To make the GCD code nicer and less verbose - haskell

I am using Euclid's algorithm for computing  GCD(M,N), the greatest common divisor of two integers M and N.
Though this code works well, I felt it's bit cumbersome to wrap it with max, min, and abs for both variables (a, b).
Can anyone suggest a better way to make the code less verbose?
I found the built-in gcd type was defined as gcd :: Integer a => a -> a -> a, but I cannot simply use it. What do I need to change in order to reuse the type definition?
gcd2 :: Int -> Int -> Int
gcd2 a b =
let x = max (abs a) (abs b)
y = min (abs a) (abs b)
in if (y == 0) || (x == y && x > 0)
then x
else gcd2 y (x-y)
Well, inspired by chi, I changed the code as below.
gcd3 :: Int -> Int -> Int
gcd3 a b | a < 0 = gcd3 (-a) b
| b < 0 = gcd3 a (-b)
| b > a = gcd3 b a
| b == a || b == 0 = a
| otherwise = gcd3 b (a-b)
This is the best I can do. :)

As suggested by chi in his answer, to avoid using abs in each recursive step I’d define a GCD local function where you pass the absolute value of the arguments. This way the implementation is pretty straightforward:
gcd :: Int -> Int -> Int
gcd a b = gcd' (abs a) (abs b)
where gcd' a 0 = a
gcd' a b = gcd' b (a `mod` b)

You can look at how it is implemented in base:
gcd :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
gcd x y = gcd' (abs x) (abs y)
where gcd' a 0 = a
gcd' a b = gcd' b (a `rem` b)


How do I avoid stackoverflow error in Haskell

I want to make this Function:
calling customPower 2 2
would give back 2^2 + 2^1 + 1
calling customPower 3 3
would give back 3^3 + 3^2 + 3^1 + 1
Here is my code:
customPower :: Int -> Int -> Int
customPower x y
| y == 0 = 1
| y > 0 = (x^(y)) + (customPower x y-1)
It gives me stack overflow exception and I can't find where is the error. Everything seems fine.
The operators have lower precedence than function calls, this means that your recursive call:
... + (customPower x y-1)
is interpreted as:
... + ((customPower x y)-1)
so you keep calling with the same parameters, therefore the recursion can never end.
We can fix this by adding brackets for y-1:
customPower :: Int -> Int -> Int
customPower x y
| y > 0 = x^y + customPower x (y-1)
| otherwise = 1
With this modifications, we do not get stuck in an infinite loop:
Prelude> customPower 5 3
We can rewrite the above by making use of sum :: Num a => [a] -> a and map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] to implement this with a one-liner:
customPower :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
customPower x y = sum (map (x^) [0..y])
or we can use iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]:
customPower :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
customPower x y = sum (take (y+1) (iterate (x*) 1))
Due to Haskell's laziness, the above attempts will likely still result in a call stack that scales linear with the value of y: the functions are, like #dfeuer says, not tail recursive functions, we can however work with an accumulator here:
customPower :: Int -> Int -> Int
customPower x = go 1
where go a y | y > 1 = a
| otherwise = seq a (go (a+x^y) (y-1))
since the above sum is equal to a simple formula, we can even calculate the value in O(y log x):
.———— y+1
╲ i x - 1
╱ x = ————————
*———— x - 1
So we can calculate the value with:
customPower :: (Integral a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
customPower x y = div (x^(y+1) - 1) (x - 1)
This will usually work faster, although in a rare case where the result times x -1 is larger than the maximum representable number of the type a, this will result in overflow and will return the wrong number.

Haskell school of expression fix function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I use fix, and how does it work?
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
So I am reading Paul Hudak's book "The Haskell School of Expression" and am stuck on an exercise in there.
Here it goes
Suppose function fix is defined as
fix f = f (fix f)
What is the principal type of fix? That one I know, it's b -> b -> b
But I don't understand the way fix is defined, won't it go into an infinite recursion?
Also, let the remainder function be defined as
remainder :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
remainder a b = if a < b then a
else remainder (a - b) b
Rewrite remainder using fix so that it is non-recursive.
First of all the principal type of fix is actually (b -> b) -> b (remember that only b -> (b -> b) is the same as b -> b -> b).
In a strict language, such a definition would go into infinite recursion, but because Haskell is lazy, the arguments to a function are evaluated only if they are at any point needed. For example you can define factorial.
-- with recursion
factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n-1)
-- with `fix`
factorial' :: Int -> Int
factorial' = fix (\f n -> if n == 0 then 1 else n * f (n - 1))
Following the same pattern, you should be able to define remainder.
Playing with it a little gives us
fix f = f (fix f) -- definition
fix f a = f (fix f) a -- eta expansion
fix f a b = f (fix f) a b -- eta expansion
remainder a b = if a < b then a else remainder (a - b) b -- definition
-- we want remainder = fix f: -- equation
fix f a b = if a < b then a else (fix f) (a - b) b -- substitution
= (\g -> if a < b then a else g (a - b) b) (fix f) -- abstraction
= fix (\g -> \a b -> if a < b then a else g (a - b) b) a b -- abstraction
remainder =
fix (\g a b -> if a < b then a else g (a - b) b) -- eta reduction

Can't properly understand lambdas in Haskell

I have following code, implmenting inverse function calculation, basing on this formulas:
derivation :: (Fractional a) => (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
derivation f = \ x -> ( ( f (x + dx) - f (x) ) / dx ) where dx = 0.1
evalA k f
| k == 0 = \x -> x
| otherwise = \x -> (derivation (evalA (k-1) f) x) / (derivation f x)
inverseFun f x =
x0 = 3.0
eps = 0.001
iter k prev sum =
elemA = evalA k f x0
elemB = prev * (x - (f x0)) / (if k == 0 then 1 else k)
newItem = elemA * elemB
if abs (newItem) < eps
then sum
else iter (k + 1) elemB (sum + newItem)
iter 0 1.0 0.0
f1 = \x -> 1.0 * x * x
main = do
print $ inverseFun f1 2.5
I need to optimise it by moving evalA inside the inverseFun and store previous step calculation A'n/F' to reuse it on the next iteration, if possible. As far as I understand, each time evalA returns some sort of function and x applies afterwards, right before declaring elemA.
How can I convert my evalA or rewrite it to store previous results (by passing these results in iter, obviously)?
Don't mind if this calculations are not too precise, it requires good x0 and eps choice. My main question is in lambda conversion.
If you change your definition of inverseFun such that the (if k == 0 then 1 else k) is instead fromIntegral (if k == 0 then 1 :: Int else k), then you can provide type signatures to all of your functions:
derivation :: (Fractional a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a
evalA :: (Fractional a) => Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
inverseFun :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a
f1 :: (Fractional a) => a -> a
Which certainly helps out.
This is actually important for my solution to your problem, since we need k to be an Int, and you've used it as a Fractional a => a. The fromIntegral fixes that, but it needs to know that it's an Int, so I just added the inline type signature to help the compiler along.
Since your function only depends on the previous single value, you can use our handy friend from Prelude, iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]. This applies a function over and over again, producing an infinite list of values. We can then index it at any point to get the desired result (this is why having k an Int is important!).
Our function will look like
evalA :: Fractional a => Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
evalA k f = iterate go id !! k
go = ???
Here id is the same as your base case of \x -> x, just shorter and with more optimization rules. It serves as the initial value for generating this list. To implement go, the actual computation, we need it to accept the previous result as its argument:
go prev = \x -> derivation prev x / derivation f x
But this is considered "poor style" by hlint, and so it is suggested to convert this to the form
go prev x = derivation prev x / derivation f x
And that's it! I tested it and got the exact same result for your example input. The full code can be viewed here.

Type declaration for number division

I tried all possible type declarations but I can't make this code even compile. The trick is in handling types for division. I tried Num a, Fractional a, Float a etc.
cube x = x * x * x
sum' term a next b =
if a > b
then 0
else term a + sum' term (next a) next b
integral f a b n = (h / 3) * (sum' term 0 succ n) where
h = (b - a) / n
y k = f $ a + (k * h)
term k
| k == 0 || k == n = y k
| odd k = 4 * y k
| even k = 2 * y k
main = do
print $ integral cube 0 1 100 -- 0.25
print $ (\x -> 3 * x * x) 1 3 100 -- 26
I isolated problem by deleting (/) function. This code compiles without any type declaration at all:
cube x = x * x * x
sum' term a next b =
if a > b
then 0
else term a + sum' term (next a) next b
integral f a b n = (sum' term 0 succ n) where
h = (b - a)
y k = f $ a + (k * h)
term k
| k == 0 || k == n = y k
| odd k = 4 * y k
| even k = 2 * y k
main = do
print $ integral cube 0 1 100
Another question is how to debug cases like this? Haskell's error messages doesn't help much, it's kind of hard to understand something like The type variable a0 is ambiguous or Could not deduce (a1 ~ a).
P. S. It's ex. 1.29 from SICP.
Final answer is:
cube :: Num a => a -> a
cube x = x * x * x
sum' :: (Int -> Double) -> Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Double
sum' term a next b =
if a > b
then 0
else term a + sum' term (next a) next b
integral :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Double -> Int -> Double
integral f a b n = (h / 3) * sum' term 0 (+1) n where
h = (b - a) / n' where n' = fromIntegral n
y k = f $ a + (k * h)
term k
| k == 0 || k == n = y k'
| odd k = 4 * y k'
| even k = 2 * y k'
where k' = fromIntegral k
main = do
print $ integral cube 0 1 100 -- 0.25
print $ integral cube 0 1 1000 -- 0.25
print $ integral (\x -> 3 * x * x) 1 3 100 -- 26
/ is only used for types that are instances of Fractional, for Integral types use quot. You can use quot as an infix operator using backticks:
h = (b - a) `quot` n
The types of the two are
(/) :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a
quot :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
There are no types that are instances of both Fractional and Integral, which is why none of the type signatures would work. Unfortunately GHC doesn't know that it's impossible for a type to be an instance of both classes, so the error messages are not very intuitive. You get used to the style of GHC error messages though, and the detail they give helps a lot.
Also, as was suggested in the comments, I completely agree that all top level definitions should be given type signatures (including main). It makes error messages a lot easier to read.
Edit: Based on the comments below, it looks like what you want is something more like this (type signature-wise)
cube :: Num a => a -> a
sum' :: (Int -> Double) -> Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Double
integral :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Double -> Int -> Double
You will need to use fromIntegral to convert from Int to Double in h and in k. The type errors should be at least a bit more readable with these type signatures though.

Two parameter memoization in Haskell

I'm trying to memoize the following function:
gridwalk x y
| x == 0 = 1
| y == 0 = 1
| otherwise = (gridwalk (x - 1) y) + (gridwalk x (y - 1))
Looking at this I came up with the following solution:
gw :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int -> Int
gw f x y
| x == 0 = 1
| y == 0 = 1
| otherwise = (f (x - 1) y) + (f x (y - 1))
gwlist :: [Int]
gwlist = map (\i -> gw fastgw (i `mod` 20) (i `div` 20)) [0..]
fastgw :: Int -> Int -> Int
fastgw x y = gwlist !! (x + y * 20)
Which I then can call like this:
gw fastgw 20 20
Is there an easier, more concise and general way (notice how I had to hardcode the max grid dimensions in the gwlist function in order to convert from 2D to 1D space so I can access the memoizing list) to memoize functions with multiple parameters in Haskell?
You can use a list of lists to memoize the function result for both parameters:
memo :: (Int -> Int -> a) -> [[a]]
memo f = map (\x -> map (f x) [0..]) [0..]
gw :: Int -> Int -> Int
gw 0 _ = 1
gw _ 0 = 1
gw x y = (fastgw (x - 1) y) + (fastgw x (y - 1))
gwstore :: [[Int]]
gwstore = memo gw
fastgw :: Int -> Int -> Int
fastgw x y = gwstore !! x !! y
Use the data-memocombinators package from hackage. It provides easy to use memorization techniques and provides an easy and breve way to use them:
import Data.MemoCombinators (memo2,integral)
gridwalk = memo2 integral integral gridwalk' where
gridwalk' x y
| x == 0 = 1
| y == 0 = 1
| otherwise = (gridwalk (x - 1) y) + (gridwalk x (y - 1))
Here is a version using Data.MemoTrie from the MemoTrie package to memoize the function:
import Data.MemoTrie(memo2)
gridwalk :: Int -> Int -> Int
gridwalk = memo2 gw
gw 0 _ = 1
gw _ 0 = 1
gw x y = gridwalk (x - 1) y + gridwalk x (y - 1)
If you want maximum generality, you can memoize a memoizing function.
memo :: (Num a, Enum a) => (a -> b) -> [b]
memo f = map f (enumFrom 0)
gwvals = fmap memo (memo gw)
fastgw :: Int -> Int -> Int
fastgw x y = gwvals !! x !! y
This technique will work with functions that have any number of arguments.
Edit: thanks to Philip K. for pointing out a bug in the original code. Originally memo had a "Bounded" constraint instead of "Num" and began the enumeration at minBound, which would only be valid for natural numbers.
Lists aren't a good data structure for memoizing, though, because they have linear lookup complexity. You might be better off with a Map or IntMap. Or look on Hackage.
Note that this particular code does rely on laziness, so if you wanted to switch to using a Map you would need to take a bounded amount of elements from the list, as in:
gwByMap :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
gwByMap maxX maxY x y = fromMaybe (gw x y) $ M.lookup (x,y) memomap
memomap = M.fromList $ concat [[((x',y'),z) | (y',z) <- zip [0..maxY] ys]
| (x',ys) <- zip [0..maxX] gwvals]
fastgw2 :: Int -> Int -> Int
fastgw2 = gwByMap 20 20
I think ghc may be stupid about sharing in this case, you may need to lift out the x and y parameters, like this:
gwByMap maxX maxY = \x y -> fromMaybe (gw x y) $ M.lookup (x,y) memomap
