How to get time elapsed till 12:00 AM in same day and rest on next day - excel

I am currently facing difficulty to calculate exact hours between In Time and Out time.
for instance :
Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D
10:00 PM
6:00 AM
10:00 PM
6:00 AM
Now, my problem is that I have to calculate the time from 10:00 PM till 12:00 AM = 2 Hours and rest to be calculated on the next day adding the previous days hours e.g. we have 6 hours from 12:00 AM till 6:00 AM for 1-2-2022 (Column C) and then 2 hours from 10:00 PM to 12:00 AM.
Looking forward your help.

You must add the date and times together, subtracting the In time from the Out time.

Slightly different method:
B2, D2 and E2 formatted as hh:mm
Then you could use mod() like so:


Excel formula: how to sum total time between different time intervals based on a time condition

Departure Date Arrival date
4/9/18 22:40 5/17/18 14:10
8/5/18 18:20 8/22/18 6:00
9/24/18 22:20 10/10/18 6:00
10/22/18 14:00 11/7/18 6:10
12/3/18 22:25 12/19/18 6:00
1/16/19 0:00 1/30/19 0:00
I need some help please. I have to calculate the total travel days for our employees for a specific period of time. I have columns A and B (all are date and time). Column A is the Departure Date, Column B is the Arrival Date.
Question: which is the Total number of travel days between:5/10/2018 and 12/10/2018?
Try this, you may need to edit it to match your needs though...

Allocating staff to 30 minute intervals

I’m trying to create either a spreadsheet or macro that allows me to put and employee start and finish time in and then show me by each half hour how many half hours they are in.
For example;
Employee 1 - 08:30 to 10:15
The output I would want is;
08:00 0
08:30 1
09:00 1
09:30 1
10:00 0.5
10:30 0
11:00 0
So between 8:30 and 9:00 shows as one because that employee was in during that half hour. But between 10:00 and 10:30 it shows 0.5 because the employee was only in for half of that period
Then as I add more data it tells me which half hours they are covering.
I’ve tried using the ceiling and floor values, counta, countif, countifs, v and hlookups but just can’t get the desired effect.
I’m guessing it would need to be a macro.
Assuming C1 and D1 contain the start and end times of a shift and column A contains the times, use the following formula in column B:
Limitations: shifts cannot cross over days, days cannot start before 00:00 or end after 23:59

Determine if time is before or after specific time

I have an Excel sheet with two date-time columns: Start Date and End Date. I need to calculate overtime by determining how many hours and minutes were worked before 08:00 and after 16:30.
1 2017/01/04 16:00 2017/01/04 18:00
2 2017/01/05 18:00 2017/01/05 21:00
3 2017/01/08 08:00 2017/01/08 17:00
4 2017/01/09 07:00 2017/01/09 09:00
I know the calculation for duration between times (=TEXT(B1-A1,"h:mm")), but I'm struggling to determine if a date-time is before 08:00 or after 16:30.
I've played around with TIMEVALUE("8:00:00"), TIMEVALUE("8:00:00 AM") and TIME(8,00,00) in my calculation, but the it did not work,
e.g. =IF(A1<=TIMEVALUE("8:00:00 AM"),"Yes","No") returns "No" even for A4 (2017/01/09 07:00)
I'm struggling with the calculation and the logic on this one. So far i'm using,
Try this:
=IF(TIMEVALUE(A1)<=TIMEVALUE("8:00:00 AM"),"Yes","No")
Stick with treating time as time; only treat time as text when you have bad data (time as text is bad data) and then only enough to get it to be time as time.
To get the number of hours and minutes before 08:00 AM,
=MAX(0, TIME(8, 0, 0)-TIMEVALUE(TEXT(A2, "hh:mm;0;#")))
To get the number of hours and minutes after 16:30 AM,
=MAX(0, TIMEVALUE(TEXT(B2, "hh:mm;0;#"))-TIME(16, 30, 0))
In the following image you can see that I have left one group as true time and the forced the following group to be time as text¹. Both return correct results.
¹ Unless specifically formatted otherwise, numbers and dates/times are right-aligned in a cell; text is left-aligned.

Difference between two dates in excel 2013

I want to calculate the time difference between two dates with the following criteria:
1) excluding sundays and public holidays
2) TIMING: Mon to Fri = 7 AM to 7 PM &
Sat = 7 AM to 3 PM
I tried a many formulas and nothing works for me.
please any ideas??
Eg: Start Time: 3/6/2015 10:00 AM
End Time: 4/6/2015 12:00 PM
Then I should get the difference as 13 hrs (excluding time out of business hours)
If start and end "timestamps" will always be within working hours then you can use a formula like this:
Assuming start date/time in A2, end date/time in B2 and holiday list in H2:H10
Format result cell as [h]:mm and if start time is today (Monday) at 14:00 and end time is exactly a week later you will get the result 68:00 (5*12 hour days and 1*8 hour Saturday)

add hours in excel based on 8 hrs

In my excel I have the project status in hours only .
it means
M1 4 hrs
M2 6 hrs
M3 10 hrs
M4 3 hrs
I have to create a excel so that if I give a start date all the simillar dates needs to be calculated based on 8 hrs working time.
for example if my start date 09/01/2010 (this is the date entered by me)(mm/dd/yyyy)
Start Date End Date
M1 09/01/2010 09/01/2010 (4 hrs)
M2 09/01/2010 09/02/2010 (6 hrs so talking 2 hrs from 09/02/2010)
M3 09/02/2010 09/03/2010 (6 hrs from 9/2/2010 and 4 hrs from 9/3/2010)
M4 09/03/2010 09/03/2010 (3 hrs from 9/3/2010)
Please any one can give me a suggestion.
Aswini Mahesh.
You have to know that dates and time in xl are stored in days since jan-1-1900 (or any fixed reference date, it does really matter which one). This allows easy addition/subtraction.
From that you can deduct that 1 day has a value of 1, and therefore 1 hour has a value of 1/24.
To test this, enter any date or time in cell, then clear cell the format.
Once you get this, you can solve any problem.
Start Date End Date Total Hours
9/15/2010 1:32 9/16/2010 1:32 24:00
9/15/2010 1:32 9/15/2010 13:32 12:00
9/15/2010 1:32 9/15/2010 7:32 06:00
9/15/2010 1:32 9/15/2010 8:44 07:12
C Cell have formula: =b2-a2+IF(a2>b2,1)
End Date - Start Date + IF(Start Date > End Date,1)
I can't attach the picture for some reason
