How to avoid `%` symbol injection using LIKE fuzzy query - rust

I am using like for fuzzy query, here is my code:
let mut q = users::table.into_boxed();
if let Some(email) = {
if !email.is_empty() {
q = q.filter(!("%{}", email)));
If I set email=gmail% while querying, it generates sql like this
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`email` LIKE ?) -- binds: [\"%gmail%\"]
A % symbol is spliced at the end of sql, and unexpected results are obtained after execution. How to avoid this? Need to escape the email query field, or use other sql queries, how to avoid this in diesel What happens?

You want to escape the corresponding query string by using the corresponding .escape() method.


Node and SQL Injection by using ${variable} on query string

I was told on a question that Im having a SQL Injection problem.
Here is the question
Node with SQL Server - response with for json path query not responding as expected
and here is my code
let sqlString = `
SELECT codeid, code, validFrom, validTo,
(SELECT dbo.PLprospectAgentCodesComp.productIdentifier, dbo.masterGroupsProducts.productName, dbo.PLprospectAgentCodesComp.compensation
FROM dbo.PLprospectAgentCodesComp INNER JOIN
dbo.masterGroupsProducts ON dbo.PLprospectAgentCodesComp.productIdentifier = dbo.masterGroupsProducts.productIdentifier
WHERE (dbo.PLprospectAgentCodesComp.codeid = dbo.PLprospectAgentCodes.codeid) for json path ) as products
FROM dbo.PLprospectAgentCodes
WHERE (plid = ${userData.plid}) for json path`
let conn = await sql.connect(process.env.DB_CONNSTRING)
let recordset = await conn.query(sqlString)
But I've read at Microsoft, and even on a question on this site, that that format prevents SQL injection.
From MS:
"All values are automatically sanitized against sql injection. This is
because it is rendered as prepared statement, and thus all limitations
imposed in MS SQL on parameters apply. e.g. Column names cannot be
passed/set in statements using variables."
I was trying to use the declare #parameter for the above code, but since my code has several queries that depend one of another, Im using await for each Query... and #parameter is not working. After I process the recordset, other queries will execute.
If my code actually is dangerous for SQL injection, is it possible to sanitize sqlString before the following two lines? The reason I ask is not to change the method in about 50 routes.
let sqlString = `select * from table where userid=${userId}`
Sanitizing code here
let conn = await sql.connect(process.env.DB_CONNSTRING)
let recordset = await conn.query(sqlString)
According to , "All values are automatically sanitized against sql injection." applies only when you use the ES6 Tagged template literals. You should add the tag sql.query before the template string.
let sqlString = sql.query`select * from mytable where id = ${value}`
For more information on tagged template literals:

Is this type of query safe from sql injection?

let tableName = req.body.tableName
let colName = req.body.col1+","+req.body.col2
sqlString = INSERT INTO ${tableName}(${colName}) VALUES ($1,$2) RETURNING *
No, you are using user's input as is inside a SQL query.
Use some kind of query builder like knex, which has a built in way of escaping user's input properly.

How to query CosmosDB for nested object value

How can I retrieve objects which match order_id = 9234029m, given this document in CosmosDB:
"order": {
"order_id": "9234029m",
"order_name": "name",
I have tried to query in CosmosDB Data Explorer, but it's not possible to simply query the nested order_id object like this:
SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.order.order_id = "9234029m"
(Err: "Syntax error, incorrect syntax near 'order'")
This seems like it should be so simple, yet it's not! (In CosmosDB Data Explorer, all queries need to start with SELECT * FROM c, but REST SQL is an alternative as well.)
As you discovered, order is a reserved keyword, which was tripping up the query parsing. However, you can get past that, and still query your data, with slightly different syntax (bracket notation):
WHERE c["order"].order_id = "9234029m"
This was due, apparently, to order being a reserved keyword in CosmosDB SQL, even if used as above.

jOOQ Query OrderBy as String

I'm getting the order by clause as a String from the application configuration.
String orderByString = "NAME DESC, NUMBER ASC";
Now I want to use this order by in jOOQ query:
Result<KampagneRecord> records = repository.dsl()
Unfortunately orderBy does not accept a String.
Is there a way to add the order by clause to the query?
You could use the fact that jOOQ does not validate your plain SQL templating, and just wrap your string in a DSL.field(String):
Result<KampagneRecord> records = repository.dsl()
Of course, you will have to make sure that syntactical correctness is guaranteed, and SQL injection is prevented.
Some edge cases that rely on jOOQ being able to transform your SQL's ORDER BY clause might stop working, but in your simple query example, this would not apply.
An alternative solution, in very simple cases, is to preprocess your string. It seems as though this would work:
String orderByString = "NAME DESC, NUMBER ASC";
List<SortField<?>> list =
.map(s -> s.split(" +"))
.map(s -> {
Field<?> field = field(s[0]);
return s.length == 1
? field.sortDefault()
: field.sort("DESC".equalsIgnoreCase(s[1])
? SortOrder.DESC
: SortOrder.ASC
This list can now be passed to the orderBy() clause.

"non-integer constant in ORDER BY" when using pg-promise with named parameters

I am trying to write a simple query using the pgp-promise library. My original implementation looks like:
var bar = function(orderBy){
var qs = 'select * from mytable order by ${orderBy};';
return db.many(qs,{orderBy:orderBy});
But this gives an error of non-integer constant in ORDER BY
I have also tried adding quotes aroung ${orderBy} and adding double quotes to the orderBy paramater to no avail. I have a working solution by doing var qs = 'select * from mytable order by "' + orderBy + '";' though it should be obvious why I don't want code like that in the project.
My question: Is there a way to get pg-promise to build a query with an order by clause that isn't vulnerable to sql injection?
Is there a way to get pg-promise to build a query with an order by clause that isn't vulnerable to sql injection?
The value for ORDER BY clause is an SQL name, and it is to be formatted using SQL Names:
const bar = function(orderBy) {
const qs = 'select * from mytable order by ${orderBy:name}';
return db.many(qs, {orderBy});
whereas :raw / ^ is injecting raw text, which is vulnerable to SQL injections when it comes from outside, and to be used only for strings that have been created and pre-formatted inside the server.
