How to check if the shift or control keys are pressed in a vs2022 extension - keyboard

I want to be able to check if the shift or control keys are pressed in a vs2022 extension, if possible, at any point.
Thank you all.

using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices;
And then the following in your code:
var keyboard = new Keyboard();
if( keyboard.ShiftKeyDown == true
|| keyboard.CtrlKeyDown == true )


How do you make a text clickable in jetpack compose ? I would also like to toggle it to non clickable after selecting once

text = "Resend OTP",
fontSize = 20.sp,
color = Textfieldcolor,
style = TextStyle(textDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline)
//This is my code this text should be selectable once and then be disabled .
You can add the clickable modifier or can use the ClickableText:
var enabled by remember { mutableStateOf(true)}
text = AnnotatedString(text) ,
onClick = {
if (enabled) {
enabled = false
text = "Disabled"
Like #Arpit mentioned it would be better to use a TextButton for this purpose.
But if you absolutely want to use Text, You can use following snippet.
fun OneTimeClickableText(text : String, onClick : () -> Unit){
var enabled by rememberSaveable{ mutableStateOf(true)}
modifier = Modifier
.clickable(enabled = enabled) {
enabled = false
text = text
That said I this code is strictly for one-time clickable text. I won't recommend using it for something like OTP button; as user won't be able to click it unless they restart your app. You can pull the enabled variable and manage it from outside(e.g. keeping it disabled for certain amount of time rather than permanently).

P5.js - Translate keycode presses to actual keyboard letters (in system)

function keyPressed() {
if (keyCode === "e") {
control *"system keyboard"* to output "e"
I want to type letters with poses via the [Teachable Machine.] (
The simplest solution would be to use the p5.js key property, which for normal printable keys will be the string for the letter inserted by the key being pressed (taking the state of the shift key into account). Just be sure you take the non-printable keys (Shift, Alt, Meta, Backspace, Tab, Enter, Escape, etc.) into account.
If you don't want to use the built in p5.js capabilities, then this question is a duplicate of Get Character value from KeyCode in JavaScript... then trim
I kinda wrote everything within comments...
// copied this line of of the mozilla docs also this is for window rather than canvas
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event){//you should just create a html canvas
// console.log(event.code) // and just select('#id')||('.class')||('canvas').
// console.log(event.code.replace("Key","")) // ya can also get rid of these console.log()-s
if(typeof getCharString === "function"){ // this checks if function exists
getCharString(event.code) // this'll give you the text
}) // idk if you can do this with p5.js or not tbh...
function getCharString(P_EN_GUI_N_AGHHHH){
console.log(`${P_EN_GUI_N_AGHHHH} !!!`)
console.log( P_EN_GUI_N_AGHHHH+"!!!")
// |
// here's just for copy |
// V
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event){
if(typeof getCharString === "function"){
function getCharString(str){
} // str == string

How to specify different delays between slides in bxslider

Ran across the following problem in bxslider- how can you apply different delays between slides in the auto show?
I came up with the following solution which I will show here:
in the jquery.bxslider.js replace:
el.startAuto = function(preventControlUpdate){
// if an interval already exists, disregard call
if(slider.interval) return;
// create an interval
slider.interval = setInterval(function(){
slider.settings.autoDirection == 'next' ? el.goToNextSlide() : el.goToPrevSlide();
}, slider.settings.pause);
// if auto controls are displayed and preventControlUpdate is not true
if (slider.settings.autoControls && preventControlUpdate != true) updateAutoControls('stop');
/**EDITS: By CRB - techdude **/
el.startAuto = function(preventControlUpdate){
el.continueAuto = function(){
//get how long the current slide should stay
var duration = slider.children.eq(parseInt("duration");
if(duration == ""){
duration = slider.settings.pause;
} else {
duration = parseInt(duration);
// create a timeout
slider.timer = setTimeout(function(){
slider.settings.autoDirection == 'next' ? el.goToNextSlide() : el.goToPrevSlide();
}, duration);
// if auto controls are displayed and preventControlUpdate is not true
if (slider.settings.autoControls && preventControlUpdate != true) updateAutoControls('stop');
//*End Edits*/
Then to change the duration of a slide, simply give its li tag a duration attribute like this:
where duration is the number of milliseconds for the slide to pause.
To set the default duration, simply use the pause: option in the settings:
pause: 4000
Hope this helps. Maybe bx slider will even add it to a future version. :)
What are the you're using to pick this up? Any way you can put up a gist of it working?
Perhaps this will help clarify:
In principle, the way this works is I change the setInterval with a setTimeout so the interval can be changed each time.
The key to getting multiple elements to work on a page is to not use the slider.timer object, but probably to use the el.timer object so the line would read something like,
el.timer = setTimeout(function(){
slider.settings.autoDirection == 'next' ? el.goToNextSlide() : el.goToPrevSlide();
}, duration);
Instead of
slider.timer = setTimeout(function(){
slider.settings.autoDirection == 'next' ? el.goToNextSlide() : el.goToPrevSlide();
}, duration);
I haven't tested it with multiple sliders, but let me know if this works. That is the principle anyway. The only problem with this, however, is that I believe that you would need to modify the el.pause method to use the el.timer as well, otherwise the slideshow can't be paused. I think that was the reason I did it the way I did. However, it was a long time ago.

Preventing tab to cycle through address bar

I realize this is probably an accessibility issue that may best be left alone, but I'd like to figure out if it possible to prevent the tab from visiting the address bar in the tabbing cycle.
My application has another method of cycling through input areas, but many new users instinctively try to use the tab, and it doesn't work as expected.
Here's a generic jquery implementation where you don't have to find the max tab index. Note that this code will also work if you add or remove elements in your DOM.
$('body').on('keydown', function (e) {
var jqTarget = $(;
if (e.keyCode == 9) {
var jqVisibleInputs = $(':input:visible');
var jqFirst = jqVisibleInputs.first();
var jqLast = jqVisibleInputs.last();
if (!e.shiftKey && {
} else if (e.shiftKey && {
However, you should note that the code above will work only with visible inputs. Some elements may become the document's activeElement even if they're not input so if it's your case, you should consider adding them to the $(':input:visible') selector.
I didn't add code to scroll to the focus element as this may not be the wanted behavior for everyone... if you need it, just add it after the call to focus()
You can control the tabbing order (and which elements should be able to get focus at all) with the global tabindex attribute.
However, you can't prevent users to tab into another context not under control of the page (e.g. the browser's address bar) with this attribute. (It might be possible in combination with JavaScript, though.)
For such a (evil!) use case, you'd have to look into keyboard traps.
WCAG 2.0 has the guideline: 2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap. In Understanding SC 2.1.2 you can find "Techniques and Failures" for this guideline:
F10: Failure of Success Criterion 2.1.2 and Conformance Requirement 5 due to combining multiple content formats in a way that traps users inside one format type
FLASH17: Providing keyboard access to a Flash object and avoiding a keyboard trap
G21: Ensuring that users are not trapped in content
So maybe you get some ideas by that how such a trap would be possible.
I used to add two tiny, invisible elements on tabindex 1 and on the last tabindex. Add a onFocus for these two: The element with tabindex 1 should focus the last real element, the one with the max tabindex should focus the first real element. Make sure that you focus the first real element on Dom:loaded.
You could use Javascript and capture the "keydown" event on the element with the highest "tabindex". If the user presses the "TAB" key (event.keyCode==9) without the "Shift" key (event.shiftKey == false) then simply set the focus on the element with the lowest tabindex.
You would then also need to do the same thing in reverse for the element with the lowest tabindex. Capture the "keydown" event for this element. If the user presses the "TAB" key (event.keyCode==9) WITH the "Shift" key (event.shiftKey == true) then set the focus on the element with the highest tabindex.
This would effectively prevent the address bar from ever being focused using the TAB key. I am using this technique in my current project.
Dont forget to cancel the keydown event if the proper key-combination is pressed! With JQuery it's "event.preventDefault()". In standard Javascript, I believe you simply "return false".
Here's a JQuery-laden snippet I'm using...
$('#dos-area [tabindex=' + maxTabIndex + ']').on('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 9 && e.shiftKey == false) {
$('#dos-area [tabindex=1]').focus();
$('#dos-area [tabindex=1]').on('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 9 && e.shiftKey == true) {
$('#dos-area [tabindex=' + maxTabIndex + ']').focus();
Also keep in mind that setting tabindex=0 has undesirable results on the order in which things are focused. I always remember (for my purposes) that tabindex is a 1-based index.
Hi i have an easy solution. just place an empty span on the end of the page. Give it an id and tabindex = 0, give this span an onfocus event, when triggered let your focus jump to the first element on your page you want to cycle trough. This way you won't lose focus on the document, because if you do your events don't work anymore.
I used m-albert solution and it works. But in my case I do not control the tabindex properties. My intention is set the focus on a toolbar at the top of the page (first control) when user leaves the last control on the page.
$(':input:visible').last().on('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 9 && e.shiftKey == false) {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: 0
}, 500);
$(':input:visible', context).first().focus();
Where context can be any Jquery object, selector, or even document, or you can omit it.
The scrolling animation, of course, is optional.
Not sure if this is still a issue, but I implemented my own solution that does not use jQuery, can be used in the case when all the elements have tabindex="0", and when the DOM is subject to change. I added an extra argument for a context if you want to limit the tabcycling to a specific element containing the tabindex elements.
Some brief notes on the arguments:
min must be less than or equal to max, and contextSelector is an optional string that if used should be a valid selector. If contextSelector is an invalid selector or a selector that doesn't match with any elements, then the document object is used as the context.
function PreventAddressBarTabCyle(min, max, contextSelector) {
if( isNaN(min) ) throw new Error('Invalid argument: first argument needs to be a number type.')
if( isNaN(max) ) throw new Error('Invalid argument: second argument needs to be a number type.')
if( max < min ) throw new Error('Invalid arguments: first argument needs to be less than or equal to the second argument.')
min = min |0;
max = max |0;
var isDocumentContext = typeof(contextSelector) != 'string' || contextSelector == '';
if( min == max ) {
var tabCycleListener = function(e) {
if( e.keyCode != 9 ) return;
var context = isDocumentContext ? document : document.querySelector(contextSelector);
if( !context && !('querySelectorAll' in context) ) {
context = document;
var tabindexElements = context.querySelectorAll('[tabindex]');
if( tabindexElements.length <= 0 ) return;
var targetIndex = -1;
for(var i = 0; i < tabindexElements.length; i++) {
if( == tabindexElements[i] ) {
targetIndex = i;
// Check if tabbing backward and reached first element
if( e.shiftKey == true && targetIndex == 0 ) {
// Check if tabbing forward and reached last element
if( e.shiftKey == false && targetIndex == tabindexElements.length-1 ) {
} else {
var tabCycleListener = function(e) {
if( e.keyCode != 9 ) return;
var context = isDocumentContext ? document : document.querySelector(contextSelector);
if( !context && !('querySelectorAll' in context) ) {
context = document;
var tabindex = parseInt('tabindex'));
if( isNaN(tabindex) ) return;
// Check if tabbing backward and reached first element
if (e.shiftKey == true && tabindex == min) {
context.querySelector('[tabindex="' + max + '"]').focus();
// Check if tabbing forward and reached last element
else if (e.shiftKey == false && tabindex == max) {
context.querySelector('[tabindex="' + min + '"]').focus();
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', tabCycleListener, true);
More notes:
If min is equal to max, then tab cycling will occur naturally until the last element in the context is reached. If min is strictly less than max, then tabbing will cycle naturally until either the min or the max is reached. If tabbing backwards and the min is reached, or tabbing forward and the max is reached, then the tabbing will cycle to the min element or max element respectively.
Example usage:
// For all tabindex elements inside the document
// Same as above
// NOTE: if min == max, the tabindex value doesn't matter
// it matches all elements with the tabindex attribute
// For all tabindex elements between 1 and 15
// For tabindex elements between 1 and 15 inside
// the first element that matches the selector: .some-form
PreventAddressBarTabCyle(1,15, '.some-form');
// For all tabindex elements inside the element
// that matches the selector: .some-form2
PreventAddressBarTabCyle(1,1, '.some-form2');
Salinan solution worked for me
Put this in the start of your html page:
<span tabindex="0" id="prevent-outside-tab"></span>
and this at the end of your html page.:
<span tabindex="0" onfocus="foucsFirstElement()"></span>
foucsFirstElement() :
foucsFirstElement() {

How do I prevent a keyup event from interrupting a keydown event in jQuery? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Cross-browser way to get automatically repeating keydown events when key is held down
I'm trying to create a simple game in JavaScript/CSS/HTML, and I am using jQuery (and a little bit of Underscore) to handle key presses. The player controls a block using arrow keys. I've run into a problem with handling multiple keypresses at the same time. I have a system in place where a closure keeps track of all arrow keys that are pressed. This works well if the player presses keys in the following sequence:
Player presses Down (block moves down)
Player presses Left (block moves diagonally down-left)
Player releases Down (block moves left)
Player releases Left (block stops
However, the block stops if steps 3 and 4 are reversed. Here is what actually happens in that case:
Player presses Down (block moves down)
Player presses Left (block moves diagonally down-left)
Player releases Left (block stops)
The expected behavior is that on step 3, the block would continue to move down, rather than stopping completely.
From traces I have put in the code, it appears that a keyup event actually stops the propagation of further keydown events, even when my finger is still holding down one of the arrow keys.
Here is a snippet of relevant code. Can anyone tell me where the problem might be?
// Creates an animation handler for a specific element.
// Animation reacts to any changes as they are submitted
var getMovementAnimator = function(element) {
var params = {},
$element = $(element);
return function(changes) {
_.each(changes, function(val, key) {
// Remove null or zeroish keys from animation params
if ( (val == 0 || !val) && _.has(params, key)) {
delete params[key];
} else {
params[key] = '+=' + val + 'px';
$element.animate(params, {duration: 0, queue: false});
// Determines direction and speed of movement for an element
// after a keypress event
var getMovementChange = function(keyEvent, keydown) {
var isMoving = !!keydown,
params = {},
dir = '',
speed = keydown ? 5 : 0,
arrows = {left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40};
switch (keyEvent.which) {
case arrows.left:
dir = 'left';
speed = -speed;
case arrows.up:
dir = 'top';
speed = -speed;
case arrows.right:
dir = 'left';
case arrows.down:
dir = 'top';
// If key hit not one of above, do nothing
if (!dir) {
return false;
if (!speed) {
console.log('key up: ', dir);
params[dir] = speed;
return params;
// Sets up key handlers
$(document).ready(function() {
var board = $('#board'),
animatePlayer = getMovementAnimator('.player');
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
var changes = getMovementChange(e, true);
}).keyup(function(e) {
var changes = getMovementChange(e, false);
Further search on Stack Overflow (using the right keywords) showed me that the issue I am seeing is not actually a bug in my code. Rather, this is expected behavior for the operating system.
However, I found a workaround which I believe will resolve the issue.
