Eleventy programmatic API - what should the input path look like? - node.js

I have a aws lambda function which calls the eleventy.write() or eleventy.toJSON() method but can't seem to make it work. I have tried different project structures and setting different paths but it either returns an empty array or it throws the following error
TemplateLayoutPathResolver directory does not exist for filename.njk: _includes
When I run the eleventy command from terminal, it builds successfully.
This is my 11ty project structure
project root folder
-- public (output of the eleventy build)
-- .eleventy.js
-- src (input for the eleventy build)
|-- _data
|-- _includes
my .eleventy.js file looks like this:
return {
input: 'src',
output: 'public',
On the lambda function project, where the write() call is made, I have tried setting the input path relative to the file, then I tried putting the 11ty root folder next to the .js file and instantiating eleventy like let eleventy = new Eleventy(".", "public") which didn't worked and I also tried taking the content of the eleventy root project and placing it next to the .js file I am making the write() call.
Also tried setting the configPath like so
let eleventy = new Eleventy(".", "public", {
configPath: "./.eleventy.js",
but still not working.
The documentation for the eleventy programmatic API (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/programmatic/) is pretty thin, so any help will be greatly appreciated.

Looking at your list of files above, in src, I see includes, not _includes. Did you forget the underscore?

Just set your input folder to "src"
let eleventy = new Eleventy("src", "public");


How to access the base package form a node_module

I am looking to access a JSON config file that the user would place next to their package.json from a node_module package that I created. Is there a best approach to do this. I tried a relative import but that didn't really work and I am not sure how best to accomplish dynamic imports if the config file doesn't exist because I want to allow it to not exist as well.
Here is how I tried to handle dynamic imports though:
export const overrides = (function () {
try {
return require('../../../../../../overrides.json');
} catch (_err) {
return null;
Also I tried fs but I get a browser config error I am not sure if that is something else. I should research but I didn't understand the docs around that.
using a library
This worked for me: find-package-json
Basically on any js file who needs the base, home or workspace path, do this:
var finder = require('find-package-json');
var path = require('path');
var f = finder(__dirname);
var rootDirectory = path.dirname(f.next().filename);
rootDirectory will be the location of the folder in which the main package.json exist.
If you want to optimize, get the appRootPath variable at the start of your app and store/propagate the variable to the hole nodejs system.
no libraries
Without any library, this worked for me:
console.log("root directory: "+require('path').resolve('./'));
This will get you the root directory of your nodejs app no matter if you are using npm run start or node foo/bar/index.js
More ways to get the root directory here:
Determine project root from a running node.js application
If you achieve to obtain the root directory of your nodejs app and your file is at the package.json level, use this variable like this to locate any file at root level:

jspm bundle code in subdirectory that is served as root

I am trying to create a self-executing bundle of an application, but jspm can't find what it's looking for.
I have the following folder structure
The src directory contains all of the JavaScript, but it is hosted by node as if it were the root. jspm_packages is hosted as if it were inside the root, making normal module import without a path possible (ie import React from 'react')
The app runs just fine, but when I try to build it fails because it doesn't know to look in the src directory and the jspm_packages directory for modules. Is there a way to fix this without changing the folder structure or the root-hosting?
I am ok with moving the system.config.js file into src if that makes this possible)
This is easy if you move jspm_packages into src.
in package.json
"jspm": {
"directories": {
"baseURL": "src"
"configFile": "src/system.config.js"
This will put both system.config.js and jspm_packages in src (don't use a baseUrl in system.config.js), and bundling will work. The major drawback here is the src folder no longer contains only the project code; it now also contains library code. Performing folder searches becomes harder, and I just prefer the idea of a folder with all of my code in it.
After thinking about this problem more, I guess what I am really after is a method to specify an alternate path configuration during bundling. Based on my reading of the docs, this appears to be unsupported.
You can set your baseUrl to be the root (i.e. "/") and then set the path for your source code on the paths property like this:
baseURL: "/",
paths: {
"*": "dist/*",
"github:*": "jspm_packages/github/*",
"npm:*": "jspm_packages/npm/*"
Full working example can be seen here.
Furthermore, if you need to change you paths just for bundling you could use the jspm-cli in a gulp task and override your builder configuration like this:
var jspm = require('jspm');
gulp.task('task', function () {
var builder = new jspm.Builder();
paths: {
'*': 'pathToYourCode'

Why can node not find my module?

I am using node v0.12.5 with nwjs and I have defined my own custom module inside of my project so that I can modularise my project (obviously).
I am trying to call my module from another module in my project but every time I attempt to require it I get the error could not find module 'uploader'.
My uploader module is currently very simple and looks like:
function ping_server(dns, cb) {
require('dns').lookup(dns, function(err) {
if (err && err.code == "ENOTFOUND") {
} else {
function upload_files()
module.exports.ping_server = ping_server;
module.exports.upload_files = upload_files;
With the idea that it will be used to recursively push files to a requested server if it can be pinged when the test device has internet connection.
I believe I have exported the methods correctly here using the module.exports syntax, I then try to include this module in my test.js file by using:
var uploader = require('uploader');
I also tried
var uploader = require('uploader.js');
But I believe node will automatically look for uploader.js if uploader is specified.
The file hierarchy for my app is as follows:
|-> lib
|-> test.js
|-> uploader.js
|-> css
|-> img
The only thing I am thinking, is that I heard node will try and source the node_modules folder which is to be included at the root directory of the application, could this be what is causing node not to find it? If not, why can node not see my file from test.js given they exist in the same directory?
UPDATE Sorry for the confusion, I have also tried using require('./uploader') and I am still getting the error: Uncaught Error: Cannot find module './uploader'.
UPDATE 2 I am normally completely against using images to convey code problems on SO, but I think this will significantly help the question:
It's clear here that test.js and uploader.js reside in the same location
When you don't pass a path (relative or absolute) to require(), it does a module lookup for the name passed in.
Change your require('uploader') to require('./uploader') or require(__dirname + '/uploader').
To load a local module (ie not one from node_modules) you need to prefix the path with ./. https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#modules_modules
So in your case it would be var uploader = require('./uploader');
This problem stemmed from using Node Webkit instead of straight Node, as stated in their documentation all modules will be source from a node_modules directory at the root of the project.
Any internal non C++ libraries should be placed in the node_modules directory in order for Node webkit to find them.
Therefore to fix, I simply added a node_modules directory at the root of my project (outside of app and public) and placed the uploader.js file inside of there. Now when I call require('uploader') it works as expected.
If you're developing on a mac, check your file system case sensitivity. It could be that the required filename is capitalized wrong.

Require.js optimizer supposed to copy all files over into the output directory?

I am trying to integrate the r.js optimizer on the server side (Apache Sling) and face one problem: when resolving modules it always looks them up under the output directory (dir), not from within the source directory (baseUrl or appDir), doesn't find them and thus fails.
name: "modules/main",
dir: "/target",
baseUrl: "/sources"
If you wonder, the root path / is inside the server's JCR repository, not a file system. Also I simplified the example a bit (hopefully without concealing the issue).
It will resolve and read the main file properly:
However, when it now tries to resolve modules/foo, it tries to read it from /target/modules/foo.js instead of /sources/modules/foo.js as I would expect, which does not exist and the whole r.js execution fails and stops.
I tried using appDir and all kinds of combinations, but the issue is always the same. I am fairly sure it is not related to my integration code... AFAIU from documentation and googling around, it should either copy them to the target before building the optimized file or simply pick them up from the source directory automatically.
Am I supposed to copy all the raw source files to /target myself before running r.js?
Maybe the problem is that baseUrl=/overlay is different from build.js residing inside /project?
Maybe r.js also looks at the current working directory of the r.js process (which is so far undefined in my case)?
Can the output directory (dir) live outside appDir or baseUrl?
My require.js configuration looks like so:
appDir: "../app",
baseUrl: "js/lib", // means the base URL is ../app/js/lib
dir: "../app-built", //target
// offtopic, but a very handy option
mainConfigFile: "../app/config.js",
// I'm not 100% sure if it's equivalent to your version
// where you're not using "modules" and just "name"
modules: [{
name: "../some/main" // this is ../app/js/some/main.js
Reading through https://github.com/jrburke/r.js/blob/master/build/example.build.js#L15 - it seems you do want an appDir specified if you want the files to be copied to the target dir before optimization.
To answer your other questions
you don't need to manually copy files over
baseUrl should point to the same place as baseUrl used in your app's config - however you have to adjust it depending on what appDir you choose to use (e.g. appDir="../app" and baseUrl="js/lib", or appDir="../app/js" then baseUrl="lib", etc.)
appDir and dir should be relative to the build config file - I don't know what happens when you use absolute paths
yes - output dir does (has to?) live outside appDir. BaseURL is within the appDir/dir (all these names are really confusing..)
I would say
use the "appDir" setting
try using "modules" like I did instead of just "name"
make "appDir" and "dir" relative paths to the build file if you can - these absolute paths might be what's breaking? because other than that the config looks very similar to the one I use
I know there's a different way of configuring it where your output is 1 file, which case the files are read from the source dir - but I haven't used that much myself.
Hope this helps.
Answering myself: I got it to work with the single output file approach using out instead of appDir or dir:
name: "modules/main",
baseUrl: "/sources"
out: "/target/out.js",
In this case it reads all the modules from the sources and creates a /target/out-temp.js which it then moves to /target/out.js when done.
This seems to suit my needs so far.

How to make node.js require absolute? (instead of relative)

I would like to 'require' my files always by the root of my project and not relative to the current module.
For example, if you look at Express.js' app.js line 6, you will see
express = require('../../')
That's really bad, IMO. Imagine I would like to put all my examples closer to the root only by one level. That would be impossible, because I would have to update more than 30 examples and many times within each example. To this:
express = require('../')
My solution would be to have a special case for root based: if a string starts with an $ then it's relative to the root folder of the project.
What can I do?
Update 2
Now I'm using RequireJS which allows you to write in one way and works both on client and on server. RequireJS also allows you to create custom paths.
Update 3
Now I moved to Webpack and Gulp.js and I use enhanced-require to handle modules on the server side. See here for the rationale: http://hackhat.com/p/110/module-loader-webpack-vs-requirejs-vs-browserify/
var myModule = require.main.require('./path/to/module');
It requires the file as if it were required from the main JavaScript file, so it works pretty well as long as your main JavaScript file is at the root of your project... and that's something I appreciate.
There's a really interesting section in the Browserify Handbook:
avoiding ../../../../../../..
Not everything in an application properly belongs on the public npm
and the overhead of setting up a private npm or git repo is still
rather large in many cases. Here are some approaches for avoiding the
../../../../../../../ relative paths problem.
People sometimes object to putting application-specific modules into
node_modules because it is not obvious how to check in your internal
modules without also checking in third-party modules from npm.
The answer is quite simple! If you have a .gitignore file that
ignores node_modules:
You can just add an exception with ! for each of your internal
application modules:
Please note that you can't unignore a subdirectory, if the parent is
already ignored. So instead of ignoring node_modules, you have to
ignore every directory inside node_modules with the
node_modules/* trick, and then you can add your exceptions.
Now anywhere in your application you will be able to require('foo')
or require('bar') without having a very large and fragile relative
If you have a lot of modules and want to keep them more separate from
the third-party modules installed by npm, you can just put them all
under a directory in node_modules such as node_modules/app:
Now you will be able to require('app/foo') or require('app/bar')
from anywhere in your application.
In your .gitignore, just add an exception for node_modules/app:
If your application had transforms configured in package.json, you'll
need to create a separate package.json with its own transform field in
your node_modules/foo or node_modules/app/foo component directory
because transforms don't apply across module boundaries. This will
make your modules more robust against configuration changes in your
application and it will be easier to independently reuse the packages
outside of your application.
Another handy trick if you are working on an application where you can
make symlinks and don't need to support windows is to symlink a lib/
or app/ folder into node_modules. From the project root, do:
ln -s ../lib node_modules/app
and now from anywhere in your project you'll be able to require files
in lib/ by doing require('app/foo.js') to get lib/foo.js.
custom paths
You might see some places talk about using the $NODE_PATH
environment variable or opts.paths to add directories for node and
browserify to look in to find modules.
Unlike most other platforms, using a shell-style array of path
directories with $NODE_PATH is not as favorable in node compared to
making effective use of the node_modules directory.
This is because your application is more tightly coupled to a runtime
environment configuration so there are more moving parts and your
application will only work when your environment is setup correctly.
node and browserify both support but discourage the use of
I like to make a new node_modules folder for shared code. Then let Node.js and 'require' do what they do best.
For example:
- node_modules // => these are loaded from your *package.json* file
- app
- node_modules // => add node-style modules
- helper.js
- models
- user
- car
- package.json
- .gitignore
For example, if you're in car/index.js you can require('helper') and Node.js will find it!
How node_modules Work
Node.js has a clever algorithm for resolving modules that is unique among rival platforms.
If you require('./foo.js') from /beep/boop/bar.js, Node.js will look for ./foo.js in /beep/boop/foo.js. Paths that start with a ./ or ../ are always local to the file that calls require().
If, however, you 'require' a non-relative name such as require('xyz') from /beep/boop/foo.js, Node.js searches these paths in order, stopping at the first match and raising an error if nothing is found:
For each xyz directory that exists, Node.js will first look for a xyz/package.json to see if a "main" field exists. The "main" field defines which file should take charge if you require() the directory path.
For example, if /beep/node_modules/xyz is the first match and /beep/node_modules/xyz/package.json has:
"name": "xyz",
"version": "1.2.3",
"main": "lib/abc.js"
then the exports from /beep/node_modules/xyz/lib/abc.js will be returned by require('xyz').
If there is no package.json or no "main" field, index.js is assumed:
The big picture
It seems "really bad" but give it time. It is, in fact, really good. The explicit require()s give a total transparency and ease of understanding that is like a breath of fresh air during a project life cycle.
Think of it this way: You are reading an example, dipping your toes into Node.js and you've decided it is "really bad IMO." You are second-guessing leaders of the Node.js community, people who have logged more hours writing and maintaining Node.js applications than anyone. What is the chance the author made such a rookie mistake? (And I agree, from my Ruby and Python background, it seems at first like a disaster.)
There is a lot of hype and counter-hype surrounding Node.js. But when the dust settles, we will acknowledge that explicit modules and "local first" packages were a major driver of adoption.
The common case
Of course, node_modules from the current directory, then the parent, then grandparent, great-grandparent, etc. is searched. So packages you have installed already work this way. Usually you can require("express") from anywhere in your project and it works fine.
If you find yourself loading common files from the root of your project (perhaps because they are common utility functions), then that is a big clue that it's time to make a package. Packages are very simple: move your files into node_modules/ and put a package.json
there. Voila! Everything in that namespace is accessible from your entire project. Packages are the correct way to get your code into a global namespace.
Other workarounds
I personally don't use these techniques, but they do answer your question, and of course you know your own situation better than I.
You can set $NODE_PATH to your project root. That directory will be searched when you require().
Next, you could compromise and require a common, local file from all your examples. That common file simply re-exports the true file in the grandparent directory.
examples/downloads/app.js (and many others like it)
var express = require('./express')
module.exports = require('../../')
Now when you relocate those files, the worst-case is fixing the one shim module.
If you are using yarn instead of npm you can use workspaces.
Let's say I have a folder services I wish to require more easily:
├── app.js
├── node_modules
├── test
├── services
│   ├── foo
│   └── bar
└── package.json
To create a Yarn workspace, create a package.json file inside the services folder:
"name": "myservices",
"version": "1.0.0"
In your main package.json add:
"private": true,
"workspaces": ["myservices"]
Run yarn install from the root of the project.
Then, anywhere in your code, you can do:
const { myFunc } = require('myservices/foo')
instead of something like:
const { myFunc } = require('../../../../../../services/foo')
Have a look at node-rfr.
It's as simple as this:
var rfr = require('rfr');
var myModule = rfr('projectSubDir/myModule');
I use process.cwd() in my projects. For example:
var Foo = require(process.cwd() + '/common/foo.js');
It might be worth noting that this will result in requireing an absolute path, though I have yet to run into issues with this.
IMHO, the easiest way is to define your own function as part of GLOBAL object.
Create projRequire.js in the root of you project with the following contents:
var projectDir = __dirname;
module.exports = GLOBAL.projRequire = function(module) {
return require(projectDir + module);
In your main file before requireing any of project-specific modules:
// init projRequire
After that following works for me:
// main file
// index.js at projectDir/lib/lol/index.js
#Totty, I've comed up with another solution, which could work for case you described in comments. Description gonna be tl;dr, so I better show a picture with structure of my test project.
There's a good discussion of this issue here.
I ran into the same architectural problem: wanting a way of giving my application more organization and internal namespaces, without:
mixing application modules with external dependencies or bothering with private npm repos for application-specific code
using relative requires, which make refactoring and comprehension harder
using symlinks or changing the node path, which can obscure source locations and don't play nicely with source control
In the end, I decided to organize my code using file naming conventions rather than directories. A structure would look something like:
Then in code:
var app_config = require('./app.config');
var app_models_foo = require('./app.models.foo');
or just
var config = require('./app.config');
var foo = require('./app.models.foo');
and external dependencies are available from node_modules as usual:
var express = require('express');
In this way, all application code is hierarchically organized into modules and available to all other code relative to the application root.
The main disadvantage is of course that in a file browser, you can't expand/collapse the tree as though it was actually organized into directories. But I like that it's very explicit about where all code is coming from, and it doesn't use any 'magic'.
Assuming your project root is the current working directory, this should work:
// require built-in path module
path = require('path');
// require file relative to current working directory
config = require( path.resolve('.','config.js') );
I have tried many of these solutions. I ended up adding this to the top of my main file (e.g. index.js):
process.env.NODE_PATH = __dirname;
This adds the project root to the NODE_PATH when the script is loaded. The allows me to require any file in my project by referencing its relative path from the project root such as var User = require('models/user'). This solution should work as long as you are running a main script in the project root before running anything else in your project.
Some of the answers is saying that the best way is to add the code to the node_module as a package, i agree and its probably the best way to lose the ../../../ in require but none of them actually give a way to do so.
from version 2.0.0 you can install a package from local files, which means you can create folder in your root with all the packages you want,
so in package.json you can add the modules (or foo and bar) as a package without publishing or using external server like this:
"name": "baz",
"dependencies": {
"bar": "file: ./modules/bar",
"foo": "file: ./modules/foo"
After that you do npm install, and you can access the code with var foo = require("foo"), just like you do with all the other packages.
more info can be found here :
and here how to create a package :
You could use a module I made, Undot. It is nothing advanced, just a helper so you can avoid those dot hell with simplicity.
var undot = require('undot');
var User = undot('models/user');
var config = undot('config');
var test = undot('test/api/user/auth');
Another answer :
Imagine this folders structure :
Then in test.js, you need to require files like this :
const foo = require("../src/subdir/foo");
const bar = require("../src/subdir/bar");
const main = require("../src/main");
const _ = require("lodash");
and in main.js :
const foo = require("./subdir/foo");
const bar = require("./subdir/bar");
const _ = require("lodash");
Now you can use babel and the babel-plugin-module-resolver with this .babelrc file to configure 2 root folders:
"plugins": [
["module-resolver", {
"root": ["./src", "./src/subdir"]
Now you can require files in the same manner in tests and in src:
const foo = require("foo");
const bar = require("bar");
const main = require("main");
const _ = require("lodash");
and if you want use the es6 module syntax:
"plugins": [
["module-resolver", {
"root": ["./src", "./src/subdir"]
then you import files in tests and src like this :
import foo from "foo"
import bar from "bar"
import _ from "lodash"
You could define something like this in your app.js:
requireFromRoot = (function(root) {
return function(resource) {
return require(root+"/"+resource);
and then anytime you want to require something from the root, no matter where you are, you just use requireFromRoot instead of the vanilla require. Works pretty well for me so far.
Imho the easiest way to achieve this is by creating a symbolic link on app startup at node_modules/app (or whatever you call it) which points to ../app. Then you can just call require("app/my/module"). Symbolic links are available on all major platforms.
However, you should still split your stuff in smaller, maintainable modules which are installed via npm. You can also install your private modules via git-url, so there is no reason to have one, monolithic app-directory.
In your own project you could modify any .js file that is used in the root directory and add its path to a property of the process.env variable. For example:
// in index.js
process.env.root = __dirname;
Afterwards you can access the property everywhere:
// in app.js
express = require(process.env.root);
Manual Symlinks (and Windows Junctions)
Couldn't the examples directory contain a node_modules with a symbolic link to the root of the project project -> ../../ thus allowing the examples to use require('project'), although this doesn't remove the mapping, it does allow the source to use require('project') rather than require('../../').
I have tested this, and it does work with v0.6.18.
Listing of project directory:
$ ls -lR project
drwxr-xr-x 3 user user 4096 2012-06-02 03:51 examples
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 49 2012-06-02 03:51 index.js
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 2012-06-02 03:50 node_modules
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 20 2012-06-02 03:51 test.js
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user 6 2012-06-02 03:50 project -> ../../
The contents of index.js assigns a value to a property of the exports object and invokes console.log with a message that states it was required. The contents of test.js is require('project').
Automated Symlinks
The problem with manually creating symlinks is that every time you npm ci, you lose the symlink. If you make the symlink process a dependency, viola, no problems.
The module basetag is a postinstall script that creates a symlink (or Windows junction) named $ every time npm install or npm ci is run:
npm install --save basetag
node_modules/$ -> ..
With that, you don't need any special modification to your code or require system. $ becomes the root from which you can require.
var foo = require('$/lib/foo.js');
If you don't like the use of $ and would prefer # or something else (except #, which is a special character for npm), you could fork it and make the change.
Note: Although Windows symlinks (to files) require admin permissions, Windows junctions (to directories) do not need Windows admin permissions. This is a safe, reliable, cross-platform solution.
Here is the actual way I'm doing for more than 6 months. I use a folder named node_modules as my root folder in the project, in this way it will always look for that folder from everywhere I call an absolute require:
index.js I can require("myProject/someFolder/hey.js") instead of require("./someFolder/hey.js")
someFolder which contains hey.js
This is more useful when you are nested into folders and it's a lot less work to change a file location if is set in absolute way. I only use 2 the relative require in my whole app.
Just came across this article which mentions app-module-path. It allows you to configure a base like this:
I was looking for the exact same simplicity to require files from any level and I found module-alias.
Just install:
npm i --save module-alias
Open your package.json file, here you can add aliases for your paths, for e.g.
"_moduleAliases": {
"#root" : ".", // Application's root
"#deep" : "src/some/very/deep/directory/or/file",
"#my_module" : "lib/some-file.js",
"something" : "src/foo", // Or without #. Actually, it could be any string
And use your aliases by simply:
const deep = require('#deep')
const module = require('something')
If anyone's looking for yet another way to get around this problem, here's my own contribution to the effort:
The basic idea: you create a JSON file in the root of the project that maps your filepaths to shorthand names (or get use-automapper to do it for you). You can then request your files/modules using those names. Like so:
var use = require('use-import');
var MyClass = use('MyClass');
So there's that.
I wrote this small package that lets you require packages by their relative path from project root, without introducing any global variables or overriding node defaults
It works like this
// create an instance that will find the nearest parent dir containing package.json from your __dirname
const pkgRequire = require('pkg-require')(__dirname);
// require a file relative to the your package.json directory
const foo = pkgRequire('foo/foo')
// get the absolute path for a file
const absolutePathToFoo = pkgRequire.resolve('foo/foo')
// get the absolute path to your root directory
const packageRootPath = pkgRequire.root()
Just want to follow up on the great answer from Paolo Moretti and Browserify. If you are using a transpiler (e.g., babel, typescript) and you have separate folders for source and transpiled code like src/ and dist/, you could use a variation of the solutions as
With the following directory structure:
... // normal npm dependencies for app
... // source code
... // transpiled code
you can then let babel etc to transpile src directory to dist directory.
Using symlink we can get rid some levels of nesting:
... // normal npm dependencies for app
app // symlinks to '..'
... // source code
app // symlinks to '..'
... // transpiled code
A caveat with babel --copy-files The --copy-files flag of babel does not deal with symlinks well. It may keep navigating into the .. symlink and recusively seeing endless files. A workaround is to use the following directory structure:
app // symlink to '../src'
... // normal npm dependencies for app
... // source code
app // symlinks to '..'
... // transpiled code
In this way, code under src will still have app resolved to src, whereas babel would not see symlinks anymore.
I had the same problem many times. This can be solved by using the basetag npm package. It doesn't have to be required itself, only installed as it creates a symlink inside node_modules to your base path.
const localFile = require('$/local/file')
// instead of
const localFile = require('../../local/file')
Using the $/... prefix will always reference files relative to your apps root directory.
Source: How I created basetag to solve this problem
What I like to do is leverage how Node.js loads from the node_modules directory for this.
If one tries to load the module "thing", one would do something like
Node.js will then look for the 'thing' directory in the 'node_modules' directory.
Since the node_modules folder is normally at the root of the project, we can leverage this consistency. (If node_modules is not at the root, then you have other self-induced headaches to deal with.)
If we go into the directory and then back out of it, we can get a consistent path to the root of the Node.js project.
Then if we want to access the /happy directory, we would do this:
Though it is quite a bit hacky, however I feel if the functionality of how node_modules load changes, there will be bigger problems to deal with. This behavior should remain consistent.
To make things clear, I do this, because the name of module does not matter.
I used it recently for Angular 2. I want to load a service from the root.
import {MyService} from 'root/../../app/services/http/my.service';
If your app's entry point js file (i.e. the one you actually run "node" on) is in your project root directory, you can do this really easily with the rootpath npm module. Simply install it via
npm install --save rootpath
...then at the very top of the entry point js file, add:
From that point forward all require calls are now relative to project root - e.g. require('../../../config/debugging/log'); becomes require('config/debugging/log'); (where the config folder is in the project root).
If you're using ES5 syntax you may use asapp. For ES6 you may use babel-plugin-module-resolver using a config file like this:
"plugins": [
["module-resolver", {
"root": ["./"],
"alias": {
"app": "./app",
"config": "./app/config",
"schema": "./app/db/schemas",
"model": "./app/db/models",
"controller": "./app/http/controllers",
"middleware": "./app/http/middleware",
"route": "./app/http/routes",
"locale": "./app/locales",
"log": "./app/logs",
"library": "./app/utilities/libraries",
"helper": "./app/utilities/helpers",
"view": "./app/views"
I created a node module called rekuire.
It allows you to 'require' without the use of relative paths.
It is super easy to use.
We are about to try a new way to tackle this problem.
Taking examples from other known projects like Spring Framework and Guice, we will define a "context" object which will contain all the "require" statement.
This object will then be passed to all other modules for use.
For example,
var context = {}
context.module1 = require("./module1")( { "context" : context } )
context.module2 = require("./module2")( { "context" : context } )
This requires us to write each module as a function that receives opts, which looks to us as a best practice anyway...
module.exports = function(context){ ... }
And then you will refer to the context instead of requiring stuff.
var module1Ref = context.moduel1;
If you want to, you can easily write a loop to do the 'require' statements
var context = {};
var beans = {"module1" : "./module1","module2" : "./module2" };
for ( var i in beans ){
if ( beans.hasOwnProperty(i)){
context[i] = require(beans[i])(context);
This should make life easier when you want to mock (tests) and also solves your problem along the way while making your code reusable as a package.
You can also reuse the context initialization code by separating the beans declaration from it.
For example, your main.js file could look like so
var beans = { ... }; // like before
var context = require("context")(beans); // This example assumes context is a node_module since it is reused..
This method also applies to external libraries, and there isn't any need to hard code their names every time we require them. However, it will require a special treatment as their exports are not functions that expect context...
Later on, we can also define beans as functions—which will allow us to require different modules according to the environment—but that it out of this question's scope.
