DocuSign: listing Document Custom fields → Empty JSON response - docusignapi

When I execute a API GET call to get a list of Document Custom fields on my developers DocuSign account I get a empty JSON response where the status code is showing 200.
And when I'm looking at the documentation on DocuSign itself the response is also empty. Is there a reason for the empty response?

Tabs aren't the same as Document Custom Fields in API terms. Are you sure you're using Document Custom Fields?
If you're trying to pull tabs / form data, that would be a different call, such as GetEnvelope with include=recipients,tabs, ListTabs, or ListRecipients with include=tabs=true

Have you created any Custom fields? DocuSign accounts don't come pre-provisioned with any custom fields. No custom fields = empty response with 200 OK. Here's a blog post from DocuSign which explains how these work. If you have created some but the response is still empty, then this would need to be investigated


Handling a Docusign Rest api exception?

I want to know if this is possible: I would like to have a custom text field on an envelope that I set and if the envelope fails for some reason, like there are missing tabs or email address is bad, I want to be able to look at the exception and see the custom field that I set. Would this info be in the raw data? It is as important to us to know which envelopes failed as to know why they failed. I saved the custom field in a database before sending out the envelope. When it fails, I can look up that custom field and discover which envelope didn't make it and to take some action, like correcting and resending.
If the envelope is created incorrectly (i.e: specifying a conditional parent tab which does not exist, syntax error, etc), then you will know at the time you attempt to create the envelope w/the API. The reason will be included in an error code the API returns
If an envelope was sent to an email address which does not exist/bounces, that information can be discovered using the DS API to see a recipient/envelope status of 'autoresponded', or if you are using DS Connect you can receive a push notification.
Is there additional rationale why you want to use a custom field? Per the above, I do not believe it is necessary or applicable.
With the RestSharp api, I was able to get the Request body. The Request body has a collection of Parameters, and one of those items is the RequestBody.

Docusign document retrieve using Docusign-connect

I am using the Docusign-Connet to get the notifications form docusign. In docusign api there is a line
"It can also be used to transport the completed documents back to your app or website and to retrieve any form field data entered by your recipients"
but in payload I am getting only document names?.
If you want the connect messages to include the envelopes' documents or fields, check the boxes in the Connection Subscription screen (shown below from the New DocuSign Experience Admin tool).
Or set the fields includeDocumentFields and/or includeDocuments to true in your call to ConnectConfigurations: create
What i've done in the past is, get the document statuses from DocuSignConnect when things change. Then call EnvelopesApi.GetDocument endpoint with DocumentStatuses.DocumentStatus.ID and the envelope ID to retrieve the document.
In my implementation, we only download the document if the entire envelope is complete. This way, the DocuSignConnect payload is not big as well.
Btw, my implementation is in .net using their library.
Good luck!

Download Docusign Envelope with populated data

I'm trying to download an unsigned envelope form a template.
The URL I'm hitting is{our account id}/envelopes/{envolopID}/documents/{documentId}. But this returns the empty template instead of the populated template. This seems to be the desired behavior but it looks like it is solvable. There isn't a clear explanation to how it was solved so I figured I'd ask again.
Are you using REST GET Documents to download docs from a DocuSign Envelope or Template? If from an envelope, you can enable the account setting in Features > Display SecureField initial value to all recipients. This will show the burned in initial values on the resulting PDF after the envelope is Sent. Downloading a Template's documents or a Draft (Created) Envelope's documents will not show these values. So if that is what you are trying to do, you'll want to get the tab values using the Get Tab Information for a Recipient call mentioned in the linked solution.

In docusign can i request status for a list of envelope ID

I am exploring docusign API.
I am trying to understand if the following is possible with status API
Is it possible to request the status for a set of Envelope Ids. I have seen the documentation for requesting status for ONE envelope id.
Thanks for reading
Yes you can easily request statuses for a set of envelopes through the DocuSign API. I recommend going through the DocuSign Developer Center which introduces tools such as the API Explorer and the API Walkthroughs in the Getting Started section.
Take a look at the 5th (middle) walkthrough here, titled Get Status of Envelopes -
The walkthrough shows you the api call in 6 languages (PHP, Java, Javascript, C#, Python, Objective-C) for getting status of a set of envelopes. Using URL params you can filter by status and date.
The API call you need to make is:
Optional URL params
from_date (url encoded)
status (filter by real-time envelope status)
As mentioned the from_date needs to be URL encoded. For instance, to filter all envelopes that are sent, delivered, or completed since March 1, 2014, you would append the following to the URL:
Yes DocuSign allows retrieving statuses for multiple envelopes.
However, I actually found the above documentation to be inaccurate and missing some info. The HTTP method should be GET and the parameter should be named envelope_ids.
So that would give you an example query of:
GET /accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/status?envelope_ids=abc,def
The response contains the standard DocuSign pagination fields, but they don't seem to be processed if included in the request. There is no mention in the docs as the maximum number of envelopes that can be retrieved at a time.

Getting started with the Docusign API

I want to make sure I am on the right track as I have been having some problems getting started with the API. I am looking to maintain a list of product application PDFs as templates on docusign. When a customer comes to our site and wants a particular product they need to fill out an application form. All the data would be collected on our site. I would then want to:
Create an envolope with the customer (and potentially other parties) that need to sign the document
Fill in the form fields from data collected on our site
Send the envelope out for signature and monitor the progress.
So in doing this I am trying to build this up a piece at a time and first task is to make sure that I can provide form data to docusign. I create a template with the docusign web user interface and all of the form fields seem to be preserved. However when I try and retrieve the template with API
I see a very short response with an envelopeTemplateDefinition showing the correct name for the template but no documents object and no custom fields object. I have also tried this by creating an envelope with the document (in draft) but with similar results.
My apologies in advance for this newbie question.
I've repro'd the issue you describe -- i.e., the Response I get from a GET Template request contains only very limited information and is thereby not consistent with the expected Response as documented on pages 194-196 of the DocuSign REST API guide ( Not sure if this is a bug with the GET Template operation or with the Documentation -- someone at DocuSign will need to confirm (#Ergin).
In light of this limitation with the GET Template operation, you can alternatively retrieve the recipient information (including tabs) and document information about a Template by using the GET Envelope Recipients and GET Envelope Documents operations -- just specify the TEMPLATE Id in place of the Envelope Id, as shown here:
GET https://{{env}}{{version}}/accounts/{{acctId}}/envelopes/{templateId}/documents
GET https://{{env}}{{version}}/accounts/{{acctId}}/envelopes/{templateId}/recipients?include_tabs=true
