How to click on ::before element (groovy, JMeter)? - groovy

I work on client-side in JMeter with groovy and have this situation:
To make SUBMIT button active, I just need to emulate checking this checkbox on previous step in the script.
Could you please let me know, what are the ways to point to / switch on this checkbox, using this ::before element?
//input[#class='checkbox' and #name='Information']
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//input[#class='checkbox' and #name='Information']")));
WebElement checkbox_Information = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#class='checkbox' and #name='Information']"));;
//label[#class='checkbox-label' and #for='Information']"
could help - in both cases here are error messages, for example:
Response message:javax.script.ScriptException: javax.script.ScriptException: org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Expected condition failed: waiting for element to be clickable: By.xpath: //input[#class='checkbox' and #name='Information'] (tried for 30 second(s) with 500 milliseconds interval)

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So far if you're talking about JMeter's WebDriver Sampler you can try:
Ensuring that the checkbox is visible, not covered by popups and clickable
Usu an Explicit Wait to ensure that the checkbox can be interacted with
And if nothing helps as the last resort you can "click" the checkbox using JavaScript, something like:


Selenium/ python performing a click with browser.execute_script VS. normal click line

I wanted to click on something in a webpage so I used
WebDriverWait(browser, 30).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#styleguide-v2 > div.banner-container > a:nth-child(2)")))
except that it doesn't work in the background.I have to switch to the browser manually where it to be seen on my screen so that the code works properly.
Then I added this
x = WebDriverWait(browser, 30).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#styleguide-v2 > div.banner-container > a:nth-child(2)")))
browser.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", x)
now it works like charm, my question is what's the difference? I want to know what's happening behind this
the webpage
presence_of_element_located expected condition finishes and the program continues to the next call while the element already created but still not clickable and still not located on it's final position on the page and still not ready to accept regular click.
JavaScript click can handle this kind of click, however this doesn't really imitates real UI user action.
To mimic real user action you should use element_to_be_clickable expected condition and click the element only when it became clickable.
visibility_of_element_located didn't work because the element is not actually visible itself, so we had to use element_to_be_clickable expected condition.
It is also possible that element is covered by some other element during the page rendering when it is literally become clickable but the page is still rendered. In this case we have to add some hardcoded delay or to wait until the element covering the desired button is disappeared. this can be achieved by invisibility_of_element_located expected condition for the covering element.

Test quickly changing scenario using selenium web driver in nodejs

I have a button which triggers a rest call and upon click of that button until the rest call triggers I disable the button.
I am writing a test case using selenium web driver and nodejs
button = driver.findElement(By.class("btn"));
console.log(await button.isEnabled()) //outputs true
But I can see that the button is being disabled and I am sure Iam selectingthe correct button the findElement statement.
The documentation for .isEnabled() says:
Is the element currently enabled or not? This will generally return true for everything but disabled input elements.
So what you are seeing is expected behaviour.
To test your scenario, you will need the following approach:
click your button
click the same button again
the second click you are expecting to fail, so you will have to wrap it in whatever is the node.js equivalent of try..catch (sorry, I'm a Java guy)
inside of the catch, set a variable to true
afterwards test the variable has been set
The scenario you have described is to click a button, verify it becomes disabled, and then verify it becomes enabled. There are probably a few ways to do this. I'm looking at the documentation and here is one way:
button = driver.findElement(By.class("btn"));;
If the button never becomes disabled, an exception will be thrown. If the button never becomes reenabled, an exception will be thrown. So, the fail condition is either one throwing an exception. The pass condition is no exceptions.
NOTE: disabled and enabled, in Selenium terms, is generally referring to an INPUT tag. If your button is not an INPUT tag, then this won't work. You will need to detect some CSS style being applied/removed to determine disabled/enabled.

Any new arrangement for select_list in WATIR 6.0.2 waits until options got populated?

I have a question about select_list which got populated in run time according to the option of some other select list.
For an example If I choose motor car make in my select_list, then model select_list got populated. but the problem is, I have to wait for few seconds before I interact with model select_list otherwise it throws the error no options present(because it takes some time to populate). I find very interesting thing in WATIR 6.0.2 like,'NewContactNewGenFromMenu_Link').wait_until(&:visible?).click
which first confirm the element present through implicit wait using when_present, then it waits until element visible, this is amazing change. But Is there anything to check whether select list options got populated? Is any new arrangement?
It looks like there is no change to the Select#select method in Watir 6.0.2 - ie it does not wait:'changed_text')
#=> Watir::Exception::NoValueFoundException
You can get an implicit wait if you locate/select the option directly:
browser.select_list.option(text: 'changed_text').select
I think the wait functionality should be added to the #select and #select_value methods. I have opened Issue 503 to request the functionality.

Capybara Cucumber test fail to find xpath when browser is minimized

I'm running a scenario where form fields are automatically filled in with invalid values which trigger some javascripts to show warnings under each incorrectly filled field when I blur.
The test passes when the browser is in focus. It finds the xpath with the "expected warning" that I pass. But if I minimize or just click on another application, it fails to find the xpath.
I'm running Firefox 3.6 (going to update it soon) and the way I'm doing to find the xpath is by using "page.should have_xpath(xpath)"
Does anyone have any idea how what might solve this? It's really important for me to run it with the browser minimized.
Edit and alternative solution:
I guess the timing issue that occurs in events such as blur followed by finding a certain xpath in a minimized browser inherent to the driver itself. Therefore, I decided to run the tests in a Virtual Frame Buffer using xvfb in Linux and it seems to be working really well. I'm planning on applying this to be triggered by Hudson/Jenkins whenever a change is committed.
Could it be a timing issue? Perhaps if the browser isn't frontmost and maximised, the rendering is not happening quickly enough for the content be present when Capybara checks for it.
Also: How are you triggering the blur event?

How to use Geb to check element attribute value after page event

After a bit of help here, I am writing a functional web test using Geb and want to test the disabled attribute value of an form submit button both before and after an event has occurred, the flow should be as follows:
Load page, submit button is declared as disabled in page source so should be disabled e.g. <input type="submit" class="submit" disabled="true"/>.
Check a checkbox on the page, this should result in a piece of JQuery code executing which will enable the disabled submit button programatically using: $('input.submit').attr('disabled', false);
My first attempt was to use the assertion $('input.submit').#disabled == 'true', this appeared to work for the initial check after page load however after executing my JQuery code to enable the button a subsequent check still returns the same result. This has caused me to wonder if this kind of check is only able to report the value at page load time and doesn't see any subsequent programmatic changes?
I then discovered Geb's jquery itegration, I was hoping I could use this to return the value of the submit button and do my assert on this e.g. $('input.submit').jquery.attr('disabled') == false however the Geb documentation confirms that all calls to the .jquery property return the Geb Navigator instance so sadly I don't think I can return the information I want.
I have also doubted whether the JQuery code was actually toggling the submit button disabled state, I have tested this extensively using Firebug and can confirm that this is working perfectly in the browser, so I suspect this is either an issue with my understanding of Geb or perhaps a limitation of Geb itself?
It strikes me that checking the value of element attributes after performing some action on a page might be a common use-case, hence I'm rather hoping that I've missed some trivially simple way of doing this. Would be most grateful for any pointers to help me get this sorted.
Have done a bit more testing and have now achieved a satisfactory result. I was doing a couple of things which I now believe are inproper, namely trying to set the disabled attribute value to illegal values of true and false like this:
$('input.submit').attr('disabled', true);
$('input.submit').attr('disabled', false);
Looking at the HTML forms specification the disabled attribute is shown not to take a value, rather it's presence alone indicates that an element is disabled. Modifying my code to honour this and remove the attribute to indicate enablement of an element seems to have done the trick:
$('input.submit').attr('disabled', true);
//This time we remove the disabled attribute rather than setting it to false.
Note: I am still setting the value of disabled to true since I can't determine how to set the attribute without setting a value, see this SO post for further details.
Using the above I am now able to use Geb to assert the disabled/ enabled status of elements like this:
//Check that something is disabled.
deleteSelectedButton.#disabled == 'true'
//Check that something is enabled.
deleteSelectedButton.#disabled == 'false'
Note: Geb seems to require a string literal indicating the expected status rather than a boolean, which iirc caused my assertions to fail.
So that's it - all is now working nicely and I'm running along writing loads of Geb tests! Hope this explanation is of some use to others.
Rebroadcasting my post on the Geb mailing list:
After you execute the jQuery code that enables the button, is it possible that you are checking the result before the code has actually enabled the button? For example, are doing something like:
waitFor { $("input.submit").#disabled == "false" }
