Turtlebot3 Bringup Issue - linux

while using the command " roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch" for the turtlebot3. I am getting the following error:
RLException: Unable to contact my own server at [http://IP_ADDRESS_OF_RASPBERRY_PI:40449/].
This usually means that the network is not configured properly.
A common cause is that the machine cannot connect to itself. Please check
for errors by running:
ping ip_address_of_raspberry_pi
For more tips, please see
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
I checked ping command and it is connected to TB3


Error while running DotTrace for .net core (6.0) in Linux docker container

I am trying to run DotTrace on Linux container.
Placed dotTrace folder in a tmp folder and accessing the command from app folder reference. Below is the command:
./dotTrace.sh start --framework=NetCore /usr/share/dotnet/dotnet /app/Acidaes.CRMnext.UI.Web.dll --timeout=10s --save-to=./snapshots/snapshot.dtp
Everything with setup and paths is correct here.
But, I am getting below error while executing:
warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel[0]
Overriding address(es) 'http://+:80'. Binding to endpoints defined via IConfiguration and/or UseKestrel() instead.
Unhandled exception. System.IO.IOException: Failed to bind to address https://[::]:443: address already in use.
For capture with process ID, command in use is:
/tmp/./dotTrace.sh attach 1 --save-to=./snapshots/snapshot.dtp
And error is:
Unable to start profiling. Connection refused.
Any help or suggestions are greatly welcomed.
/tmp/./dotTrace.sh start --framework=NetCore /usr/share/dotnet/dotnet /app/Acidaes.CRMnext.UI.Web.dll --timeout=10s --save-to=/tmp/./snapshots/snapshot.dtp

I am getting an error while trying to connect with node using geth tool

I am having an error while trying to attach to the quorum node, using the following command :--
geth attach --datadir new-node-1/geth.ipc
then I get this error
Unable to attach to remote geth: dial unix new-node-1/geth.ipc: connect: no such file or
I tried to locate path of geth.ipc but nothing was there. I guess the file is not being created.
any suggestions guys..
You should be running the command like this (without --datadir):
geth attach new-node-1/geth.ipc
If that still doesn't work then make sure you have the correct path for the ipc file. Is new-node-1 definitely the same path that was specified to the quorum node when it was started (i.e. with with --datadir new-node-1).
If the path is correct but geth.ipc file doesn't exist then the node hasn't managed to start up. Check the log file to see if there were any errors.
Try out below:
geth attach
It worked for me

why am I receiving error starting microclimate on macos stating TLS handshake timeout

I've successfully completed the ./install.sh command. When I run the next "~/mcdev start -o" I receive this error: "Starting Microclimate
Pulling microclimate-file-watcher (ibmcom/microclimate-file-watcher:1809)...
ERROR: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/ibmcom/microclimate-file-watcher/manifests/1809: net/http: TLS handshake timeout
Error starting Microclimate"
I have running on my pc:
git version 2.17.1 (Apple Git-112); Docker version 18.06.1-ce; MacOS
High Sierra v 10.13.6; latest Microclimate v18.09
My network is up and I don't have any proxy.
What am I missing or doing wrong?
I got this to work by changing to a different wifi \ internet connection. Still not sure why my home wifi, with no restrictions that I'm aware of, will 'block' the dependency downloads upon start of Microclimate.
If anybody has additional info to help find the root cause please feel free to share.
This docker error generally shows up when your internet connection is too slow for Docker, as it times out performing the TLS handshake. This would also explain why moving to another network fixes the issue.

Guacamole internal error

So I followed a bunch of tutorials and installed tomcat7 and guacamole (http://guac-dev.org/) on an ubuntu server (virtual machine).
I managed to set everything up...tomcat is running perfectly.But whenever I try to connect via localhost:8080/guacamole/ and log in..I get this error saying:
Internal error... with a countdown that reloads the page
I used guacd -f to and found out that apparently it is "Unable to bind socket to any addresses."
Looking at the manual (http://guac-dev.org/doc/gug/troubleshooting.html) I found this error and followed the instructions on how to fix it and changed the port information.
Didn't work! And I didn't find anything after hours of google searches.
Do you have an idea what I can do?

How to resolve Failed to connect to IPC Port Error

I am getting one issue in my application Setup USING wix
When i run my setup i got the below exception message:-
Failed to connect to IPC Port System cannot find the file specified:mscorlib.dll
After getting this message i got a windows message
There is a problem with this installer setup.
A program run as a part of system did not finish as expected.
Is there any way to resolve it.
Get to Dos command line then type in
Netsh winhttp show proxy ( Press Enter )
then type in
Reset proxy ( Press Enter )
This will release the Internet Proxy IP settings, restart the PC if needed.
