How to discovery vtgate? - vitess

If there are multiple vtgates in a cluster, how can I get the list of all vtgates?
Or Vitess don't support the feature and we need to manage vtgates by myself? I looked up the docs that Vitess supplied, but didn't find a solution.


Clustered HTTP sessions using Hazelcast in jhipster generator

Which options to pick during application generation for being able to pick the option:
Clustered HTTP sessions using Hazelcast
This option is mentioned in the documentation
But somehow I am not able to pick it. Is is automatically selected when I choose hazelcast as cache provider?
Is there an equivalent yo-rc.json setting?
It has been removed with this PR following a public vote on our mailing list. So obviously the documentation has not been updated.

How to split read and write operations to endpoints provided by Postgresql cluster in Loopback 3?

This is actually confusing, I've googled almost everything. I've found here, on stackoverflow, how to have multiple data sources, but how to split READ and WRITE operations per data sources is nowhere to be found? I have AWS RDS aurora postgresql cluster in here and 2 endpoints available. One for write node and another one for read nodes, which will load balance between read replicas.
Apparently sending queries to different endpoints should be done in application level (which is strange). And I can't find how Postgresql Connector in Loopback could help in here. There's nothing even near in documentation about this quite usual use-case. Anyone could please provide a sample how this is done please?

hyperledger fabric : discover network topology graphically

I have just started working with Hyperledger Fabric. I was looking for a tool that would demonstrate graphically the entire network and its operations.
Is there any existing project that does that?
If not, I intend to create one. Would anyone like to collaborate?
As a starting point, I am looking at using . I understand that it will be worth including the following:
(please add to this list)
Looking through the APIs, I am trying to figure out the starting point. I was hoping to find something like Client.getOrganisations() to get a list of all organisations on the network, but it doesnt seem to exist. Any ideas how to discover all Organisations using the Node SDK?
Entities in Hyperledger Fabric usually executed with Docker,Docker Swarm or Kubernetes environments, hence I'd suggest to take a look on Weave Scope project which could provide quite good visualization for your docker containers deployment.

Should Node.js and MongoDB be in different pods?

I am trying to host a simple Node.js app connected to MongoDB, I look on the web, I've found 2 different methods and some guides to do so:
Different pods:
Example from the official Kubernetes documentation.
Example from the official Google Cloud Platform documentation.
Same pod:
Example from the official IBM documentation.
This confused me a bit, which is the best practise to achieve that?
You should put them in different pods.
Being in different pods you can then scale up the number of replicas of the web application part to as many instances as you need and you will still have the one instance of MongoDB.
If you had them in the same pod, you wouldn't be able to scale up to multiple instances as each replica would have its own MongoDB instance and thus separate data. If doing data updates to MongoDB from the web application, that would cause all sorts of problems as subsequent requests could hit a difference instance and so see different data.

Why does the NewRelic node.js driver allows multiple application names?

Based on this function, the node.js newrelic driver allows multiple application names. Why does it allow this?
Newrelic allows you to use up to three names per application so that you can create groupings that are meaningful to your troubleshooting and environment.
This is explained in the node.js agents config
Also in New Relic's documentation here and here.
