Using docker as full OS? - linux

Little intro:
I have two OS on my pc. Linux and Windows. I need Linux for work, but it freezes on my pc, but windows does not. I've heard that is a common thing for ASRock motherboards.
That's why i want to switch to Windows for work.
So my idea was to create docker image with everything i need for work, such as yarn, make, and a lot of other stuff, and run it on windows for using linux functionality. You got the idea.
I know that docker is designed to only do one thing per image, but i gave this a shot.
But there are problems constantly. For example right now i'm trying to install nvm on my image, but, after building the image, command 'nvm' is not found on bash. It is a known problem and running source ~/.profile adds the command in console, but running it while building the image doesnt affect your console when you run this image. So you need to do that manually every time you use this image.
People suggest putting this in .bashrc which gives segmentation error.
And that's just my problem for today, but i've encountered many more, as i've been trying creating this image for a couple of days already.
So my question is basically this: is it possible to create fully operational OS in one docker image, or maybe one could connect multiple images to create OS, or do i just need to stop that and use a virtual machine like a sensible person?

I would recommend using a virtual machine for your use-case. Since you will be using this for work and modifying settings, and installing new software, these operations are better suited to be in a virtual machine where it is expected that you change the state or configurations.
In contrast, Docker containers are generally meant to be immutable, as in the running instance of the image should not be altered or configured. This is so that others can pull down the image and it works "out-of-the-box." Additionally, most Docker containers available on Docker Hub are made to be lean, with only one or two use cases in mind and not extra (for security purposes and image size), so I expect that you would frequently run into problems trying to essentially set up a Docker image that you would be working on. Lastly, since it is not done frequently, there would be less help available online, and Docker-level virtualization does not really suit your situation.


Separate environments for learning or trying out vs production (sandboxes?)

Can you suggest me a way of separating learning/trying out vs production in the same computer? I am in such a place that I know a lot of JS and production ready skills whilst sometimes require probing or trying out simpler stuff or basics. I presume that a lot of engineers are also in a similar place.
This is the situation I am facing with right now.
I wanted to install redis and configure it while trying out something interested.
In a separate project I needed another clean redis configuration and installation.
In front-end side I tried and installed a few npm packages globally.
At some point I installed python 3.4 now require 3.6
At some point I installed nginx and configured it, now need another configuration and wipe the previous one out,
If I start a big project right now I feel like my computer will eventually let me down due to several attempts I previously done
et cetera, these all create friction on both my learning and exploration
Now, it crosses mind to use separate virtual box installations for trying out things, but this answer is trivial, please suggest something else.
P.S.: I am using Linux Mint.
You can install and use Docker, which is also trivial,
however, if your environment is Linux you can use LXC
There isn't really a single good answer to this sort of question of course; but some things that are generally a good idea are:
use git repos to keep the source "backed up" (obviously your local pc should not be the git server); commit your changes all the time, if you can't hold your breath for as long as the timespan between 2 commits, then you're doing it wrong (or you may have asthma, see a doctor).
Always build your project with there being not just multiple, but a variable amount of "deployments" in mind. That means not hardcoding absolute paths and database names/ports/hostnames and things like that. If your project needs database/api credentials then that should be in a configfile of sorts (or in the env); that configfile should be stored outside the codebase and shouldn't be checked into your git repos (though there can ofcourse be a config template in there).
Always have at least 2 deployments of any project actually deployed. Next to the (obvious) "live"/"production" deployment, which your clients/users use, you want a "dev"-version for yourself where you can freely shit the bed, and for bigger projects you may well want multiple. Each deployment would have its own database, and it's own copy of the code/assets.
It can be useful to deploy everything inside podman or docker containers, that makes it easier to have a near-identical system in both development and production (incase those are different servers), but that may be too much overhead for you.
Have a method (maybe a script) that makes it very easy to deploy updates from your gitrepo or dev-deployment, to the production deployment. Based on your description, i'm guessing if a client tells you she wants some minor cosmetic changes done, you do them straight on the live version; very convenient and fast, but a horrible thing in practice. once you switch from that workflow to having a seperate dev-deploy, you'll feel slowed down by that (which you are), but if you optimize that workflow over time you'll get to the point where you could still deploy cosmetic changes in a minute orso, while having fully separated deployments, it is worth the time investment.
Have a personal devtools git repo or something similar. You're likely using an IDE such as VS code ? Back up your vs code user config in that repo, update it reasonably frequently. Use a texteditor, photoshop/editor, etc etc, same deal. You hear that ticking sound ? that's the bomb that's been placed on your motherboard. It might go off tonight, it might not go off for years, but you never know, always expect it could be today or tomorrow, so have stuff backed up externally and/or on offline media.
There's a lot more but those are some of the basics that spring to mind.
I though Docker was only for containerizing your app with all the installation files and configurations before pushing to the production
Docker is useful whenever you need to configure the runtime environment in an isolated manner. Production, local development, other environments - all need the same runtime. All benefit from the runtime definition and isolation that docker provides. Arguably docker is even more useful in workstation-centric development, than it is in production.
I wanted to install redis and configure it while trying out something interested.
Instead of installing redis on your os directly, run the preexisting docker image for redis.
In a separate project I needed another clean redis configuration and installation.
Instantiate the docker image again and now you have 2 isolated redis servers running locally.
In front-end side I tried and installed a few npm packages globally.
Run your npm code within a nodejs docker container
At some point I installed python 3.4 now require 3.6
Different versions of python is a great use case for docker containers, which will tagged with specific python versions.
At some point I installed nginx and configured it, now need another configuration and wipe the previous one out,
Nginx also has a very useful official container.
If I start a big project right now I feel like my computer will eventually let me down due to several attempts I previously done
Yeah, it gets messy quick. That's why docker is such a great solution. Give every project dedicated services and use docker-compose to simplify the networking and building components. Fight the temptation to use a docker container for more than one service - instead stitch them together with docker networks.
Read to get started with docker.

Using a CLI to recover a disk image saved with clonezilla

I have setup a live CentOS 7 that is booted via PXE if the client is connected to a specified network port.
Once the Linux is booted up, I have scripted a small logic that compares if there is a newer image version available on a central host than it is already deployed on the client. This is done with comparing the contents of a versions file. If there is a newer version, the image should be deployed on the client. Else only parts of the Image (qcow2-Files) should be replaced to safe time.
Since the Image is up to 1TB I do not want to apply the image at any case. It would also take too long.
On the client, there is a volume group that consists of lvms in different sizes and also "normal" partitions (like /dev/sda1).
Is there a way to deploy a whole partition structure using a cli?
I already figured this to recover one disk out of the whole system.
But this would make a lot of effort to script around that to get the destination structure I want.
I found out that there is no way to "run" clonezilla as a cli (which I actually cannot understand why this does not exist). I was trying to use parts of the clonezilla live iso with the command "ocs-sr", but I stuck somewhere and it always gives me a "unknown commands"-Error.
For my case the best would be a thing like:
. clonezilla --restore /path/to/images/folder --dest /dev
Which applies all Images in the imagefolder that is generated by clonezilla to the client.
Any help highly appreciated.
I've found that using Clonezilla's preparation script does the thing for me. You can use ocs_prerun parameter that will run a script before clonezilla will do anything.
If you are stuck into a company hardened image, you can try this to setup a (ubuntu) Linux with the needed programs on it.

How to create a docker image of current file and OS system?

I wonder if one can take all the current environment variables settings OS applications and create a simple docker layer on top of it all so that docker container user will not be able to damage host system even if he would remove all files, yet will have abilety to access all installed applications and system settings inside his docker layer?
Technically you might be able to hack together a solution that does this by copying in all data/apps, installing dependencies, re-configuring the applications and providing a bash shell to attach to for a user to play around with but this is not what Docker is designed for at all, not to mention that I would not recommend anyone to attempt this.
I always try to explain docker's usecase as processes which run in isolated containers with defined interfaces that may be exposed. Meaning you would ideally run one application within it which has an interface exposed for communication.
What you are looking for is essentially a VM with snapshots which you can provide to different users.

How does RunKit make their virtual servers?

There are many websites providing cloud coding sush as Cloud9, They must use server virtualisation technologies. For example, Clould9's workspaces are powered by Docker Ubuntu containers. Every workspace is a fully self-contained VM (see details).
I would like to know if there are other technologies to make sandboxed environment. For example, RunKit seems to have a light solution:
It runs a completely standard copy of Node.js on a virtual server
created just for you. Every one of npm's 300,000+ packages are
pre-installed, so try it out
Does anyone know how RunKit acheives this?
You can see more in "Tonic is now RunKit - A Part of Stripe! " (see discussion)
we attacked the problem of time traveling debugging not at the application level, but directly on the OS by using the bleeding edge virtualization tools of CRIU on top of Docker.
The details are in "Time Traveling in Node.js Notebooks"
we were able to take a different approach thanks to an ambitious open source project called CRIU (which stands for checkpoint and restore in user space).
The name says it all. CRIU aims to give you the same checkpointing capability for a process tree that virtual machines give you for an entire computer.
This is no small task: CRIU incorporates a lot of lessons learned from earlier attempts at similar functionality, and years of discussion and work with the Linux kernel team. The most common use case of CRIU is to allow migrating containers from one computer to another
The next step was to get CRIU working well with Docker
Part of that setup is being opened-source, as mentioned in this HackerNews feed.
It uses linux containers, currently powered by Docker.

Docker for a one shot CLI application

Since I first knew of Docker, I thought it might be the solution for several problems we are usually facing at the lab. I work as a Data Analyst for a small Biology research group. I am using Snakemake for defining the -usually big and quite complex- workflows for our analyses.
From Snakemake, I usually call small scripts in R, Python, or even Command Line Applications such as aligners or annotation tools. In this scenario, it is not uncommon to suffer from dependency hell, hence I was thinking about wrapping some of the tools in Docker containers.
At this moment I am stuck at a point where I do not know if I have chosen technology badly, or if I am not able to properly assimilate all the information about Docker.
The problem is related to the fact that you have to run the Docker tools as root, which is something I would not like to do at all, since the initial idea was to make the dockerized applications available to every researcher willing to use them.
In AskUbuntu, the most voted answer proposes to add the final user to the docker group, but it seems that this is not good for security. In the security articles at Docker, on the other hand, they explain that running the tools as root is good for your security. I have found similar questions at SO, but related to the environment inside the container.
Ok, I have no problem with this, but as every moderate-complexity example I happen to find, it seems it is more oriented towards web-applications development, where the system could initially start the container once and then forget about it.
Things I am considering right now:
Configuring the Docker daemon as a TLS-enabled, TCP remote service, and provide the corresponding users with certificates. Would there be any overhead in running the applications? Security issues?
Create images that only make available the application to the host by sharing a /usr/local/bin/ volume or similar. Is this secure? How can you create a daemonized container that does not need to execute anything? The only example I have found implies creating an infinite loop.
The page seem to do something similar to what I want, but I have not found any reference to security issues. Maybe they are running all the containers inside a virtual machine, where they do not have to worry about these issues, due to the fact that they do not need to expose the dockerized applications to more people.
Sorry about my verbosity. I just wanted to write down the mental process (possibly flawed, I know, I know) where I am stuck. To sum up:
Is there any possibility to create a dockerized command line application which does not need to be run using sudo, is available for several people in the same server, and which is not intended to run in a daemonized fashion?
Thank you in advance.
If users will be able to execute docker run then will be able to control host system just because they could map files from host to container and in container they always could be root if they could use docker run or docker exec. So users should not be able to execute docker directly. I think easiest solution here to create scripts which run docker and these scripts could either have suid flag or users could have sudo access to them.
