Exporting for Linux, OS.is_debug_build() is always true - godot

I'm trying to export my Godot game server with the Linux/X11 preset (plus unchecking "Export with Debug") but calling OS.is_debug_build() is still returning true.
Is there something I'm missing to be able to export as release? Is there another way to check if it's running in debug/release?
I'm using Godot version 3.4.4.


pywinuto - click_input() function clicks on random node of tree view

I'm trying to automate the mmc (snap in console) type desktop app. Where I need to expand the tree.
Try 1 -
But when I do use expand() function it generates error popup which says that "the child nodes does not exists". After this script simply stops with no error message on console unless ok button is clicked on error popup. This I suspect because when tree node expanded it triggers some event which brings child nodes under it and somehow pywinauto is not getting Childs of this node. Please note that this error popup does not come up when the step is done manually.
Try 2 -
When I tried with select() then too same behavior observed as above. It generated same error popup.
Try 3 -
I tried click() and click_input() functions and it clicks on random tree node but not on the tree node on which it is called.
The all above trials are of my application which is not public.
For reproducing this issue I have tried it on common application available on windows OS. And we can see that the 3rd is still reproducible.
Reference code -
import time
from pywinauto.application import Application
from pywinauto import Desktop
app = Application().start(r'cmd.exe /c "C:\Windows\system32\perfmon.msc"', wait_for_idle=False)
app = Application(backend="win32").connect(title='Performance Monitor', timeout=10)
main_wind = app.window(best_match='MMCMainFrame', top_level_only=False)
console_wind = main_wind.child_window(best_match="MDIClients").child_window(best_match='MMCChildFrm').child_window(class_name="MMCViewWindow")
tree = console_wind.TreeView # print_control_identifiers()
children = tree.get_item(["Performance","Data Collector Sets"]).expand().get_child("System").expand().get_child('System Diagnostics')
# below line will select the System Diagnostics
# Below line should click on System Diagnostics but it does NOT and same happens for click() function
Any help will be really helpful in knowing why this click() and click_input() clicks on random tree node and Why expand() and select() method generates the non functional error popup?
Please mention if there is concrete workaround to this.
versions -
Windows OS 10, build 20H2
Python 3.10.4
comtypes 1.1.11
pip 22.0.4
pywin32 303
pywinauto 0.6.8
setuptools 61.2.0
six 1.16.0
wheel 0.37.1
I have referenced some stack overflow and github issue tracker as for this problem as below but nothing works.
Treeview problem
select() for TreeView items (and similar) leads error if this selection calls other dialogs etc
Python: Click by coordinate inside a window
This was all because of incorrect backend API used for snap in control application. Unfortunately my POC I did on win32 API where it worked because I was doing some initial steps manually hence the problem I was facing(explained in try1) was not there and everything was working perfectly fine.
As soon as I switched the backend to UIA it gave me different identifiers for the controls that I used previously. Now I used this identifiers and started using UIA documentation and everything started working smoothly.
Also in my investigation there is no proper way to identify the backend API for the desktop application unless you try both and figure out which works for you.
Suggestion to readers - If you are using win32 API as backend there are different api methods available for that in the documentation. and for UIA backend different. read documentation carefully.
You can try the uispy tool and find that perfmon.msc can be automated with uia

node-serialport 6.x.x doesn't receive data or errors on Windows (but does on Mac)

I am using the following library to connect via USB to an external device:
I set up the following sample project to narrow down where the issue might be:
This code works on my Mac. The device I am connecting to accepts an ascii command and the carriage return to terminate that command.
In the example project, I am passing in 'V\r' and am expecting the version of the device to be returned. When I run this code on my Mac, I get the expected response.
However, when I run it on my Windows 10 machine, I do not get any response at all. Neither the port.on('data') or port.on('error') events are hit.
I tested downgrading the serialport library to version 4.0.7 and it does work.
Does anyone have any ideas what might have changed between 4 => 6?
P.S. I edited this question, as I originally thought it had something to do with Electron, however after doing this simple test with only node.js, I believe I have narrowed it down to this version of the library on Windows.
Okay... I just figured this out.
All I needed to do was add the property 'rtscts' to the openOptions object I pass in to the constructor and set it to true.
baudRate: 115200,
rtscts: true
let port = new SerialPort(devicePath, SERIAL_PORT_SETTINGS);
I figured this out by digging around in the release notes. I noticed that from v5.x.x to 6.0.0 the breaking changes included making this value default to false.
windows: We previously hard coded to have RTS on for windows at all times it now default to off.

How can I write unit tests against code that uses QDesktopServices openUrl?

I'm working on a python (3.5) program that use a PyQt5 GUI. In the GUI, I need to add some help links to the documentation on a website. I manage to make it work with:
It works fine but I want to be sure that it will always be the case.
A quick and dirty unittest is to call the function and simply notice that there is no error. I would like to make a test that will check that the correct website page did show up. What should I use?
Checking for an error is not going to work at all, because Qt itself never raises errors (of course, Python or PyQt might do, but for completely unrelated reasons). The best you can do is check the return value of openUrl, which will simply return True or False depending on whether it was "successful". But note the following from the Qt docs for openUrl:
Warning: A return value of true indicates that the application has
successfully requested the operating system to open the URL in an
external application. The external application may still fail to
launch or fail to open the requested URL. This result will not be
reported back to the application.
If you want more control, I suggest you use Python's webbrowser module instead. This would, for example, allow you to register your own mock-browser class for the purposes of testing. The webbrowser module is written in pure Python and the code is quite straightforward.

Excel export works locally, fields become hidden when running on server

OK, so i have a SmartGWT web application, where i have some reports running in list grids.
I export to excel using the Smartgwt built-in export as per the examples using the listgrid.exportclientdata();
Here's the issue:
-When running locally, all works fine and i can open the XLSX file and see all data.
-When running from the server, the columns containing data become hidden! If i manually do the "unhide" thing from within Excel, i can see the columns...
My local environment is Mac OSX, Mountain Lion(also tried earlier), running Sun's Java.
The prod server is Debian running OpenJDK.
Not sure if that would have something to do with it, and i am at a loss as to how i go about solving it... Running my webapp on Tomcat6 in both environments.
For others, searching the stackoverflow void for answers to riddles in the dark:
This was caused by certain fonts not being available in OpenJDK, without any errors being logged anywhere...
I switched to Sun's JDK on my Debian as well, and the Excel files now open and display properly.
This an also happen when facing this POI Bug that seems to be related to a Java Bug.
If it's the case changing the Font to something other than Calibri or using jre above 7u21 should fix the issue.
You can also mitigitate the issue and avoid the columns from being totally collapsed by using a code like this
if (sheet.getColumnWidth(x) == 0) {
// autosize failed use MIN_WIDTH
sheet.setColumnWidth(x, MIN_WIDTH);

How to force Excel VBA to use updated COM server

I'm developing a COM server to be used from Excel VBA. When I update the server (edit code, unregister, re-register) Excel seems to carry on using the original version of the COM server, not the updated version. The only way I have found to get it to use the updated version is to close and re-open Excel, which gets a bit irritating. Is there a way to force Excel to use the newly registered version (maybe some kind of "clear cache" option)?
More details:
The server is being developed in Python using win32com.
In VBA I'm doing something like:
set obj=CreateObject("Foo.Bar")
Where Foo.Bar is the COM server I have registered in the registry.
If I unregister the server then run the VBA code, I get a "can't create object" error from VBA, so it must realise that something is going on. But once I reregister it picks up the old version.
Any hints appreciated!
I've found a solution to my problem - the general idea is to set things up so that the main COM server class dynamically loads the rest of the COM server code when it is called. So in Python I've created a COM server class that looks something like:
import main_code
class COMInterface:
_public_methods_ = [ 'method1' ]
_reg_progid_ = "My.Test"
_reg_clsid_ = "{D6AA2A12-A5CE-4B6C-8603-7952B711728B}"
def methods(self, input1,input2,input3):
# force python to reload the code that does the actual work
return main_code.Runner().go(input1,input2,input3)
The main_code module contains the code that does the actual work and is reloaded each time the COM method is called. This works as long as the inputs don't change. There will presumably be a runtime penalty for this, so might want to remove the reload for the final version, but it works for development purposes.
Just a suggestion, have you tried to Unload the object? Maybe create a button in your excel spredsheat that force to unload the object.
I hope it helps
