Cannot access storage table with the azure application which is having owner access - azure

We earlier used sas token to access the storage account.Now the requirment is to not to use it. Is it possible for an azure app to access the storage account if it has owner access. I tried using it . But getting this error.
message": "The specified resource does not exist
the url we are using is

Simply pointing to a storage account, without any form of credentials, will not work for a private storage account or container.
There are a couple of options you have to provide credentials to connect to a storage account, like using the connection strings containing the access keys or using Managed Identities for Azure resources.
Managed identities provide an identity for applications to use when connecting to resources that support Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authentication. Applications may use the managed identity to obtain Azure AD tokens.
Here are some of the benefits of using managed identities:
You don't need to manage credentials. Credentials aren’t even accessible to you.
You can use managed identities to authenticate to any resource that supports Azure AD authentication, including your own applications.
Managed identities can be used without any additional cost.
Because of these benefits and the ease of use I would suggest you Authorize access to blob data with managed identities for Azure resources.
Azure Blob Storage supports Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authentication with managed identities for Azure resources. Managed identities for Azure resources can authorize access to blob data using Azure AD credentials from applications running in Azure virtual machines (VMs), function apps, virtual machine scale sets, and other services. By using managed identities for Azure resources together with Azure AD authentication, you can avoid storing credentials with your applications that run in the cloud.
Assign an RBAC role to a managed identity
When an Azure AD security principal attempts to access data in an Azure Storage account, that security principal must have permissions to the data resource. Whether the security principal is a managed identity in Azure or an Azure AD user account running code in the development environment, the security principal must be assigned an Azure role that grants access to data in Azure Storage.


Authentication of Azure databricks to Azure Storage account

I need to access my Azure Storage Account from the Azure Databricks notebook.
From authentication side, all key dependant methods (SAS, key based authentication) worked but we can't expose the Access Credentials from Storage Account into the notebook.
Is there an option du Authenticate the Databricks on Storageaccount over Service Principal or Managed Identity.
As goal, the notebook in Databricks shall only use this code and use the assigned Service principal / Managed identity (developer doesn't see credentials)?
These are possible options for authentication for us:
If you want to access storage account with service principle.
Please follow these steps:
Create service principle account with azure AD app registration
Create storage account and grant service principle access to storage account.
Add application secrete to key vault.
Create key vault secrete scope with Databricks.
For more information refer this Blob by Dhyanendra Singh Rathore and SO thread.

How to fetch token for azure storage account access via azure active directory using service principal or oauth2?

I am looking for examples to fetch access token for azure storage account access via azure active directory with service principal in python
It seems like doesn't support service principal access
are there other ways in fetching token via service principal?
• Yes, you can surely fetch an access token for an Azure storage account via Azure Active Directory using a service principal, i.e., an app registration by following the steps below as given in the below documentation link: -
As per the above documentation, you will have to host your python application code in a web app service and create a system assigned managed identity for it. Once created, then an application will be created in Azure AD with the same ‘Object ID’ as shown in the managed identity section of the web app service. Before moving onto this application created in Azure AD, assign the required roles to this system assigned managed identity through the ‘IAM’ tab. So, in your case, you should assign the role of ‘Storage Account Contributor’ to the ‘System-assigned managed identity’ created for the web app service.
• Once, the role has been assigned, then go to the ‘Enterprise application’ and search for the ‘Object ID’ of the managed identity, you will encounter an application with the name of the web app service, in that, go to ‘Permissions’ under ‘Security’ tab and assign the required permissions and admin consent required to the application. The permissions shown are those that are allowed under the scope of ‘Storage Account Contributor’ and similarly, you must assign permissions from it to the app/service principal. Then ensure that you are correctly calling the environment variables of this application created in Azure AD regarding the managed identity and implement the ‘DefaultAzureCredential’ from the ‘azure.identity’ module. For this purpose, kindly refer to the below subsection of the above documentation: -
In this way, you can fetch an access token for the Azure storage account via Azure Active Directory using a service principal.

securing app service connectivity to azure storage

we have a blob container with anonymous access (open to internet) and an appservice talking to it.
What are our options of ensuring that only the appservice can talk to this storage endpoint? vnet integration is our last option.
Thanks -nen
What are our options of ensuring that only the appservice can talk to
this storage endpoint?
One option would be to make use of Azure Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Data roles.
For this, first you would assign a managed identity to your App Service and then assign that identity appropriate Azure Storage RBAC data roles.
You would also need to block access to the storage account via access keys or shared access signature so that only your App Service can connect to your storage account using Azure AD authorization.
You can read more about it here:

How can you access a Storage Account blob container without using an Account Key?

How can you access a Storage Account blob container without using an Account Key?
I can access data in Storage Account blobs in Power BI ... but it needs the account Access Key !
Is there some way to access the data using some other authentication approach, i.e. an app registration, service principal, managed identity, whatever ?
You could use Shared Access Signature(SAS) to connect Blob Storage in Power BI. This guide will help you.
If you access blob with Azure AD, it doesn't seem to integrate with Power BI. And there is a .Net code sample about creating a block blob.
Azure AD authenticates the security principal (a user,
group, or service principal) running the application. If
authentication succeeds, Azure AD returns the access token to the
application, and the application can then use the access token to
authorize requests to Azure Blob storage or Queue storage.
For more information, the document describes the options that Azure Storage offers for authorizing access to resources.

Azure File Storage Access for Windows Service Accounts

I have a VM running Services under local service accounts that are looking for mapped drives OR UNC paths. I can map a drive (using the powershell fragments from the portal) -- but this mapping only applies to ME, not the service accounts.
I created Azure AD Domain Services
I created a user with AD rights.
My VM has a system-assigned identity.
I created a storage account.
The system-assigned identity is assigned to the storage account as Contributor.
I am expecting to map a UNC without providing credentials -- mapping UNC without providing credentials does not work.
I tried joining the VM to the AD -- mapping UNC without provding credentials does not work.
What am I doing wrong ?
Azure Files AAD Domain Service (AAD DS) Authentication doesn't work for system-assigned identities as these identities are only presented in AAD not AAD DS. Given that AAD DS cannot authenticate system-assigned identities, it will not be able to issue valid Kerberos token for connection to Azure Files. In this case, you can use the AAD user or group identity to connect to Azure Files over SMB.
