Node Express i18next - How to send locale text to client side js file? - node.js

I have i18next setup in Node.js server side. What is the best practice to use i18next.t() in client side javascript files? I've already set up Express to render server side variables to be used in .ejs files. However, I can't transfer them to the js files that are imported in ejs.
Some possible ways I've thought of:
Export and load i18next that was initialized in the server to the client.
I know the <%= %> variables for ejs work in inline scripts. However, I'm avoiding to have them for content security policy. Perhaps there is a way to send this over to the js file?
Load and initialize i18next on the client-side again. I've tried this and it works, but then there are duplicated locale files for both server and client.
Export the locale files by specifying path. EX
app.use('/locale', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'locale', {{lng}}.json)));
// app.js
const i18next = require('i18next');
const Backend = require('i18next-fs-backend');
const middleware = require('i18next-http-middleware');
detection: detection_options,
fallbackLng: 'en',
backend: {
loadPath(lng, ns) {
if (lng === 'zh' || lng === 'zh-HK' || lng === 'zh-TW') {
return path.join(__dirname, 'locales/zh-hant.json');
} else if (lng === 'en-US') {
return path.join(__dirname, 'locales/en.json');
return path.join(__dirname, 'locales/{{lng}}.json');
// index.ejs
<%- include('../includes/head.ejs') %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/index.css">
<%= t('locale-text-from-en.json-goes-here') %> // this works well
<script src="/js/index.js"></script>
// index.js
console.log(t('locale-text-from-en.json-goes-here')) // how to use i18next.t() here?

To use i18next on the client you need to install the i18next package via npm or yarn on the client. Or download i18next library via their CDN
i18next has many extensions for your project, like react-i18next for react project, jquery-i18next for jquery project.


How to achieve code splitting + SSR with #loadable/component ? Is webpack needed for the server code?

I'm trying to add code splitting + SSR to my React web app using #loadable/component.
My current situation: This is how I've implemented SSR for robots on my website. Since it's just for robots, I'm not using hydrate. Basically, I send either the index.html with the JS bundle's script tags for a regular user, or I send a fully rendered HTML page for the robots, without the need to hydrate.
My goal: I'd like to use #loadable/component to always return SSR pages from my server, and use hydrate to attach my JS bundle. And also achieve code splitting with that.
Here is how I currently build my app (pseudo code):
1. webpack BUILD FOR entry { app: "src/index.tsx" } AND OUTPUT BUNDLES TO MY /public FOLDER
It's basically 2 builds, one of them is using webpack to bundle, and the other one basically transpiles the files from src to distApp.
And this is what my server does (pseudo code)
res.send("public/index.html"); // SEND REGULAR index.html WITH JS BUNDLES GENERATED BY WEBPACK
const App = require("./dist_app/App"); // THIS IS THE src/App COMPONENT TRANSPILED BY BABEL
const ssrHtml = ReactDOM.renderToString(<App/>);
// ADD <head> <helmet> <styles> ETC
The steps described above works just fine for my initial requirements (ssr just for robots).
But after I added #loadable/component to achieve code splitting + SSR, the set up above does not work anymore.
Because now I have dynamic imports on some of my routes. For example:
const AsyncPage = loadable(() => import("#app/pages/PageContainer"));
So my renderToString(<App/>) call comes back mostly empty, because it does not load those AsyncPages.
Over on the docs for Loadable components: server side rendering they have an example repo on how to achieve this.
But their example is kind of complex and it seems they are using webpack inside the server. I'll post what they do on their server below.
Do I really have to use webpack to bundle my app's server code in order to use #loadable/component for SSR like they are showing in their example? Can't I just use some kind of babel plugin to convert the dynamic imports into regular require calls? So that I'll be able to render it the way I was doing before?
It's weird, that they use webpack-dev-middleware. It's like this example should be used just for development. Does anybody know a repo with a production example of this?
import path from 'path'
import express from 'express'
import React from 'react'
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'
import { ChunkExtractor } from '#loadable/server'
const app = express()
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../../public')))
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
/* eslint-disable global-require, import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
const { default: webpackConfig } = require('../../webpack.config.babel')
const webpackDevMiddleware = require('webpack-dev-middleware')
const webpack = require('webpack')
/* eslint-enable global-require, import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
const compiler = webpack(webpackConfig)
webpackDevMiddleware(compiler, {
logLevel: 'silent',
publicPath: '/dist/web',
writeToDisk(filePath) {
return /dist\/node\//.test(filePath) || /loadable-stats/.test(filePath)
const nodeStats = path.resolve(
const webStats = path.resolve(
app.get('*', (req, res) => {
const nodeExtractor = new ChunkExtractor({ statsFile: nodeStats })
const { default: App } = nodeExtractor.requireEntrypoint()
const webExtractor = new ChunkExtractor({ statsFile: webStats })
const jsx = webExtractor.collectChunks(<App />)
const html = renderToString(jsx)
res.set('content-type', 'text/html')
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="main">${html}</div>
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
app.listen(9000, () => console.log('Server started http://localhost:9000'))

Injecting environment variables to a React application when serving it with an express server

I'm developing an app that has the backend and frontend as part of a single project and the backend, aside from being the API, it also serves the static files for the frontend by doing this:
const frontendDir = appRoot.resolve("../frontend/build")
app.get("*", (req, res) => res.sendFile(path.resolve(frontendDir, "index.html")))
Is there a way to somehow pre-process those files before sending them to inject some of the environment variables the server has access to but the client obviously doesn't?
I'm trying to make some variables accessible, like SENTRY_DSN, HEROKU_RELEASE_VERSION, HEROKU_RELEASE_CREATED_AT, etc.
I don't know this would help but I think you could use a template engine for passing your data to the front end .like handlebars :
const Handlebars = require('handlebars')
Handlebars.registerHelper('prod', () => {
return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
in your html file:
<div class="some-content">
{{#if prod}}
<p>Seen only in production</p>
<p>This is some example text</p>

Creating HapiJs server that can serve complex web pages

I have just started learning Node.js and hapi.js. What I am trying to accomplish now is build a REST web server that should also have a web interface for configuration and statistics collection.
I found that Inert plugin allows serving static pages and, as I understand, this limits me to loading a single web page that consists of a single file.
However, what I do not understand is whether it is possible to setup hapi.js to serve a full dynamic webpage with css, js and other files referenced within its body.
Am I heading the wrong direction with this or else how can I setup my scenario?
You can serve multiple static files from a specified directory.
Just tried out inert with hapi, using this example:
Inert has no problem serving multiple static files from a given directory, e.g public.
So you'll have no issue serving multiple static html, css, js files from a specified dir. You can then build a dynamic JSON api using Hapi, and have that consumed by your js client-side code, served from static js files in your public dir.
If you are needing templating, where you generate dynamic content on the serverside, hapi can do that out of the box, check out:
Sorry if this isn't what you mean, do feel free to clarify if not :-)
Hope that helps!
The vision plugin is used for templating, which is what I think you're after. If you want to bundle css and js files along with your pages, you can put them in a public directory and serve that with the inert plugin. And then you only need to reference the relative path in whatever html file you're trying to render.
Here's a simple example that uses handlebars. Inert is responsible for serving your css and js files while vision still renders your templates.
var hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new hapi.Server();
server.connection({port: 5555});
server.register([require('vision'), require('inert')], (err) => {
throw err;
engines: {
html: require('handlebars')
relativeTo: __dirname + '/',
path: 'www'
var homeroute = {
method: 'GET',
path: '/',
handler: (request, reply) => {
reply.view('index', {name: 'cuthbert'});
var publicassetsroute = {
method: 'GET',
path: '/public/{param*}',
handler: {
directory: {
path: './public',
listing: false,
index: false
server.start((err) => {
console.log('server started -- ' +
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Hapi Test</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../public/index.css">
<h1>A Hapi Happy Test.</h1>
<p>This is a test page. Woo!</p>
<p>My name is {{name}}.</p>
p {
color: blue;

Reloading browser for every routes ( Express + gulp + Browsersync )

I have build a simple express web server generated with express generator as follow:
express test -ejs
Everything is working fine so far and I have the following folder (with a few changes):
What I want to achieve now is that:
- for every file I'm working on in "/routes/*.js" and "./*.js", on save reload the server and the browser
- for every file in "/views" and "/public", on save only reload the browser
for that I have set up a gulp file.js with browser-sync in proxy mode as follow:
var server = require('gulp-develop-server');
var bs = require('browser-sync').create();
(some tasks for checking js and less ...)
var options = {
server: {
path: './bin/www',
execArgv: ['--harmony']
bs: {
proxy: {
target: 'http://localhost:5000',
middleware: function (req, res, next) {
files: ['./public/**/*', './views/*'], // files to watch with bs instantly (.ejs & .css)
logLevel: 'debug'
gulp.task('start', ['js','less'], function () {
server.listen(options.server, function (error) {
if (!error)
});'./less/*.less', ['less-nonstop']);['./*.js', './routes/*.js'], ['restart:forjs']);'./views/*').on('change', bs.reload);
The proxy is working fine and every pages on http://localhost:3000 give me the same page as http://localhost:5000 (my express server is configured to listen on port 5000).
Now my problem is that browsersync doesn't always refresh my browser on reload (even if browser sync gets the reload event) in fact it refresh only when I'm on the first route path specified in app.js. For example if I have the following code in app.js:
app.use('/bonjour', routes);
app.use('/users', users);
Browser-sync will only reload the browser on http://localhost:3000/bonjour, but not on http://localhost:3000/users or any other paths. Even if browser-sync gets the reload event (as I can check in the console log). It seems that when I'm displaying any other pages than the first route specified in app.js my browser is like "disconnected" from browser-sync.
Why is that ? and How could I fix it ?
it seems that browser-sync need a proper html page render to work that's why it wasn't working on the other routes in this case. In fact my error.ejs file was just:
<h1><%= message %></h1>
<h2><%= error.status %></h2>
<pre><%= error.stack %></pre>
Correcting it to:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1><%= message %></h1>
<h2><%= error.status %></h2>
<pre><%= error.stack %></pre>
solved the problem and now the browser sync works on every html pages.

Angular not updating html template variables when served via NodeJS server

This is a bit of a specific question, but I'm at a bit of a loss for an answer.
First, a little background. I've been trying to learn angular, and I wanted to start using Node as the backend. I currently have a working tutorial app that I can run locally that just returns data that is hard coded into the main controller.
When I moved the files to my NodeJS server, it stopped working though. Here is what works:
The files load correctly - there are no console errors, and I can view each of the files in the source (index.html, app.js, maincontroller.js)
The scope exists, and the variables are defined. I put a console.log($scope) inside the mainController.js file, and I can see all of the variables defined correctly.
Non-angular javascript works - I can place alerts outside/inside the mainController, and they all work correctly (also, console.log obviously works)
I am serving the files via a simple Node.js server. I am using express and hbs. I was originally using compression, and 0 cache length, but have since removed those with no change in the result.
The specific issue I'm having is that none of the template variables update. I've simplified it down to the following code for testing. When viewed locally, the page says 'I now understand how the scope works!', when served from Cloud 9, the structure exists, but the {{understand}} variable in the template doesn't work.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Learning AngularJS</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<script src="js/maincontroller.js"></script>
<div id="content" ng-app="MyTutorialApp" ng-controller="MainController">
var app = angular.module('MyTutorialApp',[]);
app.controller("MainController", function($scope){
$scope.understand = "I now understand how the scope works!";
server.js (Node server on Cloud 9)
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var hbs = require('hbs');
app.set('view engine','html');
app.configure(function() {
app.set('views', __dirname);
app.use('/js',express.static(__dirname + '/client/js'));
app.use('/css',express.static(__dirname + '/client/css'));
app.use('/img',express.static(__dirname + '/client/img'));
//404 responses
app.use(function(req, res, next){
// respond with html page
if (req.accepts('html')) {
res.render('client/404.html', { url: req.url });
// respond with json
if (req.accepts('json')) {
res.send({ error: 'Not found' });
// default to plain-text. send()
res.type('txt').send('Not found');
console.log('listening on port '+process.env.PORT);
everythin became clear when i read
"Handlebars.js is an extension to the Mustache templating language"
what this menas is that hbs uses {{}} as delimiters as well as angular so the {{understand}} in your html never gets to angular because is first parsed and substituted by hbs. if you want to use hbs with angular youll need to change your delimiters using your angulars $interpolateProvider in your app configuration something like
You can use \{{understand}} as this will counter your hbs and put your angular on top.
