happens in this line is, that you are calling your reverse function with input as parameter. But normally you can't compare &T with T (a reference to something with an actual instance of something), that's where the & (ampersand) in front of reverse comes into play. String implements the Deref trait which means it can be seen as a str as well (see the doc for Deref). But now you are trying to compare a str with &str, which does not work and that's why you put & in front, so you actually end up with &str and &str which you can compare with ==.
I would like to understand who ownes robot and tobor.
Nobody. In fact they live inside of the data section in the ELF/Binary itself. They don't have an owner per se, but can be used as &str wherever needed.

How to convert a String into a &'static str

How do I convert a String into a &str? More specifically, I would like to convert it into a str with the static lifetime (&'static str).
Updated for Rust 1.0
You cannot obtain &'static str from a String because Strings may not live for the entire life of your program, and that's what &'static lifetime means. You can only get a slice parameterized by String own lifetime from it.
To go from a String to a slice &'a str you can use slicing syntax:
let s: String = "abcdefg".to_owned();
let s_slice: &str = &s[..]; // take a full slice of the string
Alternatively, you can use the fact that String implements Deref<Target=str> and perform an explicit reborrowing:
let s_slice: &str = &*s; // s : String
// *s : str (via Deref<Target=str>)
// &*s: &str
There is even another way which allows for even more concise syntax but it can only be used if the compiler is able to determine the desired target type (e.g. in function arguments or explicitly typed variable bindings). It is called deref coercion and it allows using just & operator, and the compiler will automatically insert an appropriate amount of *s based on the context:
let s_slice: &str = &s; // okay
fn take_name(name: &str) { ... }
take_name(&s); // okay as well
let not_correct = &s; // this will give &String, not &str,
// because the compiler does not know
// that you want a &str
Note that this pattern is not unique for String/&str - you can use it with every pair of types which are connected through Deref, for example, with CString/CStr and OsString/OsStr from std::ffi module or PathBuf/Path from std::path module.
You can do it, but it involves leaking the memory of the String. This is not something you should do lightly. By leaking the memory of the String, we guarantee that the memory will never be freed (thus the leak). Therefore, any references to the inner object can be interpreted as having the 'static lifetime.
fn string_to_static_str(s: String) -> &'static str {
fn main() {
let mut s = String::new();
std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut s).unwrap();
let s: &'static str = string_to_static_str(s);
As of Rust version 1.26, it is possible to convert a String to &'static str without using unsafe code:
fn string_to_static_str(s: String) -> &'static str {
This converts the String instance into a boxed str and immediately leaks it. This frees all excess capacity the string may currently occupy.
Note that there are almost always solutions that are preferable over leaking objects, e.g. using the crossbeam crate if you want to share state between threads.
TL;DR: you can get a &'static str from a String which itself has a 'static lifetime.
Although the other answers are correct and most useful, there's a (not so useful) edge case, where you can indeed convert a String to a &'static str:
The lifetime of a reference must always be shorter or equal to the lifetime of the referenced object. I.e. the referenced object has to live longer (or equal long) than the reference. Since 'static means the entire lifetime of a program, a longer lifetime does not exist. But an equal lifetime will be sufficient. So if a String has a lifetime of 'static, you can get a &'static str reference from it.
Creating a static of type String has theoretically become possible with Rust 1.31 when the const fn feature was released. Unfortunately, the only const function returning a String is String::new() currently, and it's still behind a feature gate (so Rust nightly is required for now).
So the following code does the desired conversion (using nightly) ...and actually has no practical use except for completeness of showing that it is possible in this edge case.
static MY_STRING: String = String::new();
fn do_something(_: &'static str) {
// ...
fn main() {

Finding word in sentence

In the following example:
fn main() {
let str_vec: ~[&str] = "lorem lpsum".split(' ').collect();
if (str_vec.contains("lorem")) {
println!("found it!");
It will not compile, and says:
error: mismatched types: expected &&'static str
but found 'static str (expected &-ptr but found &'static str)
What's the proper way to find the word in sentence?
The contains() method on vectors (specifically, on all vectors satisfying the std::vec::ImmutableEqVector trait, which is for all vectors containing types that can be compared for equality), has the following signature,
fn contains(&self, x: &T) -> bool
where T is the type of the element in the array. In your code, str_vec holds elements of type &str, so you need to pass in a &&str -- that is, a borrowed pointer to a &str.
Since the type of "lorem" is &'static str, you might attempt first to just write
In the current version of Rust, that doesn't work. Rust is in the middle of a language change referred to as dynamically-sized types (DST). One of the side effects is that the meaning of the expressions &"string" and &[element1, element2], where & appears before a string or array literal, will be changing (T is the type of the array elements element1 and element2):
Old behavior (still current as of Rust 0.9): The expressions &"string" and &[element1, element2] are coerced to slices &str and &[T], respectively. Slices refer to unknown-length ranges of the underlying string or array.
New behavior: The expressions &"string" and &[element1, element2] are interpreted as & &'static str and &[T, ..2], making their interpretation consistent with the rest of Rust.
Under either of these regimes, the most idiomatic way to obtain a slice of a statically-sized string or array is to use the .as_slice() method. Once you have a slice, just borrow a pointer to that to get the &&str type that .contains() requires. The final code is below (the if condition doesn't need to be surrounded by parentheses in Rust, and rustc will warn if you do have unnecessary parentheses):
fn main() {
let str_vec: ~[&str] = "lorem lpsum".split(' ').collect();
if str_vec.contains(&"lorem".as_slice()) {
println!("found it!");
Compile and run to get:
found it!
Edit: Recently, a change has landed to start warning on ~[T], which is being deprecated in favor of the Vec<T> type, which is also an owned vector but doesn't have special syntax. (For now, you need to import the type from the std::vec_ng library, but I believe the module std::vec_ng will go away eventually by replacing the current std::vec.) Once this change is made, it seems that you can't borrow a reference to "lorem".as_slice() because rustc considers the lifetime too short -- I think this is a bug too. On the current master, my code above should be:
use std::vec_ng::Vec; // Import will not be needed in the future
fn main() {
let str_vec: Vec<&str> = "lorem lpsum".split(' ').collect();
let slice = &"lorem".as_slice();
if str_vec.contains(slice) {
println!("found it!");
let sentence = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
if sentence.words().any(|x| x == "ipsum") {
println!("Found it!");
You could also do something with .position() or .count() instead of .any(). See Iterator trait.
