How to turn off MoreShapes menu in Visio 2019 drawing control in .NET c# - c#-4.0

I have used this below logic to hide More Shapes stencil in Visio 2019 visioControl.Document.Application.DoCmd((short)Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.VisUICmds.visCmdHideMoreShapes).
Instead of More Shapes, it is hiding Quick Shapes.
I am unable to hide More Shapes. I would require a c# code to implement this scenario.Could you please support me as soon as possible.

I dont have there C# IDE. I write VBA macro for close Shapes Window.
You must iterate all co-windows, if one of them have caption Shapes close it !
Dim AW As Window, cw As Window
Set AW = ActiveWindow
For Each cw In AW.Windows
If cw.Type = 10 And cw.Caption = "Shapes" Then
End If
End Sub
PS Menu MoreShapes is always visible when Shapes window is open…


Text inside ActiveX textbox 'stretches' with move & size with cells

On my worksheet there are ActiveX textboxes, which I have sized so they fit the cell they are in.
I have set object positioning to move and size with cells.
When I change the size of the cells, the textboxes resize as intended, but the text inside the box 'stretches' instead of remaining the same.
Well you obviously run into one of the numerous ActiveX bugs. I can only recommend to stay far away from ActiveX, as they are well known to cause odd issues and numerous bugs.
As solution I suggest to ask Microsoft to fix the bug and/or in the meanwhile use the following workaround after you resized columns.
There is a workaround, that could fix the odd stretch looking bug:
You just need to resize the TextBox with VBA like TextBox1.Width = TextBox1.Width and everything looks smooth again.
To fix all TextBoxes just loop through all of them and reset their width:
Option Explicit
Public Sub FixOddTextBoxesAfterColumnResize()
Dim obj As OLEObject
For Each obj In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
If obj.progID = "Forms.TextBox.1" Then
obj.Width = obj.Width
End If
Next obj
End Sub

Excel 2010 VBA ActiveX Resizing

Hi I am using excel 2010 with activex controls. I know activex controls can cause corruption and random resizing of the controls. This problem starts when I change screens.
I need to be able to add elements to a form control through a button being clicked and I also need to access elements in the form through VBA.
My question is how do you add an element into a form control listbox and how do you access it and how do you delete it.
My code uses all active x components but I want to switch them up. I am not sure how to set a name on a form control listbox to even access it in VBA.
Any help would be awesome!
PS. I am using windows 7, excel 2010
This method creates a listbox runtime. You just need to leave space on UserForm1 for it.
Dim lb As msforms.ListBox
Set lb = UserForm1.Controls.Add("forms.listbox.1", "MyListBox1")
This is also a good demostration on how to refer to an (ActiveX) object. A workaround to avoid accidental/unexpected resizing you can intentionally run the following snippet regularly from within the code:
If lb.width <> 100 Then ' or you can check other properties, too
lb.Top = 120
lb.Left = 40
lb.Width = 100
End If
This can be applied to other ActiveX objects, too, e.g.:
If UserForm1.Width <> 200 Then
UserForm1.Width = 200
You just need to find a good place in your code where this snippet is run often, and also definitely in UserForm_Initialize. You can also set other properties like caption or tabstop, etc. this way.
For adding and removing items you need to use indices like this:
lb.AddItem "First item", 1
lb.AddItem "Second item", 2
lb.AddItem "Third item", 3
lb.RemoveItem 2

Differences between Excel's Form Controls & ActiveX Controls

Why are there 2 types of controls available in Excel? (2 buttons, 2 combo boxes, 2 check box, etc...)
What's the difference between Forms Controls and ActiveX Controls? Which one should I use?
Some code samples I find online work with my controls, but others do not. How come?
How do I work with each type, and how can I tell the difference?
There is [eternal] confusion surrounding the two types of controls available to Excel — exacerbated by the contrasting terminology used by different online sources.
This is only a general overview of the differences between Form Controls and ActiveX Controls (based on my old notes that helped me finally figure out the differences!) Visit the included links for more detailed information about each control including code and sample projects. ☺
(Adapted from my original post here — now closed)
There are two types of controls: Form controls and ActiveX controls:
Both types of controls can be used on worksheets but only ActiveX controls can be used on userforms.
Form controls are part of the Shapes collection (just like Drawing Objects), and thus are referred to like:
ActiveX controls are basically part of the worksheet and are therefore referred to like:
Both types of controls can be created, modified and deleted from either the worksheet, or programmatically with VBA, however, the 2 types of controls have slightly varying syntax when using VBA to refer to them.
Some sites discuss also discuss a Data Form. This is nothing more than a userform made specifically for data entry/manipulation of data, so it would've made more sense to call them (the more familiar sounding) "Data Entry Userform".
Office documentation also occasionally refers to a worksheet as a form. While this is technically correct, don't let this confuse you. Think of the word "form" as being used in a general sense:
Two Types of Controls
Form Controls
ActiveX Controls
The two look, behave, and are controlled similarly, but not identically. (List here.)
For example, let's compare the two types of Combo Boxes. In some programming languages, comparable controls are referred to as a "drop-down menu" or "drop-down list". In Excel, we have a "Form Control Combo Box", and an "ActiveX Control Combo Box":
(Click image to enlarge.)
☆ "Default name" applies to controls created manually. Controls created programmatically do not have (or require) a default name and therefore should have one assigned immediately upon creation.
(Source: my answer)
Control Availability
This image below shows which common controls are generally available for use in Worksheets and User Forms.
Other factors may affect control availability. : Why are form-related commands or controls on the ribbon disabled? : Overview of forms, Form controls, and ActiveX controls on a worksheet
MSDN : Add Controls to a User Form
About ActiveX controls and related Security Concerns
An ActiveX control is an extension to the VBA Toolbox. You use ActiveX controls just as you would any of the standard built-in controls, such as the CheckBox control. When you add an ActiveX control to an application, it becomes part of the development and run-time environment and provides new functionality for your application.
An ActiveX control is implemented as an in-process server (typically a small object) that can be used in any OLE container. Note that the full functionality of an ActiveX control is available only when used within an OLE container designed to be aware of ActiveX controls.
This container type, called a control container or control object, can operate an ActiveX control by using the control’s properties and methods, and receives notifications from the ActiveX control in the form of events. The following figure demonstrates this interaction:
(Source: this and this)
See also:
Wikipedia: ActiveX : Discussion of ActiveX Vulnerabilities
How-To Geek : What ActiveX Controls Are and Why They’re Dangerous
Option Buttons (Radio Buttons)
In Excel, the two types of radio buttons are actually called Option Buttons. To further confuse matters:
the default name for the form control is OptionButton1.
the default name for the ActiveX control is Option Button 1.
A good way to distinguish them is by opening the control's Properties list (on the ribbon under the Development tab, or by right-clicking the control and choosing Properties, or hitting F4), because the ActiveX control has many more options that the simpler form control.
Option buttons and checkboxes can be bound together (so only one option at a time can be selected from the group) by placing them in a shared Group Box.
Select the group box control and then hold Ctrl while selecting each of the other controls that you want to group. Right-click the group box control and choose Grouping → Group.
The first two links below are separate sets of instructions for handling each type of option button.
Form control events (Click event only)
Form control events are only able to respond to one event: the Click event. (More info here.) Note that this section doesn't apply to userforms since they use only ActiveX controls.
To add a procedure for the Click event:
Right-click the control and choose Assign Macro...
In the 'Assign Macro` Dialog:
Select an existing procedure, and click OK, or,
Create a new procedure in the VBE by clicking New..., or,
Record a new macro by clicking Record..., or,
to Remove the assigned event, delete its name from Macro Name field and click OK.
(Click image to enlarge.)
To rename, edit or delete existing macros, hit Alt+F8 to open the Macro interface:
ActiveX control events
ActiveX controls have a more extensive list of events to which they can be set up to respond.
To assign events to ActiveX controls, right-click the control and choose View Code. In the VBE, you can paste in code, or choose specific events from the drop-down list at the top-right of the VBE window.
(Click image to enlarge.)
Control event handling on a userform:
Events can also be used in controls on userforms. Since only ActiveX controls can be placed a userform, you'll have the "more coding + more functionality" trade-off.
ActiveX controls are added to userforms the same way as they are added to a worksheet. Keep in mind that any events assigned to the userform itself (ie., background) will be "blocked" in any areas covered up by a control, so you may need to assign the same events to the controls as well as the userform.
For example, in order to make this userform respond to MouseMove anywhere on the form, the same event code was applied to the userform, textboxes, option buttons and the frame:
Add/Modify/Delete a form control option button using VBA:
Sub formControl_add()
'create form control
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
With ws.Shapes.AddFormControl(xlOptionButton, 25, 25, 100, 100)
.Name = "cOptionButton1" 'name control immediately (so we can find it later)
End With
End Sub
Sub formControl_modify()
'modify form control's properties
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
With Selection 'shapes must be Selected before changing
.Characters.Text = "wxyzabcd"
End With
End Sub
Sub formControl_delete()
'delete form control
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
End Sub
Shapes.AddShape Method (Excel)
Shape Properties (Excel)
Characters Object (Excel)
Add/Modify/Delete an ActiveX command button using VBA:
Sub activexControl_add()
'create ActiveX control
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
With ws.OLEObjects.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
.Left = 25
.Top = 25
.Width = 75
.Height = 75
.Name = "xCommandButton1" 'name control immediately (so we can find it later)
End With
End Sub
Sub activexControl_modify()
' modify activeX control's properties
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
With ws.OLEObjects("xCommandButton1").Object
.Caption = "abcxyz"
.BackColor = vbGreen
End With
End Sub
Sub activexControl_delete()
' delete activeX control
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
End Sub
OLEObjects.Add Method (Excel)
BackColor, ForeColor Properties (ActiveX Controls)
Add/Remove items from a form control combo box:
Sub ComboBox_addRemoveItems_FormControl()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
'add item to form control combo box
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Drop Down 1").ControlFormat.AddItem "abcd"
'remove all items from from form control combo bo
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Drop Down 1").ControlFormat.RemoveAllItems
End Sub
Add/Remove items from an ActiveX combo box:
Sub ComboBox_addRemoveItems_ActiveXControl()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
'add items to ActiveX combo box
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.AddItem "abcd"
'remove all items from ActiveX combo box
End Sub
More Information: : Add a checkbox or option button (Form controls) : Add a checkbox, option button, or toggle button (ActiveX controls) : Overview of forms, Form controls, and ActiveX controls on a worksheet : Enable selection through choice controls (check and list boxes) : Add, edit, find, and delete rows by using a data form
MSDN : VBA Shape Members
MSDN : Using ActiveX Controls on Sheets (Office)
Exceldemy : How to Use Form Controls in Excel
MSDN : Using Windows Forms Controls on Excel Worksheets (Visual Studio)
Microsoft TechNet : Behaviour of ActiveX controls embedded in Office documents
Stack Overflow : What is the difference between “Form Controls” and “ActiveX Control” in Excel 2010?

Locating Command Buttons in Excel VBA

I am maintaining a large spread sheet at work and there are ActiveX command buttons throughout the code. One sheet I am currently working on has almost 100 of these. I have made sure the button itself is visible as some of the buttons are hidden/unhidden depending on the flow of the code.
Is there a way I can find whereabouts on the sheet itself the button is located that the VBA code is pointing to? Here is a snippet:
enter code here
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Application.Goto Range("Add_Trainees"), True
CommandButton3.Visible = True ' unhides menu button
CommandButton81.Visible = True ' hides SC1
CommandButton97.Visible = True ' hides SC2
End Sub
I am trying to find where on the sheet where command buttons 3, 81 and 97 are located.
TIA for any help/suggestions.
I think pnuts provides the correct way to find out where the buttons are.
I would also suggest to open the panel from "Developer" -> "Properties". In that panel, you can check out all the ActiveX Controls, including the command buttons, in the list.

Issue with Z-Order

I have multiple shapes and checkboxes in a spreadsheet. I want to create a function that places a particular shape to front (a higher Z-order than its peers) when its corresponding checkbox is clicked. This is the code that I currently have:
Sub CheckBox3_Click()
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
Sheet1.Shapes("blueoval").ZOrder msoBringToFront
End If
End Sub
I get Run-time Error '424' whenever I run this code. I am new to VBA for excel, so any help would be greatly appreciated. What's wrong with this code? What's missing? etc.. Thanks!
Your code works for me.
Check that:
Your checkbox is an ActiveX control and not a Form control.
The checkbox name is CheckBox3.
You have a shape on Sheet1 called blueoval.
The sheet name with the blue oval is actually Sheet1 (check this in the Visual Basic Editor).
In the Visual Basic Editor, select Tools > References and make sure there are no references marked MISSING.
Your code is on the worksheet where the checkbox is and not in a separate module.
