Netsuite journal entry approval - netsuite

I am trying to customize the template of a Journal entry basic approval which routes the approval request to the supervisor of the user who creates the journal, this is set in the Initiation stage:
Workflow : Approver=Workflow : Approver : Supervisor
What I want is to set as approver all the users who have Senior Accountant role, by preventing the user who created the journal to approve his/her own journal. I think I should use the formula field but I have no idea how to set it up... Anyone who has come across this and can help?

NetSuite's workflow names the approver in the workflow field. This is used as a criteria later, presumably to show/hide the approval button.
I would suggest creating a copy of the workflow to modify. Set the original to Status = "Not Released".
In your new workflow, you'll want to modify the criteria that shows the approve/reject buttons to look at the existing user's role. You'll also require a second criteria to check if the current user created the journal.
Hope this helps.

Thanks to Mark I found the way!
I have created the workflow from the workflow templates that
Netsuite provides (Journal entry basic approval)
I edited the condition of the two actions (add button) in the state "Pending approval" in the following way:
User Role = Administrator, Accountant And User != Workflow : Created By
This worked! Now, all the users with roles "Administrator" and "Accountant" can approve all the journals except these created by themselves: exactly what I needed.
Thank you Mark for your help!


Sharepoint Workflow - Prompt user to input approver

I am using power automate to create a document approval workflow, and would like the user to be prompted/asked to select the people reviewing the document. The point is that we have many approvers in our team and I do not want to hardcode the e-mail address of one user only.
You could use the trigger as shown below:

2011 Dynamic CRM Workflow

I have added companies and contacts to 2011 Dynamic CRM online. The contacts are tied back to the company. However, I want to create a workflow that allows me to update the company and add a primary contact to the company record whenever the contact full name is present in the active contact list under the company form. Any suggestions?
A few thoughts:
1) A workflow can be triggered by either an event, or by a person hitting "Run Workflow." It's not clear from your question whether you want this workflow to run automatically or by human intervention ("whenever the contact full name is present in the active contacts list" - that really just means the 2 records are related to each other through the Contact's "Parent Customer" field). If you want it to run automatically, you would set it to run either on Create of Contact or Update of the Parent Customer field on Contact (or both). If you want a person to trigger it, you just set it to On-Demand.
2) If you set up this workflow, that means that the newest contact will always overwrite the existing contact in the account form as the "Primary Contact". This is not always advisable. You probably want to include a check in the workflow to only run if this field does not contain data, otherwise stop the workflow.
You can create a workflow, which triggers on: Create of contact and update of contact.
Then in the workflow check, if the full name is present. If yes you can update the company.

How to develop role based workflow in SharePoint Server?

How to develop role based workflow with InfoPath form in SharePoint Server 2010?
There are three roles:
user1 - this user creates request form
user2 - this user verifies and Approve/Reject form if user Approves mail will sent to user3.
How to develop this type of workflow?
Please explain sharepoint designer workflow actions?
The exact steps, of course, will depend on what precisely you're trying to accomplish. Based on what I've read, and the tags on the question, it would appear that you want:
An InfoPath request form (created by a certain kind of user)
An approval process for that form
Someone to be notified when the approval is completed
Your exact needs could considerably change how this works; for example, do you need the approval to happen on the form itself? e.g. I can click the filled in Request form as an approver and then click Approve or Deny
Or do you need the basic SharePoint approval? I'm operating under this assumption.
To accomplish this you can have your InfoPath form submit to a library and have a workflow run when an item is created. This workflow then starts an approval process. When complete, use the send email action to notify the group that needs to be notified.
Again, more information can net a more complete solution, but this should get you started down the right track.

Send an e-mail based on Workflow approval status using Sharepoint 2007

I am new to sharepoint. I am using sharepoint 2007. I have a following requirement.
1) Custom list has various fields ... Requestor, Application Name, Reason, etc..
2) When person fill out the form (custom list). It will send a notification to Approvers for review and based on Request action : Approved --> It will send an e-mail notification to specific group.
I have a setup a document approval workflow on custom list. Workflow works fine but I don't know how to send an e-mail notification based on workflow status : Approved. I have tried to create a another workflow using Sharepoint Designer 2007 but didn't work.
I would like to know whether it is possible without doing any programmatic way ? I would appreciate your reply.
Thanks in advance.
This is more like a SharePoint Designer Workflow, which responds to actions and rules.
You can get an introduction here
follow the steps ,these are the main steps you can have a try:
Create workflow attach to the list and start it manually & auto
start it when a new item is created & auto start it when an item is
Add Collect data from a User action. Click data and add a choice field (named it approval, give two choices: approve, reject)
in the custom task wizard. Output to Variable:collect
Add a new step, Conditions: if Variable:collect equals to Approve Actions: Send email to Created by
Collect (main manager) data from a user. Output to Variable:collect1(similar with step 2) Conditions: if
Variable:collect1 equals to Reject Actions: Send email to
Created By.
Add new step similar with step 3. Send approve email to Created By when Variable:collect1 equals to Approve or send reject
email when Varible:collect1 equals to Reject.
here is one of bolg which also you can refer

SharePoint Registration Form - How to Hide Fields

I created a basic registration form using a SharePoint 2007 custom list where users complete fields on the form. I created an 'Approver' field that I'm trying to hide from customers so that only the form's approver will edit that field (approve the request - Customers tend to approve their own request). How can I hide this approval field so it can be edited by the approver only?
Attempted Solutions:
1. I set the content type for that approval column to 'hidden'. How would I access the URL to the hidden approval field so the approver can access the field and update it for that specific item? The hidden field is not visible if I click 'Edit Item'. Did I miss something with the hidden content type so that I would see the column on the edit page?
2. I customized newform.aspx in designer by removing the hidden approval field and it worked. But 'Attach File' doesn't work when the new form is customized. It spews out an errors.
Any suggestions?
Have a look at the SPListDisplaySettings component from codeplex. Adding this solution will allow you to specify how to show the fields in display, new and edit mode based on SharePoint users and groups.
May be create a custom field control (how?) that will check the current users role agains the site before choosing to display the field.
This is pretty hard core customisation compared to creating lists though.
Why not just use the Approval workflow with this list? Users would be able to create approval requests, which would automatically trigger the Approval workflow, which would create a task and send an e-mail for the approver to approve the request. Once it's approved - the status of the request would change to approved. The approver can also add a comment on the approval form, if needed.
