what can you use in place of gdi/direct2d on linux and macos and which one of them do windows uses to draw its controls and window frames? - graphics

I am trying to learn computer graphics recently and i have a bunch of question mainly about api's
-in windows there is gdi/direct2d what there is in macos and linux
-when direct3d can be used for 2d why there is direct2d and why should i learn it
-is direct2d replacing gdi
-what does windows and other operating systems uses to draw the window frames and os controls


How to write key input in assembly?

I'm trying to make a keyboard driver for windows & linux as a project, I was looking to simulate the actual process of writing a key (meaning not using anything such as windows messages), and after move on to the waiting for input from keyboard which I found alot of tutorials for.
Anyone know hot to do this for Windows & Linux? (running intel proc win10 64bit & kali linux amd proc 64bit)
You cannot have the same driver on Windows and on Linux. You'll need to make two different, unrelated, programs and you have to design them differently (because Windows and Linux have different architectures for drivers).
BTW, on Linux, with a graphical desktop, a display server (such as Xorg or Wayland) is running. That server is the only program handling the physical keyboard. You might consider working with it.
The actual notion of keyboard driver is too broad to make a concrete sense. On Linux, you could patch the kernel, patch the display server, improve the window manager, etc... There is no need, and not much interest, in coding that stuff in assembler.
Notice that on Linux, with a graphical desktop, the keyboard layout is handled in the display server, not in kernel code (so the kernel is sending key events with keycodes close to scancodes, not characters; the Xorg server sends keyboard events with similar keycodes to e.g. the window manager). Read more about the X Window System protocols and architecture and e.g. EWMH. The graphical layers are very complex (both on Linux and on Windows), many millions of lines of code.

how linux shows its desktop on screen at kernel-level

I have some question about linux desktop environment.
How linux shows its desktop environment on a screen. I mean where and how its GUI frames generates and send to lcd driver? is it at kernel level? does it have any relation to frame buffer (such fb0)?
Is it possible to access the Desktop GUI of linux and write it on frame buffer to show the window environment of linux?
I have searched a lot but did not find my main answer that how linux Desktop Environment is created and shown by monitor that have been known by drivers on linux.
thank you for your attention.
In Linux there's no internal desktop or anything like that. desktop environments are just regular applications just like other applications. almost all desktop environments at their lowest level interact with another GUI library (e.g Qt, GTK, ...). then all these GUI libraries interact with lower-level software called windowing system or display server or window server.
In Unix systems most used window system is X window system ( simply called as X or X11). almost any GUI library which supports Linux, it works with X.
Wayland is another windowing system which is growing and is supposed to be a good replacement for X, because X window system is too old and have many issues. but X is used almost everywhere in Linux and other Unix based operating systems.
So if you really want to know what's going on down there, you should know linux graphics stack. as i said desktop environments are just high level applications. from windowing system (like X) to lower-level libraries and modules (KMS, DRM, ...), are what you really looking for.
KMS (kernel mode setting) works with display controller and DRM (direct rendering manager) works with graphics card and GPU. (however it's really not as simple as i explained)

Why is there no DirectX API for Linux?

Upon considering the driver side implementation for DirectX API on windows systems for modern video cards I was wondering why this implementation is not available on non-windows system, most notably linux.
Since there is an obvious absence of this functionality I can only assume there is a good reason which I am blind to, but in my primitive understanding I simply see the DirectX calls as no more than function entry points on the hardware device. And for the record I am not referring to a compatibility layer (most notably WINE, a project I am amazed by every single day) but a library making direct hardware calls.
Is it possible to create an open source version of directx? Would it be possible but obscenely difficult?
AFAIK, the DirectX contains 3 parts
Vendor driver (provide low level API defined by DX)
DirectX library (use low level API defined by DX to access hardware, provide DirectX API)
Software (use DirectX API, ex. game)
There are no driver providing the low level API defined by DX on linux, so even it is possible to provide the DirectX library, but it won't work without proper vendor driver, and I can't see if there is any vendor is going to create one for their hardware platform.
Why not just use OpenGL? It supports all the functionality that DirectX does. Do you have a specific reason to use DirectX? As for a reason, Microsoft made DirectX and I guess they didn't see any need to allow it to run on Linux.
You can run DirectX games in Linux using Wine. You can program XNA on Linux using MonoGame. But all of these use OpenGL to provide hardware-accelerated rendering. AFAIK, OpenGL has been (and probably will be) the only option on Linux for the foreseeable future.
Is it possible to write your own DirectX implementation? Sure - but it involves writing drivers, proprietary knowledge and probably too much cost for anyone to REALLY benefit from it.
EDIT: These days, DXVK is a very real and performant way to run DirectX applications on Linux.
DirectX is a suit of API's:
Direct3D (drawing 3D graphics)
DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (enumerating adapters and monitors and managing swap chains)
Direct2D (drawing 2D graphics)
DirectWrite (fonts)
DirectCompute (GPU Computing)
DirectSound3D (playback of 3D sounds)
DirectX Media (DirectAnimation for 2D/3D web animation, DirectShow for multimedia playback and streaming media, DirectX Transform for web interactivity, and Direct3D Retained Mode for higher level 3D graphics)
DirectX Diagnostics (tool for diagnosing and generating reports on components related to DirectX, such as audio, video, and input drivers)
DirectX Media Objects (support for streaming objects such as encoders, decoders, and effects)
DirectSetup (installation of DirectX components, and the detection of the current DirectX version)
DirectX components deprecated, but still supported
As you can see many parts of the DirectX suit of API's would need to be rewritten with functionality for Drivers written for Linux. Also some parts of the DirectX suit are likely going to make calls to the Windows OS and that code would have to rewritten for a Linux machine without infringement of the copy-written parts of either DirectX or the Windows OS.
Yes you could write a open source API suit which does the same kind of thing as DirectX for Linux, however without a great knowledge of sound and graphic drivers/support by their manufactures for Linux, it would be a very hard task to do.
However if you question was more of a "Can I get/write something to be able to run games and programs made with DirectX to run on Linux?" in it's meaning, in short no due to more likely copyright infringement.
Your question is wrong in 2019. DXVK is an implementation of D3D11 and D3D10 implementation for Linux using Vulkan and Wine
Also mesa has native Direct3D 9 implementation but in my knowledge, no one uses it except wine
The work to create a port for DirectX would create the same problems as you encounter in WINE. It will never be the same as on Windows. Derived from that principle you would have to look into OpenGL and related multi-platform libraries.
At this very moment WINE would be your closest medium if you want to accomplish something with DirectX code you already have. Then again, I'm not sure in what manner Visual Studio or plain typing would get you closer yo a fluent environment. The WINE libraries aren't that far from native, but there always exists emulation, what is acceptable to a certain point in my honest opinion.
If I look at how superbly Final Fantasy XIV ran on full settings on my iMac (2011) I think it's not that bad to rely on WINE's implementation. The game exactly rendered as on Bootcamp (Windows) on my iMac.
If you really want to make work on this front you could try to ask WINE Devs at their forums or mailing lists how you could maybe use the implementation of their DirectX compatibility only and use that in your project. Where you maybe can call libraries instead of requesting DirectX through Windows-emulated system calls.
Edit: I fully agree with user956030's answer too.
DirectX is a propriety products designed for Microsoft targets, so for this to happen would be very unusual
There are two other pieces of software that come to mind, SDL and OpenGL
OpenGL provides the hardware alternative to DirectX, and SDL works with OpenGL to provide the software support you would expect from DirectX
Since 2020, Microsoft has been working to port DirectX 12 to WSL2, which is being done in this repository. In a mailist, Steve Pronovost commented that they might work to port this driver to Linux to have it running natively.
However, in order to do this, they would need to implement the driver on top of the kernel's DRM stack, which itself needs to be modified if they want to keep the driver similar to the Windows one and have related APIs.
There is some effort being done in the Mesa library as well, to support D3D12 within itself, the main purpose being to optimize server-sided GPU calculations that are heavily used in machine learning algorithms.
Even though this is great, it's unlikely that we will ever see any advantage running Windows games on Linux with that driver. The open source community would only have the upper ground if more games start supporting Vulkan, which is faster and better than DirectX, there had been experiments where using DXVK on Windows would be faster than DirectX 9 or even 11, such as the one mentioned here, but DXVK tends to be less reliable and more prone to errors and crashes.

Which windowing system for embedded Linux supports Hardware Overlay?

Which windowing system for embedded linux supports hardware overlay?
Is it possible to add hardware overlay support in Qt for embedded Linux?
Qt for Embedded Linux uses Qt's own windowing system. For rendering the graphics, back-ends are used. Some of these back-ends support hardware graphics acceleration - for instance the PowerVR back-end used for high-end OMAP-based systems. Here, you can probably create overlays, but you will have to do it using Qt, as Qt takes full ownership of the screen.
Another alternative that I've used (when implemented a set-top-box functionality, i.e. UI over video) is to write a custom back-end for Qt and then equip it with additional hooks that you can use to control the overlay functionality (i.e. circumvent Qt from within your Qt application). But I guess that approach counts as a hack!

Screen capture on Linux

I need to port a screen capture utility to Linux.
I'm not familiar with Linux. On Windows, you can get the handle of a specific window or desktop and using BitBlt in Win32 API, you can copy the image and save it to a BMP file or even convert it to Jpeg format.
On Linux, as far as I know there are different desktop environments like KDE. Which should I target for development? Or which distribution? And also, which development environment do you suggest? I do programming in C/C++.
Using Xlib to talk to the X server works the same way regardless of your desktop environment. Retrieve a list of windows from the server, work out which one you want and hence its position and size, and use XGetImage to retrieve the image data.
IDEs are a matter of taste; there are many suggestions here.
