Connected Ubuntu 20.04 machine to remote Ubuntu 20.04 machine using remmina tool.
But it is very slow , can you please suggest me any tips.
I installed the WSL form Microsoft store and the I have tried to get the list of distros using the below command.
wsl.exe --list --online
But I got the below error.
Failed to fetch the list distribution from ''. A connection with the server could not be established
I am facing the same issue and I think it has something to do with IPv6 connectivity in Windows.
As* is IPv6 only.
works but
As a workaround to this problem, you can enable Virtual Machine Platform through Turn Windows Feautures On or Off menu and install WSL2 and WSL distro of your choice from Microsoft Store.
On Windows 10, I am having this same issue. I just performed wsl --update, so I am on the latest WSL 2.
I am finding that DNS Servers include 2 that are ipv6 addresses.
I can open in my browser, and I can curl it from wsl command line, but from Windows Command Prompt, wsl --install Ubuntu fails with "Failed to fetch the list distribution".
I suspect it all has to do with the DNS Name resolinvg to an IPv6 address that curl and the browser can handle but the wsl subsystem cannot?
To test this I added an entry to my windows hosts file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, ie:
and in a new Command Prompt Window, wsl -l -o works as expected, ie:
c:\> wsl -l -o
The following is a list of valid distributions that can be installed.
Install using 'wsl.exe --install <Distro>'.
Ubuntu Ubuntu
Debian Debian GNU/Linux
kali-linux Kali Linux Rolling
SLES-12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server v12
SLES-15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server v15
Ubuntu-18.04 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Ubuntu-20.04 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Ubuntu-22.04 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
OracleLinux_8_5 Oracle Linux 8.5
OracleLinux_7_9 Oracle Linux 7.9
I am trying to install a Percona cluster on a VM following this guide, but when I get to
sudo percona-release setup pxc80
I am getting
Specified repository is not supported for current operating system!
My VM is running a ubuntu 22.04 server. What can I do to fix this?
There is not yet a PXC for Ubuntu 22.04. PXC is based on Percona Server, Percona Server is based on Oracle MySQL Community. MySQL Community is not yet available from Oracle for Ubuntu 22.04. PXC will not likely be available for Ubuntu 22.04 until 8.0.30 at the earliest.
George O. Lorch III
Director of Server Engineering, Percona Server for MySQL, Percona XtraDB Cluster, and Percona XtraBackup
I have a server in my lab running centOS operating system, and i am connecting to the server using ubuntu installed on my windows laptop. I want to install hyperledger fabric on this lab server (centOS). but I am new to centOS as well ubuntu. have no idea, where to start and how. I need help to install hyperledger fabric platform on this centOS server.
have surf the Internet but not found any good information about centOS commands and support.
I need all steps to install hyperledger platform on centOS server.
I have Docker installed on two Linux OS on my VirtualBox. The VirtualBox is installed on my MAC OS X 10.11 laptop.
The details of the Linux OS versions are as follows:
CentOS 7.0 Server is acting as a Docker client to Docker daemon on Ubuntu 14.04.03 server
I have installed Docker version 1.8.3 on my CentOS 7 OS server which will act as a client for Docker version 1.6.2 installed on Ubuntu 14.04.03 server.
So CentOS is acting as a Docker client and Ubuntu is acting as a Docker Server daemon. The Ubuntu docker is running on tcp port 2375 on IP address (which I have not given here) as a background daemon ( I found the IP address on Ubuntu by using "ip addr" ...I have a home network setup with wireless router).
I have also verified that on Ubuntu Linux, Docker is not listening on socket (which is a default behavior).
Then I setup following environment variable on CentOS -
export DOCKER_HOST="IP-Address-of-Ubuntu-Server:2375"
Now, I run following command on my CentOS to see if I can detect the Docker Server deamon on Ubuntu Box:
docker version
I am able to detect the Client Docker version on Centos but not the server part from the Ubuntu after running above command. It shows following instead -
Cannot connect to the Docker Daemon. Is 'docker -d' running on this host?
Additional Notes:
I have set the SELinux on CentOS using "setenforce 0".
I have also made following changes to firewalld on the Centos : firewall-cmd
--zone=public --add-port=2375/tcp --permanent
running "docker -d" is of no help here as per my understanding
What else can I do to be able to detect the Docker server running on another Linux box ?
Moved my app from Fedora Linux to latest Ubuntu 12.04. Both machines are behind a corporate web proxy. The node version on Ubuntu is 0.6.6. Could this be a Ubuntu 12.04 specific problem? Does other see this as well?