Is this a true FSM? - verilog

I have a conceptual question about FSM's and whether or not the following code is a true FSM. This is for my own curiosity and understanding about the subject. When I wrote this code, I was under the impression that this was an FSM, but now I am not so sure. According to a lot of reading I have done, a TRUE FSM should only consist of a sequential state transition block, followed by either one or two combination blocks to calculate the next state and the output logic.
My current code synthesizes and works on my Basys3 board, so I understand there may be an argument for "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" but it's been bugging me for a while now that I may have an incorrect understanding about how to write an FSM in HDL.
I have tried at least 4 or 5 different ways to rewrite my code using the format mentioned above, but I can't seem to get it without inferring latches, mainly due to the use of a counter, and the fact that pckd_bcd needs to remember its previous value.
Could somebody please explain to me either why this algorithm isn't fit for a true FSM, why it is fit for a true FSM and where my misunderstanding is, or how to rewrite this into the format mentioned above.
module double_dabble #
parameter NUM_BITS = 8
input wire i_clk,
input wire i_rst,
input wire [NUM_BITS-1:0] i_binary,
output wire [15:0] o_pckd_bcd
localparam s_IDLE = 3'b000;
localparam s_SHIFT = 3'b001;
localparam s_CHECK = 3'b010;
localparam s_ADD = 3'b011;
localparam s_DONE = 3'b100;
reg [2:0] state;
reg [NUM_BITS-1:0] bin;
reg [3:0] count;
reg [15:0] pckd_bcd;
reg [NUM_BITS-1:0] input_reg;
reg [15:0] output_reg;
assign o_pckd_bcd = output_reg;
always #(posedge i_clk)
state <= s_IDLE;
bin <= 0;
count <= 0;
pckd_bcd <= 0;
output_reg <= 0;
input_reg <= 0;
input_reg <= i_binary;
state <= s_IDLE;
// FSM
s_IDLE :
state <= s_IDLE;
bin <= 0;
count <= 0;
pckd_bcd <= 0;
if (input_reg!=i_binary)
bin <= i_binary;
state <= s_SHIFT;
state <= s_CHECK;
bin <= bin<<1;
count <= count+1;
pckd_bcd <= pckd_bcd<<1;
pckd_bcd[0] <= bin[NUM_BITS-1];
state <= s_ADD;
state <= s_DONE;
s_ADD :
state <= s_SHIFT;
pckd_bcd[15:12] <= add_three(pckd_bcd[15:12]);
pckd_bcd[11:8] <= add_three(pckd_bcd[11:8]);
pckd_bcd[7:4] <= add_three(pckd_bcd[7:4]);
pckd_bcd[3:0] <= add_three(pckd_bcd[3:0]);
s_DONE :
state <= s_IDLE;
output_reg <= pckd_bcd;
function [3:0] add_three;
input [3:0] bcd;
if (bcd > 4)
add_three = bcd +3;
add_three = bcd;

In general, your code looks like it implements an FSM. You have evidence that the design is working as desired on your board.
The coding style you have chosen (one always block) is a valid Verilog approach. Another common FSM coding style involves two always blocks: one sequential and one combinational. See here for an example. It is not mandatory for an FSM to use two always blocks in Verilog.
One thing that I do notice in your code is that you are making multiple nonblocking assignments to the state signal at the same time. That is unusual.
For example, right before the case statement, you have:
state <= s_IDLE;
Then, in the IDLE case-item, you have the same code:
state <= s_IDLE;
I recommend trying to clean that up by adding a default to the case statement. A default is also a good coding practice when you have some undefined states, as in your FSM. You have only defined 5 of the 8 possible states (state is a 3-bit register).
Another example of multiple nonblocking assignments is:
state <= s_ADD;
state <= s_DONE;
That would be better coded as:
state <= (count>=NUM_BITS) ? s_DONE : s_ADD;
Following recommended coding practices yields more predictable simulation and synthesis results.


Verilog How to change wire by bit with clock?

module clks(
input clk,
output [15:0] led
wire div2, div4, div8;
reg [2:0] count = 0;
assign div2 = count[0];
assign div4 = count[1];
assign div8 = count[2];
always #(posedge clk) count = count + 1;
How can I turn on each led (I have 15 leds) using clock?
I'm really having trouble finding helpful resources online
initial begin
led = 15'b000000000000001;
led = 15'b000000000000010;
This didn't work.
Or could I do something like this?
led = led + 1;
In your sample code above, you defined count as 3 bits, but your case statements are 2 bits wide. Also, you don't want the initial statement, rather use an always statement.
always # (count)
3'b000 : led = 15'b000_0000_0001;
3'b001 : led = 15'b000_0000_0010;
I guess that 'by using clock' means changing the led every clock cycle, right? Also it looks like you are trying to encode the led sequentially. In this case you can do the following:
you need to reset your lead to an initial value, sey 15'b1;
every clock cycle you can just shift it left by one. You should not do it in an initial block (though there is a technical way to do so). Use always blocks:
Here is an example:
module clks(
input clk,
input reset,
output reg [15:0] led
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1)
led <= 15'b1;
led <= led << 1;
In the above case '1' will travel through all bits of led over 15 clock cycles once. 'led' will become '0' after this. You have to make sure that it becomes '1' again if you want to continue in cycles.
Another possibility is to initialize 'led' in the always block, but it is not always synthesizable. YOu do not need a reset signal here.
initial led = 15'b1;
always #(posedge clk) led <= led << 1;

Instantiate a module based on a condition in Verilog

I have a 1023 bit vector in Verilog. All I want to do is check if the ith bit is 1 and if it is 1 , I have to add 'i' to another variable .
In C , it would be something like :
int sum=0;
int i=0;
for(i=0;i<1023;i++) {
if(a[i]==1) {
Of course , the addition that I am doing is over a Galois Field . So, I have a module called Galois_Field_Adder to do the computation .
So, my question now is how do I conditionally check if a specific bit is 1 and if so call my module to do that specific addition .
NOTE: The 1023 bit vector is declared as an input .
It's hard to answer your question without seeing your module, as we can't gage where you are in your Verilog. You always have to think of how your code translates in gates. If we want to translate your C code into synthesizable logic, we can take the same algorithm, go through each bit one after the other, and add to the sum depending on each bit. You would use something like this:
module gallois (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire [1022:0] a,
input wire a_valid,
output reg [18:0] sum,
output reg sum_valid
reg [9:0] cnt;
reg [1021:0] shift_a;
always #(posedge clk)
if (rst)
sum[18:0] <= {19{1'bx}};
sum_valid <= 1'b0;
cnt[9:0] <= 10'd0;
shift_a[1021:0] <= {1022{1'bx}};
if (a_valid)
sum[18:0] <= 19'd0;
sum_valid <= 1'b0;
cnt[9:0] <= 10'd1;
shift_a[1021:0] <= a[1022:1];
else if (cnt[9:0])
if (cnt[9:0] == 10'd1022)
sum_valid <= 1'b1;
cnt[9:0] <= 10'd0;
cnt[9:0] <= cnt[9:0] + 10'd1;
if (shift_a[0])
sum[18:0] <= sum[18:0] + cnt[9:0];
shift_a[1021:0] <= {1'bx, shift_a[1021:1]};
You will get your result after 1023 clock cycles. This code needs to be modified depending on what goes around it, what interface you want etc...
Of importance here is that we use a shift register to test each bit, so that the logic adding your sum only takes shift_a[0], sum and cnt as an input.
Code based on the following would also work in simulation:
if (a[cnt[9:0])
sum[18:0] <= sum[18:0] + cnt[9:0];
but the logic adding to sum would in effect take all 1023 bits of a[] as an input. This would be quite hard to turn into actual lookup tables.
In simulation, you can also implement something very crude such as this:
reg [1022:0]a;
reg [9:0] sum;
integer i;
always #(a)
sum[9:0] = 10'd0;
for (i=0; i < 1023; i=i+1)
if (a[i])
sum[9:0] = sum[9:0] + i;
If you were to try to synthesize this, sum would actually turn into a chunk of combinatorial logic, as the 'always' block doesn't rely on a clock. This code is in fact equivalent to this:
always #(a)
1023'd0: sum[18:0] = 19'd0;
1023'd1: sum[18:0] = 19'd1;
1023'd2: sum[18:0] = 19'd3;
Needless to say that a lookup table with 1023 input bits is a VERY big memory...
Then if you want to improve your code, and use your FPGA as an FPGA and not like a CPU, you need to start thinking about parallelism, for instance working in parallel on different ranges of your input a. But this is another thread...

How to write a verilog code in two-always-block style with multiple state regs?

I'm a begginer of Verilog. I read a several materials about recommended Verilog coding styles like this paper and stackoverflow's questions.
Now, I learned from them that "two always block style" is recommended; separate a code into two parts, one is a combinational block that modifies next, and the another is a sequential block that assigns it to state reg like this.
reg [1:0] state, next;
always #(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
if (!rst_n)
state <= IDLE;
state <= next;
always #(state or go or ws) begin
next = 'bx;
rd = 1'b0;
ds = 1'b0;
case (state)
IDLE : if (go) next = READ;
else next = IDLE;
And here is my question. All example codes I found have only one pair of registers named state and next.
However, if there are multiple regs that preserve some kinds of state, how should I write codes in this state-and-next style?
Preparing next regs corresponding to each of them looks a little redundant because all regs will be doubled.
For instance, please look at an UART sender code of RS232c I wrote below.
It needed wait_count, state and send_buf as state regs. So, I wrote corresponding wait_count_next, state_next and send_buf_next as next for a combinational block. This looks a bit redundant and troublesome to me. Is there other proper way?
module uart_sender #(
parameter clock = 50_000_000,
parameter baudrate = 9600
) (
input clk,
input go,
input [7:0] data,
output tx,
output ready
parameter wait_time = clock / baudrate;
parameter send_ready = 10'b0000000000,
send_start = 10'b0000000001,
send_stop = 10'b1000000000;
reg [31:0] wait_count = wait_time,
wait_count_next = wait_time;
reg [9:0] state = send_ready,
state_next = send_ready;
reg [8:0] send_buf = 9'b111111111,
send_buf_next = 9'b111111111;
always #(posedge clk) begin
state <= state_next;
wait_count <= wait_count_next;
send_buf <= send_buf_next;
always #(*) begin
state_next = state;
wait_count_next = wait_count;
send_buf_next = send_buf;
case (state)
send_ready: begin
if (go == 1) begin
state_next = send_start;
wait_count_next = wait_time;
send_buf_next = {data, 1'b0};
default: begin
if (wait_count == 0) begin
if (state == send_stop)
state_next = send_ready;
state_next = {state[8:0], 1'b0};
wait_count_next = wait_time;
send_buf_next = {1'b1, send_buf[8:1]};
else begin
wait_count_next = wait_count - 1;
assign tx = send_buf[0];
assign ready = state == send_ready;
I think you did a good job and correctly flopped the variables. The issue is that without flops you would have a loop. i.e. if you write something like the following, the simulation will loop and silicon will probably burn out:
always_comb wait_count = wait_count - 1;
So, you need to stage this by inserting a flop:
always_ff #(posedge clk)
wait_count <= wait_count - 1;
Or in your case you you used an intermediate wait_count_next which is a good style:
always_ff #(posedge clk)
wait_count_next <= wait_count;
wait_count = wait_count_next;
You might or might not have an issue with the last assignments. Which version of the signals you want to assign to tx and ready? the flopped one or not?
And yes, you can split theses blocks in multiple blocks, but in this case there seems to be no need.
And yes, the other style would be write everything in a single flop always block. But this will reduce readability, will be more prone to your errors and might have synthesis issues.

Verilog Array Walkthrough

I am just starting Verilog, and with little to no direction. I have been trying to build an 4 bit array that I want to walk through turning on and then off each of my LED's in order. I want them to go from 0-3, 7-4 and start over. I haven't set up my loops yet, however I want to see if I'm at least going in the right direction.
// 4 bit oscillating LED pattern
module count_osc (rstn, osc_clk, clk, LED);
input rstn;
output osc_clk;
output clk;
output [7:0] LED;
reg [22:0]c_delay;
genvar i;
genvar j;
GSR GSR_INST (.GSR(rstn)); // Reset occurs when argument is active low.
OSCC OSCC_1 (.OSC(osc_clk));
for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin : LED_loop
assign LED[i] = (clk);
for (j=4; j<8; j=j+1) begin : LED_loop_2
assign LED[j] = (~clk);
// The c_delay counter is used to slow down the internal oscillator (OSC) output
// to a rate of approximately 0.5 Hz
always #(posedge osc_clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn)
c_delay <= 32'h0000;
c_delay <= c_delay + 1;
assign clk = c_delay[22];
There are few misconceptions about verilog here, which are quite common for programmers coming from more procedural languages.
If your not aware Verilog describes hardware and therefore everything can happen in parallel, we do not procedurally start at the top and work our way through lines of code. Every initial and always blocks are running at the same time.
assign should be used outside of loops and it is a continuos assignment, ie combinatorial logic.
generate is used for parameterising hardware instances, you should not need this on basic examples. NB it also means that the hardware you describe can be quite tricky to understand.
With that in mind you may realise that this block:
for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin : LED_loop
assign LED[i] = (clk);
for (j=4; j<8; j=j+1) begin : LED_loop_2
assign LED[j] = (~clk);
Does not mean much, the first section is:
assign LED[0] = (clk);
assign LED[1] = (clk);
assign LED[2] = (clk);
assign LED[3] = (clk);
The second for loop is inside the first but only uses the second variable essentially overwriting the same statements 4 times:
assign LED[4] = (~clk);
assign LED[5] = (~clk);
assign LED[6] = (~clk);
assign LED[7] = (~clk);
When suggesting you write out what you want I was implying you write out the above instead of using generates.
I am not sure of the exact sequence you want from your question as you refer to a 4 bit array but uses 8 elements for the LED.
I think this might be a good place to practice creating a FSM (Finite state machine).
reg [2:0] state;
reg [2:0] nextstate;
always #(posedge clk or negede rst_n) begin
if (~rst_n) begin
state <= 'b0;
else begin
state<= nextstate;
//Next state logic (keeping it simple)
always #* begin
nextstate = state +1;
//Output logic
always #* begin
3'd0 : LED = 'b0000_0000; //Binary makes sense as we can see the LED pattern
3'd1 : LED = 'b0000_0001;
3'd2 : LED = 'b0000_0011;
3'd3 : LED = 'b0000_0111;
3'd4 : LED = 'b0000_1111;
3'd5 : LED = 'b0000_0111;
3'd6 : LED = 'b0000_0011;
3'd7 : LED = 'b0000_0001;
default : LED = 'b0000_0000; //Default unreachable if we completed the case
I do not think this completes the sequence your trying to do but it should give enough of an understanding to complete the sequence yourself.

My Verilog behavioral code getting simulated properly but not working as expected on FPGA

I wrote a behavioral program for booth multiplier(radix 2) using state machine concept. I am getting the the results properly during the program simulation using modelsim, but when I port it to fpga (spartan 3) the results are not as expected.
Where have I gone wrong?
module booth_using_statemachine(Mul_A,Mul_B,Mul_Result,clk,reset);
input Mul_A,Mul_B,clk,reset;
output Mul_Result;
wire [7:0] Mul_A,Mul_B;
reg [7:0] Mul_Result;
reg [15:0] R_B;
reg [7:0] R_A;
reg prev;
reg [1:0] state;
reg [3:0] count;
parameter start=1 ,add=2 ,shift=3;
always #(state)
R_A <= Mul_A;
R_B <= {8'b00000000,Mul_B};
prev <= 1'b0;
count <= 3'b000;
Mul_Result <= R_B[7:0];
prev <= 1'b0;
R_B[15:8] <= R_B[15:8] + R_A;
prev <= 1'b0;
R_B[15:8] <= R_B[15:8] - R_A;
prev <= 1'b1;
prev <=1'b1;
R_B <= {R_B[15],R_B[15:1]};
count <= count + 1;
always #(posedge clk or posedge reset)
state <= start;
state <= add;
state <= shift;
state <= start;
state <=add;
You have an incomplete sensitivity list in your combinational always block. Change:
always #(state)
always #*
This may be synthesizing latches.
Use blocking assignments in your combinational always block. Change <= to =.
Good synthesis and linting tools should warn you about these constructs.
Follow the following checklist if something does work in the simulation but not in reality:
Did you have initialized every register? (yes)
Do you use 2 registers for one working variable that you transfer after each clock (no)
(use for state 2 signals/wires, for example state and state_next and transfer after each clock state_next to state)
A Example for the second point is here, you need the next stage logic, the current state logic and the output logic.
For more informations about how to proper code a FSM for an FPGA see here (go to HDL Coding Techniques -> Basic HDL Coding Techniques)
You've got various problems here.
Your sensitivity list for the first always block is incomplete. You're only looking at state, but there's numerous other signals which need to be in there. If your tools support it, use always #*, which automatically generates the sensitivity list. Change this and your code will start to simulate like it's running on the FPGA.
This is hiding the other problems with the code because it's causing signals to update at the wrong time. You've managed to get your code to work in the simulator, but it's based on a lie. The lie is that R_A, R_B, prev, count & Mul_Result are only dependent on changes in state, but there's more signals which are inputs to that logic.
You've fallen into the trap that the Verilog keyword reg creates registers. It doesn't. I know it's silly, but that's the way it is. What reg means is that it's a variable that can be assigned to from a procedural block. wires can't be assigned to inside a procedural block.
A register is created when you assign something within a clocked procedural block (see footnote), like your state variable. R_A, R_B, prev and count all appear to be holding values across cycles, so need to be registers. I'd change the code like this:
First I'd create a set of next_* variables. These will contain the value we want in each register next clock.
reg [15:0] next_R_B;
reg [7:0] next_R_A;
reg next_prev;
reg [3:0] next_count;
Then I'd change the clocked process to use these:
always #(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if(reset==1) begin
state <= start;
R_A <= '0;
R_B <= '0;
prev <= '0;
count <= '0;
end else begin
R_A <= next_R_A;
R_B <= next_R_B;
prev <= next_prev;
count <= next_count;
case (state)
Then finally change the first process to assign to the next_* variables:
always #* begin
next_R_A <= R_A;
next_R_B <= R_B;
next_prev <= prev;
next_count <= count;
start: begin
next_R_A <= Mul_A;
next_R_B <= {8'b00000000,Mul_B};
next_prev <= 1'b0;
next_count <= 3'b000;
Mul_Result <= R_B[7:0];
add: begin
2'b00: begin
next_prev <= 1'b0;
All registers now have a reset
The next_ value for any register defaults to it's previous value.
next_ values are never read, except for the clocked process
non-next_ values are never written, except in the clocked process.
I also suspect you want Mul_Result to be a wire and have it assign Mul_Result = R_B[7:0]; rather than it being another register that's only updated in the start state, but I'm not sure what you're going for there.
A register is normally a reg, but a reg doesn't have to be a register.
