How to change font / increase font size of Radio button on Inno Setup CreateInputOptionPage - inno-setup

I have added a new page - CreateInputOptionPage
added a few options.
wpWizardPage.Add('Option A');
wpWizardPage.Add('Option B');
wpWizardPage.Add('Option C');
I want to increase the font size of the radio button list.
I appreciate any help you can provide.

wpWizardPage.CheckListBox.Font.Size := 123;


Cannot set icons for buttons in the ribbon of MFC office style application

The only icons I was able to set for buttons in the ribbon of my MFC Office style application are the ones made available through the image index combo boxes in the button properties, all attempts to add custom images as icons failed.
Can someone please walk me through the process of setting icons for MFC ribbon buttons?
Instead of using an index when creating the button like this
CMFCRibbonButton *btnMyButton =
new CMFCRibbonButton (ID_APP_ABOUT, _T("About"), 13, 13);
you also can do it this way:
CMFCToolBarImages m_myOtherPanelImages;
CMFCRibbonButton *btnMyButton = new CMFCRibbonButton (ID_APP_ABOUT,
_T("About"), m_myOtherPanelImages.ExtractIcon(0));
In my CMFCRibbonBar derived clas, I use something like:
CMFCToolBarImages* pImageList;
pImageList= &GetCategory(0)->GetLargeImages();
pImageList->AddIcon(theApp.LoadIcon(IDI_SOME_ICON), true);
// ... and so on for every categorry and button, assuming that you have set the LARGE image indexes correctly for each button.
and it works.

Xpage Tabbed panel issue

Actually i am using tabbed panel inside the panel named(tabs).And having menu on clicking that menu link setting viewScope variable .it will passed to " Tab open by default "there i am using code like this
return viewscope.varaiablename
default tab
i am printing the value passed it shows four time printed same value
please explain me how it will work ![enter image description here][1]
You need to use:
if (viewscope.variablename != "")
Did you mean to attach an image also?

How to add separator to layout

I want to add vseparator to layout in GTK 2.0.
It's like the toolbar.
Here's part of code:
GtkWidget *layout, vsparator;
layout = gtk_layout_new(NULL, NULL);
vseparator = gtk_separator_menu_item_new();
gtk_layout_put(GTK_LAYOUT(layout), vseparator, 150, 0);
But, I don't understand why it is not being displayed. Why?
The separator menu item is not displayed if there are no menu items on either side of it. It doesn't make sense to use a separator menu item outside of a menu anyway.
Use GtkVSeparator instead.

MFC Combo-Box Control is not showing the full list of items when I click the drop-down menu

I'm coding an app in MSVS 2008, which has a ComboBox control which I initialize thru the code as below:
static char* OptionString[4] = {"Opt1",
BOOL CMyAppDlg::OnInitDialog()
// Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically
// when the application's main window is not a dialog
SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
In the above code, m_Option is the Control variable for the ComboBox Control.
Now, when I build the app and click the down-arrow, the drop-down box shows the first option ONLY(since I've selected that thru my code). But, if i press down-arrow key on keyboard, it cycles thru the options in the order I've inserted, but never does it show more than 1 option in the box. So, In case an user wants to select option3, he has to cycle through options 1 and 2 !! Though once I select any option using the keyboard, the appropriate event handlers are fired, I'm miffed by this behaviour , as is understandable.
I'm listing the properties of the combo-box control as well - only the properties that are true(rest are set to false):
Type - Dropdown
Vertical Scrollbar
Visible Tabstop
This has bugged me for weeks now. Can anyone pls enlighten me ?
In the dialog layout designer, while designing the dialog, click the "down arrow" on the combobox. You can then drag down on the bottom of the combobox's outline to increase its height.
You need to increase the height of the drop down of combo box in designer.
Through the designer by default you can just resize the ComboBox width. If you want to resize the Drop Down List height you need to click on the dropdown arrow on the right, then you'll be able to resize the dropped control height. This seems so easy but if no-one tells you it's anything but intuitive.
Hope you understood my point.
Another method to set height of the drop down of combo box is to manualy edit rc file.
You can set 5th parameter which is responsible for height of the drop down (72 in this example).
We can programmatically modify dropdown height as:
CRect rctCmbCountry, rctDropDownCountry;
itemHeight = m_Cmb_UI_Country.GetItemHeight(-1);
rctDropDownCountry.bottom = + rctCmbCountry.Height() + itemHeight * iNoOfITemToShowInComboDropDown;
I also was suffered by this problem and finally I found the solution for my MFC applications. The problem is that I did not apply the manifest version 6 to my applications. To solve this problem, I added the code to mark the manifest as following:
ifdef _UNICODE
if defined _M_IX86
pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='x86' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
elif defined _M_X64
pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='amd64' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
It worked well.
You can refer to the link [here] ( for more details.
Hope it helps.

YUI Panel Resize issues

I am having trouble while using the YUI panel as a dialog.
I have a dialog object created with javascript on page load:
$J = jQuery;
dialog = new YAHOO.widget.Panel("dialog", { width: "300px", fixedcenter: true, close: true, draggable: true, zindex: 4, modal: true, visible: false });
Then when I call my loadDialog() function from event on the page:
dialog.setBody("<iframe id=\"ifrDialog\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\"></iframe>");
// Set iframe
Then the tricky part was that I needed to resize the Panel and the IFRAME object AFTER the IFRAME finished loading its document. I got the width and height of the IFRAMES document and then resized the IFRAME to fit the document without scroll bars, then I resized the YUI Panel to contain the IFRAME correctly.
After this was done I make a call to:;
and this positions the YUI Modal Panel correctly in the center of the screen. Everything is great the first time. Originally when I wanted to close the dialog I tried to remove it from the document altogether by using the destroy() method but I kept getting a config null reference error so I simply hide the dialog now. The real problem arises when I try to show the dialog again for the same page. The Panel appears correctly as it should except now the browser window has vertical scrollbars when it shouldn't.
Is the Modal overlay growing for some reason? Is there some way to * reset * the Panel or remove it from the document so that it can be added dynamically when needed?
Also, same widget but different issue. I ran into another interesting situation after I had resized and repositioned the YUI Panel. The underlay did not grow to match the Panel's new size. I had to manually go and resize the underlay. Is there a better way to do this?
Thanks in advance for the help.
have you thought about using:
To remove the panel from the DOM,
this way, you will start with a fresh one anytimes.
