Anylogic - how to share resource pool? - resources

I'm working on a simulation of the bank, and this model has two tasks: 'deposit and withdrawal' and 'consultation'. Since there are more customers in the 'deposit and withdrawal' business, I would like to set up a resource pool so that the server in the 'consultation' business can go and help if the server in the 'deposit and withdrawal business' is insufficient. What should I do?
enter image description here

the service block has the option of alternative resources so you can do the following:


Not enough cores to deploy resource group error on Azure for Students

I am very new to Azure. I have an Azure for Students subscription and I'm trying to create an Apache Kafka cluster using Azure HDInsight. I selected West Europe as my region. I'm using this resource as a guide:
The first step was to create a resource group, which I managed to do. The next step is to deploy is, which consistently fails. The error is there are not enough cores: 26 cores are required, but 0 are available.
"message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.",
"message":"{\r\n \"code\": \"BadRequest\",\r\n \"message\": \"User SubscriptionId '29bb2797-a6e9-4412-90da-52863c7579ad' does not have cores left to create resource 'kafka-kafkaclustertest1'. Required: 26, Available: 0.\"\r\n}"}
Looking at Usage + quotas, I'm at 100% usage of Network Watchers (1 out of 1). I tried disabling the Network Watcher to no avail.
My subscription is not eligible for a quota increase.
My questions are:
Does Azure for Students, with its $100 credit, support the services I will need: Resource Group, Virtual Networks, HDInsight?
If yes, do I have to configure/activate my subscription credit somehow?
Could the issue be related to the region? How do I make sure West Europe has enough available cores? Is it reasonable to try different regions?
Can I configure my Kafka resource group to requires less cores?
Are there easier ways to deploy a Kafka cluster, perhaps on other cloud providers?
I would very much appreciate some guidance -- thanks!
Unfortunately, you cannot create the Azure HDInsight cluster with the Student subscription.
Reason: With an Azure Student subscription, you will initially be able to access only Azure services that are available with a free tier of service use.
For more limitations, refer to the below links:
You may want to look at a pay-as-you-go subscription as this should allow you to deploy a HDInsight cluster, however, may not allow you to utilize the benefits of a student subscription.

Why do I have no resource groups in Azure when trying to install Windows VM?

I am absolutely new to the cloud thing. I need to setup a Windows VM in the cloud along with a Tesla GPU to run a 3D application.
Now, with the help of this video, I almost created a Windows VM except for the fact that I have 0 resource groups.
I need a bit of guidance in here. Can someone please help me out?
Also, does it have anything to do with the subscription I chose?
It's because you don't have any resource group created yet. Select create a new resource group instead.
Or you can type resource group on the search bar at the top to create one, then you come back to create your VM and you should see the resource group you created
I hope this helped.

Azure Cost Management - how to match ResourceGuid with ResourceId

I have a sponsored Azure subscription thanks to our partnership with Microsoft.
I have the ability to export usage from a dedicated web Site (Azure SponsorShip).
Unfortunately in the CSV file I received, I have only ResourceGUID and not ResourceId... And I don't know how to match these Ids.
Any ideas to find the Id related to a Resource Guid?
Resource GUID is different which denotes the Deployment GUID of the service. To get the breakdown of which resources are actually contributing towards the costs.
If you refer to the page Understand your bill for Microsoft Azure, you can see the description for the "Resource GUID" property:
The billed meter identifier. This is used as the identifier used to
price billing usage.
If you'd like to manually know the resource name which you are being billed for you can log into the Azure Account Center, click "Billing History" and download the usage details for the current period. This information is being updated daily, and you even get usage information with a daily breakdown

Stopping or Disabling a resource group in Azure

Is there any way to disable or stop a particular resource group temporarily? I know we can delete the resource group or we can stop certain services under the resource group but I am unable to find a way where I can just shut down the resource group or all of it's resources at once, temporarily.
Please let me know if I can provide few more details about this.
This does not seem to be possible at the moment but a request has been made here, however, no response from Microsoft on what it's status.
In general, if there are features that are not available in e.g. Azure, use the feedback site to suggest and vote on new features.
However, if you only got some specific type of resources in your resource group, like e.g. virtual machines, then you can stop them all in one PowerShell command like this:
Get-AzureRmResourceGroup <group name> | Stop-AzureRmVM -Force
Note: this approach is highly dependent on the type of resource and not a generic solutions like requested
A resource group is just a bounding-box, serving as a grouping mechanism and a security boundary. You cannot "stop" a resource group, as a resource group is never running. Yes, you can delete a resource group (along with everything in it), but that's a one-shot operation. It's not a fine-grained resource-management operation.
As for the services inside a resource group: some can be stopped, some cannot. For instance, you cannot stop a storage account. Others have very different behaviors when stopped: A VM simply sleeps/hibernates until restarted with everything preserved, while an HDInsight cluster, when stopped, deletes everything.
TL;DR there is currently no way to point to a resource group and have it stop all of its services, given the variability of behavior (and the fact there's no such supported API). You'll need to manage your resource starts/stops.
I just had a new "MSDN account" hit its budget limit and that made me realize this SHOULD be achievable!
When this happened Microsoft "disabled" my subscription.
In my case, I'm actually fine with having to "fence the resources" within a subscription if I had to. But at the moment, I haven't found a way to easily stop/start it in this manor. Anyone a guru with the Azure budgets? It looks like they can be applied at a Resource Group level as well.
Can you "enable/disable" resource groups or subscriptions this way?
Simply want to create something. Pay for it, of course. Pay for storage, sure. But 'disable' it, until I need to run it. Then, Enable it. Simple. :)
I've been upvoting and watching this "Feature Request" thread for some time:

Can i put vm into another resource group than availabilitySet?

I would like to keep each VM in separate resource group for ease for lifecycle management. I have a cluster containing n VLMs.
So I create one resource group for common things like public IP, load balancer and put availabilitySet declaration into it because is also must be shared between VMs.
Then I create VM in separate resource group and reference to availabilitySet with
"availabilitySet": {
"id": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets',variables('availabilitySetName'))]"
Of cause 'availabilitySetName' is defined.
When I deploy my template I get an error saying
{"error":{"code":"BadRequest","message":"Entity resourceGroupName in resource reference id /subscriptions/a719381f-1fa0-4b06-8e29-ad6ea7d3c90b/resourceGroups/TB_PIP_OPSRV_UAT/providers/Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/tb_avlbs_opsrv_uat is invalid."}}
I double checked that resource and availability set name are specified correctly.
Does it mean that I can't put a set in separate resource group from VM?
Unfortunately, having a VM use an availabilitySet in a different resource group is not supported :(.
First of all, let me ask you why you want different resource groups? I strongly believe that you're overthinking it with multiple resource groups. A resource group is basically your "Entire System" and within the boundaries of one solution, you should only have one resource group for production, one for beta/staging etc, but never mix.
If you're selling SaaS to your customers it would make sense to have one resource group for each of your customers.
And as you know, a Resource group is simply a way for you to link together and manage all of the assets in your solution; vm's, storage, databases etc under one common name. I am very doubtful as to why one would want to consider multiple resource groups in a single solution, however, I am always willing to learn :)
Availability groups
Now, Availability groups are a different thing. This has to do with "Update Domains" and "Fault Domains" for your VM instances. Because Azure does not keep 3 separate VM's for you, as it does with most of it's PaaS services, you have to manage these yourself to ensure full uptime. Basically, when you're adding two or more VM's in an Availability Set, you're ensured that planned or unplanned events, at least one of the VM's will be available to meet the SLA.
Trying to combine the two in an effort of preventing downtime may sound like a good idea, but it is not solving any problems that I'm aware of. Like the old saying goes: if it aint broke, don't fix it :)
