Python nested json - python-3.x

Can any one have solution for this, i want there should be api data in this manner ??
I wanted api data in for similar state comes in one hood rather than seprate, different state data can be different obj,
data = [{
state_name:New_jersi, data:{
category: malware,
state_name:Washinton, data:{
But may api response be:
"state": "South Carolina",
"state_count": 2,
"Website Compromise/Intrusion": {
"sub_category": {
"Insecure Direct Object Reference": 2,
"Memory Corruption": 2,
"SQLI": 1,
"Stack Overflow": 1,
"XSRF": 1,
"Heap Overflow": 1,
"Security Misconfiguration": 1
"state": "South Carolina",
"state_count": 1,
"Phishing": {
"sub_category": {
"Spear Phishing Attacks": 2,
"Fast Flux": 2,
"Rock fish": 2,
"Identify Theft/Social Engineering": 1,
"Phishing Redirector": 1,
"Pharming": 1,
"Exploitation of Hardware Vulnerability": 1
i wanted same state data be in same object buut in my case state data comes in seprate object because of data comes through category, rather that seprate.
My logic are below
cat_count = incnum.values('incident_category__cat_name','incident_category__cat_id').annotate(count=Count('incident_category__cat_id'))
subcat_count = incnum.values('incident_sub_category__sub_cat_name','incident_sub_category__cat_id','incident_sub_category__id').annotate(count=Count('incident_sub_category__cat_id'))
reporter_state_count1 = incnum.values('incident_category__cat_id','reporter__comp_individual_state','reporter__comp_individual_state__name').annotate(count=Count('incident_category__cat_id'))
for x, state_ in enumerate(reporter_state_count1):
for i, cat_ in enumerate(cat_count):
if state_['incident_category__cat_id'] == cat_['incident_category__cat_id']:
for i, cat_ in enumerate(cat_count):
if state_['incident_category__cat_id'] == cat_['incident_category__cat_id']:
arr16.append({'state':state_['reporter__comp_individual_state__name'], 'state_count':state_['count'], cat_['incident_category__cat_name']:{'sub_category':{}}})
for sub_ in subcat_count:
if cat_['incident_category__cat_id'] == sub_['incident_sub_category__cat_id']:

cat_count = incnum.values('incident_category__cat_name', 'incident_category__cat_id').annotate(
subcat_count = incnum.values('incident_sub_category__sub_cat_name', 'incident_sub_category__cat_id',
reporter_state_count1 = incnum.values('incident_category__cat_id', 'reporter__comp_individual_state',
arr16 = []
for state_ in reporter_state_count1:
state_data = {"state_name" : state_['reporter__comp_individual_state__name'], "data":[]}
for cat_ in cat_count:
if state_['incident_category__cat_id'] == cat_['incident_category__cat_id']:
sub_cat_data = [{sub_['incident_sub_category__sub_cat_name']: sub_['count']} for sub_ in subcat_count if cat_['incident_category__cat_id'] == sub_['incident_sub_category__cat_id']]
category_data = {"category": cat_['incident_category__cat_name'], "sub_cat_data": sub_cat_data}
1 State might have multiple category, the way you are trying to make your api, it won't be able to show multiple category for a state. This is why i modify a little bit. you will find all the category in state object
Creating a dictionary which will store category_id as key and all the subcategory of that category as value
cat_to_subcat_list = {}
for cat_ in cat_count:
sub_cat_data = [{"name":sub_['incident_sub_category__sub_cat_name'],"count": sub_['count']} for sub_ in subcat_count if
cat_['incident_category__cat_id'] == sub_['incident_sub_category__cat_id']]
cat_to_subcat_list[cat_['incident_category__cat_id']] = {"category": cat_['incident_category__cat_name'], "sub_cat_data": sub_cat_data}
Createing a dictionary which will store state__name as key and a list of category object will save as value
state_data = {}
for state_ in reporter_state_count1:
if state_['reporter__comp_individual_state__name'] not in state_data:
'''This if statement is checking whether state_name exit or not.
if state_name does not exist in dictionary it'll create a empty list as it's value'''
state_data[state_['reporter__comp_individual_state__name']] = []
Re-formatting json as api needed
arr16 = [
"state_name": state_name,
"data": state_data
}for state_name, state_data in state_data.items()


Groovy to round all array decimal places down and return unique number count?

Thank you aspok for your help!
My goal is to get my list to be [3, 3, 4] and then get a count of unique values within it. Can anyone point me in the right direction for doing this?
My script consumes a JSON and puts all F4211_LNID values into a list. [3.1, 3.9, 4]. I need to now round all decimal places down.
I'm not sure if it's doable, but I am trying to use Math.floor(intListItems) to round my array values down. When I try this I receive the following error: Exception No signature of method: static java.lang.Math.floor() is applicable for argument types: (ArrayList) values: [[3.1, 3.9, 4]] Possible solutions: floor(double), log(double), find(), macro(groovy.lang.Closure), acos(double), cos(double)
I see my simplified list in the error, but I can't get it to round down and not sure what the error means.
(UPDATED) My Working Groovy
// Read Input Values
String aInputJson = aInputMap.InputJson ?: "{}"
// Initialize Output Values
def intListItems = []
def uniqueCount = 0
// Parse JSON
def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText( aInputJson )
// Determine Row Numbers
def rowset = json?.fs_DATABROWSE_F4211?.data?.gridData?.rowset
intListItems = rowset.collect{ Math.floor(it.F4211_LNID) }
uniqueCount = intListItems.size()
JSON I am using.
"fs_DATABROWSE_F4211": {
"title": "Data Browser - F4211 [Sales Order Detail File]",
"data": {
"gridData": {
"id": 58,
"fullGridId": "58",
"rowset": [
"F4211_LNTY": "S",
"F4211_CPNT": 0,
"F4211_MCU": " 114000",
"F4211_DSC2": "NAS133N3EK166",
"F4211_NXTR": "580",
"F4211_LNID": 3.1,
"F4211_DOCO": 2845436
"F4211_LNTY": "S",
"F4211_CPNT": 0,
"F4211_MCU": " 114000",
"F4211_DSC2": "NAS133N3EK166",
"F4211_NXTR": "580",
"F4211_LNID": 3.9,
"F4211_DOCO": 2845436
"F4211_LNTY": "S",
"F4211_CPNT": 0,
"F4211_MCU": " 114000",
"F4211_DSC2": "NAS133N3EK166",
"F4211_NXTR": "580",
"F4211_LNID": 4,
"F4211_DOCO": 2845436
"summary": {
"records": 1,
"moreRecords": false
"errors": [],
"warnings": []
"currentApp": "DATABROWSE_F4211",
"timeStamp": "2000-06-01:09.42.02",
"sysErrors": []
You are getting the error Exception No signature of method: static java.lang.Math.floor() is applicable for argument types: (ArrayList) because there is no version of Math.floor() that accepts a List as a parameter.
Instead, you need to call Math.floor() on each individual item in the list. The easiest way to do this is in the collect { } call you are already doing.
def flooredList = rowset.collect { Math.floor(it.F4211_LNID) }
assert flooredList == [3.0, 3.0, 4.0]

Do DynamoDB update expressions allow condition expressions to target specific components of an update expressions?

I have an item where multiple attributes may need to be updated (but not always), and each of them requires a different set of conditions. In the below example, I would like to do the following:
Set a new JobTitle if it has changed, and the LastUpdated value is more recent
Append a Project ID to the ProjectsList list and Project to Projects if a new Project ID listed.
Is it possible to run all of these updates within a single update_item expression, or is it necessary to use transactions?
Example item:
'PK': 'PERSON#123456789',
'SK': 'PERSON#123456789',
'ID': '123456789',
'Name': 'Bob Smith',
'Birthday': '01/01/2000',
'Street': '65 LEXINGTON AVE',
'Zip': '12345',
'City': 'NEW YORK',
'State': 'NY',
'JobTitle': 'Project Manager',
'LastUpdated': '20210101',
'Projects': [
'Name': 'Project A',
'ID': '987654321'
'Name': 'Project B',
'ID': '756394733'
"ProjectList": ['987654321', '756394733']
Each separate update expressions (via a Table resource):
# Update job title if changed
r = table.update_item(
Key = {
"PK": data['PK'],
"SK": data['SK']
UpdateExpression = "SET #JobTitle = :JobTitle",
ExpressionAttributeNames = {
"#JobTitle": "JobTitle",
"#LastUpdated": "LastUpdated"
ExpressionAttributeValues = {
":JobTitle": "Senior Project Manager",
":LastUpdated": '20210102'
ConditionExpression = "#LastUpdated < :LastUpdated AND #JobTitle <> :JobTitle"
# Update projects if not in list
r = table.update_item(
Key = {
"PK": data['PK'],
"SK": data['SK']
UpdateExpression = """
SET #Projects = list_append(if_not_exists(#Projects, :empty_list), :ProjectMap),
#ProjectList = list_append(if_not_exists(#ProjectList, :empty_list), :ProjectID)
ConditionExpression = "not(contains(#ProjectList, :ProjectID))",
ExpressionAttributeNames = {
"#Projects": "Projects",
"#ProjectList": "ProjectList"
ExpressionAttributeValues = {
":empty_list": [],
":ProjectMap": [{
"Name": "Project C"
"ID": "7463848373"
":ProjectID": ["7463848373"]
What I want to do
# (1) Update job title if changed or (2) update projects if not in list
r = table.update_item(
Key = {
"PK": data['PK'],
"SK": data['SK']
UpdateExpression = """
#JobTitle = :JobTitle,
#Projects = list_append(if_not_exists(#Projects, :empty_list), :ProjectMap),
#ProjectList = list_append(if_not_exists(#ProjectList, :empty_list), :ProjectID)
ExpressionAttributeNames = {
"#JobTitle": "JobTitle",
"#LastUpdated": "LastUpdated",
"#Projects": "Projects",
"#ProjectList": "ProjectList"
ExpressionAttributeValues = {
":empty_list": [],
":JobTitle": "Senior Project Manager",
":LastUpdated": '20210102'
":ProjectMap": [{
"Name": "Project C"
"ID": "7463848373"
":ProjectID": ["7463848373"]
ConditionExpression = "(#LastUpdated < :LastUpdated AND #JobTitle <> :JobTitle) OR not(contains(#ProjectList, :ProjectID))"
I'm skeptical that this is possible due to this line in the AWS documentation:
For these data manipulation operations, you can specify a condition expression to determine which items should be modified. If the condition expression evaluates to true, the operation succeeds; otherwise, the operation fails.

How can I return all nested objects using python?

I wrote an Elastic query which will check the condition (status="APPROVED") and Gets all approved_by objects.
This is my index (portfolio):
"settings": {},
"mappings": {
"portfolio": {
"properties": {
"status": {
"type": "keyword",
"normalizer": "lcase_ascii_normalizer"
"archived_at": {
"type": "date"
"approved_by": {
"id": "text",
Currently I have 60 objects whose status are approved , so when i run the query it will show 60 objects,but in my case i am getting only one object(I debugged the code, total 60 objects are coming as expected, but still returning only single object), please help guys.
My query:
profiles ='portfolio', doc_type='portfolio',
scroll='10m', size=1000,
"query": {"match": {"status": "APPROVED"}}
sid = profiles['_scroll_id']
scroll_size = len(profiles['hits']['hits'])
while scroll_size > 0:
for info in profiles['hits']['hits']:
item = info['_source']
approved_by_obj = item.get('approved_by')
if approved_by_obj:
return (jsonify({"approved_by": approved_by_obj}))
Expected o/p format:
"approved_by": {
"id": "system",
"name": "system"
You're getting only one result because you're returning from your loop, effectively breaking out of it completely.
So, instead of returning from it, append the found approved_by_object to a list of your choice and then return that 60-member list:
profiles ='portfolio', doc_type='portfolio',
scroll='10m', size=1000,
"query": {"match": {"status": "APPROVED"}}
sid = profiles['_scroll_id']
scroll_size = len(profiles['hits']['hits'])
approved_hits_sources = [] # <-- add this
while scroll_size > 0:
for info in profiles['hits']['hits']:
item = info['_source']
approved_by_obj = item.get('approved_by')
if approved_by_obj:
approved_hits_sources.append({"approved_by": approved_by_obj}) # <--- append and not return
return jsonify({"approved_hits_sources": approved_hits_sources})

How to get the position of an object in an array?

I'm trying to get the position in array of the first object so i can delete it with a function. The problem is: i don't know how to get the "index"value.
"2": {
"nome": "sou1",
"email": "",
"gênero": "masculino",
"id": 1,
"pos": 0
"3": {
"nome": "sou1",
"email": "",
"gênero": "masculino",
"id": 1,
"pos": 1
In this case, my output would be 2.
You can try the below
var someObject={
"2": {
"nome": "sou1",
"email": "",
"gênero": "masculino",
"id": 1,
"pos": 0
"3": {
"nome": "sou1",
"email": "",
"gênero": "masculino",
"id": 1,
"pos": 1
delete someObject[Object.keys(someObject)[0]];
There is no ordering in JSON objects.
However, for your use case (if I correctly understand that), you can convert the JSON object into an array doing...
const someObject = {
a: "A",
b: "B",
c: "C"
const keys = Object.keys(someObject);
console.log(keys); // array of keys
let arr = [];
for(key of keys) {
console.log(arr); // array of objects
...where the index of an element in the keys array (a key in your original JSON object) will be identical to the index of an element in the arr array (the corresponding value for that key in your original JSON object) which it maps to in your original JSON object, in a way giving you what you probably are looking for. Then you can access them using the array indices.
Hope this helps :)

Data alignment in Python

I am new to Python. I am writhing a code to generate a excel file having the data sourced by calling API and correlate those to get desired result.
basically taking input from one database and search that in others and fetch related information.
The 4 databases have below data :
{u'data': [{u'_id': u'5c30702c8ca9f51da8178df4',
u'encap': u'vlan-24',
u'ip': u'',
u'mac': u'5B:P9:01:9E:42:08'}]}
{u'data': [{u'_id': u'5c54a81a8ca9f51da84ae08e',
u'paths': u'paths-1507',
u'endpoint': u'eth1/10',
u'cep': u'5B:P9:01:9E:42:08',
u'tenant': u'ESX'}]}
{u'data': [{u'Allocation': u'Build_Reserved',
u'address': u'',
u'name': u'fecitrix-1',
u'state': u'RESERVED'}]}
{u'data': [{u'_id': u'57ccce8110dd54f02881fedc',
u'client': u'CES',
u'hostname': u'fecitrix-1'
u'os_team': u'Window'}]}
If "mac" of EEp and "cep" of PathEp is same than take "encap","ip" ,"mac"
"paths" ,'endpoint","cep" and "tenant" (these values need to be exported
to excel)
Take ip of EEp and search in "ip4_address"
and get the "name" from ip4_address ( name need to be exported to excel).
If "name" of ip4_address is equal to "hostname" of database "asset" then take
"client" and "os_team" ( export that to excel)
I have written the script but not getting the desired result.
def get_host_details(self):
data = {
"find": {
"hostname": self.controller
"tenant": 1,
"paths": 1,
host_details ="", data)
#print host_details
hosts = []
for record in host_details:
if "mig" not in record["endpoint"]:
return hosts
def get_ipaddress(self, controller):
host_record = {"tenant": "UNKNOWN",
"paths": "UNKNOWN",
"endpoint": "UNKNOWN",
"ip": "UNKNOWN",
"mac": "UNKNOWN",
"encap": "UNKNOWN"}
data = {
"find": {
"hostname": controller,
"ip": {
"$ne": ""
"projection": {
"ip": 1,
endpoints ="", data)
IPAM = self.get_dns()
print endpoints
host_details = self.get_host_details()
host_details_record = []
for record in endpoints:
for host in host_details:
if record["mac"] == host["cep"]:
host_record = {"tenant": host["tenant"],
"paths": host["paths"],
"endpoint": host["endpoint"],
"ip": record["ip"],
"mac": record["mac"],
"encap": record["encap"]}
def get_dns(self, endpoints):
ip_dns_record = []
for each_endpoint in endpoints:
data = {
"address": {
"$eq": each_endpoint["ip"]
"name": 1
dns_record = {"client":"UNKNOWN",
ipam_record =""
"internal/ip4_address/find", data)
if ipam_record:
dns_record["ip_address"] = each_endpoint["ip"]
dns_record["hostname"] = ipam_record[0]["name"]
dns_record = self.get_remedy_details(ipam_record[0]["name"],
dns_record["ip_address"] = each_endpoint["ip"]
dns_record["hostname"] = "UNKNOWN"
def get_remedy_details(self, hostname, dns_record):
data = {
"hostname": hostname.upper(),
remedy_data ="", data)
#remedy_data = remedy_data["data"]
if remedy_data:
dns_record["client"] = remedy_data[0].get("client","UNKNOWN")
dns_record["os_team"] = remedy_data[0].get("os_team", "UNKNOWN")
dns_record["client"] = "UNKNOWN"
dns_record["os_team"] = "UNKNOWN"
return dns_record
def get_excel(self, ip_dns_record):
filename = self.controller + ".xls"
excel_file = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet = excel_file.add_sheet('HOSTLIST')
sheet.write(0, 0, "IP Address")
sheet.write(0, 1, "HostName")
sheet.write(0, 2, "Client")
sheet.write(0, 3, "OS Team")
for count in xrange(1, len(ip_dns_record)+1):
sheet.write(count, 0,ip_dns_record[count - 1]["ip_address"])
sheet.write(count, 1,ip_dns_record[count - 1]["hostname"])
sheet.write(count, 2,ip_dns_record[count - 1]["client"])
sheet.write(count, 3,ip_dns_record[count - 1]["os_team"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
controller = sys.argv[1]
OBJ = ACIHostList(controller)
No idea where I am going wrong and what needs to be done .
Your question leaves too much out. You should include all errors that you get. You should also comment your code as well so we can understand what you are trying to achieve in each step.
This is not an answer but something to try:
Rather than trying to wrap your head around a module like excel, wright your data to a simple CSV file. A CSV file can be opened up in excel and it formats correctly but is a lot easier to create.
import csv
data = [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]
with open("file.csv", "w+") as csv_file:
create_csv = csv.writer(csv_file)
create_csv .writerows(data)
simply grab all your data into a 2D list and using the above code dump it into a file so you can easily read it.
check the output of the file and see if you are getting the data you expect.
If you are not getting the desired data into this CSV file then there is an issue with your database queries.
