NodeJS - SerialPort - Issue with writing and reading multiple times - node.js

i want to build an node-red node, which should talk to an sensor over serialport (RS485).
Here i am using the serialport library for nodejs.
But before i can put the code in the node-red node, i wanted to have a PoC running.
Therefore i wrote some small nodejs scripts and tried to get the data i wanted from the sensor.
Simple stuff is working quiet well and there is no problem with the connection to the sensor.
But i am running into a problem when i have to write multiple times. In case of the used sensor i only can request 16 Bytes of data per write request.
Since i need 32 Byte of data i have to write two times at first.
After i have received this 32 Byte, i need to extract a number which represents the available channels.
Now i have to request 32 Byte of data for each available channel.
What would be the correct way to do this?
I read through the docu but it was not obvious for me how to achieve this described procedure.
I somehow need to connect the writes depending on the data which is received (eg over the on-data-listener), but since writes are non-blocking i receive only garbage if i write more than one time.
Best regards!
PS i found some (more or less) related posts(1, 2), but they could not help with my problem


How does buffer works in node js?

I'm new in node js and trying to broadcast video streaming, but not getting any idea how to do this. Want to know how buffering works in a node js application?
Buffers are instances of the Buffer class in node, which is designed to handle raw binary data. Each buffer corresponds to some raw memory allocated outside V8. Buffers act somewhat like arrays of integers, but aren't resizable and have a whole bunch of methods specifically for binary data. In addition, the "integers" in a buffer each represent a byte and so are limited to values from 0 to 255 (2^8 - 1), inclusive.
More about buffers here.
Looks something like this:
Data is processed in terms of streams , instead whole of data at a time. These streams are collected in a buffer and once the buffer is full, the streams are passed on from one point to another (to the client requesting the data).
something like streaming movies online. This way we don't have to wait for the whole of data to arrive but receive in chunk and start using it even before the data is arrived. This video is simple and helpful.

What is BitTorrent peer (Deluge) saying?

I'm writing a small app to test out how torrent p2p works and I created a sample torrent and am seeding it from my Deluge client. From my app I'm trying to connect to Deluge and download the file.
The torrent in question is a single-file torrent (file is called A - without any extension), and its data is the ASCII string Test.
Referring to this I was able to submit the initial handshake and also get a valid response back.
Immediately afterwards Deluge is sending even more data. From the 5th byte it would seem like it is a bitfield message, but I'm not sure what to make of it. I read that torrent clients may send a mixture of Bitfield and Have messages to show which parts of the torrent they possess. (My client isn't sending any bitfield, since it is assuming not to have any part of the file in question).
If my understanding is correct, it's stating that the message size is 2: one for identifier + payload. If that's the case why is it sending so much more data, and what's that supposed to be?
Same thing happens after my app sends an interested command. Deluge responds with a 1-byte message of unchoke (but then again appends more data).
And finally when it actually submits the piece, I'm not sure what to make of the data. The first underlined byte is 84 which corresponds to the letter T, as expected, but I cannot make much more sense of the rest of the data.
Note that the link in question does not really specify how the clients should supply messages in order once the initial handshake is completed. I just assumed to send interested and request based on what seemed to make sense to me, but I might be completely off.
I don't think Deluge is sending the additional bytes you're seeing.
If you look at them, you'll notice that all of the extra bytes are bytes that already existed in the handshake message, which should have been the longest message you received so far.
I think you're reading new messages into the same buffer, without zeroing it out or anything, so you're seeing bytes from earlier messages again, following the bytes of the latest message you read.
Consider checking if the network API you're using has a way to check the number of bytes actually received, and only look at that slice of the buffer, not the entire thing.

Packing 20 bytes chunk via BLE

I've never worked with bluetooth before. I have to sends data via BLE and I've found the limit of 20 bytes per chunk.
The sender is an Arduino and the receiver could be both an Android or a Node.js app on a pc.
I have to send 9 values, stored in float values, so 4 bytes * 9 = 36 bytes. I need 2 chunks for all my data via BLE. The receiving part needs both chunks to process them. If some data are lost, I don't care.
I'm not expert in network protocols and I think I have to give each message an incremental timestamp so that the receiver can glue the two chunks with the same timestamp or discard the last one if the new timestamp is higher. But I'm not sure how to do a checksum, if I really need it or not, if I really have to care about it, or if - for a simple beta version of my system - I can ignore all those problems..
Does anyone can give me some advice? Like examples of similar situations handled with BLE communication?
You can get around the size limitation using the "Read Blob Request" of ATT. It allows you to read an attribute and also give an offset. So, you can use it to read the attribute with an offset of 0, if there's more than ATT_MTU bytes than you can request again with the offset at ATT_MTU*1, if there's still more ATT_MTU*2, etc... (You can read it in of the Bluetooth v4.1 specifications; it's in the 4.0 spec too but I don't have that in front of me right now)
If the value changes between request, I'm not sure how you could go about detecting such a change. You could have the attribute send notifications when there's a change to interrupt the process in case the value changes in the middle of reading it.

How can I emulate a SerialStream with a MemoryStream being supplied with intermittent data in .Net4

I am working on a project that will use a SerialStream. This is the SerialPort.BaseStream. I would like to at times replace that stream with a MemoryStream for testing purposes and general data simulation.
The SerialStream is a dynamic stream. It will stay open and a connected BinaryReader will happily block on ReadByte until the next byte comes rolling into the serial port. This is a good thing.
My problem is that a MemoryStream it is a fixed entity. You have to prefill it with data, reset the BaseStream’s position and then start reading. But now you can't add the next round of data.
Is there an existing version of MemoryStream or a derivative that will allow me to simulate a dynamic stream? My goal is to pass the parsing routine a stream and it doesn’t know the underlying difference of a Serial Port, Network port or a memory pipe.
I keep coming back to the basic problem, of how to handle continuous consumption and supply of data between process using memory streams.
I had to do something very similar a while back and came up with what I called a ProducerConsumerStream. Basically, it's a circular queue with a Stream interface. With it, I could connect a binary reader to one end and then intermittently add data on the other end. Worked great.
See Building a new type of stream

Xively string data

I would like to know if it is possible to send a block of data like 128 bytes of data to a Xively server MOTOROLA SREC for example I need this to do firmware upgrades / download images to my Arduino connected device? As far as I can see one can only get - datapoints / values ?
A value of a datapoint can be a string. Firmware updates can be implement using Xively API V2 by just storing string encoded binaries as datapoints, provided that the size is small.
You probably can make some use of timestamps for rolling back versions that did work or something similar. Also you probably want to use the datapoints endpoint so you can just grab the entire response body and no need to parse anything.
I suppose, you will need implement this in the bootloader which needs to be very small and maybe you can actually skip paring the HTTP headers and only attempt to very whether the body looks right (i.e. has some magic byte that you put in there, you can also try some to checksum it. This would a little bit opportunistic, but might be okay for an experiment. You should probably add Xively device provisioning to this also, but wouldn't try implementing everything right away.
It is however quite challenging to implement reliable firmware updates and there are sever papers out there which you should read. Some suggest to make device's behaviour most primitive you can, avoid any logic and make it rely on what server tells it to do.
To actually store the firmware string you can use cURL helper.
Add first version into a new datastream
Update with a new version
