How can I request turn on the location? - android-studio

I have previously requested location permission in Android Studio (Java) for Android version higher 6.0, and now I want to request to turn it on.
On the other hand, I also requested Bluetooth permission and turn it on, using the following Intent:
if (!adapter.isEnabled()) {
Intent enableBluetoothIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE);
startActivityForResult(enableBluetoothIntent, REQUEST_ENABLE_BT);
Nevertheless, I don't know which intent I could throw in order to request to turn it on.
Thank you in advance.


Huawei Safety Detect checkURL API threat return empty list even when using malicious url for testing

Im trying to check if url is malicious in my app. But the output always return that the link is safe even when i put malicious link. Im developing the app using Android Studio and use both GMS and HMS library. Im running the app on my device which is Samsung and its working fine except for the problem i mention above. Help me please.
And one more thing, I've downloaded the appGallery on my phone and install hms core. But do i still need to convert gms library to hms library?
Thank you.
This is the response code.
public void onSuccess(UrlCheckResponse urlCheckResponse) {
List<UrlCheckThreat> list = urlCheckResponse.getUrlCheckResponse();
if (list.isEmpty()) {
// No threats found.
testRes.setText("No threats found.");
} else {
for (UrlCheckThreat threat : list){
int type = threat.getUrlCheckResult();
if(type == UrlCheckThreat.MALWARE){
testRes.setText("Malware found!");
else {
if (type == UrlCheckThreat.PHISHING)
testRes.setText("Phishing found!");
Could you please send me the link? That way I can do research. Please note: maybe the link is totally new so it may escape detection.
For your other question: "I've downloaded the AppGallery on my phone and install hms core. But do i still need to convert gms library to hms library.".
The answer is no, you don't need to convert anything. But note: you must integrate Huawei SDK when you try to use Huawei Kit features on your GMS phone or HMS phones.
Apparently, the API to check list of malicious URL took time to function. The response code was functioning well and can detect the malicious URL. Thank you for all the responses.

Using WebRTC getUserMedia with UWP WebView

I've created a basic UWP application with a WebView. I'm navigating to this URL: to test the use of getUserMedia().
The error I get is: getUserMedia error: NotFoundError
Does anyone know if this should be possible, and if I'm therefore doing something wrong? Anyone using getUserMedia within a UWP WebView?
Thanks for any guidance.
getUserMedia error: NotFoundError
This error will occurre when the user denies permission, or media is not available.
In an UWP app, when you want to access Media capture, you will need to open the manifest file of your project, go to the Capabilities label and select the Webcam capability to enable the Camera device for your app.
This will solve the problem, but for your case, I think you may also need to enable the Microphone capability in the same way.
In addition to the accepted answer, I needed to add this handler to the webview to allow permission:
webView.PermissionRequested += WebView_PermissionRequested;
private void WebView_PermissionRequested(WebView sender,
WebViewPermissionRequestedEventArgs args)

ChromeCast(google cast) can't find app name

ChromeCast (google cast) can't find my app name.
I already registered the app in the whitelist.
I can find and launch apps/YouTube, apps/ChromeCast, apps/OldAppName,
but not apps/NewAppName.
Why so? How can I do any thing?
thanks a lot.
Hi Ali Naddaf,
Thanks you for your reply.
I already checked each step by your link again, My app ID is already in whitelist.
I used "//"
in my receiver app.
but when I Invoke receiver use new app ID, It's return below Error on receiver source code.
(google default)enter code here
return new Message(
On ChromeCast "receiver/1.0/cast_receiver.js",
I can found my app use app ID, such as "",
This rule is still can work???
Thanks a lot.
The error source code is in home screen,
"message.js" file,
This is ChromeCast default home screen source code
I use below receiver:
1 //
2 our iOS app sender, (google sample)
ps. default app is normal work, YouTube/ChromeCast/old app-ID(version 1.0 js)
and I can found below page use browser,
" app-ID"
but can't found
" app-ID"
Thanks a lot,
Most likely your device is not whitelisted. You need to register your chromecast device for your appid and then, follow the instructions in this post to troubleshoot. Also read the development site for chromecast; it has valuable info.

notify user to play sound windows phone 8 and stop current music

In my Windows Phone 7 and 7.5 apps I used to prompt a message box when the app was launched if the user was already playing music, to notify the user to stop current music to play the sounds, or to exit the app, this was working, but when I coded from the beginning for Windows Phone 8, for some reason this code doesn't work, if you are playing a sound, instead to prompt the notification, the apps opens and close itself.
This is the code I was using:
private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e)
if (MediaPlayer.GameHasControl != true)
if (MessageBox.Show("This application requires play sounds and stop your currently playlist", "Information",
MessageBoxButton.OK) == MessageBoxResult.OK)
I'm pretty sure must be some change in the Api with the MediaPlayer? I couldn't find any information about that, someone knows how can I fix that?
As you guessed,there are some changes in APIs.
First thing I notice, calling MessageBox.Show(string) from the Application_Launching event causes an exception. You app is probably shutting down due to an unhandled exception.
From MSDN: "If you call Show(String) method from the app Activated and Launching event handlers an InvalidOperationException is thrown with the message Error Displaying MessageBox."
EDIT: The documentation on MSDN is unclear whether calling .Show(string, string, messageBoxButton) raises the same exception.
App platform compatibility for Windows Phone

Mac OS app entitlements block internet connection

I have a Mac OS app that needs outgoing connections.
I've followed Apple Code Signing Guide (Xcode 4.6.2) to enable entitlements and my target summary looks like this:
I have a MYAPP.entitlements file in my project that looks like:
Everything seems to be set in the right way, but when I try to run my app, even if
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFinishLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame
are called, nothing is loaded in my webView. Nor Little Snitch asks for connection.
Then, in Console no violation is presented.
If I try to change Entitlements setting, by unchecking "Allow Outgoing Connections", Console shows Sandbox violation this way:
20/05/13 00:44:09,000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(908) deny mach-lookup
20/05/13 00:44:10,593 sandboxd[908]: ([904]) MYAPP(904) deny mach-lookup
20/05/13 00:44:10,601 sandboxd[908]: ([904]) MYAPP(904) deny system-socket
If I remove Enable App Sandboxing, everything works and my webView loads its contents...
I have tried:
to exit Xcode
to reboot my computer
to boot in save mode
to enable any combination of permissions in Entitlements
to create a new MYAPP.entitlements file
to rename my target
Anybody has experienced this behavior?
Any suggestion will be very appreciated... Thank you.
Well, I ended up reinstalling my whole system and now it works...
