graphql mutation giving error while creating record - node.js

here is my scheme, I wasnt to create one record so when i am passing field in graphql it is showing error
const { BookTC } = require("../model/book");
const { BookSchema } = require("../model/book");
name: "create",
kind: "mutation",
type: BookTC.getResolver("createOne").getType(),
args: BookTC.getResolver("createOne").getArgs(),
resolve: async ({ source, args, context, info }) => {
const book = await BookSchema.create(args.record);
return {
record: book,
recordId: BookTC.getRecordIdFn()(book),
const BookMutation = {
bookWithFile: BookTC.getResolver("create"),
bookCreateOne: BookTC.getResolver("createOne"),
bookCreateMany: BookTC.getResolver("createMany")
module.exports = { BookQuery: BookQuery, BookMutation: BookMutation };


Unable to get initial data using graphql-ws subscription

I am fairly new to using graphql-ws and graphql-yoga server, so forgive me if this is a naive question or mistake from my side.
I went through graphql-ws documentation. It has written the schema as a parameter. Unfortunately, the schema definition used in the documentation is missing a reference.
After adding a new todo (using addTodo) it shows two todo items. So I believe it is unable to return the initial todo list whenever running subscribe on Yoga Graphiql explorer.
It should show the initial todo item as soon as it has been subscribed and published in the schema definition.
My understanding is there is something I am missing in the schema definition which is not showing the todo list when tried accessing Yoga Graphiql explorer.
Has anyone had a similar experience and been able to resolve it? What I am missing?
Libraries used
Todo item - declared in schema
id: "1",
title: "Learn GraphQL + Solidjs",
completed: false
Code Snippets
Schema definition
import { createPubSub } from 'graphql-yoga';
import { Todo } from "./types";
let todos = [
id: "1",
title: "Learn GraphQL + Solidjs",
completed: false
// channel
// pubsub
const pubSub = createPubSub();
const publishToChannel = (data: any) => pubSub.publish(TODOS_CHANNEL, data);
// Type def
const typeDefs = [`
type Todo {
id: ID!
title: String!
completed: Boolean!
type Query {
getTodos: [Todo]!
type Mutation {
addTodo(title: String!): Todo!
type Subscription {
todos: [Todo!]
// Resolvers
const resolvers = {
Query: {
getTodos: () => todos
Mutation: {
addTodo: (_: unknown, { title }: Todo) => {
const newTodo = {
id: "" + (todos.length + 1),
completed: false
publishToChannel({ todos });
return newTodo;
Subscription: {
todos: {
subscribe: () => {
const res = pubSub.subscribe(TODOS_CHANNEL);
publishToChannel({ todos });
return res;
export const schema = {
Server backend
import { createServer } from "graphql-yoga";
import { WebSocketServer } from "ws";
import { useServer } from "graphql-ws/lib/use/ws";
import { schema } from "./src/schema";
import { execute, ExecutionArgs, subscribe } from "graphql";
async function main() {
const yogaApp = createServer({
graphiql: {
subscriptionsProtocol: 'WS', // use WebSockets instead of SSE
const server = await yogaApp.start();
const wsServer = new WebSocketServer({
path: yogaApp.getAddressInfo().endpoint
type EnvelopedExecutionArgs = ExecutionArgs & {
rootValue: {
execute: typeof execute;
subscribe: typeof subscribe;
execute: (args: any) => (args as EnvelopedExecutionArgs).rootValue.execute(args),
subscribe: (args: any) => (args as EnvelopedExecutionArgs).rootValue.subscribe(args),
onSubscribe: async (ctx, msg) => {
const { schema, execute, subscribe, contextFactory, parse, validate } =
const args: EnvelopedExecutionArgs = {
operationName: msg.payload.operationName,
document: parse(msg.payload.query),
variableValues: msg.payload.variables,
contextValue: await contextFactory(),
rootValue: {
const errors = validate(args.schema, args.document);
if (errors.length) return errors;
return args;
main().catch((e) => {
apply these changes
Mutation: {
addTodo: (_: unknown, { title }: Todo) => {
const newTodo = {
id: "" + (todos.length + 1),
completed: false
publishToChannel({ todos });
return newTodo;
Subscription: {
todos: {
subscribe: () => {
return Repeater.merge(
new Repeater(async (push, stop) => {
push({ todos });
await stop;
first, npm i #repeaterjs/repeater then import Repeater

Learn about apollo-graphql Subscription

I'm presently studying Graphql(apollo) and utilising Node.js for the backend.
I've made some progress with queries and mutations, but I'm stuck at subscription. I've seen several videos and read some blogs, but I'm having trouble grasping it since they're utilising front-end frameworks, such as react, and I'm not familiar with react or any other front-end javascript frameworks.
I'm solely interested in learning it for the backend.
Is there anyone who can assist me with this?
I've got three separate queries (or whatever they're called) that I'm working on.
Post and
Now I want to generate a subscription whenever someone adds a new comment or creates a new post.
For users, comments, and posts, I already have a mutation for add, update and remove.
There is currently no authentication or authorization in place.
Your question is more to help me implement this rather than actually asking an issue or problem you faced after trying out some steps in series of order.
This might help you when learning and implementing GraphQL subscription;
If you have tried something and faced a wall, please add your code and what you have done, so I could help you on where you are wrong or what you could do hopefully. Cheers.
The solutions I'm providing are crafted on #apollo/server v.4, with expressMiddleware and mongodb/mongoose on the backend and subscribeToMore with updateQuery on the client-side instead of the useSubscription hook.
The graphql-transport-ws transport library is no longer supported; instead, use graphql-ws.
The implementation differentiates three main collections: User, Post, and Comment, as well as subscription for post creation, post modification, and user authentication.
Likewise, as of 12.2022, the following setup and configuration apply.
Subscription on the backend:
Install the following dependencies:
$ npm i #apollo/server #graphql-tools/schema graphql-subscriptions graphql-ws ws cors body-parser mongoose graphql express
I'm assuming you've already configured your MongoDB models; if not, you might want to look at this repo for a basic setup.
Set up schema types and resolvers, such as this one.
// typeDefs.js
const typeDefs = `#graphql
type User {
id: ID!
email: String!
posts: [Post]!
commentsMade: [Comment]!
type Token {
value: String!
input UpdatePostInput {
title: String!
type Post {
id: ID!
title: String!
postedBy: User
comments: [Comment]!
input CommentInput {
text: String!
type Comment {
id: ID!
text: String!
commenter: User!
commentFor: Post!
type Query {
users: [User]!
user(id: ID!): User!
posts: [Post!]!
post(id: ID!): Post!
comment(id: ID!): Comment!
comments: [Comment!]!
type Mutation {
signup(email: String!, password: String!): User
signin(email: String!, password: String!): Token
createPost(title: String): Post
createComment(postId: String!, commentInput: CommentInput!): Comment
updatePost(postId: ID!, updatePostInput: UpdatePostInput!): Post
type Subscription {
postAdded: Post
commentAdded: Comment
postUpdated: Post
export default typeDefs
// resolvers.js
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
import { PubSub } from 'graphql-subscriptions'
import mongoose from 'mongoose'
import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql'
import bcrypt from 'bcrypt'
import UserModel from '../models/User.js'
import PostModel from '../models/Post.js'
import CommentModel from '../models/Comment.js'
const pubsub = new PubSub()
const User = UserModel
const Post = PostModel
const Comment = CommentModel
const secret = process.env.TOKEN_SECRET
const resolvers = {
Query: {...},
Mutation: {
createPost: async (_, args, contextValue) => {
const authUser = contextValue.authUser
if (!authUser) {
throw new GraphQLError('User is not authenticated', {
extensions: {
http: { status: 401 },
const post = new Post({
postedBy: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(,
try {
const savedPost = await
authUser.posts = authUser.posts.concat(post._id)
const addedPost = {
title: savedPost.title,
postedBy: savedPost.postedBy,
comments: savedPost.comments,
// subscription postAdded with object iterator POST_ADDED
pubsub.publish('POST_ADDED', { postAdded: addedPost })
return post
} catch (error) {
throw new GraphQLError(`Error: ${error.message}`, {
extensions: {
http: { status: 400 },
argumentName: args,
updatePost: async (_, args, contextValue) => {
const authUser = contextValue.authUser
if (!authUser) {
throw new GraphQLError('User is not authenticated', {
extensions: {
http: { status: 401 },
try {
const post = await Post.findByIdAndUpdate(
{ new: true }
const updatedPost = {
title: post.title,
postedBy: post.postedBy,
comments: post.comments,
// subscription postUpdated with object iterator POST_UPDATED
pubsub.publish('POST_UPDATED', { postUpdated: updatedPost })
return post
} catch (error) {
throw new GraphQLError(`Error: ${error.message}`, {
extensions: {
code: 'BAD_REQUEST',
http: { status: 400 },
argumentName: args,
// resolvers for post addition and post modification using subscribe function
Subscription: {
postAdded: {
subscribe: () => pubsub.asyncIterator('POST_ADDED'),
commentAdded: {
subscribe: () => pubsub.asyncIterator('COMMENT_ADDED'),
postUpdated: {
subscribe: () => pubsub.asyncIterator('POST_UPDATED'),
//Hard-coding the default resolvers is appropriate in some cases,
// but I think it is required in fields with references to other
//database models to avoid returning null field values.
Post: {
id: async (parent, args, contextValue, info) => {
title: async (parent) => {
return parent.title
postedBy: async (parent) => {
const user = await User.findById(parent.postedBy)
.populate('posts', { id: 1, title: 1, comments: 1, postedBy: 1 })
return user
comments: async (parent) => {
return parent.comments
Comment: {
id: async (parent, args, contextValue, info) => {
text: async (parent, args, contextValue, info) => {
return parent.text
commenter: async (parent, args, contextValue, info) => {
const user = await User.findById(parent.commenter)
return user
commentFor: async (parent, args, contextValue, info) => {
const post = await Post.findById(parent.commentFor)
return post
export default resolvers
The code in the main entry server file (e.g. index.js) may look like this, e.g.
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
import { ApolloServer } from '#apollo/server'
import { expressMiddleware } from '#apollo/server/express4'
import { ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer } from '#apollo/server/plugin/drainHttpServer'
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '#graphql-tools/schema'
import { WebSocketServer } from 'ws'
import { useServer } from 'graphql-ws/lib/use/ws'
import express from 'express'
import http from 'http'
import cors from 'cors'
import bodyParser from 'body-parser'
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'
import UserModel from './models/User.js'
import typeDefs from './tpeDefs.js'
import resolvers from './resolvers.js'
import mongoose from 'mongoose'
mongoose.set('strictQuery', false)
let db_uri
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
db_uri = process.env.MONGO_DEV
() => {
console.log('Database connected')
(err) => {
const startGraphQLServer = async () => {
const app = express()
const httpServer = http.createServer(app)
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers })
const wsServer = new WebSocketServer({
server: httpServer,
path: '/',
const serverCleanup = useServer({ schema }, wsServer)
const server = new ApolloServer({
context: async ({ req }) => {
const authHeader = req.headers['authorization']
const token = authHeader && authHeader.split(' ')[1]
if (token) {
const decoded = jwt.verify(token, process.env.TOKEN_SECRET)
const authUser = await UserModel.findById(
return { authUser }
plugins: [
ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer({ httpServer }),
async serverWillStart() {
return {
async drainServer() {
await serverCleanup.dispose()
await server.start()
expressMiddleware(server, {
context: async ({ req }) => {
const authHeader = req.headers['authorization']
const token = authHeader && authHeader.split(' ')[1]
if (token) {
const decoded = jwt.verify(token, process.env.TOKEN_SECRET)
const authUser = await UserModel.findById(
return { authUser }
const PORT = 4000
httpServer.listen(PORT, () =>
console.log(`Server is now running on http://localhost:${PORT}`)
END. It's time to run some tests and checks in the Apollo Explorer sandbox. Be conscientious about defining the required default resolvers to avert the Apollo server from sending null values on your behalf.
To view the code and implementation, go to this repository.
Happy coding!

issues with sinon testing azure containerclient.listblobsbyhierarchy

I have the following rest endpoint code "/files/lookup". This will receive a query parameter folderPath, and will return a list of files with details (including metadata) but not content.
I am including the content of the rest endpoint. This connects to azure blob storage.
#get('/files/lookup', { ... })
const blobServiceClient: BlobServiceClient = BlobServiceClient.fromConnectionString(
const containerClient: ContainerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(container);
const filesPropertiesList: FileProps[] = [];
try {
for await (const item of containerClient.listBlobsByHierarchy('/', {
prefix: decodedAzureFolderPath,
includeMetadata: true,
})) {
if (item.kind !== 'prefix') {
const blobitem: BlobItem = item;
const blobProperties: BlobProperties =;
const blobMetadata: Record<string, string> | undefined = blobitem.metadata;
const aFileProperties: FileProps = {
name: item?.name,
blobProperties.lastModified?.toISOString() ?? blobProperties.createdOn?.toISOString(),
size: blobProperties.contentLength,
contentType: blobProperties.contentType,
metadata: blobMetadata,
} catch (error) {
if (error.statusCode === 404) {
throw new HttpErrors.NotFound('Retrieval of list of files has failed');
throw error;
return filesPropertiesList;
I am working on sinon test. I am new to sinon. I could not get to effectively use mocks/stubs/etc. to test the endpoint returning a list of files with properties. Couldn't get my head around mocking/stubbing the listBlobsByHierarchy method of the container client
describe('GET /files/lookup', () => {
let blobServiceClientStub: sinon.SinonStubbedInstance<BlobServiceClient>;
let fromConnectionStringStub: sinon.SinonStub<[string, StoragePipelineOptions?], BlobServiceClient>;
let containerStub: sinon.SinonStubbedInstance<ContainerClient>;
beforeEach(async () => {
blobServiceClientStub = sinon.createStubInstance(BlobServiceClient);
fromConnectionStringStub = sinon
.stub(BlobServiceClient, 'fromConnectionString')
.returns((blobServiceClientStub as unknown) as BlobServiceClient);
containerStub = sinon.createStubInstance(ContainerClient);
blobServiceClientStub.getContainerClient.returns((containerStub as unknown) as ContainerClient);
afterEach(async () => {
it('lookup for files from storage', async () => {
/* let items: PagedAsyncIterableIterator<({ kind: "prefix"; } & BlobPrefix) | ({ kind: "blob"; } & BlobItem), ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse>;
sinon.stub(containerStub, "listBlobsByHierarchy").withArgs('/', { prefix: "myf/entity/172/", includeMetadata: true }).returns(items);
const response = await client.get(`/files/lookup?folderpath=myf%2Fentity%2F172%2F`).expect(200); */
Since I did not find any ways to mock the return of this method with the same type, I went with type "any". As I am a novice on this, it was really challenging to get my head to do this!
it('lookup for files from storage', async () => {
/* eslint-disable #typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
const obj: any = [
kind: 'blob',
name: 'myf/entity/172/0670fdf8-db47-11eb-8d19-0242ac13000.docx',
properties: {
createdOn: new Date('2020-01-03T16:27:32Z'),
lastModified: new Date('2020-01-03T16:27:32Z'),
contentLength: 11980,
contentType: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document',
metadata: {
object_name: 'Testing.docx',
category: 'entity',
reference: '172',
object_id: '0670fdf8-db47-11eb-8d19-0242ac13000',
const actualResponse = await (await client.get('/files/lookup?folderpath=myf/entity/172')).body;
const expectedResponse: any[] = [ WHATEVER ]

Apollo GraphQL v3 subscription returning null

I'm having a super hard time with setting up subscriptions in apollo-server. It's listening, I can make the mutation and query the result. But, the subscription for the same data returns null every time. Here are the important parts of my code:
import { Storage } from "#google-cloud/storage"
import { createError } from "apollo-errors"
import { ApolloServer, gql, PubSubEngine } from "apollo-server-express"
import { PubSub } from "apollo-server"
import cors from "cors"
import express from "express"
import jwt from "express-jwt"
import jwksRsa from "jwks-rsa"
import neo4j from "neo4j-driver"
import { initializeDatabase } from "./initialize"
import { typeDefs } from "./schema.js"
import { createServer } from "HTTP"
const pubsub = new PubSub()
const app = express()
const messages = []
const resolvers = {
Mutation: {
postMessage(parent, { user, content }, context) {
const id = messages.length
pubsub.publish("test", {
return id
Query: {
messages: () => messages,
Subscription: {
messages: {
subscribe: (parent, args, context) => {
return pubsub.asyncIterator("test")
const neoSchema = new Neo4jGraphQL({
config: {
jwt: {
secret: process.env.NEO4J_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET,
debug: true,
const NEO4J_USER = process.env.NEO4J_USER
const NEO4J_PASS = process.env.NEO4J_PASS
const NEO4J_URI = process.env.NEO4J_URI
const driver = neo4j.driver(NEO4J_URI, neo4j.auth.basic(NEO4J_USER, NEO4J_PASS))
const init = async (driver) => {
await initializeDatabase(driver)
try {
init(driver).catch((e) => console.log(e))
console.log("ne4j initialized...")
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to property initialize database`, error)
const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
schema: neoSchema.schema,
context: ({ req }) => {
return {
subscriptions: {
onConnect: async (connectionParams, webSocket, context) => {
onDisconnect: (websocket, context) => {
console.log("WS Disconnected!")
path: "/graph",
introspection: true,
playground: true,
apolloServer.applyMiddleware({ app, path: "/graph" })
const httpServer = createServer(app)
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080
httpServer.listen({ port }, () => {
console.log(`Server is ready at http://localhost:${port}${apolloServer.graphqlPath}`)
console.log(`Subscriptions ready at ws://localhost:${port}${apolloServer.subscriptionsPath}`)
And from my schema:
export const typeDefs = gql`
type Message {
id: ID!
user: String!
content: String!
type Query {
messages: [Message!]
type Subscription {
messages: [Message!]
type Mutation {
postMessage(user: String!, content: String!): ID!
If I execute a mutation on postMessage, then query messages, I get the expected data back. However, when I run the subscription from the client, I get
"data": {
"messages": null
What's happening here? What am I missing? Is there something missing in my server setup? Are my pubsub and subscriptions code off?

AWS Lambda NodeJS import returns null module, but only in AWS

I am getting the following error when trying to invoke my Lambda function
"errorType": "TypeError",
"errorMessage": "e is not a function",
"trace": [
"TypeError: e is not a function",
" at Runtime.handler (/var/task/serverless_sdk/index.js:9:88355)",
" at Runtime.handleOnce (/var/runtime/Runtime.js:66:25)"
I have tracked this down to the reference to DB (see last few lines of schema.js DB should be imported at the top of schema.js
const { DB } = require('./db.js')
Indeed, when I try the same code on my local computer, there is no issue.
Does this have to do with some subtle ways how Lambda Functions (LF) are frozen for re-use in AWS? Where should I be initializing the DB connection in a LF?
I tried merging db.js into schema.js (no import) and I still get the same error.
I have checked the zip file that serverless loaded and it looks fine (node_modules and mine).
This is very hard to debug. So any tips in that direction would help.
const { ApolloServer } = require('apollo-server')
const { ApolloServer: ApolloServerLambda } = require('apollo-server-lambda')
const { typeDefs, resolvers, connect } = require('./schema.js')
// The ApolloServer constructor requires two parameters: your schema
// definition and your set of resolvers.
async function setup(where) {
if (where == 'local') {
const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs, resolvers })
let { url } = await server.listen()
console.log(`Server ready at ${url}`)
} else {
const server = new ApolloServerLambda({
playground: true,
introspection: true,
cors: {
origin: '*',
credentials: true,
context: ({ event, context }) => (
headers: event.headers,
functionName: context.functionName,
exports.graphqlHandler = server.createHandler()
let location = (process.env.USERNAME == 'ysg4206') ? 'local' : 'aws'
connect(location, setup)
const { gql } = require('apollo-server')
const { GraphQLDateTime } = require('graphql-iso-date')
const { DB } = require('./db.js')
exports.typeDefs = gql`
scalar DateTime
type User {
id: Int
"English First Name"
firstName: String
lastName: String
addressNumber: Int
streetName: String
city: String
email: String
createdAt: DateTime
updatedAt: DateTime
type Query {
users: [User]
findUser(firstName: String): User
hello(reply: String): String
type Mutation {
addUser(user: UserType): User!
type Subscription {
newUser: User!
exports.resolvers = {
Query: {
users: () => DB.findAll(),
findUser: async (_, { firstName }) => {
let who = await DB.findFirst(firstName)
return who
hello: (_, { reply }, context, info) => {
console.log(`hello with reply ${reply}`)
console.log(`context : ${JSON.stringify(context)}`)
console.log(`info : ${JSON.stringify(info)}`)
return reply
Mutation: {
addUser: async (_, args) => {
let who = await DB.addUser(args.user)
return who
exports.connect = async (where, setup) => {
console.log(`DB: ${DB}') // BUG DB is returning null
await DB.dbSetup(where) //BUG these lines cause Lambda to fail
await DB.populate() //BUG these lines cause Lambda to fail
let users = await DB.findAll() //BUG these lines cause Lambda to fail
console.log(users) //BUG these lines cause Lambda to fail
await setup(where)
const { Sequelize } = require('sequelize')
const { userData } = require('./userData')
const localHost = {
db: 'm3_db',
host: 'localhost',
pass: 'xxxx'
const awsHost = {
db: 'mapollodb3_db',
host: '',
pass: 'xxxx'
class DB {
async dbSetup(where) {
let host = (where == "local") ? localHost : awsHost
this.db = new Sequelize(host.db, 'postgres', host.pass, {
dialect: 'postgres',
logging: false,
pool: {
max: 5,
min: 0,
idle: 20000,
handleDisconnects: true
dialectOptions: {
requestTimeout: 100000
define: {
freezeTableName: true
this.User = this.db.define('users', {
firstName: Sequelize.STRING,
lastName: Sequelize.STRING,
addressNumber: Sequelize.INTEGER,
streetName: Sequelize.STRING,
city: Sequelize.STRING,
email: Sequelize.STRING,
try {
await this.db.authenticate()
console.log('Connected to DB')
} catch (err) {
console.error('Unable to connect to DB', err)
async select(id) {
let who = await this.User.findAll({ where: { id: id } })
return who.get({ plain: true })
async findFirst(name) {
let me = await this.User.findAll({ where: { firstName: name } })
return me[0].get({ plain: true })
async addUser(user) {
let me = await this.User.create(user)
return me.get({ plain: true })
async populate() {
await this.db.sync({ force: true })
try {
await this.User.bulkCreate(userData, { validate: true })
console.log('users created');
} catch (err) {
console.error('failed to create users')
} finally {
async findAll() {
let users = await this.User.findAll({ raw: true })
return users
async close() {
exports.DB = new DB()
service: apollo-lambda
name: aws
stage: dev
region: us-east-2
runtime: nodejs10.x
# cfnRole: arn:aws:iam::237632220688:role/lambda-role
# this is formatted as <FILENAME>.<HANDLER>
handler: server.graphqlHandler
- sg-a1e6f4c3
- subnet-4a2a7830
- subnet-1469d358
- subnet-53b45038
- http:
path: graphql
method: post
cors: true
- http:
path: graphql
method: get
cors: true
folder structure of zip
When AWS Lambda imports your file, the export isn't available yet. That's why it complains that your handler is not a function (because it is actually undefined at that time it is being imported).
Here are a couple of suggested solutions:
1. Use only apollo-server-lambda and use serverless-offline for local development. This way your handler code is exactly the same as what you have in Lambda.
const { ApolloServer: ApolloServerLambda } = require("apollo-server-lambda");
const { typeDefs, resolvers, connect } = require("./schema.js");
const server = new ApolloServerLambda({
playground: true,
introspection: true,
cors: {
origin: "*",
credentials: true
context: ({ event, context }) => ({
headers: event.headers,
functionName: context.functionName,
exports.graphqlHandler = server.createHandler();
2. Use apollo-server-lambda in your Lambda but use apollo-server in another file (e.g. local.js).. Then, you just use node local.js for local development. No need for that process.env.USERNAME check that you do at the end.
Found the problem. It is a bit embarrassing. But I post it in case others need this.
I was trying to connect to the DB as part of the initialization of the lambda app. Hoping that when the cold start or warm start happened, the variable with DB would be already holding the connection.
That is anti-pattern.
With apollo one has to reconnect to the DB on each request. that is in the resolver for the GraphQL one has to reconnect to the DB and then close it so that AWS can see there are no open connections and then close the Lambda function.
What threw me was this worked fine when running as ApolloServer and connecting to a local DB.
