Pandas convert column where every cell is list of strings to list of integers - python-3.x

I have a dataframe with columns that has list of numbers as strings:
C1 C2 l
1 3 ['5','9','1']
7 1 ['7','1','6']
What is the best way to convert it to list of ints?
C1 C2 l
1 3 [5,9,1]
7 1 [7,1,6]

You can try
df['l'] = df['l'].apply(lambda lst: list(map(int, lst)))
C1 C2 l
0 1 7 [5, 9, 1]
1 3 1 [7, 1, 6]

Pandas' dataframes are not designed to work with nested structures such as lists. Thus, there is no vectorial method for this task.
You need to loop. The most efficient is to use a list comprehension (apply would also work but with much less efficiency).
df['l'] = [[int(x) for x in l] for l in df['l']]
NB. There is no check. If you have anything that cannot be converted to integers, this will trigger an error!
C1 C2 l
0 1 3 [5, 9, 1]
1 7 1 [7, 1, 6]


Compare value in a dataframe to multiple columns of another dataframe to get a list of lists where entries match in an efficient way

I have two pandas dataframes and i want to find all entries of the second dataframe where a specific value occurs.
As an example:
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
EID N1 N2 N3 N4
0 1 1 2 13 12
1 2 2 3 14 13
2 3 3 4 15 14
3 4 4 5 16 15
4 5 5 6 17 16
5 6 6 7 18 17
6 7 7 8 19 18
7 8 8 9 20 19
8 9 9 10 21 20
9 10 10 11 22 21
Now, what i basically want, is a list of lists with the values EID (from df2) where the values NID (from df1) occur in any of the columns N1,N2,N3,N4:
Solution would be:
sol = [[1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5]]
The desired solution explained:
The solution has 5 entries (len(sol = 5)) since I have 5 entries in df1.
The first entry in sol is 1 because the value NID = 1 only appears in the columns N1,N2,N3,N4 for EID=1 in df2.
The second entry in sol refers to the value NID=2 (of df1) and has the length 2 because NID=2 can be found in column N1 (for EID=2) and in column N2 (for EID=1). Therefore, the second entry in the solution is [1,2] and so on.
What I tried so far is looping for each element in df1 and then looping for each element in df2 to see if NID is in any of the columns N1,N2,N3,N4. This solution works but for huge dataframes (each df can have up to some thousand entries) this solution becomes extremely time-consuming.
Therefore I was looking for a much more efficient solution.
My code as implemented:
Input data:
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'NID':[1,2,3,4,5]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'EID':[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
solution acquired using looping:
sol= []
for idx,node in df1.iterrows():
x = []
for idx2,elem in df2.iterrows():
if node['NID'] == elem['N1']:
if node['NID'] == elem['N2']:
if node['NID'] == elem['N3']:
if node['NID'] == elem['N4']:
If anyone has a solution where I do not have to loop, I would be very happy. Maybe using a numpy function or something like cKDTrees but unfortunately I have no idea on how to get this problem solved in a faster way.
Thank you in advance!
You can reshape with melt, filter with loc, and groupby.agg as list. Then reindex and convert tolist:
out = (df2
.melt('EID') # reshape to long form
# filter the values that are in df1['NID']
.loc[lambda d: d['value'].isin(df1['NID'])]
# aggregate as list
# ensure all original NID are present in order
# and convert to list
Alternative with stack:
df3 = df2.set_index('EID')
out = (df3
[[1], [2, 1], [3, 2], [4, 3], [5, 4]]

Pandas DataFrame producing unexpected result with list comprehension

When I am using list comprehension on dataframe to find common elements in each columns.
0 1 2 0
1 3 4 6
2 5 6 7
3 7 3 3
4 9 1 9
l=[i for i in df.A if i in df.B ]
[1, 3]
list2=[i for i in l if i in df.C]
[1, 3]
first list comprehension produces the result as expected i.e common element in A and B are [1,3].
But [i for i in l if i in df.C] this line produces unexpected result.
Convert the DataFrame column to a list.
list2 = [i for i in l if i in list(df.C)]
list2=[i for i in l if i in df.C.tolist()]
output of list2:
This is because df.C returns a Series with index '1' included.
You can also use df.C.values instead.

Assigning value based on if cell is inbetween external tuple values

I have a pandas series of integer values and a dictionary of keys and tuples (2 integers).
The tuples represent a high low value for each key. I'd like to map the key value to each cell of my series based on which tuple the series value falls into.
d = {'a': (1,5), 'b': (6,10), 'c': (11,15)} keys and tuples are ordered and never repeated
s = pd.Series([5, 6, 5, 8, 15, 5, 2, 5]): I can sort series and there can be multiple repeated or not present values
for a shorter list i can do this manually i believe with a for loop but I can potentially have big dictionary with many keys.
Let's try pd.Interval:
lookup = pd.Series(list(d.keys()),
index=[pd.Interval(x,y, closed='both') for x,y in d.values()])
[1, 5] a
[6, 10] b
[1, 5] a
[6, 10] b
[11, 15] c
[1, 5] a
[1, 5] a
[1, 5] a
dtype: object
reindex also works and safer in the case you have out-of-range data:
5 a
6 b
5 a
8 b
15 c
5 a
2 a
5 a
dtype: object
Another idea using pd.IntervalIndex and
m = pd.Series(list(d.keys()),
index=pd.IntervalIndex.from_tuples(d.values(), closed='both'))
s =
0 a
1 b
2 a
3 b
4 c
5 a
6 a
7 a
dtype: object

How to get duplicated values in a data frame when the column is a list?

Good morning!
I have a data frame with several columns. One of this columns, data, has lists as content. Below I show a little example (id is just an example with random information):
df =
id data
0 a [1, 2, 3]
1 h [3, 2, 1]
2 bf [1, 2, 3]
What I want is to get rows with duplicated values in column data, I mean, in this example, I should get rows 0 and 2, because the values in its column data are the same (list [1, 2, 3]). However, this can't be achieved with df.duplicated(subset = ['data']) due to list is an unhashable type.
I know that it can be done getting two rows and comparing data directly, but my real data frame can have 1000 rows or more, so I can't compare one by one.
Hope someone knows it!
Thanks you very much in advance!
IIUC, We can create a new DataFrame from df['data'] and then check with DataFrame.duplicated
You can use:
m = pd.DataFrame(df['data'].tolist()).duplicated(keep=False)
id data
0 a [1, 2, 3]
2 bf [1, 2, 3]
Expanding on Quang's comment:
In [2]: elements = [(1,2,3), (3,2,1), (1,2,3)]
...: df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(elements)
...: df
0 1 2
0 1 2 3
1 3 2 1
2 1 2 3
In [3]: # Add a new column of tuples
...: df["new"] = df.apply(lambda x: tuple(x), axis=1)
...: df
0 1 2 new
0 1 2 3 (1, 2, 3)
1 3 2 1 (3, 2, 1)
2 1 2 3 (1, 2, 3)
In [4]: # Remove duplicate rows (Keeping the first one)
...: df.drop_duplicates(subset="new", keep="first", inplace=True)
...: df
0 1 2 new
0 1 2 3 (1, 2, 3)
1 3 2 1 (3, 2, 1)
In [5]: # Remove the new column if not required
...: df.drop("new", axis=1, inplace=True)
...: df
0 1 2
0 1 2 3
1 3 2 1

Sum and collapse two rows in pandas if two values are equal (order does not matter)

I am analyzing a dataset that has an Origin ID (Column A), a Destination ID (Column B), and how many trips have happened between them (Column Count). Now I want to sum the A-B trips with the B-A trips. This sum is the total number of trips between A and B.
Here is how my data looks like (it is not necessarily ordered in the same way):
In [1]: group_station = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 100], [2, 1, 200], [4, 6, 5] , [6, 4, 10], [1, 4, 70]], columns=['A', 'B', 'Count'])
A B Count
0 1 2 100
1 2 1 200
2 4 6 5
3 6 4 10
4 1 4 70
And I want the following output:
0 1 2 300
1 4 6 15
4 1 4 70
I have tried groupby and setting the index to both variables with no success. Right now I am doing a very inefficient double loop, that is too slow for the size of my dataset.
If it helps this is the code for the double loop (I removed some efficiency modifications to make it more clear):
# group_station is the dataframe
collapsed_group_station = np.zeros(len(group_station), 3))
for i, row in enumerate(group_station.iterrows()):
start_id = row[0][0]
end_id = row[0][1]
count = row[1][0]
for check_row in group_station.iterrows():
check_start_id = check_row[0][0]
check_end_id = check_row[0][1]
check_time = check_row[1][0]
if start_id == check_end_id and end_id == check_start_id:
new_group_station[i][0] = start_id
new_group_station[i][1] = end_id
new_group_station[i][2] = time + check_time
I have ideas of how to make this code more efficient, but I wanted to know if there is a way of doing it without looping.
You can using np.sort with groupby.sum()
import numpy as np; import pandas as pd
A B Count
0 1 2 300
1 1 4 70
2 4 6 15
