MathJax code is working in the math and physics stack exchange but not working in GitHub. Why? - mathjax

The following code is working perfectly fine in the math and physics stack exchange but not working in Github even though it is using the same MathJax. What is the problem here?
$$\boxed{ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}=&-\frac{1}{4} B_{\mu \nu} B^{\mu \nu}-\frac{1}{8} t r\left(\mathbf{W}_{\mu \nu} \mathbf{W}^{\mu \nu}\right)-\frac{1}{2} t r\left(\mathbf{G}_{\mu \nu} \mathbf{G}^{\mu \nu}\right) &{\text{(U(1), SU(2) and SU(3) gauge terms)}}\\ &+\left(\bar{\nu}_{L}, \bar{e}_{L}\right) \tilde{\sigma}^{\mu} i D_{\mu}\left(\begin{array}{c} \nu_{L} \\ e_{L} \end{array}\right)+\bar{e}_{R} \sigma^{\mu} i D_{\mu} e_{R}+\bar{\nu}_{R} \sigma^{\mu} i D_{\mu} \nu_{R}+(\text { h.c. }) &{\text{(lepton dynamical term)}}\\ &-\frac{\sqrt{2}}{v}\left[\left(\bar{\nu}_{L}, \bar{e}_{L}\right) \phi M^{e} e_{R}+\bar{e}_{R} \bar{M}^{e} \bar{\phi}\left(\begin{array}{c} \nu_{L} \\ e_{L} \end{array}\right)\right] &{\text{(electron, muon, tauon mass term)}}\\ &-\frac{\sqrt{2}}{v}\left[\left(-\bar{e}_{L}, \bar{\nu}_{L}\right) \phi^{*} M^{\nu} \nu_{R}+\bar{\nu}_{R} \bar{M}^{\nu} \phi^{T}\left(\begin{array}{c} - e_{L} \\ \nu_{L} \end{array}\right)\right] &{\text{(neutrino mass term)}}\\ &+\left(\bar{u}_{L}, \bar{d}_{L}\right) \tilde{\sigma}^{\mu} i D_{\mu}\left(\begin{array}{c} u_{L} \\ d_{L} \end{array}\right)+\bar{u}_{R} \sigma^{\mu} i D_{\mu} u_{R}+\bar{d}_{R} \sigma^{\mu} i D_{\mu} d_{R}+(\text { h.c. })&{\text{(quark dynamical term)}} \\ &-\frac{\sqrt{2}}{v}\left[\left(\bar{u}_{L}, \bar{d}_{L}\right) \phi M^{d} d_{R}+\bar{d}_{R} \bar{M}^{d} \bar{\phi}\left(\begin{array}{c} u_{L} \\ d_{L} \end{array}\right)\right] &\text{(down, strange, bottom mass term)}\\ &-\frac{\sqrt{2}}{v}\left[\left(-\bar{d}_{L}, \bar{u}_{L}\right) \phi^{*} M^{u} u_{R}+\bar{u}_{R} \bar{M}^{u} \phi^{T}\left(\begin{array}{c} -d_{L} \\ u_{L} \end{array}\right)\right] &{\text{(up, charmed, top mass term)}}\\ &+\overline{\left(D_{\mu} \phi\right)} D^{\mu} \phi-m_{h}^{2}\left[\bar{\phi} \phi-v^{2} / 2\right]^{2} / 2 v^{2} &\text{(Higgs dynamical and mass term)} \end{aligned} }$$


(Wald)Test for comparing two nested feols/plm models

I want to test if
model_1 <- feols(auth ~ dummy_past1 + dummy_past2 + dummy_past3
| region + date_f, # Fixed Effects
is just as good as
model_2 <- feols(auth ~ i(dummy_past1,specific_regions) + i(dummy_past2,specific_regions) + i(dummy_past3, specific_regions) # interaction(dummies * specific regions)
| region + date_f, # Fixed Effects
If this was a normal linear regression I would conduct a lrtest (likelihood ratio test). As I heard that a waldtest can also be applied to panel data (?) I conducted a waldtest
waldtest(model_1, model_2). Yet, when doing that I get the warning: "Error in solve.default(vc[ovar, ovar]) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 2.10749e-44"
Does someone know if doing a waldtest is the correct approach here, or if there are any other tests that I could do on plm or feols regressions? Or it would also be very helpful if you have ideas on how I could get the waldtest working.

unable to get rid of all emojis

I need help removing emojis. I looked at some other stackoverflow questions and this is what I am de but for some reason my code doesn't get rid of all the emojis
d= {'alexveachfashion': 'Fashion Style * Haute Couture * Wearable Tech * VR\n👓👜⌚👠\nSoundCloud is Live #alexveach\n👇New YouTube Episodes ▶️👇', 'andrewvng': 'Family | Fitness | Friends | Gym | Food', 'runvi.official': 'Accurate measurement via SMART insoles & real-time AI coaching. Improve your technique & BOOST your performance with every run.\nSoon on Kickstarter!', 'triing': 'Augmented Jewellery™️ • Montreal. Canada.', 'gedeanekenshima': 'Prof na Etec Albert Einstein, Mestranda em Automação e Controle de Processos, Engenheira de Controle e Automação, Técnica em Automação Industrial.', 'jetyourdaddy': '', 'lavonne_sun': '☄️🔭 ✨\n°●°。Visual Narrative\nA creative heart with a poetic soul.\n————————————\nPARSONS —— Design & Technology', 'taysearch': 'All the World’s Information At Your Fingertips. (Literally) Est. 1991🇺🇸 🎀#PrincessofSearch 🔎Sample 👇🏽 the Search Engine Here 🗽', 'hijewellery': 'Fine 3D printed jewellery for tech lovers #3dprintedjewelry #wearabletech #jewellery', 'yhanchristian': 'Estudante de Engenharia, Maker e viciado em café.', 'femka': 'Fashion Futurist + Fashion Tech Lab Founder #technoirlab + Fashion Designer / Parsons & CSM Grad / Obsessed with #fashiontech #future #cryptocurrency', 'sinhbisen': 'Creator, TRiiNG, augmented jewellery label ⭕️ Transhumanist ⭕️ Corporeal cartographer ⭕️', 'stellawearables': '#StellaWearables ✉️ Premium Wearable Technology That Monitors Personal Health & Environments ☀️🏝🏜🏔', 'ivoomi_india': 'We are the manufacturers of the most innovative technologies and user-friendly gadgets with a global presence.', 'bgutenschwager': "When it comes to life, it's all about the experience.\nGoogle Mapper 🗺\n360 Photographer 📷\nBrand Rep #QuickTutor", 'storiesofdesign': 'Putting stories at the heart of brands and businesses | Cornwall and London | #storiesofdesign', '': '草創期から国産ウオッチの製造に取り組み、挑戦を続けてきたエプソンが世界に放つ新ブランド「TRUME」(トゥルーム)。目指すのは、最先端技術でアナログウオッチを極めるブランド。', 'themarinesss': "I didn't choose the blog life, the blog life chose me | Aspiring Children's Book Author |", 'ayowearable': 'The world’s first light-based wearable that helps you sleep better, beat jet lag and have more energy! #goAYO Get yours at:', 'wearyourowntechs': 'Bringing you the latest trends, Current Products and Reviews of Wearable Technology. Discover how they can enhance your Life and Lifestyle', 'roxfordwatches': 'The Roxford | The most stylish and customizable fitness smartwatch. Tracks your steps/calories/dist/sleep. Comes with FOUR bands, and a travel case!', 'playertek': "Track your entire performance - every training session, every match. \nBecause the best players don't hide.", '_kate_hartman_': '', 'hmsmc10': 'Health & Wellness 🍎\nBoston, MA 🏙\nSuffolk MPA ‘17 🎓 \n.\nJust Strong Ambassador 🏋🏻\u200d♀️', 'gadgetxtreme': 'Dedicated to reviewing gadgets, technologies, internet products and breaking tech news. Follow us to see daily vblogs on all the disruptive tech..', 'freedom.journey.leader': '📍MN\n🍃Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 🐵 • D Y I lover 🔨 • Small town living in MN. 🌿 \n📧 \n#homeschool #bossmom #builder #momlife', 'arts_food_life': 'Life through my phone.', 'medgizmo': 'Wearable #tech: #health #healthcare #wellness #gadgets #apps. Images/links provided as information resource only; doesn’t mean we endorse referenced', 'sawearables': 'The home of wearable tech in South Africa!\n--> #WearableTech #WearableTechnology #FitnessTech Find your wearable #', 'shop.mercury': 'Changing the way you charge.⚡️\nGet exclusive product discounts, and help us reach our goal below!🔋', 'invisawear': 'PRE-ORDERS NOW AVAILABLE! Get yours 25% OFF here: #girlboss #wearabletech'}
for key in d:
print("---with emojis----")
print("---emojis removed----")
x=''.join(c for c in d[key] if c <= '\uFFFF')
output example
---with emojis----
🍃Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 🐵 • D Y I lover 🔨 • Small town living in MN. 🌿
#homeschool #bossmom #builder #momlife
---emojis removed----
Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 • D Y I lover • Small town living in MN.
#homeschool #bossmom #builder #momlife
---with emojis----
Changing the way you charge.⚡️
Get exclusive product discounts, and help us reach our goal below!🔋
---emojis removed----
Changing the way you charge.⚡️
Get exclusive product discounts, and help us reach our goal below!
There is no technical definition of what an "emoji" is. Various glyphs may be used to render printable characters, symbols, control characters and the like. What seems like an "emoji" to you may be part of normal script to others.
What you probably want to do is to look at the Unicode category of each character and filter out various categories. While this does not solve the "emoji"-definition-problem per se, you get much better control over what you are actually doing without removing, for example, literally all characters of languages spoken by 2/3 of the planet.
Instead of filtering out certain categories, you may filter everything except the lower- and uppercase letters (and numbers). However, be aware that ꙭ is not "the googly eyes emoji" but the CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DOUBLE MONOCULAR O, which is a normal lowercase letter to millions of people.
For example:
import unicodedata
s = "🍃Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 🐵 • D Y I lover 🔨 • Small town living in MN. 🌿"
# Just filter category "symbol"
t = ''.join(c for c in s if unicodedata.category(c) not in ('So', ))
...results in
Wife • Homeschooling Mom to 5 • D Y I lover • Small town living in MN.
This may not be emoji-free enough, yet the • is technically a form of punctuation. So filter this as well
# Filter symbols and punctuations. You may want 'Cc' as well,
# to get rid of control characters. Beware that newlines are a
# form of control-character.
t = ''.join(c for c in s if unicodedata.category(c) not in ('So', 'Po'))
And you get
Wife Homeschooling Mom to 5 D Y I lover Small town living in MN

linearK error in seq. default() cannot be NA, NaN

I am trying to learn linearK estimates on a small linnet object from the CRC spatstat book (chapter 17) and when I use the linearK function, spatstat throws an error. I have documented the process in the comments in the r code below. The error is as below.
Error in seq.default(from = 0, to = right, length.out = npos + 1L) : 'to' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite
I do not understand how to resolve this. I am following this process:
# I have data of points for each data of the week
# d1 is district 1 of the city.
# I did the step below otherwise it was giving me tbl class
d1_data=lapply(split(d1, d1$openDatefactor),
# I previously create a linnet and divided it into districts of the city
d1_linnet = districts_linnet[["d1"]]
# I create point pattern for each day
d1_ppp = lapply(d1_data, function(x) as.ppp(x, W=Window(d1_linnet)))
plot(d1_ppp[[1]], which.marks="type")
# I am then converting the point pattern to a point pattern on linear network
d1_lpp <- as.lpp(d1_ppp[[1]], L=d1_linnet, W=Window(d1_linnet))
Point pattern on linear network
3 points
15 columns of marks: ‘status’, ‘number_of_’, ‘zip’, ‘ward’,
‘police_dis’, ‘community_’, ‘type’, ‘days’, ‘NAME’,
‘DISTRICT’, ‘openDatefactor’, ‘OpenDate’, ‘coseDatefactor’,
‘closeDate’ and ‘instance’
Linear network with 4286 vertices and 6183 lines
Enclosing window: polygonal boundary
enclosing rectangle: [441140.9, 448217.7] x [4640080, 4652557] units
# the errors start from plotting this lpp object
"show.all" is not a graphical parameter
Show Traceback
Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values
x y seg tp
441649.2 4649853 5426 0.5774863
445716.9 4648692 5250 0.5435492
444724.6 4646320 677 0.9189631
3 rows
And then consequently, I also get error on linearK(d1_lpp)
Error in seq.default(from = 0, to = right, length.out = npos + 1L) : 'to' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite
I feel lpp object has the problem, but I find it hard to interpret the errors and how to resolve them. Could someone please guide me?
I can confirm there is a bug in plot.lpp when trying to plot the marked point pattern on the linear network. That will hopefully be fixed soon. You can plot the unmarked point pattern using
I cannot reproduce the problem with linearK. Which version of spatstat are you running? In the development version on my laptop spatstat_1.51-0.073 everything works. There has been changes to this code recently, so it is likely that this will be solved by updating to development version (see

DPI aware screen capture

I used AutoIt's _ScreenCapture_Capture() before without any trouble. But on Windows 10 with a 4k resolution screen I'm using DPI scaling at 200%. _ScreenCapture_capture() now gets something 2x zoomed in and half the location I asked for.
For instance :
_ScreenCapture_Capture("c:\a.bmp", 100, 100, 200, 200)
; Path, X1, Y1, X2, Y2
Does not return a 100x100 pixel square of the screen (at 100,100 to 200,200). It returns a 100x100 pixel square (at 50,50 to 100,100) instead.
I did find a solution :
DllCall("User32.dll", "bool", "SetProcessDPIAware")
However this screws up the GUI looks. So I then found this code:
GUISetFont(8.5 * _GDIPlus_GraphicsGetDPIRatio()[0])
Func _GDIPlus_GraphicsGetDPIRatio($iDPIDef = 96)
Local $aResults[2] = [1, 1]
Local $hGfx = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND(0)
If #error Then Return SetError(1, #extended, $aResults)
#forcedef $__g_hGDIPDll, $ghGDIPDll
$aResult = DllCall($__g_hGDIPDll, "int", "GdipGetDpiX", "handle", $hGfx, "float*", 0)
If #error Then Return SetError(2, #extended, $aResults)
Local $iDPI = $aResult[2]
Local $aresults[2] = [$iDPIDef / $iDPI, $iDPI / $iDPIDef]
Return $aresults
EndFunc ;==>_GDIPlus_GraphicsGetDPIRatio
Which works great for the GUI but doesn't help for _ScreenCapture_Capture() calls. Seems I can either have a good looking- or a functioning program, not both.
How could I combine these two solutions to get both a good GUI and a functioning program? If I knew how to do the opposite of :
DllCall("User32.dll", "bool", "SetProcessDPIAware")
Then when I need to capture a screen portion I could turn on compatibility, then immediately turn it off when done capturing. But I don't know how to 'UNsetprocessdpiaware'.
If you are using Windows 10 A update (10.0.14393) you can spin up a separate thread and make the thread alone Per Monitor DPI aware, and leave your main GUI as dpi unaware.
SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext function
If you are building using a version of visual studio before 2015 you can declare a pointer to the function prototype
and use GetProcAddress to test for the presence of the function before you call it. Anything in that thread will give you raw physical information if you used
Note that this function is not available on Windows 10 10.0.10586. You must test for its availability.

Dodging error bars in marginsplot in Stata

I am using marginsplot to draw some error bars between two different groups. The error bars overlap though, so I'm trying to dodge them slightly left-or-right from one another.
Here is an example slightly edited from the marginsplot help that illustrates the problem:
quietly regress bpsystol agegrp##sex
quietly margins agegrp#sex
marginsplot, recast(scatter) ciopts(recast(rspike))
Is there any easy way to dodge the blue Male points and bars slightly to the left, and the red Female points and bars slightly to the right (or vice-versa)? Like what is done is dodged bar charts.
Here it would work out fine to recast the confidence intervals to an area and make it slightly transparent as in the help example further down the line. However, for my actual use I would like to keep the points and spikes.
Here is an approach using the community-contributed commands parmest and eclplot.
The trick is to adjust the values of the group variable by a small amount, for example 0.1, and then to use the subby option of eclplot:
** a short version
qui reg bpsystol agegrp##sex
qui margins agegrp#sex
qui parmest , bmat(r(b)) vmat(r(V)) level( `cilevel' ) fast
qui split parm, parse( . # )
qui destring parm*, replace
replace parm1 = parm1 - ( 0.05 )
eclplot estimate min95 max95 parm1, eplot(sc) rplottype(rspike) supby(parm3, spaceby(0.1))
However, the problem with this approach is that all the labels get lost but I do not know of a good way to retrieve them, other than by brute force.
The following is an extended version of the code where I tried to automate re-application of all the value labels by a brute force method:
use, clear
** specify parameters and variables
local cilevel = 95
local groupvar agegrp
local typevar sex
local ytitle "Linear Prediction"
local title "Adjust Predictions of `groupvar'#`typevar' with `cilevel'% CIs"
local eplot scatter
local rplottype rspike
local spaceby 0.1 /* use this param to control the dodge */
** store labels of groupvar ("agegrp") and typevar ("sex")
local varlist `groupvar' `typevar'
foreach vv of var `varlist' {
local `vv'_varlab : var lab `vv'
qui levelsof `vv', local( `vv'_vals )
foreach vl of local `vv'_vals {
local `vv'_`vl'lab : lab `vv' `vl'
lab def `vv'_vallab `vl' "``vv'_`vl'lab'", add
** run analysis
qui reg bpsystol `groupvar'##`typevar'
margins `groupvar'#`typevar'
** use parmest to store estimates
parmest , bmat(r(b)) vmat(r(V)) level( `cilevel' ) fast
lab var estimate "`ytitle'"
split parm, parse( . # )
qui destring parm*, replace
rename parm1 `groupvar'
rename parm3 `typevar'
** reaply stored labels
foreach vv of var `varlist' {
lab var `vv' "``vv'_varlab'"
lab val `vv' `vv'_vallab
** dodge and plot
replace agegrp = agegrp - ( `spaceby' / 2 )
eclplot estimate min95 max95 agegrp ///
, eplot( `eplot' ) rplottype( `rplottype' ) ///
supby( sex, spaceby( `spaceby' ) ) ///
estopts1( mcolor( navy ) ) estopts2( mcolor( maroon ) ) ///
ciopts1( lcolor( navy ) ) ciopts2( lcolor( maroon ) ) ///
title( "`title'" )
