How can I write a Solana program that executes on a timer - rust

For example, a program that sends a token or nft to a specific address once a month.

No program on solana will be executed unless an off-chain actor submits a transaction containing an instruction for that program. There is no timer mechanism inherent to solana that will automatically execute your transactions at a later date.
You can write a program to restrict an instruction such that it can only be executed successfully once per month. The program can check the current timestamp against a previous execution to check if it's allowed to execute now. Or it could check the number of months since the previous execution and transfer the appropriate number of tokens that should be available after that number of months.
Additionally, you need to consider the incentives of the actor who submits the instruction. Does an ordinary user have reason to execute some instructions in your program already? If it fits within the compute budget, you can bundle this monthly logic along with the other logic that users routinely execute. If not, then you need to incentivize someone else to make sure the instruction is executed often enough. You could just submit a transaction once a month on your own. Or you could design your program to collect fees from ordinary users so it can pay rewards to a crank turner who runs these periodic instructions so you don't have to. You also need to let people know they can get paid for running a crank.
So, there are ways to get things to run periodically, but you need to get creative to make it happen. There are some interesting ideas that build on the primitives I have described, you can go pretty far down this rabbit hole. It has been proposed that multisig can play a role in a generic cron timer. As always, this would still require someone to turn the crank by submitting transactions to the network periodically.


Execute a particular function every time the date changes in the user's local time

I am saving a counter number in user storage.
I want to provide some content to the user which changes daily using this counter.
So every time the counter increases by 1 the content will change.
The problem is the timezone difference.
Is there anyway to run a function, daily which will increase this counter by 1. I could use setInterval() which is a part of the NodeJs library but that won't be an accurate "daily" update for all users.
User storage is only available to you as a developer when the Action is active. This data is not available once the Action is closed, so you wouldn't be able to asynchronously update the field. If you do want asynchronous access, I'd suggest using an external database and only storing the database row key in the user's userStorage. That way you can access the data and modify it whenever you want.
The setInterval method will run a function periodically, but may not work in the way you want. It only runs the function while the runtime is active. A lot of services will shut down a runtime after a period. Cloud Functions, for example, run sometimes but then will shut down when not used. Additonally, Cloud Functions can be run several times in parallel instances, executing a setInterval function several times in parallel. That would increment the counter more times than you want.
Using a dedicated Cron service would help reduce the number of simultaneous executions while also ensuring it runs when you want.
You are unable to directly access the user's timezone within the Action, meaning you won't be able to determine the end of a day. You can get the content to change every day, but it'll have some sort of offset. To get around this, you could have several cron jobs which run for different segments of users.
Using the conv.user.locale field, you can derive their language. en-US is generally going to be for American users, which generally are going to live in the US. While this could result in an odd behavior for traveling, you can then bucket users into a particular period of execution. Running the task overnight, either 1AM or 4AM they'll probably be unaware but know that it updates overnight.
You could use the location helper to get the user's location more precisely. This may be a bit unnecessary, but you could use that value to determine their timezone and then derive that user's "midnight" to put in the correct Cron bucket.

CQRS - applying command based on decision from multiple projections

Question is related to CQRS - I have user that wants to order something from web and is presented with GUI showing his balance = 100$ and stock = 1 item. Let's say we have 2 services here AccountService and StockService with separate concerns. In order to generate GUI for client third service AggregatorService listens to domain events from AccountService and StockService, projects a view and creates GUI for clients.
When user decides to order this item, he clicks a button and Command for order is sent to AccountService. Here we load AccountAggregate in order to decrease balance for the price of the item that needs to be ordered. But before I can do this, I have to check if the item is still available (or somehow to reserve it). Only thing that comes up to my mind is:
Read current stock of the item from read model of StockService, but what can happen is that other services read model is updated just a second after I read it (e.g. somebody bought the item, so actual stock is =0. but read model still has =1).
Before decreasing a balance call some method on StockService to reserve the item for some time. If order is not successful (e.g. no enough funds on balance, I would have to un-reserve it somehow). This needs to be some sync-REST call and it is probably slower than some async solution (if any).
Are there any best practices for this kind of use-case?
You have 2 options, depending on whether you embrace eventual consistency or not.
Using immediate consistency I would have an OrderService that receives the order request and it makes async calls to AccountService.ReservePayment() and StockService.ReserveStock(). If either of those fail you call AccountService.UndoReservePayment() and StockService.UndoReserveStock(). If both succeed you call AccountService.CompleteReservePayment() and StockService.CompleteReserveStock(). Make sure each reservation should have a timestamp on it so a daemon process can occasionally run and Undo any reserves that are older than an hour or so.
This approach makes the user wait until both those services complete. If either the StockService or the AccountService are slow, the user experience is slow. I suggest a better way to do this is the eventual consistency approach which gives the user a very fast experience at the expense of receiving failure messages after the fact.
With eventual consistency you assume they have enough credit and you have enough inventory, and in response to their order request you immediately send back a success message. The user is happy and they go along to buy more stuff.
The OrderCreated event is then handled asynchronously to reserve stock and credit as described above. However, since there is no time pressure to reply to the waiting user you don’t have to scale up to handle as high a throughput. If the credit check and stock check take a minute or two, the user doesn’t care because he’s off doing other things.
The price you pay here is that the user may get a success message at the time of order submission, then a few minutes later get an email saying the sale didn’t go through after all because there’s no stock. This is what many large retailers do, including Amazon, Target, Walmart, etc. Eventual consistency can go a long way towards easing the load and cost of the back end.

Applying BDD testing to batch scenarios?

I'm trying to apply BDD practices to my organization. I work in a bank where the nightly batch job is a huge orchestration multi-system flow of batch jobs running and passing data between one another.
During our tests, interactive online tests probably make up only 40-50% of test scenarios while the rest are embedded inside the batch job. As an example, the test scenario may be:
Given that my savings account has a balance of $100 as of 10PM
When the nightly batch is run at 11PM
Then at 3AM after the batch run is finished, I should come back and see that I have an additional accrued interest of $0.001.
And the general ledger of the bank should have an additional entry for accrued interest of $0.001.
So as you can see, this is an extremely asynchronous scenario. If I were to use Cucumber to trigger it, I can probably create a step definition to insert the $100 balance into the account by 10PM, but it will not be realistic to use Cucumber to trigger the batch to be run at 11PM as batch jobs are usually executed by operators using their own scheduling tools such as Control-M. And having Cucumber then wait and listen a few hours before verifying the accrued interest, I'm not sure if I'll run into a timeout or not.
This is just one scenario. Batch runs are very expensive for the bank and we always tack on as many scenarios as possible to ride on a single batch run. We also have aging scenarios where we need to run 6 months of batch just to check whether the final interest at the end of a fixed deposit term is correct or not (I definitely cannot make Cucumber wait and listen for that long, can I?)
My question is, is there any example where BDD practices were applied to large batch scenarios such as these? How would one approach this?
Edit to explain why I am not targeting to execute isolated test scenarios where I am in control:
We do isolated scenarios in one of the test levels (we call it Systems Test in my bank) and BDD indeed does work in that context. But eventually, we need to hit a test level that has an entire end-to-end environment, typically in SIT. In this environment, it is a criteria for multiple test scenarios to be run in parallel, none of which have complete control over the environment. Depending on the scope of the project, this environment may run up to 200 applications. So customer channels such as Internet Banking will run transactional scenarios, whiles at the core banking system, scenarios such as interest calculation, automatic transfers etc will be executed. There will also be accounting scenarios where a general ledger system consolidates and balances all the accounts in the environment. To do manual testing in this environment frequently requires at least 30-50 personnel executing transactions and checking on results.
What I am trying to do is to find a way to leverage on a BDD framework to automate test execution and capture the results so that we do not have to manually track them all in the environment.
It sounds to me as if you are not in control over the execution of the scenario.
It is obviously so that waiting for a couple of hours before validating a result is a not a great idea.
Is it possible to extract just the part of the batch that is interesting in this scenario? If that is possible, then I would not expect the execution time to 4 - 6 hours.
If it isn't possible to execute the desired functionality in isolation, then you have a problem regarding test-ability of your system. This is very common and something you really want to address. If the only way to test is to run the entire system, then you are not able to confidently say that it is working properly since all combinations that need testing are hard, sometimes even impossible, to execute.
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to exist a quick fix. You need to be in a position where you are able to verify small parts of the system in order to verify them fast and reliably. And it doesn't matter if you are using Cucumber or any other tool to for the verification, all tools will have the same issue.
One approach you might consider would be to have a reporting process that queries the results of each batch run. It would then store the results you were interested in (i.e. those from your tests) in to a test analysis database.
I'm assuming that each batch run has a unique identifier. This identifier would be used as the key for the test results.
Here is an example of how it might work:
We know when the batch runs are finished (say this is at 4am). We schedule a reporting job to start after batch run completion (say at 5am) that analyses the test accounts.
The reporting job looks at Account X and Account Y. It records the amount of money in their account in a table alongside the unique identifier for the batch run. This information is stored in a test results database.
A separate process matches up test scenarios with test results. It knows test scenario 29 was tied to batch run ZZ20 and so goes looking in the test results database for the analysis from batch run ZZ20.
In the morning the test engineer checks the results of the run. They see that test scenario 29 failed as there was only £100 in Account X rather than the £100.001 that was expected.
This setup would allow you to synchronously process asynchronous batch runs. It would be challenging to configure though, as you would need to do a lot of automation around reporting and linking test scenarios with test results.

difference between passing control to different program using return() and calling a program using xctl

If I have ,say, 2 screens. First is the prompt screen which asks for, say, some record key and the next screen displays the information about the record.
Now when I want to transfer the control to the second screen (after doing the job of the 1st screen) I can do that by :
exec cics
end exec.
where trans-id is that of the 2nd screen.
Then what is need for using a calling function such as xctl when we already have the return() available in cics?
Using XCTL or LINK or dynamic CALLs confines your processing to one CICS transaction.
If you so desire, you can design your application to spread different business functions across multiple transactions, passing data with a commarea.
Historically this wasn't done for a number of reasons. Thirty years ago, some CICS Systems Programmers felt transaction IDs were a limited resource and encouraged application designers to keep processing to the minimum number of transactions possible.
Security in CICS is handled at the transaction level, so your user must have authority to execute all transactions that comprise the business function they must perform.
Resources such as temporary storage queues are often named in part using the transaction ID to differentiate and keep them separate.
Prior to CICS TS version 2 (I think) the data to be shared between those transactions was limited to the size of a commarea (32K). All supported versions of CICS now have channels and containers, allowing you to pass significantly larger amounts of data.
My experience is that it is simpler to code and easier to maintain pseudo-conversational transactions with screen interactions if the code is all in one transaction. You really want your transactions to be pseudo-conversational or non conversational. I believe this to be the overriding reason you see transactions designed to use XCTL, LINK, or dynamic CALLs.
XCTL also doesn't allow dynamic routing (you always stay in the same CICS region), and is one way only. Pseudo-conversational return as above will let the user update the screen, and then only when they press an Attention Identifier (such as Enter) will the next program run. XCTL will run immediately.

How to define frequency of a job in application by users?

I have an application that has to launch jobs repeatingly. But (yes, that would have been to easy without a but...) I would like users to define their backup frequency in application.
In worst case, they would have to choose between :
every 12 hours,
every 6 hours,
In best case, they should be able to use crontab expressions (see documentation for example)
How to do this? Do I launch a job every minutes that check for last execution time, frequency and then launches another job if needed? Do I create a sort of queue that will be executed by a masterjob?
Any clues, ideas, opinions, best pratices, experiences are welcome!
EDIT : Solved this problem using Akka scheduler. Ok, this is a technical solution not a design answer but still everything works great.
Each user defined repetition is an actor that send messages every period to a new actor to execute the actual job.
There may be two ways to do this depending on your requirements/architecture:
If you can only use Play:
The user creates the job and the frequency it will run (crontab, whatever).
On saving the job, you calculate the first time it will have to be run. You then add an entry to a table JOBS with the execution time, job id, and any other information required. This is required as Play is stateless and information must be stored in the DB for later retrieval.
You have a job that queries the table for entries whose execution date is less than now. Retrieves the first, runs it, removes it from the table and adds a new entry for next execution. You should keep some execution counter so if a task fails (which means the entry is not removed from DB) it won't block execution of the other tasks by the job trying again and again.
The frequency of this job is set to run every second. That way while there is information in the table, you should execute the request around as often as they are required. As Play won't spawn a new job while the current one is working if you have enough tasks this one job will serve all. If not, it will be killed at some point and restored when required.
Of course, the crons of the users will not be too precise, as you have to account for you own cron delays plus execution delays on all the tasks in queue, which will be run sequentially. Not the best approach, unless you somehow disallow crons which run every second or more often than every minute (to be safe). Doing a check on execution time of the crons to kill them if they are over a certain amount of time would be a good idea.
If you can use more than Play:
The better alternative I believe is to use Quartz (see this) to create a future execution when the user creates the job, and reproram it once the execution is over.
There was a discussion on google-groups about it. As far as I remember you must define a job which start every 6 hours and check which backups must be done. So you must remember when the last backup job was finished and make the control yourself. I'm unsure if Quartz can handle such a requirement.
I looked in the source-code (always a good source ;-)) and found a method every, where I think this should be do what you want. How ever I'm unsure if this is a clever design, because if you have 1000 user you will have then 1000 Jobs. I'm unsure if Play was build to handle such a large number of jobs.
[Update] For cron-expressions you should have a look into JobPlugin.scheduleForCRON()
There are several ways to solve this.
If you don't have a really huge load of jobs, I'd just persist them to a table using the required flexibility. Then check all of them every hour (or the lowest interval you support) and run those eligible. Simple.
Or, if you prefer to use cron syntax anyway, just write (export) jobs to a user crontab using a wrapper which calls back to your running app, or starts the job in a standalone process if that's possible.
