Some trivial transactions take dozens of seconds to complete on Spanner microinstance - node.js

Here are some bits of context.
Nodejs server, connecting to Cloud Spanner from development machine.
Most of the time the queries take like 200-400ms including data transfer from servers location to my dev machine.
But sometimes these trivial transaction takes 12-16 seconds which surely not acceptable for use case - sessions storage for backend server.
In local dev context sessions service runs on same machine as main backend, at staging at prod they run in same Kubernetes cluster.
This is not about amount of data, it is very small amount of data now in our staging Spanner database overall, like few MB across all tables and just like 10 rows in the table under question.
Spanner instance stats:
Processing units: 100
CPU utilization: 4.3% for the staging database and 10% overall for instance.
Table is like so (few other small fields omitted):
created TIMESTAMP,
updated TIMESTAMP,
status STRING(16),
is_local BOOL,
user_id STRING(255),
anonymous BOOL,
expires_at TIMESTAMP,
last_activity_at TIMESTAMP,
json_data STRING(MAX),
Transaction under question makes single question like this:
UPDATE ${schema.reportsTable}
SET ${statusCol.columnName} = #status_recycled
WHERE ${idCol.columnName} = #id_value
AND ${statusCol.columnName} = #status_active
with parameters like this:
"id_value": "some_session_id",
"status_active": "active",
"status_recycled": "recycled"
Yes, that status field of STRING(16) with readable names instead of boolean field is not ideal, I know, but this concept is inherited from an older code. What concerns me is that while we do not have yet too much of data there, just 10 rows or such, experience this sort of delays is surely unexpected at this scale.
Okay, I understand I am like on other side of the globe from the Spanner servers, but this usually gives delays between 200-1200 ms, not 12-16 seconds.
Delay happens quite rarely and randomly but seems to happen on queries like this.
The delay comes at commit, not at e. g. sending SQL command itself or obtaining a transaction.
I tried different query first, like
DELETE FROM Sessions WHERE id = #id_value
and it was the same - random rare long delay of 12-16 such trivial query.
Thanks a lot for your help and time.
PS: Update: actually this 12-16 seconds delay can happen at any random transaction in described context, and all of these transactions are standard CRUD single-row operations.
Update 2:
The code that sends transaction is own wrapper over the standard #google-cloud/spanner client library for nodejs.
The library gives just an easy to use wrapping around the Spanner instance, database, and transaction.
The Spanner instance and database objects are long-living singletons, I mean they do not recreated for every transaction from scratch.
The main purpose of that wrapper is to give logic like:
let result = await useDataContext(async(ctx) => {
let sql = await ctx.getSQLRunner();
return await sql.runSQLUpdate({
sql: `Some SQL Trivial Statement`,
parameters: {
param1: 1,
param2: true,
param3: "some string"
purpose of that is to give some warrantees that if some changes were made over data, transaction.commit surely will be called, and if no changes were made, transaction.end will be called, and if an error boom in the called code, like invalid SQL generated or some variable will be undefined or null, transaction rollback will be initiated.


NodeJS and Mongo line who's online

logging online users and reporting back a count (based on a mongo find)
We've got a saas app for schools and students, as part of this I've been wanting a 'live' who's online ticker.
Teachers from the schools will see the counter, and the students and parents will trigger it.
I've got a connect from the web app to a NodeJS app.
Where there is lots of traffic, the Node/Mongo servers can't handle it, and rather than trow more resources at it, I figured it's better to optomise the code - because I don't know what I'm doing :D
with each student page load:
Create a connection with the following object:
'name': 'student or caregiver name',
'studentID': 123456,
'schoolID': 123,
'role': 'student', // ( or 'mother' or 'father' )
'page': window.location
in my NODE script:
io.on('connection', function(client) {
// if it's a student connection..
if(client.handshake.query.studentID) {
let student = client.handshake.query; // that student object = new Date();
student.offline = null;
"reference": student.schoolID + student.studentID + student.role }, { $set: student
}, { upsert: true });
// IF STAFF::: just show count!
if(client.handshake.query.staffID) {
db.collection('students').find({ 'offline': null, 'schoolID':client.handshake.query.schoolID }).count(function(err, students_connected) {
emit('online_users' students_connected);
client.on('disconnect', function() {
// then if the students leaves the page..
if(client.handshake.query.studentID) {
db.collection('students').updateMany({ "reference": student.reference }, { $set: { "offline": new Date().getTime() } })
.catch(function(er) {});
// IF STAFF::: just show updated count!
if(client.handshake.query.staffID) {
db.collection('students').find({ 'offline': null, 'schoolID':client.handshake.query.schoolID }).count(function(err, students_connected) {
emit('online_users' students_connected);
What Mongo Indexes would you add, would you store online students differently (and in a different collection) to a 'page tracking' type deal like this?
(this logs the page and duration so I have another call later that pulls that - but that's not heavily used or causing the issue.
If separately, then insert, then delete?
The EMIT() to staff users, how can I only emit to staff with the same schoolID as the Students?
You have given a brief about the issue but no diagnosis on why the issue is happening. Based on a few assumptions I will try to answer your question.
First of all you have mentioned that you'd like suggestions on what Indexes can help your cause, based on what you have mentioned it's a write heavy system and indexes in principle will only slow the writes because on every write the Btree that handles the indexes will have to be updated too. Although the reads become way better specially in case of a huge collection with a lot of data.
So an index can help you a lot if your collection has let's say, 1 million documents. It helps you to skim only the required data without even doing a scan on all data, thanks to the Btree.
And Index should be created specifically based on the read calls you make.
For e.g.
{"student_id" : "studentID", "student_fname" : "Fname"}
If the read call here is based on student_id then create and index on that, and if multiple values are involved (equality - sort or anything) then create a compound index on those fields, giving priority to Equality field first and range and sort fields thereafter.
Now the seconds part of question, what would be better in this scenario.
This is a subjective thing and I'm sure everyone will have a different approach to this. My solution is based on a few assumptions.
The system needs to cater to a specific feature where student's online status is updated in some time interval and that data is available for reads for parents, teachers, etc.
The sockets that you are using, if they stay connected continuously all the time then it's that many concurrent connections with the server, if that is required or not, I don't know. But concurrent connections are heavy for the server as you would already know and unless that's needed 100 % try a mixed approach.
If it would be okay for you disconnect for a while or keep connection with the server for only a short interval then please consider that. Which basically means, you disconnect from the server gracefully, connect send data and repeat.
Or, just adopt a heartbeat system where your frontend app will call an API after set time interval and ping the server, based on that you can handle if the student is online or not, a little time delay, yes but easily scaleable.
Please use redis or any other in memory data store for such frequent writes and specially when you don't need to persist the data for long.
For example, let's say we use a redis list for every class / section of user and only update the timestamp (epoch) when their last heartbeat was received from the frontend.
In a class with 60 students, sort the students based on student_id or something like that.
Create a list for that class
For student_id which is the first in ascended student's list, update the epoch like this
LSET mylist 0 "1266126162661" //Epoch Time Stamp
0 is your first student and 59 is our 60th student, update it on every heartbeat. Either via API or the same socket system you have. Depends on your use case.
When a read call is needed
LRANGE classname/listname 0 59
Now you have epochs of all users, maintain the list of students either via database or another list where you can simply match the indexes with a specific student.
LSET studentList 0 "student_id" //Student id of the student or any other data, I am trying to explain the logic
On frontend when you have the epochs take the latest epoch in account and based on your use case, for e.g. let's say I want a student to be online if the hearbeat was received 5 minutes back.
Current Timestamp - Timestamp (If less than 5 minutes (in seconds)) then online or else offline.
This won't be a complete answer without discussing the problem some more, but figured I'd post some general suggestions.
First, we should figure out where the performance bottlenecks are. Is it a particular query? Is it too many simultaneous connections to MongoDB? Is it even just too much round trip time per query (if the two servers aren't within the same data center)? There's quite a bit to narrow down here. How many documents are in the collection? How much RAM does the MongoDB server have access to? This will give us an idea of whether you should be having scaling issues at this point. I can edit my answer later once we have more information about the problem.
Based on what we know currently, without making any model changes, you could consider indexing the reference field in order to make the upsert call faster (if that's the bottleneck). That could look something like:
"reference": 1
{ background: true });
If the querying is the bottleneck, you could create an index like:
"schoolID": 1
{ background: true });
I'm not confident (without knowing more about the data) that including offline in the index would help, because optimizing for "not null" can be tricky. Depending on the data, that may lead to storing the data differently (like you suggested).

Unable to delete large number of rows from Spanner

I have 3 node Spanner instance, and a single table that contains around 4 billion rows. The DDL looks like this:
CREATE TABLE predictions (
model_version INT64,
) PRIMARY KEY (name, model_version)
I'd like to setup a job to periodically remove some old rows from this table using the Python Spanner client. The query I'd like to run is:
DELETE FROM predictions WHERE model_version <> ?
According to the docs, it sounds like I would need to execute this as a Partitioned DML statement. I am using the Python Spanner client as follows, but am experiencing timeouts (504 Deadline Exceeded errors) due to the large number of rows in my table.
# this always throws a "504 Deadline Exceeded" error
"DELETE FROM predictions WHERE model_version <> #version",
params={"model_version": 104},
param_types={"model_version": Type(code=INT64)},
My first intuition was to see if there was some sort of timeout I could increase, but I don't see any timeout parameters in the source :/
I did notice there was a run_in_transaction method in the Spanner lib that contains a timeout parameter, so I decided to deviate from the partitioned DML approach to see if using this method worked. Here's what I ran:
def delete_old_rows(transaction, model_version):
delete_dml = "DELETE FROM predictions WHERE model_version <> {}".format(model_version),
dml_statements = [
status, row_counts = transaction.batch_update(dml_statements)
What's weird about this is the timeout_secs parameter appears to be ignored, because I still get a 504 Deadline Exceeded error within a minute or 2 of executing the above code, despite a timeout of one hour.
Anyways, I'm not too sure what to try next, or whether or not I'm missing something obvious that would allow me to run a delete query in a timely fashion on this huge Spanner table. The model_version column has pretty low cardinality (generally 2-3 unique model_version values in the entire table), so I'm not sure if that would factor into any recommendations. But if someone could offer some advice or suggestions, that would be awesome :) Thanks in advance
The reason that setting timeout_secs didn't help was because the argument is unfortunately not the timeout for the transaction. It's the retry timeout for the transaction so it's used to set the deadline after which the transaction will stop being retried.
We will update the docs for run_in_transaction to explain this better.
The root cause was that the total timeout for the Streaming RPC calls was set too low in the client libraries, being set to 120s for Streaming APIs (eg ExecuteStreamingSQL used by partitioned DML calls.)
This has been fixed in the client library source code, changing them to a 60 minute timout (which is the maximum), and will be part of the next client library release.
As a workaround, in Java, you can configure the timeouts as part of the SpannerOptions when you connect your database. (I do not know how to set custom timeouts in Python, sorry)
final RetrySettings retrySettings =
SpannerOptions.Builder builder =
new ApiFunction<UnaryCallSettings.Builder<?, ?>, Void>() {
public Void apply(Builder<?, ?> input) {
return null;
Spanner spanner =;
The first suggestion is to try gcloud instead.
Another suggestion is to pass the range of name as well so that limit the number of rows scanned. For example, you could add something like STARTS_WITH(name, 'a') to the WHERE clause so that make sure each transaction touches a small amount of rows but first, you will need to know about the domain of name column values.
Last suggestion is try to avoid using '<>' if possible as it is generally pretty expensive to evaluate.

Running a repetitive task in Node.js for each row in a postgres table on a different interval for each row

What would be a good approach to running a repetitive task for each row in a large postgres db table on a different per row interval in Node.js.
To give you some more context, here's a quick description of the application:
It's a chat based customer support app.
It consists of teams, which can be either a client team or a support team. Teams have users, which can be either client users or support users.
Client users send messages to a support team and wait for one of that team's users to answer their question.
When there's an unanswered client message waiting for a response, every agent for the receiving support team will receive a notification every n seconds (n being set on a per-team basis by the team admin).
So this task needs to infinitely loop through the rows in the teams table and send notifications if:
The team has messages waiting to be answered.
N seconds have passed since the last notification was sent (N being the number of seconds set by the team admin).
There might be a better approach to this condition altogether.
So my questions are:
What is an efficient way to infinitely loop through a postgres table with no upper limit on the number rows?
Should I load 1 row at a time? Several at a time?
What would be a good way to do this in Node?
I'm using Knex. Does Knex provide a mechanism for lazy loading a table and iterating through the rows?
A) Running a repetitive task via node can be done via a the js built-in function 'setInterval'.
// run the intervalFnc() every 5 seconds
const timerId = setTimeout(intervalFnc, 5000);
function intervalFnc() { console.log("Hello"); }
// to quit running it:
Then your interval function can do the actual work. An alternative would be to use cron (linux), or some OS process scheduler to trigger the function. I would use this method if you want to do it every minute, and a cron job if you want to do it every hour (in between these times becomes more debatable).
B) An efficient way...
B-1) Retrieving a block of records from a DB will be more efficient than one at a time. Knex has .offset and .limit clauses to choose a group of records to retrieve. A sample from the knex doc:'*').from('users').limit(10).offset(30)
B-2) Database indexed access is important for performance if your tables are very large. I would recommend including an status flag field in your table to note which records are 'in-process', and also include a "next-review-timestamp" field with both fields being both indexed. Retrieve the records that have status_flag='in-process' AND next_review_timestamp <= now(). Sample:
knex('users').where('status_flag', 'in-process').whereRaw('next_review_timestamp <= now()')
Hope this helps!

Node: Check a Firebase db and execute a function when an objects time matches the current time

I have a Node and React based application. I'm using Firebase for my storage and database. In my application users can fill out a form where they upload an image and select a time for the image to be added to their website. I save each image update as an object in my Firebase database like so. Images are arranged in order of ascending update time.
user-name: {
images: [
src: 'image-src-url',
updateTime: 1503953587727
src: 'image-src-url',
updateTime: 1503958424838
My applications db could potentially get very large with a lot of users and images. I'd like to ensure scalability.
How do I check when a specific image objects time has been met then execute a function? (I do not need assistance on the actual function that is being run just the checking of the db for a specific time.)
I've thought about doing a cron job using node-cron that checks the entire database every 60s (users can only specify the minute the image will update, not the seconds.) Then if it finds a matching updateTime and executes my function. My concern is at a large scale that cron job will take a while to search the db and potentially miss a time.
I've also thought about when the user schedules a new update then dynamically create a specific cron job for that time. I'm unsure how to accomplish this.
Any other methods that may work? Are my concerns about node-cron not valid?
There are two approaches I can think of:
Keep track of the last timestamp you processed
Keep the "things to process" in a queue
Keep track of the last timestamp you processed
When you process items, you use the current timestamp as the cut-off point for your query. Something like:
var now =;
var query = ref.orderByChild("updateTime").endAt(now)
Now make sure to store this now somewhere (i.e. in your database) so that you can re-use it next time to retrieve the next batch of items:
var previous = ... previous value of now
var now =;
var query = ref.orderByChild("updateTime").startAt(previous).endAt(now);
With this you're only processing a single slice at a time. The only tricky bit is that somebody might insert a new node with an updateTime that you've already processed. If this is a concern for your use-case, you can prevent them from doing so with a validation rule on updateTime:
".validate": "newData.val() >= root.child('lastProcessed').val()"
As you add more items to the database, you will indeed be querying more items. So there is a scalability limit to this approach, but this approach should work well for anything up to a few hundreds of thousands of nodes (I haven't tested in a while so ymmv).
For a few previous questions on list size:
Firebase Performance: How many children per node?
Firebase Scalability Limit
How many records / rows / nodes is alot in firebase?
Keep the "things to process" in a queue
An alternative approach is to keep a queue of items that still need to be processed. So the clients add the items that they want processed to the queue with an updateTime of when they want to processed. And your server picks the items from the queue, performs the necessary updates, and removes the item from the queue:
var now =;
var query = ref.orderByChild("updateTime").endAt(now)
query.once("value").then(function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
// TODO: process the child node
// remove the child node from the queue
The difference with the earlier approach is that a queue's stable state is going to be empty (or at least quite small), so your queries will run against a much smaller list. That's also why you won't need to keep track of the last timestamp you processed: any item in the queue up to now is eligible for processing.

Time slowed down using `S.D.Stopwatch` on Azure

I just ran some code which reports its performance on an Azure Web Sites instance; the result seemed a little off. I re-ran the operation, and indeed it seems consistent: System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sees an execution time of 12 seconds for an operation that actually took more than three minutes (at least 3m16s).
Debug.WriteLine("Loading dataset in database ...");
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
ProcessDataset(CurrentDataSource.Database.Connection as SqlConnection, parser);
Debug.WriteLine("Dataset loaded in database ({0}s)", stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds);
return (short)stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds;
This process runs in the context of a WCF Data Service "action" and seeds test data in a SQL Database (this is not production code). Specifically, it:
Opens a connection to an Azure SQL Database,
Disables a null constraint,
Uses System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy to lock an empty table and load it using a buffered stream that retrieves a dataset (2.4MB) from Azure Blob Storage via the filesystem, decompresses it (GZip, 4.9MB inflated) and parses it (CSV, 349996 records, parsed with a custom IDataReader using TextFieldParser),
Updates a column of the same table to set a common value,
Re-enables the null constraint.
No less, no more; there's nothing particularly intensive going on, I figure the operation is mostly network-bound.
Any idea why time is slowing down?
Interestingly, timeouts for both the bulk insert and the update commands had to be increased (set to five minutes). I read that the default is 30 seconds, which is more than the reported 12 seconds; hence, I conclude that SqlClient measures time differently.
Reports from local execution seem perfectly correct, although it's consistently faster (4-6s using LocalDB) so it may just be that the effects are not noticeable.
You used stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds to get total time but it is wrong. Elapsed.Seconds is the seconds component of the time interval represented by the TimeSpan structure. Please try stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds instead.
