Implement SSO in Chrome extensions - google-chrome-extension

To simplify the scenario let's say I have a website which stores user data such as a to-do list.
I also want to have a Chrome extension which shows this list but without asking user to authenticate again if he is already authenticated with the website.
To do this I implemented an authorization server with Oauth 2.0 but the problem is that I don't know which flow should I follow for my extension. I followed authorization code flow for web apps but it seems wrong as I don't want my extension to be treated as a 3rd party app and ask user for permission.
For authorization server I used this library.
For my extension I also created another independent back-end to store access tokens as I read it is unsafe to store the access and refresh token in client-side and browser storage.
The example that comes to my mind is Google Hangout extension.


Server-side authentication using Google accounts in a Chrome extension

I have a Web application that currently uses OAuth2 to authenticate users using their Google accounts. The flow is quite standard: the user logs in to Google, the web app gets a callback, retrieves the user identity and stores it in the session.
Now I need to create an accompanying Chrome extension. This extension needs to access the web app underneath, so it needs to authenticate against this app. I configured my extension using the official documentation, but during experiments, I realized this is not what I need. Since it uses the OAuth2 implicit flow, it doesn't return a token that could be validated on the server side. This flow is suitable only for using Google APIs on the client side, which is not my use case. This documentation (and pretty much everything else I found on the Web) focuses on two possible cases:
We want to access Google APIs on the extension side (chrome.identity.getAuthToken()).
We want to authenticate using an alternative OAuth2 service (chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow()).
However, in my case, I'd like to authenticate users using Google accounts, but process the token on the server side of my Web app. I could use option 2 here, but it just doesn't "feel right" to me to create my own "non-Google authentication service" that is just a wrapper over Google authentication service, only to be able to authenticate on the server side.
Is option 2 really the only way to go, or is there any simpler way?
I also saw someone recommending using the tokeninfo endpoint to validate the token, but I find it hard to make sure that this is indeed an "official" and secure way of doing this.
To retrieve an access token that you can use on both parts of your app, the extension and the server, you should request a Google Cross-Client Access Token. This allows you to register your two apps (two client IDs) in a single project and share an access token.
This is described and discussed by Google here:
Docs: Google Identity Platform: Cross-client Identity
Video: Google Drive SDK: Cross-client authorization
The rough steps are:
You will need two clientIds, one for your extension and another for your server app
Add both clientIds to a single project
Retrieve the cross-client access token from your extension
Send it to your server via HTTPS
To do this in Chrome, it looks like you would call chrome.identity.getAuthToken() with a callback function that sends the token to your web app.
The reference says the following on chrome.identity.getAuthToken():
chrome.identity.getAuthToken(object details, function callback)
Gets an OAuth2 access token using the client ID and scopes specified in the oauth2 section of manifest.json.
and that it can take a callback function as specified as:
Called with an OAuth2 access token as specified by the manifest, or undefined if there was an error.
If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:
function(string token) {...};
Ref: method-getAuthToken

Login App with IdentityServer4

I have to develop a SSO system and I have to do it using IdentityServer4. I have gone through the documentation and examples but I have some doubts. To be honest I don't quite get it, but I am really new in Oauth2 and OpenId Connect.
We will have a bunch of clients (web apps), each of one of those will have their own Web APi. And we have to have a centraliced Login App for all of those. I think the example with the javascript client is the closes to the thing we want to achieve. Also, a user might have permission to access one client (app), but not another, so the IdentityServer must provide information about wich clients (apps), that particularly user can access.
So, These are the things I don Understand:
1.- In the documentation I can read there are two tokens, an Identity Token and Access token. But in the examples all I see are the access tokens. It seems to me that the access token is the one with all de info needed. am I wrong?
2.- Also, I have read about de Grant Types and I'am not quite sure wich one we must use. At first I thought to use the ResourceOwner password, because it requires the client, the secret, a user and a password, wich I assumed it could be the end user. I found this example were one could customise the class that validate the user and password. I thought that this could be the way to go but the documentation statesa about this grant type "...This is so called “non-interactive” authentication and is generally not recommended.". The javascript client example uses the implicit Grat type, wich the documentation states is for browser-based applications (our client apps will all be browser based using react).
3.- can my Login app be a Javascript (react) app? The example Quickstart is made in MVC.NET. This login app connects directly to de IS4 server without asking for a access token? (In the example the app is embebed in the IS4).
4.- Can I protect with IS4 a WEB API which is developed in .net framework (4.6.2) and not in .Net Core? I havent Found Any examples.
the documentatios I followed is the offcial. The examples (quickstart) are also there. (I can't post more than two links).
thank you very much for reading and for your help.
Identity Token and Access token
Identity token is the one that contains the identity of the user, that will tell the client app that what user it is. After successful login, user will be redirected to the client app with these tokens. Response will also have claims, such as permission scopes, name , email you can add custom claims as well.
Access token is used to access your protected web api resource. You have to send the access token with each request to access the api.
Grant Types
Grant types is basically how you want your client app to interact with the auth server.
can my Login app be a Javascript (react) app? Your client app can be a javascript app but your auth server that is the identity server which will have the login/signup pages(and other login jazz) and account controllers should be you MVC app. As, everything is already done using MVC and Entity framework, why you want to re do everything.
Can I protect with IS4 a WEB API I am not sure about this one, but I dont see why you would not be able to do it.
This is a good answer for basic IdSrv flow!
UPDATE In my understanding, the answer to which Grant Type to use it depends on your client application requirement. If you want to use a Javascript client you can use Implicit Flow, but you won't be able to use refresh tokens and your access token is not 100% secured with the browser as client can access it.
If you want to open your web api to public then you can use client credentials flow. If you want to be more secure you should use Hybrid flow or HybridClient credential flow. ( again depends on the requirements ). with this you will be able to use refresh tokens and in this way your access token would be more secure.

Authentication strategy between my chome extension and server

I'm in the process of building a Google Chrome extension, and have some questions about how to implement security into the application.
I need to access a couple of Google API's so am going to be using OAuth 2.0 for that. So basically from the extension I know which user is logged into the browser.
My extension then needs to get and post data to my (nodejs) API service. I want to ensure that the user requesting data is the same user that is logged into the browser. Is there any way of using the previous Google authentication process to also authenticate communications between the extension and my API? I dont really want the user to have to log in again, to access my API.
I'm sure I'm missing something simple, and I've not been able to find anything that fits this scenario
Follow the OpenID Connect auth flow and you will get an access_token and an id_token. The acess_token you will use to use to make authenticated requests to Google APIs as usual. The id_token will be used as authentication with requests to your server.
When the requests hit your server you will need to validate the token and you can then use the contents of the id_token to identify the user.
User wouldn't have to login on auth process provided if user is already logged in and you are using a web application flow (not chrome.identity APIs) but user would see the consent screen atleast the first time. However you can skip the account selector screen if you already know the email address by providing &login_hint= parameter.

Does OAuth 2.0 always require a browser in the flow

Can I use OAuth 2.0 without a browser (or an embedded browser in my app) to perform nightly uploads?
Setup I have a refresh token and access token from provider console-- Google Drive API
I wish to use Java SDK to use/reuse these to upload data without the requirement for any browser authorization once i have initially received my refresh/access tokens.
OAuth 2.0 requires a browser for user consent once
A browser is required, so that the user can agree to the request of the app to access the users data.
After the user agreed on sharing the data with the app, the app can use the refresh token without a browser based flow.
Documented here:
Alternative for non-browser apps
You may use the OAuth 2.0 for Devices flow:
You app can act as a device which queries a code from google, displays it to the user, and asks the user to browse to a verification URL (e.g. with (system.out.println...).
So a browser is still needed, but your application itself doesn't need to provide a webpage to the user.
Yes. That is precisely what unattended access with the refresh token is about. When the user granted permission to the app, he was specifically prompted "... even when you're not logged in" (or similar, I can't remember the exact wording). You will store the refresh token on the server somewhere, and then use it to request an access token whenever your app needs to do its thang.
Just to clarify some of the wording in your question, the refreash and access tokens do NOT form a pair, so saying "reuse these", should actually be "reuse this", where 'this' is the refresh token.

Firebase Authentication in a Chrome Extension Background Page

How would I authenticate with Firebase in a chrome extension? I need to specify the allowed domain list in the Forge. Chrome domain for the extension is just a big hash-like string.
I did read this: authClient.login problems
But the hashed based domain of a chrome extension is not being accepted in the Firebase forge. Is there another way to go about it? Currently am just reading the cookie firebaseSessionKey to just assume that I am logged in. But surely that can't be as secure as letting Firebase validate this session key.
As Rob points out, authentication cannot work in an environment that does not enforce origin restrictions. The fundamental problem here is that any authentication provider (Facebook, Twitter, Persona, or your own service) cannot issue an identity to a browser - i.e. it is meaningless to use Facebook to login to your browser (or extension).
The F1 add-on for Firefox ran into a similar problem ( - where you would authorize F1 to post on twitter/facebook on your behalf. The extension had a website to along with it, from where you would serve the login page and proceed as you would normally in a web page. You'll need some code to communicate between the web page and your extension, chrome provides the tools necessary.
I would recommend the same approach - create a web page on a real domain (Github pages is awesome for this) to go along with your extension. This means your extension can't work offline, but neither can your login or writing to Firebase!
This will work using Google Plus Login Flow which I believe is the only one that allows cross authentication so the scopes are Google Plus Login.
So what is happening here is you will get the access_token from the extension which you will be sending to firebase with the request using authwihtoauthtoken specifying google as a provider along with the access_token acquired from chrome.identity.getAuthToken()!
Now the fact is that this access token could be issued by any other app, so we need to make sure that it is valid and has been issued for our app, basically we need to know there isn't man in the middle trying to access our database.
This verification is being made by the firebase.
They will check if this token belongs to the same application as the token has been issued to.
So you will need to create another set of credentials under the same application in the google developers console as for your extension. We will be basically doing the same thing as if we were to do it for our webpage but we will be inserting this new set of credentials to firebase's google oAuth in their security section.
They will do this check for us there. They will verify with google if the token is issued to the same app.
That's it.
Background Information.
Use case
Sending ID tokens with requests that need to be authenticated. For example, if you need to pass data to your server and you want to ensure that particular data came from a specific user.
When to verify the access
All tokens need to be verified on your server unless you know that they came directly from Google. Any token that you receive from your client apps must be verified.
Google has a tutorial how to do this for python found at:
So basically what is happening here is; instead you doing to verification from on your server, firebase does this verification for you when you enter the CLIENT_ID and APP_SECRET into the firebase and enable the Google Authentication.
The way to do this correctly is a combination or same style of verifying to whom the client_secret was issued. Chrome will give you a access_token and then this access_token will be checked on the firebase's backend.
