How to upgrade the GPG version installed on AWS EC2 - linux

I have a requirement to upgrade the GNU Privacy Guard(GPG) package installed on AWS EC2 instance. The OS installed on EC2 is Linux(Not Ubuntu).
The current version installed is 2.0.22-5.amzn2.0.4,which is depricated as per GPG website.
Hence, I wish to upgrade it to version 2.3
I tried the below commands for the purpose.
$ sudo yum update-minimal gnupg
$ sudo yum reinstall gnupg
$ sudo yum update gpg
Everytime, I get a message saying NO PACKAGEs MARKED FOR UPDATE
When tried to reinstall using command number 2, the same version 2.0.22-5.amzn2.0.4 is reinstaled again, which actually isn't the latest version.
Can anyone suggest the process to upgrade to latest version?

Updated remark:
The package name on Amazon Linux 2 should be gnupg2.
You should be using Amazon Linux 2, you are using the latest package version provided by Amazon Linux 2.
By the time I write this answer, most distribution are still using gnupg 2.2, the only common distribution providing gnupg 2.3 is Fedora, you can find it at
In case you really need it now, you may either:
Build it by yourself
Install the rpm package from Fedora via dnf install <rpm-url>


How to install node.js v16 on VPS cPanel WHM when ea-nodejs10 installs v10.24.1?

I want to yum install xrpl to sign transactions via the xrpl.js library on a cPanel WHM VPS and have made it through How to install a Node.js Application enough that all four ea-*** RPMs, including ea-nodejs10 v10.24.1, have been installed. However, xrpl.js recommends node.js v14 while also supporting v12 & v16.
Further, package-lock.json must be installed prior to xrpl.js - yet even though WHM Edit Package shows package-lock.json added:
yum install package-lock.json throws "No package package-lock.json available." Although repeating yum install ea-nodejs10 returns "Package already installed."
So I would appreciate advice on how to install node.js v14 and package-lock.json on this system thanks.
I am now able to sign, send, and validate XRP Ledger transactions with python - hence my iOS-XRPL UI javascript brew will delegate its signing-validating to python functions.
MobileApp-XRP Ledger blockchain Linux dedicated server xrpl-py library installation
MobileApp business XRPL transactions on browser requires a Dedicated Server, instead of a VPS, to install the required xrpl-py python library. Several guides continue to evolve for the several systems.
Present solution starts with Bluehost Linux DS Python Installation latest version 3.9.2 guide.
However the make install command attempts - and fails - to break the existing python 2.7 installation integral to the cPanel framework and needs to be replaced by make altinstall as described by Grepitout: How to Install Python 3 in cPanel Server.
Except that didn't quite work either -> What eventually worked on author's Mac OS-Linux system was Computing for Geeks: Install Python 3.9 on CentOS 8 / CentOS 7 guide:
$ ssh username#serveripaddress
sudo yum -y update
sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y
sudo yum install openssl-devel libffi-devel bzip2-devel -y
$ gcc --version
sudo yum install wget -y
tar xvf Python-3.9.7.tgz
cd Python-3.9*/
./configure --enable-optimizations
sudo make altinstall
$ python3.9 --version
Python 3.9.7

How to install JavaPackage on ubuntu

I came across a debian application by the name JavaPackage which can create a debian installation file (.deb) form a java binary (.tar.gz) which you can then install using dpkg -i application_name.deb. With Ubuntu being a debian-based linux distribution, it is possible that it can be installed on ubuntu as well.
How do I go about installing it on Ubuntu/Kubuntu 16.04.2 LTS?
java-package is available in the official ubuntu repositories. All you need to do is update the repository with the latest version then install it as shown below:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install java-package

Linux: How to install certain old version of a software via apt-get

I am trying to install the same versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP in my Linux PC (Raspberry Debian) as installed in my remote public server.
For instance, I'd like to install the last legacy release of the 2.2 branch, Apache/2.2.31.
apt-cache showpkg apache2
Package: apache2
2.4.10-10+deb8u4 (/var/lib/apt/lists/mirrordirector.raspbian.org_raspbian_dists_jessie_main_binary-armhf_Packages)
But there isn't any information about the 2.2.31 version, neither in "Reverse Provides" section. I can do it by compiling from the sources, but it takes a lot of time. And I tried to find a reliable PPA or a reliable sources for deb packages, without any success.
How can I do it?
If APT tracks the specific version you are looking for, (like Kyle said) then it's pretty easy.
sudo apt-get install <pkg_name>=<pkg_version>
sudo apt-get -t=<target_version> <pkg_name>
To see which packages are tracked, run
apt-cache showpkg <package_name>
Unfortunately though, if a particular version is not managed by the APT, then you are out of luck using APT. It might be managed by some of the other package managers out there.
Ref. How can I downgrade a package via apt-get?
If you have the version number, or the target release, apt-get supports choosing a particular version or target release. More details can be found on manual page of apt-get. It can also be accessed from a terminal by typing man apt-get.
sudo apt-get install <package-name>=<package-version-number>
sudo apt-get -t=<target release> install <package-name>

Is it possible to install an older Boost library on Ubuntu

I'm trying to install libboost1.46-all-dev on Ubuntu 13.04 because it's necessary for our project.
Unfortunately I was not able to find it in my repos while doing
sudo apt-cache search libboost1.49-all-dev
Default is actually libboost1.46-all-dev. Does anyone has an idea where I can find the older package and install it using apt-get ?

How to install R 3.1.2 on Linux Mint 17.1

I have installed the latest version of Linux Mint (17.1) in my computer. I installed R version 3.0.2. However, when I try to install the package xslsx, or dplyr, the system says that these packages are unavailable for the R version I have, and that the shall be installed on the R 3.1.2 version. 've been trying to upgrade R from all the possible means but I haven't had a sucessful result. Is anyone experiencing the same problem?
Follow the instructions posted here: How to upgrade R in ubuntu?
Note that Linux Mint 17.1 relies upon the Ubuntu Trusty package base, so you will need to use trusty/ as the Ubuntu version. Also, make sure to use the command sudo apt-get upgrade r-base at the end of the procedure, not just sudo apt-get upgrade, otherwise R won't be upgraded.
Your question may be considered off-topic, but it can be helpful to other Mint users.
Hope this will help, your question helped me alot... Note that Linux mint is based on ubuntu trusty...
sudo su
echo "deb trusty/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E084DAB9}
sudo apt-get upgrade r-base
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Version specific installation using source code is much different than the installation using YUM or APT. It depends on OS version and the number of dependencies that need to be met for the installation to complete successfully. I have documented the installation of R 3.3.3 on SLES11 SP3 in Hope that it might help you install on linux systems.
I can't figure out how to install properly from the tar.gz file linked from the main R page. I download it, I run ./configure make, and it installs to my Downloads folder. Couldn't figure out how to install it properly elsewhere (must be easy, but I'm green on these things -- advice appreciated), and RStudio, e.g., doesn't know to look in my Downloads folder for the current version (also probably not the most robust approach).
Instead, I was able to grab the last r-base-dev .deb file from trusty here/xenial here, which handles installation automatically.
R versions 3.5+ have changed directories:
