Azure Cosmos DB: Cross-Partition Queries v's In-Partition Queries - azure

We have a cosmos-db container which has about 1M records containing information about customers. The partition key for the documentDb is customerId which holds a unique GUID reference for the customer. I have read the partitioning and scaling document which would suggest that our choice of key appears appropriate, however if we want to query this data using a field such as DOB or Address, the query will be considered as a cross-partition query and will essentially send the same query to every record in the documentDb before returning.
The query stats in Data Explorer suggests that a query on customer address will return the first 200 documents at a cost of 36.9 RU's but I was under the impression that this would be far higher given the amount of records that this query would be sent to? Are these query stats accurate?
It is likely that we will want to extend our app to be able to query on multiple non-partition data elements so are we best replicating the customer identity and searchable data element within another documentDb using the desired searchable data element as the partition key. We can then return the identities of all customers who match the query. This essentially changes the query to be an in-partition query and should prevent additional expenditure?
Our current production database has a 4000 (Max Throughput)(Shared) so there appears to be adequate provision for cross-partition queries so would I be wasting my time building out a change-feed to maintain a partitioned representation of the data to support in-partition queries over cross-partition queries?

To get accurate estimate of query cost you need to do the measurement on a container that has a realistic amount of data within it. For example, if I have a container with 5000 RU/s and 5GB of data my cross-partition query will be fairly inexpensive because it only ran on a single physical partition.
If I ran that same query on a container with 100,000 RU/s I would have > 10 physical partitions and the query would show much greater RU/s reported due to the query having to execute across all 10 physical partitions. (Note: 1 physical partition has maximum 10,000 RU/s or 50GB of storage).
It is impossible to say at what amount of RU/s and storage you will begin to get a more realistic number for RU charges. I also don't know how much throughput or storage you need. If the workload is small then maybe you only need 10K RU and < 50GB of storage. It's only when you need to scale out that is where you need to first scale out, then measure your query's RU charge.
To get accurate query measurements, you need to have a container with the throughput and amount of data you would expect to have in production.

You don't necessarily need to be afraid of cross-partition queries in CosmosDB. Yes, single-partition queries are faster, but if you need to query "find any customers matching X" then cross-partition query is naturally required (unless you really need the hassle of duplicating the info elsewhere in optimized form).
The cross-partition query will not be sent to "each document" as long as you have good indexes in partitions. Just make sure every query has a predicate on a field that is:
with good-enough data cardinality
.. and the returned number of docs should be limited by business model or forced (top N). This way your RU should be more-or-less top-bound.
36RU per 200 returned docs does not sound too bad as long as it's not done too many times per sec. But if in doubt, test with predicted data volume and fire up some realistic queries..


Cosmos DB partition key and query design for sequential access

We would like to store a set of documents in Cosmos DB with a primary key of EventId. These records are evenly distributed across a number of customers. Clients need to access the latest records for a subset of customers as new documents are added. The documents are immutable, and need to be stored indefinitely.
How should we design our partition key and queries to avoid clients all hitting the same partitions and/or high RU usage?
If we use just CustomerId as the partition key, we would eventually run over the 10GB limit for a logical partition, and if we use EventId, then querying becomes inefficient (would result in a cross-partition query, and high RU usage, which we'd like to avoid).
Another idea would be to group documents into blocks. i.e. PartitionKey = int(EventId / PartitionSize). This would result in all clients hitting the latest partition(s), which presumably would result in poor performance and throttling.
If we use a combined PartitionKey of CustomerId and int(EventId / PartitionSize), then it's not clear to me how we would avoid a cross-partition query to retrieve the correct set of documents.
Clarification of a couple of points:
Clients will access the events by specifying a list of CustomerId's, the last EventId they received, and a maximum number of records to retrieve.
For this reason, the use of EventId alone won't perform well, as it will result in a cross partition query (i.e. WHERE EventId > LastEventId).
The system will probably be writing on the order of 1GB a day, in 15 minute increments.
It's hard to know what the read volume will be, but I'd guess probably moderate, with maybe a few thousand clients polling the API at regular intervals.
So first thing first, logical partitions size limit has now been increased to 20GB, please see here.
You can use EventID as a partition as well, as you have limit of logical partition's size in GB but you have no limit on amount of logical partitions. So using EventID is fine, you will get a point to point read which is very fast if you query using the EventID. Now you mention using this way you will have to do cross-partition queries, can you explain how?
Few things to keep in mind though, Cosmos DB is not really meant for storing this kind of Log based data as it stores everything in SSDs so please calculate how much is your 1 document size and how many in a second would you have to store then how much in a day to how much in a month. You can use TTL to delete from Cosmos when done though and for long term storage store it in Azure BLOB Storage and for fast retrievals use Azure Search to query the data in BLOB by using CustomerID and EventID in your search query.
How should we design our partition key and queries to avoid clients all hitting the same partitions and/or high RU usage?
I faced a similar issue some time back and a PartitionKey with customerId + datekey e.g. cust1_20200920 worked well for me.
I created the date key as 20200920 (YYYYMMDD), but you can choose to ignore the date part or even the month (cust1_202009 /cust1_2020), based on your query requirement.
Also, IMO, if there are multiple known PartitionKeys at a query time it's kind of a good thing. For example, if you keep YYYYMM as the PartitionKey and want to get data for 4 months, you can run 4 queries in parallel and combine the data. Which is faster if you have many clients and these Partition Keys are distributed among multiple physical partitions.
On a separate note, Cosmos Db has recently introduced an analytical store for the transactional data which can be useful for your use case.
More about it here -
One approach is using multiple Cosmos containers as "hot/cold" tiers with different partitioning. We could use two containers:
Recent: all writes and all queries for recent items go here. Partitioned by CustomerId.
Archive: all items are copied here for long term storage and access. Partitioned by CustomerId + timespan (e.g. partition per calendar month)
The Recent container would provide single partition queries by customer. Data growth per partition would be limited either by setting reasonable TTL during creation, or using a separate maintenance job (perhaps Azure Function on timer) to delete items when they are no longer candidates for recent-item queries.
A Change Feed processor, implemented by an Azure Function or otherwise, would trigger on each creation in Recent and make a copy into Archive. This copy would have partition key combining the customer ID and date range as appropriate to limit the partition size.
This scheme should provide efficient recent-item queries from Recent and safe long-term storage in Archive, with reasonable Archive query efficiency given a desired date range. The main downside is two writes for each item (one for each container) -- but that's the tradeoff for efficient polling. Whether this tradeoff is worthwhile is probably best determined by simulating the load and observing performance.

Why does including partition key in WHERE clause to Cosmos SQL API query increase consumed RUs for some queries?

I would like to optimise my Azure Cosmos DB SQL API queries for consumed RUs (in part in order to reduce the frequency of 429 responses).
Specifically I thought that including the partition key in WHERE clauses would decrease consumed RUs (e.g. I read and which made me think this).
However, when I run
WHERE c.Field = "some value"
AND c.PartitionKeyField = "1234"
ORDER BY c.TimeStampField DESC
It consumes 6 RUs.
Whereas without the partition key, e.g.
WHERE c.Field = "some value"
ORDER BY c.TimeStampField DESC
It consumes 5.76 RUs - i.e. cheaper.
(whilst there is some variation in the above numbers depending on the exact document selected, the second query is always cheaper, and I have tested against both the smallest and largest partitions.)
My database currently has around 400,000 documents and 29 partitions (both are expected to grow). Largest partition has around 150,000 documents (unlikely to grow further than this).
The above results indicate to me that I should not pass the partition key in the WHERE clause for this query. Please could someone explain why this is so as from the documentation I thought the opposite should be true?
There might a few reasons and it depends on which index the query engine decides to use or if there is an index at all.
First thing I can say is that there is likely not much data in this container because queries without a partition key get progressively more expensive the larger the container, especially when they span physical partitions.
The first one could be more expensive if there is no index on the partition key and did a scan on it after filtering by the c.field.
It could also be more expensive depending on whether there is a composite index and whether it used it.
Really though you cannot take query metrics for small containers and extrapolate. The only way to measure is to put enough data into the container. Also the amount here is so small that it's not worth optimizing over. I would put the amount of data into this container you expect to have once in production and re-run your queries.
Lastly, with regards to measuring and optimizing, pareto principle applies. You'll go nuts chasing down every optimization. Find your high concurrency queries and focus on those.
Hope this is helpful.

Cosmos DB Graph Edge partitioning

Cosmos DB has pre-announced general availability of Gremlin (Graph API). Probably by the end of 2017 it will get out of preview, so we might consider it stable enough for production. That brings me to the following:
We are designing a system with an estimated user-base up to 100 million users. Each user will have some documents in Cosmos to store user-related data, those documents are partitioned on the id of the user (a Guid). So when estimations come true we will end up with at least 100 million partitions, each containing a bunch of documents.
Not only will we store user-related data but also interrelated data (relationships) between users. On paper Cosmos should be very well suited for these kinds of scenarios, utilizing it cross-api with Document API for normal data and Graph API purely for the relationships.
An example of one of these relationships is a Follow. For instance UserX can Follow UserY. To realize this relationship, we created a Gremlin query that creates an Edge:
The resulting Edge automatically gets assigned to the partition of UserX, because UserX is the out-vertex.
When querying on outgoing edges (all the users that UserX is following), all is fine and well because the query is limited to the partition for UserX.
However when inverting the query (find all followers of UserY), looking for incoming edges, the situation changes - to my knowledge this will result in a full cross-partition query:
In my opinion a full cross-partition query with 100 million partitions is unacceptable.
I have tried putting the Edge between UserX and UserY inside its own partition, but the Graph API does not let me do this. (Edit: Changed Cosmos to Graph API)
Now I have come to the point of implementing a pair of edges between UserX and UserY, one outgoing Edge for UserX and one outgoing Edge for UserY, trying to keep them in-sync. All this in order to optimize the speed of my queries, but also introducing more work to achieve eventual consistency.
Then again I am wondering if the Graph API is really up to these kinds of scenario's - or I am really missing on something here?
I will start by clearing a slight misconception you have regarding CosmosDB partitioning. 100 Million users doesn’t mean 100 million partitions. They simply mean 100 million partition keys. When you create a cosmos dB graph it starts with 10 physical partitions ( this is starting default which can be changed upon request), and then scales automatically as data grows.
In this case 100 million users will be distributed among 10 physical partitions. Hence the full cross partition query will hit on 10 physical partition. Also note that these partitions will be hit in parallel, so the expected latency would be similar to hitting one partition, unless operation is similar to aggregates in nature.
This is a classic partitioning dilemma, not unique to Cosmos/Graph.
If your usage pattern is lots of queries with small scope then cross-partition is bad. If it is returning large data sets then cross-partition overhead is probably insignificant against the benefits of parallelism. Unless you have a constant high volume of queries then I think the cross-partition overhead is overstated (MS seem to think everyone is building the next Facebook on Cosmos).
In the OP case you can optimise for x follows y, or x is followed by y, or both by having an edge each way. Note that RUs are reserved on a per partition basis (i.e. total RU / number of partitions) so to use them efficiently you need either high volume, evenly distributed, single partition queries or queries that span multiple partitions.

Azure Cosmos DB - Understanding Partition Key

I'm setting up our first Azure Cosmos DB - I will be importing into the first collection, the data from a table in one of our SQL Server databases. In setting up the collection, I'm having trouble understanding the meaning and the requirements around the partition key, which I specifically have to name while setting up this initial collection.
I've read the documentation here: ( and still am unsure how to proceed with the naming convention of this partition key.
Can someone help me understand how I should be thinking in naming this partition key? See the screenshot below for the field I'm trying to fill in.
In case it helps, the table I'm importing consists of 7 columns, including a unique primary key, a column of unstructured text, a column of URL's and several other secondary identifiers for that record's URL. Not sure if any of that information has any bearing on how I should name my Partition Key.
EDIT: I've added a screenshot of several records from the table from which I'm importing, per request from #Porschiey.
Honestly the video here* was a MAJOR help to understanding partitioning in CosmosDb.
But, in a nutshell:
The PartitionKey is a property that will exist on every single object that is best used to group similar objects together.
Good examples include Location (like City), Customer Id, Team, and more. Naturally, it wildly depends on your solution; so perhaps if you were to post what your object looks like we could recommend a good partition key.
EDIT: Should be noted that PartitionKey isn't required for collections under 10GB. (thanks David Makogon)
* The video used to live on this MS docs page entitled, "Partitioning and horizontal scaling in Azure Cosmos DB", but has since been removed. A direct link has been provided, above.
Partition key acts as a logical partition.
Now, what is a logical partition, you may ask? A logical partition may vary upon your requirements; suppose you have data that can be categorized on the basis of your customers, for this customer "Id" will act as a logical partition and info for the users will be placed according to their customer Id.
What effect does this have on the query?
While querying you would put your partition key as feed options and won't include it in your filter.
e.g: If your query was
SELECT * FROM T WHERE T.CustomerId= 'CustomerId';
It will be Now
var options = new FeedOptions{ PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(CustomerId)};
var query = _client.CreateDocumentQuery(CollectionUri,$"SELECT * FROM T",options).AsDocumentQuery();
I've put together a detailed article here Azure Cosmos DB. Partitioning.
What's logical partition?
Cosmos DB designed to scale horizontally based on the distribution of data between Physical Partitions (PP) (think of it as separately deployable underlaying self-sufficient node) and logical partition - bucket of documents with same characteristic (partition key) which is supposed to be stored fully on the same PP. So LP can't have part of the data on PP1 and another on PP2.
There are two main limitation on Physical Partitions:
Max throughput: 10k RUs
Max data size (sum of sizes of all LPs stored in this PP): 50GB
Logical partition has one - 20GB limit in size.
NOTE: Since initial releases of Cosmos DB size limits grown and I won't be surprised that soon size limitations might increase.
How to select right partition key for my container?
Based on the Microsoft recommendation for maintainable data growth you should select partition key with highest cardinality (like Id of the document or a composite field). For the main reason:
Spread request unit (RU) consumption and data storage evenly across all logical partitions. This ensures even RU consumption and storage distribution across your physical partitions.
It is critical to analyze application data consumption pattern when considering right partition key. In a very rare scenarios larger partitions might work though in the same time such solutions should implement data archiving to maintain DB size from a get-go (see example below explaining why). Otherwise you should be ready to increasing operational costs just to maintain same DB performance and potential PP data skew, unexpected "splits" and "hot" partitions.
Having very granular and small partitioning strategy will lead to an RU overhead (definitely not multiplication of RUs but rather couple additional RUs per request) in consumption of data distributed between number of physical partitions (PPs) but it will be neglectable comparing to issues occurring when data starts growing beyond 50-, 100-, 150GB.
Why large partitions are a terrible choice in most cases even though documentation says "select whatever works best for you"
Main reason is that Cosmos DB is designed to scale horizontally and provisioned throughput per PP is limited to the [total provisioned per container (or DB)] / [number of PP].
Once PP split occurs due to exceeding 50GB size your max throughput for existing PPs as well as two newly created PPs will be lower then it was before split.
So imagine following scenario (consider days as a measure of time between actions):
You've created container with provisioned 10k RUs and CustomerId partition key (which will generate one underlying PP1). Maximum throughput per PP is 10k/1 = 10k RUs
Gradually adding data to container you end-up with 3 big customers with C1[10GB], C2[20GB] and C3[10GB] of invoices
When another customer was onboarded to the system with C4[15GB] of data Cosmos DB will have to split PP1 data into two newly created PP2 (30GB) and PP3 (25GB). Maximum throughput per PP is 10k/2 = 5k RUs
Two more customers C5[10GB] C6[15GB] were added to the system and both ended-up in PP2 which lead to another split -> PP4 (20GB) and PP5 (35GB). Maximum throughput per PP is now 10k/3 = 3.333k RUs
IMPORTANT: As a result on [Day 2] C1 data was queried with up to 10k RUs
but on [Day 4] with only max to 3.333k RUs which directly impacts execution time of your query
This is a main thing to remember when designing partition keys in current version of Cosmos DB (12.03.21).
CosmosDB can be used to store any limit of data. How it does in the back end is using partition key. Is it the same as Primary key? - NO
Primary Key: Uniquely identifies the data
Partition key helps in sharding of data(For example one partition for city New York when city is a partition key).
Partitions have a limit of 10GB and the better we spread the data across partitions, the more we can use it. Though it will eventually need more connections to get data from all partitions. Example: Getting data from same partition in a query will be always faster then getting data from multiple partitions.
Partition Key is used for sharding, it acts as a logical partition for your data, and provides Cosmos DB with a natural boundary for distributing data across partitions.
You can read more about it here:
Each partition on a table can store up to 10GB (and a single table can store as many document schema types as you like). You have to choose your partition key though such that all the documents that get stored against that key (so fall into that partition) are under that 10GB limit.
I'm thinking about this too right now - so should the partition key be a date range of some type? In that case, it would really depend on how much data is getting stored in a period of time.
You are defining a logical partition.
Underneath, physically the data is split into physical partitions by Azure.
Ideally a partitionKey should be a primary Key, or a field with high cardinality to ensure proper distribution, with the self generated id field within that partition also set to the primary key, that will help with documentFetchById much faster.
You cannot change a partitionKey once container is created.
Looking at the dataset, captureId is a good candidate for partitionKey, with id set manually to this field, and not an auto generated cosmos one.
There is documentation available from Microsoft about partition keys. According to me you need to check the queries or operations that you plan to perform with cosmos DB. Are they read-heavy or write-heavy? if read heavy it is ideal to choose a partition key in the where clause that will be used in the query, if it is a write heavy operation then look for a key which has high cardinality
Always point reads /writes are better since it consumes way less RU's than running other queries

Azure Table Storage Performace For a Very Specific Table

Is there a way around 500 entities / second / partition with ATS (Azure Table Storage)? OK with dirty reads. If in insert is not immediately available for read then OK.
Looking to move some large tables from SQL to ATS.
Scale: Because of these tables the size is bumping the 150 GB limit of SQL Azure
Insert speed:  Inverted index for query speed.  Insert order is not
sorted by the table clustered index which causes rapid SQL table
fragmentation.  ATS most likely has an insert advantage over SQL.
Cost: ATS has a lower monthy cost. But ATS has a higher load cost as millions of rows and cannot batch as the order of the load is not by partition.
Query speed: A search is almost never on just one partitionKey. A search will have a SQL component and zero or more ATS components. This ATS query is always by partitionKey and returning rowKeys. Raw search on partitionKey is fast the problem is the time to return the entities (rows). A given partitionKey will have on average 1,000 rowKeys which is 2 seconds at 500 entities / second / partition. But there will be some partitionKeys with over 100,000 rowKeys which equates to over 3 minutes. Return 10,000 rows at a time and in SQL and no query is over 10 seconds as with the power of joins don't have to bring down 100,000 rows to have those rows considered in the where.
Is there a was around this select entity speed with ATS? For scale and insert speed would like to go to ATS.
Windows Azure Storage Abstractions and their Scalability Targets
How to get most out of Windows Azure Tables
Designing a Scalable Partitioning Strategy for Windows Azure Table Storage
Turn entity tracking off for query results that are not going to be modified:
context.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;
One potential workaround is to stripe the data across multiple partitions and/or tables, perform queries across all the (sub)partitions in parallel and merge the results.
For example, for striping across partitions, prepending the partition key with a single digit can multiple the scalability of the partition 10 times.
So a partition key, say ABCDEFGH, could be sub partitioned 0ABCDEFGH to 9ABCDEFGH.
Writes are made to a partition, with the prefix digit generated either randomly or in round robin fashion.
Reads would query across all 10 partitions in parallel and merge the results.
For striping across tables, one of N tables can be written to randomly or in round robin fashion and queried similarly in parallel.
Edit: I had originally stated that the limit was 500 transaction/partition/sec. That was incorrect. The limit is actually 500 entities/partition/sec, as stated in the original question.
This also applies to the query speeds you've calculated. If you query an ATS PartitionKey and it returns 1000 entities, that will likely take only a little longer, perhaps a few hundred milliseconds, than returning a single entity. On the other hand, if the query returns more than 1000 entities it will be much slower, as each set of 1000 rows requires an essentially independent transaction and must be done in serial.
It's not completely clear to me what you're doing, but it sounds like a lot of querying. Keep in mind that querying ATS on non-key columns tends to be very slow. If you're doing a lot of that, you might be better served by using SQL Azure Federations and fan-out queries instead.
