I am doing a project in which I need to get responses from Gitlab self-managed.
For Gitlab SaaS it's very easy to find and use the baseurl, however I am facing some difficulties understanding what is my base url in the self-managed option.
Couldn't find an answer in Gitlab API docs - https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/
I tried querying both the address of the self-managed server and the SaaS base url both unsuccessfully.
Any suggestions?
As described in how to use the API, the API is located at the api/v4 path.
For example, to use the projects API on gitlab.com, you can use: https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects
Is it possible to configure Azure Repos or custom repos? This provides more functionalities including branching policy, pull request and code review.
Currently, Git is enabled by default, pointing to Azure centralised database.
In short:
No, this is not possible.
The longer answer:
No, I don't think this is possible.
Although there's no documentation that states it is not possible, I can also not find any documentation it is possible. And the lack of UI, REST APIs or documentation on how to specify a custom Git repo leads me to believe this is currently not possible.
The SCM endpoint is one of the managed service components hence it is out of your control.
At work we are using Azure repositories as version control and Jira for our project management needs and issue management. We wanted to integrate both of these platform, so I sucsseffully installed Azure Pipeline For Jira and tested it out with a demo repo on Github with Github for Jira and it worked, it integrated my git actions on issue pannels. But somehow it does not support the Azure repos (at least there is no free version).
Let me know if any one has a work around for this. (Obviously not paid)
My main Question is, now I am trying to use Azure webhooks to receive information regarding my git activity on Jira issue pannel. In order to receive this information I am trying to create a web trigger URL in Jira's Forge App but couldn't really make it work. Maybe the URL generated by Jira is too big or something it gives 424 error when GET request is sent to the URL. Can anyone help in this regard?
I am developing an application using microservice-based architecture. I Know that on Azure API management we can register our APIs. Now the problem I am facing is that my micro-services(development and production ) are deployed on AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service) and both have different IP Addresses as provided by the AKS. How do I differentiate between the two environments so that my front end team has two separate URLs for development and production? The base URI of the API Gateway on azure is pre-configured and cannot be changed, how do I get two URLs?
My main concern is do I need to create two instances of Azure API Management Service?
Have you checked Azure API Management DevOps Resource Kit . As recommended, yes you need to create two instances for your environments and deploy using ARM templates
If you don't want to create several instances, you might also try using versions and revisions.
You can create revisions by right-clicking an API and tap "Add revision".
The revision can be accessed via the rev=2 url specifier as shown in the picture above. After successful testing, you can easily set a revision to be the "current" API, which won't need a revision specifier anymore.
You can create a version by right-clicking an API and tap "Add version".
In the "Versioning scheme" dropdown, you can also choose how the version should be specified. The options are:
Query string
so you can target each version separately.
I'm developing a simple site consisting of an Angular frontend and a simple NodeJS backend. I currently see 3 ways to setup the project:
have 1 Web App to serve the static HTML and 1 Web App for the NodeJS backend
serve both REST API and static files using the same NodeJS instance
I read about virtual directories for Azure Web Apps, but wasn't able to find appropriate documentation. Is that even a viable solution?
What's the standard setup to use for Azure? Is there any in-depth documentation I missed?
I would say that this is a type of question for which it is difficult to get an answer, because someone could write an entire book on this topic and a lot of aspects are a matter of personal preferences, approaches and so on.
Before I try to attempt a first answer I would like to point out that I am not familiar with Node.js at all, but I am fairly familiar with Azure AppService and ASP.Net Core MVC.
There is no standard setup in Azure AppService (websites in this case) and in fact all the 3 options that you mentioned are valid. Based on my expperience with Azure AppService I would say that option one is suitable when you have a publicly available API. In that case you could also register your API with Azure Management API.
The second option is, in my opinion, best suitable when your frontend is the only consumer of your API.
The third option is not that common, but 100% possible. Here is a very good article on how to set virtual directories up and how to deploy an application to them using Visual Studio. I am not sure how this would be done exactly with the tooling at your disposal, but conceptually it should be possible. However, deploying NODE.js projects in virtual directories could cause some problems you should be prepared for. More information here.
I would however stick with what I said in the start: I would deploy both backend and frontend to the same web app if my Angular application is the only consumer of the API and I would deploy to 2 different web apps if my API was public.
I'm curious what other might think in this regard.
Being new to Azure I am confused about the azure sdk one adds to mobile service scripts via require('azure');
I want to get a blob and found this git project, which has nice wrappers for the blob storage.
I assumed this to be related to my required one. Yet, the required one returns a blob storage service object (createBlobService) that has methods like createContainerIfNotExists and generateSharedAccessSignature, but misses **getBlob** ( documented here ) among others, and has **getBlobToStream**.
So clearly the azure sdk I require in Node is something completely different from the github project or just not the same version of it.
where is the official documentation from Microsoft regarding what I get when I do require('azure') ?
how would I make sure I have the most recent version ?
if these are two different azure sdks, then is it recommended to replace the one I currently require with the github project mentioned above ?
This link seems to be the official documentation. So in my specific case I am supposed to use getBlobToStream.
At that point, my question comes down to: how do I know which version of the azure sdk is currently deployed with my mobile service? The package.json does not list this dependency.
I believe you install that by utilising npm and run the command:
npm install azure
which will pull the package down from https://www.npmjs.org/package/azure