Spark SQL taking different time to execute the same query - apache-spark

I am running spark sql queries on hive table stored at a remote HDFS. But I am observing that the same sql query is taking different times to execute.
Now I wanted to do a POC between our old configuration and new configuration, but I am not able to figure out how I can do this if the execution times differ by that much?


Processing of queries using SparkSQL on difference databases

I want to use Spark SQL (installed on Machine 1) with connectors for different data stores like HBase, Hive, Cassandra, and MySQL (installed on Machine 2 to perform simple analytics like Min/Max, averaging, etc.
My Question: Is the processing of these queries done on Machine 1 or Spark SQL acts as just an interface to perform different analytics but on the data store end (ie. Machine 2)?
Yes and no. It depends on your spark job.
Spark SQL is a separate implementation. It is datastore agnostic. When you implement a spark sql job , spark transforms it into something called DAG.
It is a similar technique to a database query plan, but running completely on the spark cluster.
In case of simple min / max, it might be translated into a direct underlying store query. But it might also be translated into something which is preselecting bunch of records, then doing an own data processing. This way it is also possible to join and aggregate data from different data sources.
You can analyze the spark sql plan with common explain statement or via spark web ui.

Spark SQL query history

Is there any way to get a list of Spark SQL queries executed by various users in a Hadoop cluster?
For example, is there any log file where a Spark application stores the query in string format ?
There is a Spark History Server (port 18080 by default). If you have spark.eventLog.enabled,spark.eventLog.dir configured and Spark HS is running - you can check what Spark apps have been executed on your cluster. Each job there might contain SQL tab in UI where you can see SQL queries. But there are no single place or log file which stores them all.

Spark Streaming join with GreenPlum/Postgres Data. Approach

What I have?
I have Spark Streaming Application (on Kafka Streams) on Hadoop Cluster that aggregates each 5 minutes users' clicks and some actions done on a web site and
converts them into metrics.
Also I have a table in GreenPlum (on its own cluster) with users data that may get updated. This table is filled using Logical Log Streaming Replication via Kafka. Table size is 100 mln users.
What I want?
I want to join Spark Streams with static data from GreenPlum every 1 or 5 minutes and then aggregate data already using e.g. user age from static table.
Definitely, I don't need to read all records from users table. There are rather stable core segment + number of new users registering each minute.
Currently I use PySpark 2.1.0
My solutions
Copy data from GreenPlum cluster to Hadoop cluster and save it as
orc/parquet files. Each 5 minute add new files for new users. Once a
day reload all files.
Create new DB on Hadoop and Setup Log replication via Kafka as it is
done for GreenPlum. Read data from DB and use built in Spark
Streaming joins.
Read data from GreenPlum on Spark in cache. Join stream data with
For each 5 minute save/append new user data in a file, ignore old
user data. Store extra column e.g. last_action to truncate this
file if a user wasn't active on web site during last 2 weeks. Thus,
join this file with stream.
What of these solutions are more suitable for MVP? for Production?
Are there any better solutions/best practices for such sorts of
problem. Some literature)
Spark streaming reading data from a cache like Apache geode make this better. used this approach in real-time fraud use case. In a nut shell I have features generated on Greenplum Database using historical data. The feature data and some decision making lookup data is pushed in to geode. Features are periodically refreshed (10 min interval) and then refreshed in geode. Spark scoring streaming job constantly scoring the transactions as the come in w/o reading from Greenplum. Also spark streaming job puts the score in geode, which is synced to Greenplum using different thread. I had spark streaming running on cloud foundry using k8. This is a very high level but should give you an idea.
You might want to check out the GPDB Spark Connector --
You can load data directly from the segments into Spark.
Currently, if you want to write back to GPDB, you need to use a standard JDBC to the master.

Slow hive query execution for remote connection

I hope you will be able to help me with my question. Basically I found that there is a significant difference in Hive query (Spark SQL) execution time when I execute it directly on the Edge Node and when I execute on my local machine connected to remote Hive metastore.
When I execute query like :
select max(column) from table
It seems like, first it fetch the whole table to my PC, and then do the query execution for MAX. Because nothing happens for 2 minutes or so, and then it goes to stage phase and this takes just 2 seconds. When I looked and the query execution on the Web UI, it seems like nothing happened for 2 minutes and then the query started execution locally.
I am wondering if you could advise how Spark processes remote queries? Is that way how I suspect, so basically it fetch all the data from the table first, and then execute a query on it locally? Seems like this is a real bottleneck in my case.

running interactive sql queries over millions of parquet files

I have millions of streaming parquet files being written . I want to support running ad hoc interactive queries for debugging and analytics purpose ( added bonus if i can run streaming queries for some real time monitoring of key metrics as well).
What is a scalable solution for supporting this.
The two ways I have observed is running spark sql interactively over millions of parquet files (not too familiar with spark ecosystem but does this mean running a spark job for every sql user submits or do i need to run some streaming job and submit queries somehow) and second being using a presto sql engine on top of parquet (not exactly sure how presto ingests new incoming parquet files).
Any recommendations or pros and cons of either approach . Any better solutions considering i have > ~10Tb data produced every day .
Let me address your use cases :
Support running ad hoc interactive queries for debugging and analytics purpose
I would recommend building a presto cluster if you care about minimizing the latency of your queries and are willing to invest in many machines with a large amount of memory.
Reason: Presto would run fully in-memory without touching disk (in most cases)
A Spark Cluster can also do the job, however, it won't be as fast as Presto. The advantage of Spark over presto is its fault tolerance capabilities and its ability to fail over to disk in case of out of memory conditions which may be important for you given that you have too much data.
Run streaming queries for some real-time monitoring of key metrics as well
As long as you have basic queries, you can build dashboards on top of Presto which could run these queries every x minutes.
Having a considerable amount of processing may be a good reason to look at Spark streaming if real-time monitoring is important.
If it isn't then you could build an ETL (using Spark) for calculating your metrics, storing the data as a new hive table and then expose for querying via Presto/SparkSQL again.
How presto ingests new incoming parquet files?
I'm now aware of your architecture, but in any case, you need to provide Presto with a Hive connection (Hive Metastore to be precise).
Hive provides Presto with few schemas attached to the directories where you ingest your data. Presto dynamically sees the new data by default. Spark is not different by the way.
Presto has nothing to do with data ingestion. It only starts its job once the data is there.
