I want to count Phaser game no of tile my charachter in which tile.? [closed] - phaser-framework

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Closed 9 months ago.
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My game from this project please give me solution?

A fast solution ist, just count the score up, when a platform-collision occurs.
Changes needed in the Code are:
In the file GameScene.js:
line 67: Change
this.physics.add.collider(this.player, this.platformGroup);
to this:
this.physics.add.collider(this.player, this.platformGroup, (player, platform) =>{
// just checks if the player is over the platform (can be optimized)
if(player.y < platform.y){
// set Score (for the the I just update the Text)
scoreText.setText(`Score:${platform.name * 10}`);
line 76: Add after this line this code:
// here I'm using the name property (that is reserved for developers), to keep track of the Platform number
platform.name = gameOptions.platformCounter;
Since gameOptions.platformCounter seems to be counted up during the game, this can work. (or you can create an other property, to use for counting the score/platform).
Info: setting the score like this has the charme, that the user loses points again, if he drops to a lower platform
Side note: you would have to delete the lines 125 and 126 for this to work:
score = updateScore(score);
Of Topic Update:
InCase of "wanting to change code in the update", I would use/create properties. for example: in case of the level up on score 100 I would alter the code to this:
this.physics.add.collider(this.player, this.platformGroup, (player, platform) =>{
if(player.y < platform.y){
// set Score (for the the I just update the Text)
score = platform.name * 10
Create a global variable level similar to score:
let level = 0;
And the somewhere in the update function (not in the for loop), just add something like this:
// Just to be sure that the level count only goes up
if(parseInt(score / 100)> level) {
// change background / music / ...


Why does my code does not update the number on the screen

what the function does is deviding the numertor with the denomirator and updates the app's text view accordingly after every second, the problem is that it doesn't update the screen its just simply shows the original number of the numerator that is 60.
what do I change in order to make this work?
fun division() {
val numerator = 60
var denominator = 4
repeat(4) {
findViewById<TextView>(R.id.division_textview).setText("${numerator / denominator}")
Because you are setting (basically overwritting) the text everytime it loops through, you will only see the value of the last increment which would be 60/1 and that's why you are only seeing 60 value. Try like this:
fun division() {
val numerator = 60
var denominator = 4
repeat(4) {
findViewById<TextView>(R.id.division_textview).append("${numerator / denominator}\n")
setText() was overwriting the text with the new one but append() is gonna keep the previous text.
This is that dang Codelab again isn't it? I knew it looked familiar... I already answered a similar question here - but basically, when you run division on the main thread (which you must be since you're messing with UI components), you're freezing the app because you're blocking the thread with Thread.sleep
The display can't actually update until your code has finished running, i.e. after you exit the division function, because it's all running on the same thread, and the display update pass comes later. So this is what's actually happening:
freeze the app for 1 second
set the text as the result of 60 / 4 - it won't actually redraw until later, after your code has finished, so there's no visual change
freeze the app for 1 second
set the text as the result of 60 / 3 - again you won't see anything happen yet, but now it's going to show 60 / 3 instead of 60 / 4, because you just updated the state of that TextView
The last text you set is the result of 60 / 1, and then your code finishes, so the system can finally get around to updating the display. So the first thing you see after the app stops freezing is 60 - it's not just the numerator, it's the last calculation from your loop.
If you want something to update while the app is running, there are lots of solutions like coroutines, CountdownTimers, posting runnables that execute at a specific time, etc. The answer I linked shows how to create a separate thread to run basically the same code on, so you can block it as much as you like without affecting the running of the app. The one thing you don't do is block the main thread like that Codelab example does. It's a bad Codelab
You can use delay and then call from a coroutine:
private suspend fun division() {
val numerator = 60
var denominator = 4
repeat(4) {
findViewById<TextView>(R.id.division_textview).text = "${numerator / denominator}"
Then from your Activity/Fragment:
lifecycleScope.launch {

Adding Complex Click Events HoloLens [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 2 years ago.
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Goal: create a dynamic table of contents on start
Expected results: if the user clicks button that corresponds to page x, the user will be directed to page x
Actual results: if the user clicked button that corresponds to page x, the user will be directed to the last page
What I have tried:
Followed the code for OnClick events listed on the MRTK documents https://microsoft.github.io/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity/Documentation/README_Interactable.html
public static void AddOnClick(Interactable interactable)
interactable.OnClick.AddListener(() => Debug.Log("Interactable clicked"));
Looked into GitHub thread https://github.com/microsoft/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity/issues/4456
Looked into the GitHub thread https://github.com/microsoft/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity/issues/5013
Code: TOC = Table of Contents
private void TOCpage()
GameObject TOC = new GameObject(); // holds table of contents buttons
for(int i = 1; 1 <= pages.Count - 1; i++)
GameObject TOCgameObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(TOCButtonPrefab);
var TOCButton = TOCgameObject.GetComponent<Interactable>();
TOCbutton.OnClick.AddListener(() => TaskOnClick(i));
public void TaskOnClick(int TOCButtonNumber)
Debug.Log("Table of contents button number " + TOCButtonNumber + " clicked");
If user clicks on TOCbutton for page 1, and there are 7 pages, the user is directed to page 7.
TOCbutton.OnClick.AddListener(() => TaskOnClick(i));
This happens because i is not local to the lambdas, but is defined in the outer scope, and it is accessed when the lambda is called — not when it is defined. At the end of the loop, the value of i is 7, so all the functions log 7.
Instead, you can create a local variable within the loop and assign it the value of the iteration variable or use foreach statement to do it under C#5.0 or later.
As a solution, you can refer to the following code:
foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(1, pages.Count))
GameObject TOCgameObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(TOCButtonPrefab);
var TOCButton = TOCgameObject.GetComponent<Interactable>();
TOCbutton.OnClick.AddListener(() => TaskOnClick(i));

what is the context of bellow code [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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what is the actual meaning of these two statements?
waitFor(20) {
!userDropdown.text().contains("Sign In")
waitFor(20) {
title ==~ /[\w\d \-\#()]+( - [\w\d \-]+){0,1} is using Bintray/
These look like Geb wait conditions:
waitFor(20) {
!userDropdown.text().contains("Sign In")
Wait for 20 seconds or a web element named userDropdown to not have the text "Sign In", whichever happens first.
waitFor(20) {
title ==~ /[\w\d \-\#()]+( - [\w\d \-]+){0,1} is using Bintray/
wait for 20 seconds or the web page title to be some string ending "is using Bintray".

Short user-friendly ID for mongo

I am creating a real time stock trading system and would like to provider the user with a human readible, user friendly way to refer to their orders. For example the ID should be like 8 characters long and only contain upper case characters e.g. Z9CFL8BA. For obvious reasons the id needs to be unique in the system.
I am using MongoDB as the backend database and have evaluated the following projects which do not meet my requirements.
hashids.org - this looks good but it generates ids which are too long:
var mongoId = '507f191e810c19729de860ea';
var id = hashids.encodeHex(mongoId);
which results in: 1E6Y3Y4D7RGYHQ7Z3XVM4NNM
github.com/dylang/shortid - this requires that you specify a 64 character alphabet, and as mentioned I only want to use uppercase characters.
I understand that the only way to achieve what I am looking for may well be by generating random codes that meet my requirements and then checking the database for collisions. If this is the case, what would be the most efficient way to do this in a nodejs / mongodb environment?
You're attempting to convert a base-16 (hexadecimal) to base-36 (26 characters in alphabet plus 10 numbers). A simple way might be to simply use parseInt's radix parameter to parse the hexadecimal id, and then call .toString(36) to convert that into base-36. Which would turn "507f191e810c19729de860ea" into "VDFGUZEA49X1V50356", reducing the length from 24 to 18 characters.
function toBase36(id) {
var half = Math.floor(id.length / 2);
var first = id.slice(0, half);
var second = id.slice(half);
return parseInt(first, 16).toString(36).toUpperCase()
+ parseInt(second, 16).toString(36).toUpperCase();
function toBase36(id) {
var half = Math.floor(id.length / 2);
var first = id.slice(0, half);
var second = id.slice(half);
return parseInt(first, 16).toString(36).toUpperCase()
+ parseInt(second, 16).toString(36).toUpperCase();
// Ignore everything below (for demo only)
function convert(e){ if (e.target.value.length % 2 === 0) base36.value = toBase36(e.target.value) }
var base36 = document.getElementById('base36');
var hex = document.getElementById('hex');
document.getElementById('hex').addEventListener('input', convert, false);
convert({ target: { value: hex.value } });
input { font-family: monospace; width: 15em; }
<input id="hex" value="507f191e810c19729de860ea">
<input id="base36" readonly>
I understand that the only way to achieve what I am looking for may well be by generating random codes that meet my requirements and then checking the database for collisions. If this is the case, what would be the most efficient way to do this in a nodejs / mongodb environment?
Given your description, you use 8 chars in the range [0-9A-Z] as "id". That is 36⁸ combinations (≈ 2.8211099E12). Assuming your trading system does not gain insanely huge popularity in the short to mid term, the chances of collision are rather low.
So you can take an optimistic approach, generating a random id with something along the lines of the code below (as noticed by #idbehold in a comment, be warn that Math.random is probably not random enough and so might increase the chances of collision -- if you go that way, maybe you should investigate a better random generator [1])
> rid = Math.floor(Math.random()*Math.pow(36, 8))
> rid.toString(36).toUpperCase()
Then, using a proper unique index on that field, you only have to loop, regenerating a new random ID until there is no collision when trying to insert a new transaction. As the chances of collision are relatively small, this should terminate. And most of the time this will insert the new document on first iteration as there was no collision.
If I'm not too wrong, assuming 10 billion of transactions, you still have only 0.3% chance of collision on first turn, and a little bit more than 0.001% on the second turn
[1] On node, you might prefer using crypto.pseudoRandomBytes to generate your random id. You might build something around that, maybe:
> b = crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(6)
<SlowBuffer d3 9a 19 fe 08 e2>
> rid = b.readUInt32BE(0)*65536 + b.readUInt16BE(4)
> rid.toString(36).substr(0,8).toUpperCase()

How can I implement an anti-spamming technique on my IRC bot?

I run my bot in a public channel with hundreds of users. Yesterday a person came in and just abused it.
I would like to let anyone use the bot, but if they spam commands consecutively and if they aren't a bot "owner" like me when I debug then I would like to add them to an ignored list which expires in an hour or so.
One way I'm thinking would be to save all commands by all users, in a dictionary such as:
'meder#freenode': [{command:'.weather 20851', timestamp: 209323023 }],
'jack#efnet': [{command:'.seen john' }]
I would setup a cron job to flush this out every 24 hours, but I would basically determine if a person has made X number of commands in a duration of say, 15 seconds and add them to an ignore list.
Actually, as I'm writing this answer I thought of a better idea.. maybe instead of storing each users commands, just store the the bot's commands in a list and keep on pushing until it reaches a limit of say, 15.
lastCommands = [], limit = 5;
function handleCommand( timeObj, action ) {
if ( lastCommands.length < limit ) {
} else {
// enumerate through lastCommands and compare the timestamps of all 5 commands
// if the user is the same for all 5 commands, and...
// if the timestamps are all within the vicinity of 20 seconds
// add the user to the ignoreList
watch_for('command', function() {
handleCommand({timestamp: 2093293032, user: user}, function(){ message.say('hello there!') })
I would appreciate any advice on the matter.
Here's a simple algorithm:
Every time a user sends a command to the bot, increment a number that's tied to that user. If this is a new user, create the number for them and set it to 1.
When a user's number is incremented to a certain value (say 15), set it to 100.
Every <period> seconds, run through the list and decrement all the numbers by 1. Zero means the user's number can be freed.
Before executing a command and after incrementing the user's counter, check to see if it exceeds your magic max value (15 above). If it does, exit before executing the command.
This lets you rate limit actions and forgive excesses after a while. Divide your desired ban length by the decrement period to find the number to set when a user exceeds your threshold (100 above). You can also add to the number if a particular user keeps sending commands after they've been banned.
Well Nathon has already offered a solution, but it's possible to reduce the code that's needed.
var user = {};
user.lastCommandTime = new Date().getTime(); // time the user send his last command
user.commandCount = 0; // command limit counter
user.maxCommandsPerSecond = 1; // commands allowed per second
function handleCommand(obj, action) {
var user = obj.user, now = new Date().getTime();
var timeDifference = now - user.lastCommandTime;
user.commandCount = Math.max(user.commandCount - (timeDifference / 1000 * user.maxCommandsPerSecond), 0) + 1;
user.lastCommandTime = now;
if (user.commandCount <= user.maxCommandsPerSecond) {
} else {
var obj = {user: user};
var e = 0;
function foo() {
handleCommand(obj, 'foo');
e += 250;
setTimeout(foo, 400 + e);
In this implementation, there's no need for a list or some global callback every X seconds, instead we just reduce the commandCount every time there's a new message, based on time difference to the last command, it's also possible to allow different command rates for specific users.
All we need are 3 new properties on the user object :)
I would use the insanely fast advanced key-value store redis to write something like this, because:
It is insanely fast.
There is no need for cronjob because you can set expire on keys.
It has atomic operations to increment key
You could use redis-cli for prototyping.
I myself really like node_redis as redis client. It is a really fast redis client, which can easily be installed using npm.
I think my algorithme would look something like this:
For each user create a unique key which counts the commands consecutively executed. Also set expire to the time when you don't flag a user as spammer anymore. Let's assume the spammer has nickname x and the expire 15.
Inside redis-cli
incr x
expire x 15
When you do a get x after 15 seconds then the key does not exist anymore.
If value of key is bigger then threshold then flag user as spammer.
get x
These answers seem to be going the wrong way about this.
IRC Servers will disconnect your client regardless of whether you're "debugging" or not if the client or bot is flooding a channel or the server in general.
Make a blanket flood control, using the method #nmichaels has detailed, but on the bot's network connection to the server itself.
