Trouble to deploy an app in azure web app React - azure

I'm triying to deploy a frontend app with Reac, the repository is hosted in github so I'm using github actions to continuous implementation.
The github actions says that the build and deploy are working correctly but when I tried to use the url http://<>
enter image description here
it return 503 error "The service is unavailable"

You need to setup the (enterprise) application registry for this app to reflect what it does. Else the App Service cannot serve your application.
Look for the Platform Configuration in authentication blade.


Can't Deploy React Ts App to Azure App service

I am deploying ReactTs App to Azure App service by Azure Extension of Visual Studio Code.
Although it has been successfully deployed, but at the endpoint of the deploy link,
there is no change (the initial default interface of the App service).
This is the endpoint of the deploy link:
At the endpoint provided by kudu (it shows the deployed ReactTS app), the display is correct. I don't understand why is that.
Post adding the below Startup command customer is able to see the published changes while he is browsing to the web app URL.
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot --spa --no-daemon
You can refer to this documentation for more information about React deployment on the app service.

How to deploy Vue application to Azure App Service?

I have a static Vue web app, I want to deploy it to Azure App Service - not Static Web App because I don't have a Github and I don't want to.
I have followed the guide here (MS Docs), deployment works fine, but I'm not getting anything on the website. It's just a default page showing "Hey, Node developers! Your app service is up and running". What am I missing?
The code runs fine on my local. I can "npm run build", take the dist folder, dump it into a server's IIS wwwroot and it works fine. I'm just having problem to deploy it to Azure App Service.
Edit: Found the answer: Application is not loading when deployed via azure app service

Publishing a .net core 6.0.100-preview.4.21255.9 api app to Azure App service

I am attempting to publish a net core 6.0.100-preview.4.21255.9 api app to Azure App service.
The application publishes correctly from VS2019 as a self contained deployment. When hitting the url of the app service i get HTTP Error 500.32 - ANCM Failed to Load dll. I expect the swagger to come up.
If I create a web app with net core 6.0.100-preview.4.21255.9 and deploy that it works fine.
Any ideas on how do get this to work on azure app service?
Looks like this was my mistake. The API is working just fine.

Error while browsing angular 8 app which is deployed in Azure

Please let me know why i am seeing below error when browsing angular app( version 8), my default app runs on localhost:4200 but i get error when i try to browse in azure, i am using azure app service extension in visual code and deploying through that and i dint see any error while deploying, i read some one mentioning adding port in config would resolve the issue, but it didn't, let me know what i am missing here.
Config file with port number
error in azure log stream
Azure App service only supports port 80/443. You can do app.listen(process.env.PORT); in your code. I had a similar issue when hosting node app. See here.
Build the web application before deploying with the ng build* command. This command will create the dist/project-sample directory containing a transpiled, minified, ready-to-deploy version of your application.
Deploying to an Azure Web App is as simple as right-clicking on the web app in the Azure App Service extension and selecting the “Deploy to Web App” option. The extension will make a suggestion on what to deploy but use the Browse option to select the dist/project-sample folder instead.
Also the default version of Node on the Azure Web App is not the version that you want to use. Luckily, the version of node can be changed with the WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION with value 10.16.0. environment variable. Navigate to the Application settings section of the Application settings page for your Azure Web App.
For more details, you could refer to this article. BTW, check your web.config with this SO thread.

Add website to Azure Cloud Service

We are currently in the process of building a website on azure. At this moment I have a cloud service that is hosting my web api. Deploying to azure works like a charm.
Besides this project we have a pure HTML AngularJS project. I can publish this website as a WebApp. Though, is it possible to deploy it together with the web api?
You can deploy the second one as a Virtual Application/ Directory (Remember to check the Application check box):
You can use this link on how to publish to Root App as well as Virtual directory in your Azure subscription:
