I am writing a python code to find all possible combinations of password with specific rules
should contain alphabets A-Z a-z
should contain numbers 0-9
should contain special symbols
first character of password must be capital letter
from itertools import permutations
pw = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789[#_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:]"
c = permutations(pw, 2) #3 is the password length for providing sample output quickly
for x in firstchar:
for i in c:
current_pw = x + "".join(i)
f.write( "\t" + current_pw + "\n" )
the output contains only password starting from A and stops doesn't iterate for B, C...
I think permutation quits after the first loop.
So you define c in each loop.
from itertools import permutations
pw = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789[#_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:]"
for x in firstchar:
c = permutations(pw, 2) # c is defined here
for i in c:
current_pw = x + "".join(i)
f.write( "\t" + current_pw + "\n" )
I'm looking to have a function that adds spaces in between letters, but doesn't add any spaces between other characters (for example not between a "2" and a letter, or between a letter and an apostrophe). The input strings already have spaces after any non-letter character.
For example, given the string "RU2 FLB' L2 r2 fB'", the output would be "R U2 F L B' L2 r2 f B'".
Thanks for any help :)
you can use this code, very simple and understandable, you can change it to a function or use by lambda and so on...
my_string = "RU2 FLB' L2 r2 fB" #or any input
output = '' #your output
num = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','\''] #you can add any other symbols may use in your string
for i in range(len(my_string)):
if my_string[i] == ' ':
elif i < (len(my_string) -1) and num.count(my_string[i+1]) > 0:
output = output + my_string[i]
elif my_string[i]:
output = output + my_string[i] + ' '
How can I shuffle two strings s||t (shuffle(s, t)) with the given requirement that the first char always stands in front of the second one in s and t as well no matter we shuffle. The result returns as a set of strings without duplicates.
I have the following test:
print(shuffle('ab', 'cd'))
['abcd', 'acbd', 'acdb', 'cabd', 'cadb', 'cdab']
Thanks a lot.
This method will shuffle two strings and return a list of shuffles between them where the order of the characters is the same as in the original strings. If there are duplicate characters there will be duplicate results as well.
def shuffle(s1, s2):
if len(s1) == 1:
return [s2[:i] + s1 + s2[i:] for i in range(len(s2) + 1)]
if len(s2) == 1:
return [s1[:i] + s2 + s1[i:] for i in range(len(s1) + 1)]
return [s1[0]+ s for s in shuffle(s1[1:], s2)] + [s2[0] + s for s in shuffle(s1, s2[1:])]
print shuffle("ab", "cd")
It works by getting the first character of each string and recursively shuffling the rest and adding this character to each element in the list. When there is one character remaining on each of the strings it returns a list where the character is added in each position of the other string. Hope it helps.
So you can apply a condition on final shuffled list to generate a new list from the shuffled one:
for w in S:
if(w.index('a')<w.index('b') and w.index('c')<w.index('d')):
So nl is your new list as per your requirement:)
If I understood the question correctly, this should work. Note, as you add letters to this, it becomes a long running problem. 4 letters have 6 possible combination for each entry in the list. 8 letters have 5,040 possible combinations for each entry in the list.
import random
import math
InputList = ['ab','cd']
PossibleUniqueCombinations = math.factorial(len("".join(InputList))-1)
print (PossibleUniqueCombinations)
TargetList = []
UniqueCombinationList = []
for lst in InputList:
UniqueCnt = 0
FirstChar = lst[0]
TheRest = list(lst[1:])
while UniqueCnt < PossibleUniqueCombinations:
if InputList.index(lst) == 0:
LeftList = []
LeftList = InputList[0:InputList.index(lst)]
RightList = list(InputList[InputList.index(lst)+1:])
TargetList = LeftList + TheRest + RightList
TargetStr = ''.join(TargetList)
TargetStr = ''.join(random.sample(TargetStr, len(TargetStr)))
ShuffledStr = FirstChar + ''.join(TargetStr)
FndIdx = UniqueCombinationList.index(ShuffledStr)
except ValueError:
UniqueCnt += 1
for combo in UniqueCombinationList:
I'm trying to reverse the words in a string individually so the words are still in order however just reversed such as "hi my name is" with output "ih ym eman si" however the whole string gets flipped
r = 0
def readReverse(): #creates the function
start = default_timer() #initiates a timer
r = len(n.split()) #n is the users input
if len(n) == 0:
return n
return n[0] + readReverse(n[::-1])
duration = default_timer() - start
print(str(r) + " with a runtime of " + str(duration))
First split the string into words, punctuation and whitespace with a regular expression similar to this. Then you can use a generator expression to reverse each word individually and finally join them together with str.join.
import re
text = "Hello, I'm a string!"
split_text = re.findall(r"[\w']+|[^\w]", text)
reversed_text = ''.join(word[::-1] for word in split_text)
olleH, m'I a gnirts!
If you want to ignore the punctuation you can omit the regular expression and just split the string:
text = "Hello, I'm a string!"
reversed_text = ' '.join(word[::-1] for word in text.split())
However, the commas, exclamation marks, etc. will then be a part of the words.
,olleH m'I a !gnirts
Here's the recursive version:
def read_reverse(text):
idx = text.find(' ') # Find index of next space character.
if idx == -1: # No more spaces left.
return text[::-1]
else: # Split off the first word and reverse it and recurse.
return text[:idx][::-1] + ' ' + read_reverse(text[idx+1:])
Trying to get this spellchecker I came across online to work, but no luck. Any help Would be appreciated. Original code from http://norvig.com/spell-correct.html
import re, collections, codecs
def words(text): return re.findall('[a-z]+', text.lower())
def train(features):
model = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1)
for f in features:
model[f] += 1
return model
file = codecs.open('C:\88888\88888\88888\88888\8888\A Word.txt', encoding='utf-8', mode='r')
NWORDS = train(words(file.read()))
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
def edits1(word):
splits = [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in range(len(word) + 1)]
deletes = [a + b[1:] for a, b in splits if b]
transposes = [a + b[1] + b[0] + b[2:] for a, b in splits if len(b)>1]
replaces = [a + c + b[1:] for a, b in splits for c in alphabet if b]
inserts = [a + c + b for a, b in splits for c in alphabet]
return set(deletes + transposes + replaces + inserts)
def known_edits2(word):
return set(e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1) if e2 in NWORDS)
def known(words): return set(w for w in words if w in NWORDS)
def correct(word):
candidates = known([word]) or known(edits1(word)) or known_edits2(word) or [word]
return max(candidates, key=NWORDS.get)
File "C:\8888\8888\8888\8888\88888\SpellCheck.py", line 11
file = codecs.open('C:\888\888\888\8888\88888\A Word.txt', encoding='utf-8', mode='r')
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape
OK, let's do something try this...
get a string value '\x' and try to do something to it
or try
Returns your error right?
So if you have a string defined say
x = string('\y\o\u \c\a\n \n\e\v\e\r \c\h\a\n\g\e \t\h\i\s \i\n \p\y\t\h\o\n')
Than you are just out of luck.
It will be a bummer if the user decides to type a '\' as any character of the input.
To fix the problem you could try using some looping or recursive code like:
How to remove illegal characters from path and filenames?
C:\88888\88888\88888\88888\8888\A Word.txt - that's the strangest path I've seen this year :)
Try replacing it with C:\\88888\\88888\\88888\\88888\\8888\\A Word.txt
is there a pythonic way to implement this:
Insert /spaces_1/ U+0020 SPACE
characters into /key_1/ at random
positions other than the start or end
of the string.
There /spaces_1/ is integer and /key_1/ is arbitrary existing string.
strings in python are immutable, so you can't change them in place. However:
import random
def insert_space(s):
r = random.randint(1, len(s)-1)
return s[:r] + ' ' + s[r:]
def insert_spaces(s):
for i in xrange(random.randrange(len(s))):
s = insert_space(s)
return s
Here's a list based solution:
import random
def insert_spaces(s):
s = list(s)
for i in xrange(len(s)-1):
while random.randrange(2):
s[i] = s[i] + ' '
return ''.join(s)
I'm going to arbitrarily decide you never want two spaces inserted adjacently - each insertion point used only once - and that "insert" excludes "append" and "prepend".
First, construct a list of insertion points...
insert_points = range (1, len (mystring))
Pick out a random selection from that list, and sort it...
import random
selected = random.sample (insert_points, 5)
selected.sort ()
Make a list of slices of your string...
selected.append (len (mystring)) # include the last slice
temp = 0 # start with first slice
result = []
for i in selected :
result.append (mystring [temp:i])
temp = i
Now, built the new string...
" ".join (result)
Just because no one used map yet:
import random
''.join(map(lambda x:x+' '*random.randint(0,1), s)).strip()
This method inserts a given number of spaces to a random position in a string and takes care that there are no double spaces after each other:
import random
def add_spaces(s, num_spaces):
assert(num_spaces <= len(s) - 1)
space_idx = []
space_idx.append(random.randint(0, len(s) - 2))
num_spaces -= 1
while (num_spaces > 0):
idx = random.randint(0, len(s) - 2)
if (not idx in space_idx):
num_spaces -= 1
result_with_spaces = ''
for i in range(len(s)):
result_with_spaces += s[i]
if i in space_idx:
result_with_spaces += ' '
return result_with_spaces
If you want to add more than one space, then go
s[:r] + ' '*n + s[r:]
Here it comes...
def thePythonWay(s,n):
n = max(0,min(n,25))
where = random.sample(xrange(1,len(s)),n)
return ''.join("%2s" if i in where else "%s" for i in xrange(len(s))) % tuple(s)
We will randomly choose the locations where spaces will be added - after char 0, 1, ... n-2 of the string (n-1 is the last character, and we will not place a space after that); and then insert the spaces by replacing the characters in the specified locations with (the original character) + ' '. This is along the lines of Steve314's solution (i.e. keeping the assumption that you don't want consecutive spaces - which limits the total spaces you can have), but without using lists.
import random
def insert_random_spaces(original, amount):
assert amount > 0 and amount < len(original)
insert_positions = sorted(random.sample(xrange(len(original) - 1), amount))
return ''.join(
x + (' ' if i in insert_positions else '')
for (i, x) in enumerate(original)