Dayjs round trip with TZ gives odd result - dayjs

I'm getting an unexpected result with this test:
it.only('should return a Dayjs with a truncated timestamp in the correct timezone', () => {
const rfc3339Zulu = '2021-11-16T19:35:31.877656Z';
const value = dayjs
.utc(rfc3339Zulu, 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]')
const isoZulu = value.toISOString();
I get the result:
AssertionError: expected '2021-11-16T20:35:31.877Z' to equal '2021-11-16T19:35:31.877Z'
An hour off. Value is in PST (GMT-8):
M {
'$L': 'en',
'$u': false,
'$d': 2021-11-16T19:35:31.877Z,
'$x': { '$timezone': 'America/Los_Angeles' },
'$y': 2021,
'$M': 10,
'$D': 16,
'$W': 2,
'$H': 11,
'$m': 35,
'$s': 31,
'$ms': 877,
'$offset': -480
Removing the TZ gives the expected result. Where am I going wrong?

Solved. This is an old bug. Just update the dayjs module.


How to build custom format JSON using node csv to json?

TableName, RowCount, TableStatus
table1, 10, Y
table2, 21, N
table3, 23, Y
table4, 24, N
table5, 25, Y
Need to convert CSV to JSON in this format:
"table1": {
"row_count": "10"
"table3": {
"row_count": "23"
"table5": {
"row_count": "25"
const csvFilePath='sample.csv'
const csv=require('csvtojson')
I am using Node csvtojson NPM
I am able to convert to JSON, but I need the json in the above format out of the box. Is it possible?
And also If "TableStatus" value is "N", it should not add that row in JSON.
Note: I am able to convert to desirable JSON format by iterating the JSON object, but is there any way to convert using this NPM.

Custom failure message for Jest test

I'm testing a function with partially randomized input. The pieces of the input object that are randomized should work no matter what but if I happen to get a case that fails I'd like to know what it is by including the invalid input in my failure message.
How can I get Jest to show a failure message that extends further than just the contents of expect?
Here is the code I have:
describe("my module", () => {
it("should pass with some randomized inputs", () => {
const partialRandomInput = {
name: "Hardcoded",
age: Math.random() * 100,
yearsOfExperience: Math.random() * 30
const actualOutput = myModule(partialRandomInput);
expect(actualOutput).toEqual(false); // If this fails I only see the expect comparison that happened, which may not be helpful
Perhaps in my code above, the only failure would be if the randomized age is less than 5 and the randomized yearsOfExperience is less than 10. I'd like to see the values used for partialRandomInput when my test fails.
Do not test with random input.
Even if the code is meant to be used with random number, you should test it with predefined values to ensure it's consistent results. By using random numbers you cannot ensure that the used input will cover the same "branches" within the implementation.
What you can try instead is have a predefined set of values and expected results
[10, 10, true],
[22, 10, false],
[35, 11, true],
[50, 3, false],
[60, 7, false],
"with age: %p and yearsOfExperience: %p",
(age, yearsOfExperience, expected) => {
it(`should return: ${expected}`, () => {
name: "Hardcoded",
But in order to answer the question - you can generate the random numbers before the execution of the test and you can then either:
Extend expect
Add the value within the description of the test
Array.from(new Array(10), () => [Math.random() * 100, Math.random() * 10])
)("with age: %p and yearsOfExperience: %p", (age, yearsOfExperience) => {
test(`returns false`, () => {
name: "Hardcoded",

react-table 7 custom cell says data undefined

In version 6 this used to work, some of the rows doesn't have price, but original should be pointing to the row.
accessor : 'price',
Header: () => <b>Price</b>,
style: { 'whiteSpace': 'unset' },
Cell: ({original}) => original.price && <div className="full-center">{original.price}</div>,
But after upgraded to version 7, now I am getting LineMatchingPage.js:121 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'price' of undefined
It seems there is a subtle change in version 7, that accessor returns the value gets fed into Cell, so in this case, in version 7, original does not represent the row anymore, but the value of the accessor which is the value of the price
accessor : 'price',
Header: () => <b>Price</b>,
style: { 'whiteSpace': 'unset' },
Cell: ({price}) => price && <div className="full-center">{price}</div>,

how to get data between two dates in Mongo?

I have a JSON format like below:
"_id": "566acc776cc532d5368db0f5",
"date": "2015-12-01T13:02:30.720Z",
"title1": "title"
Need some nodejs query that returns data between two dates.
I also tried in find query object as follow but get nothing. How to match please tell me.
date: {
$lt: ISODate("2013-11-19T20:00:00Z")
Some ISODate Error. Please give me a suggestion.
Sorry, solved!! . Get it. I just need to remove ISODate string.
I hope you do like this to resolve the Issue.
// Fetch Document By Current Date
const startDate =new Date(new Date().setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0)).toISOString();
const endDate =new Date(new Date().setUTCHours(23, 59, 59, 999)).toISOString();
// Fetch Document By Specific Date (findDate is Parameter)
const startDate =new Date(new Date(findDate).setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0)).toISOString();
const endDate =new Date(new Date(findDate).setUTCHours(23, 59, 59, 999)).toISOString();
let result = yourModel.find({date: {
$lt: `${endDate}`
} })

MongoDB/Mongoose querying at a specific date?

Is it possible to query for a specific date ?
I found in the mongo Cookbook that we can do it for a range Querying for a Date Range
Like that :
db.posts.find({"created_on": {"$gte": start, "$lt": end}})
But is it possible for a specific date ?
This doesn't work :
db.posts.find({"created_on": new Date(2012, 7, 14) })
That should work if the dates you saved in the DB are without time (just year, month, day).
Chances are that the dates you saved were new Date(), which includes the time components. To query those times you need to create a date range that includes all moments in a day.
db.posts.find({ //query today up to tonight
created_on: {
$gte: new Date(2012, 7, 14),
$lt: new Date(2012, 7, 15)
...5+ years later, I strongly suggest using date-fns instead
import endOfDayfrom 'date-fns/endOfDay'
import startOfDay from 'date-fns/startOfDay'
createdAt: {
$gte: startOfDay(new Date()),
$lte: endOfDay(new Date())
For those of us using Moment.js
const moment = require('moment')
const today = moment().startOf('day')
createdAt: {
$gte: today.toDate(),
$lte: moment(today).endOf('day').toDate()
Important: all moments are mutable!
tomorrow = today.add(1, 'days') does not work since it also mutates today. Calling moment(today) solves that problem by implicitly cloning today.
Yeah, Date object complects date and time, so comparing it with just date value does not work.
You can simply use the $where operator to express more complex condition with Javascript boolean expression :)
db.posts.find({ '$where': 'this.created_on.toJSON().slice(0, 10) == "2012-07-14"' })
created_on is the datetime field and 2012-07-14 is the specified date.
Date should be exactly in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Note: Use $where sparingly, it has performance implications.
Have you tried:
db.posts.find({"created_on": {"$gte": new Date(2012, 7, 14), "$lt": new Date(2012, 7, 15)}})
The problem you're going to run into is that dates are stored as timestamps in Mongo. So, to match a date you're asking it to match a timestamp. In your case I think you're trying to match a day (ie. from 00:00 to 23:59 on a specific date). If your dates are stored without times then you should be okay. Otherwise, try specifying your date as a range of time on the same day (ie. start=00:00, end=23:59) if gte doesn't work.
similar question
You can use following approach for API method to get results from specific day:
getMeals: (req, res) ->
options = {}
# eg. api/v1/meals?date=Tue+Jan+13+2015+00%3A00%3A00+GMT%2B0100+(CET)
date = new Date
date.setHours 0, 0, 0, 0
endDate = new Date date
endDate.setHours 23, 59, 59, 59 =
$lt: endDate
$gte: date
Meal.find options, (err, meals) ->
if err or not meals
handleError err, meals, res
res.json createJSON meals, null, 'meals'
i do it in this method and works fine
public async getDatabaseorderbyDate(req: Request, res: Response) {
const { dateQuery }: any = req.query
const date = new Date(dateQuery)
const today = date.toLocaleDateString(`fr-CA`).split('/').join('-')
const creationDate = {
"creationDate": {
'$gte': `${today}T00:00:00.000Z`,
'$lt': `${today}T23:59:59.999Z`
Problem I came into was filtering date in backend, when setting date to 0 hour, 0 minute, 0 second, 0 milisecond in node server it does in ISO time so current date 0 hour, 0 minute, 0 second, 0 milisecond of client may vary i.e. as a result which may gives a day after or before due to conversion of ISO time to local timezone
I fixed those by sending local time from client to server
// If client is from Asia/Kathmandu timezone it will zero time in that zone.
// Note ISODate time with zero time is not equal to above mention
const timeFromClient = new Date(new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0)).getTime()
And used this time to filter the documents by using this query
const getDateQuery = (filterBy, time) => {
const today = new Date(time);
const tomorrow = new Date(today.getDate() + 1);
switch(filterBy) {
case 'past':
return {
$exists: true,
$lt: today,
case 'present':
return {
$exists: true,
$gte: today,
$lt: tomorrow
case 'future':
return {
$exists: true,
$gte: tomorrow
return {
$exists: true
const users = await UserModel.find({
expiryDate: getDateQuery('past', timeFromClient)
This can be done in another approach using aggregate if we have timezoneId like Asia/Kathmandu
const getDateQuery = (filterBy) => {
const today = new Date();
const tomorrow = new Date(today.getDate() + 1);
switch(filterBy) {
case 'past':
return {
$exists: true,
$lt: today,
case 'present':
return {
$exists: true,
$gte: today,
$lt: tomorrow
case 'future':
return {
$exists: true,
$gte: tomorrow
return {
$exists: true
await UserModel.aggregate([
$addFields: {
expiryDateClientDate: {
$dateToParts: {
date: '$expiryDate',
timezone: 'Asia/Kathmandu'
$addFields: {
expiryDateClientDate: {
$dateFromParts: {
year: '$expiryDateClientDate.year',
month: '$expiryDateClientDate.month',
day: '$'
$match: {
expiryDateClientDate: getDateQuery('past')
We had an issue relating to duplicated data in our database, with a date field having multiple values where we were meant to have 1. I thought I'd add the way we resolved the issue for reference.
We have a collection called "data" with a numeric "value" field and a date "date" field. We had a process which we thought was idempotent, but ended up adding 2 x values per day on second run:
{ "_id" : "1", "type":"x", "value":1.23, date : ISODate("2013-05-21T08:00:00Z")}
{ "_id" : "2", "type":"x", "value":1.23, date : ISODate("2013-05-21T17:00:00Z")}
We only need 1 of the 2 records, so had to resort the javascript to clean up the db. Our initial approach was going to be to iterate through the results and remove any field with a time of between 6am and 11am (all duplicates were in the morning), but during implementation, made a change. Here's the script used to fix it:
var data ={"type" : "x"})
var found = [];
while (data.hasNext()){
var datum =;
var rdate =;
// instead of the next set of conditions, we could have just used rdate.getHour() and checked if it was in the morning, but this approach was slightly better...
if (typeof found[rdate.getDate()+"-"+rdate.getMonth() + "-" + rdate.getFullYear()] !== "undefined") {
if (datum.value != found[rdate.getDate()+"-"+rdate.getMonth() + "-" + rdate.getFullYear()]) {
print("DISCREPENCY!!!: " + datum._id + " for date " +;
else {
print("Removing " + datum._id);{ "_id": datum._id});
else {
found[rdate.getDate()+"-"+rdate.getMonth() + "-" + rdate.getFullYear()] = datum.value;
and then ran it with mongo thedatabase fixer_script.js
Well a very simple solution to this is given below
const start = new Date(2020-04-01);
start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
const end = new Date(2021-04-01);
end.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
So, the above code simply finds the records from the given start date to the given end date.
Seemed like none of the answers worked for me. Although someone mentioned a little hint, I managed to make it work with this code below.
let endDate = startingDate
endDate = endDate + 'T23:59:59';
Model.find({dateCreated: {$gte: startingDate, $lte: endDate}})
startingDate will be the specific date you want to query with.
I preferred this solution to avoid installing moment and just to pass the startingDate like "2021-04-01" in postman.
