Provisioning fails when Installing apps in sitecollection -SharePoint Online - sharepoint

Apply-PnPTenantTemplate : {"odata.error":{"code":"-1,
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ResourceNotFoundException","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"Exception of type
'Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ResourceNotFoundException' was thrown."}}}
*** While Apply-PnpTemplate Site stops creating when it tries to install apps.


Azure Devops release to IIS fails after AOT blazor wasm

I have a .NET 7.0 blazor wasm app, that I deploy to a windows server running IIS. This has worked fine, until i added the following to my project (The client, and the project is .net core hosted):
First i got the following error in my build pipeline:
error NETSDK1147: To install these workloads, run the following command: dotnet workload restore
So i added a command line step to my build pipeline where i run the following command:
dotnet workload restore
So far so good. Now the project builds again. But my release now fails. I have 3 steps in my release pipeline for my IIS server:
Stop app pool
deploy my app
start my app pool
This worked fine before adding the two statements above. But now i get the following error:
Failed to deploy web package to IIS website.
Error: Unrecognized argument 'Files\IIS\Microsoft'. All arguments must begin with "-".
Error count: 1.
Error: The process 'C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe' failed
with exit code 4294967295
I can't seem to find a solution, so has anyone tried something similar?
Apparently i wasn't the only one with the issue:
I ended up removing web deploy 4.0, and now it works again.
Maybe if I had waited longer, i wouldn't have to remove web deploy 4.0

GenerateEFSQLScripts fails when trying to publish to IIS using Web Deploy from TeamCity

Running into a total dead-end here.
I've created a Publish Profile for a .net6 application that we want to publish to IIS with Web Deploy. In the Entity Framework Migration section, the option to "Apply this migration on publish" is selected.
When manually clicking publish, everything works. However, we want to automate this in TeamCity using the .NET build runner. The publish step fails at:
Generating Entity Framework SQL Scripts...
Executing command: dotnet ef migrations script --no-build --idempotent --configuration Release --output "C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\cbf95cc2b4413601\MySolution.Api\obj\Release\net6.0\PubTmp\EFSQLScripts\MySolution.Data.MyContext.sql" --context MySolution.Data.MyContext
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.400\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish\targets\TransformTargets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish.TransformFiles.targets(221,5): error : Entity Framework SQL Script generation failed
Internal error message details: BuildMessage1 0 Text DefaultMessage ERROR 400682522803500 tags:'tc:parseServiceMessagesInside'
Error message is logged
I cannot find any specific error messages anywhere in any log. Looking in the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish.TransformFiles.targets file shows that it's failing on GenerateEFSQLScripts - an MSBuild command that executes dotnet ef under the covers.
I thought this might be a case of dotnet ef not being installed on the build agent. But when I manually run the command myself from C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\cbf95cc2b4413601\MySolution.Api, it succeeds, and the SQL scripts are successfully created.
I also thought it might just be a case of the command being run in the wrong directory (i.e. in the root MySolution folder rather than the MySolution.Api folder), but explicitly setting the working directly fails at the same point, with the same error.
Has anyone seen this before? Or could point me to where an actual error might be located?

Azure Deployment Pool Agent Fails to install IIS

I'm trying to install IIS on remote server using azure devops. I have done this on other vm servers without issue.
When running this stage the Agent Errors with very little details
Agent Errors when installing IIS
2020-08-11T19:06:19.1822182Z ##[section]Starting: IIS Web App Manage
2020-08-11T19:06:19.1984662Z ==============================================================================
2020-08-11T19:06:19.1985052Z Task : IIS web app manage
2020-08-11T19:06:19.1985379Z Description : Create or update websites, web apps, virtual directories, or application pools
2020-08-11T19:06:19.1985671Z Version : 0.5.15
2020-08-11T19:06:19.1985908Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2020-08-11T19:06:19.1986227Z Help :
2020-08-11T19:06:19.1986625Z ==============================================================================
2020-08-11T19:06:21.2180244Z Installing IIS. This may take few minutes.
2020-08-11T19:06:46.1602426Z ##[error]The request to add or remove features on the specified server failed.
Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed.
The source files could not be found.
Use the "Source" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. For more information on specifying a source location, see Error: 0x800f081f
2020-08-11T19:06:46.1908491Z ##[section]Finishing: IIS Web App Manage
Stage Settings
- task: IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroup#0
displayName: 'Manage IISWebsite'
EnableIIS: true
WebsiteName: 'Default Web Site'
AddBinding: true
Bindings: '{"bindings":[{"protocol":"http","ipAddress":"All Unassigned","port":"80","hostname":"","sslThumbprint":"","sniFlag":false}]}'
CreateOrUpdateAppPoolForWebsite: true
AppPoolNameForWebsite: default
I solved this by stop trying to use the prebuilt IIS web app manage tool and ended up just installing iis via power shell command
Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools

Unable to publish core web app from visual studio 2015 update 3

I got this error in visual studio 2015 while publishing web app(.net framework) to azure.
The "Publish" task failed unexpectedly.
Publishing WebApplication1 for .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2/win7-x64
Illegal characters in path.
Parameter name: path
at Microsoft.DotNet.Tasks.Publish.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuild.
the project builds on local machine and launched the web app successfully but fails to deploy on azure.

Sqlite module installs properly on Azure Web App during deploy, but uses different version of module at runtime.

I am currently attempting to get an Sqlite database in a node app hosted on Azure Websites.
I've listed Sqlite3 in my dependencies field of package.json:
"sqlite3": "^3.0.8"
When I deploy, I see the following during install:
remote: [sqlite3] Success: "D:\home\site\wwwroot\node_modules\sqlite3\lib\binding\node-v11-win32-ia32\node_sqlite3.node" is installed via remote
However, every request returns a 500 error, so I checked out the app log.
When I look at the application log, I see the following error each deploy:
Mon Jun 29 2015 17:13:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time): Unaught exception: Error: Cannot find module 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\node_modules\sqlite3\lib\binding\node-v14-win32-ia32\node_sqlite3.node
If you notice, when running the application it looks for node_modules\sqlite3\lib\binding\node-v14-win32-ia32\node_sqlite3.node
but it installed to node_modules\sqlite3\lib\binding\node-v11-win32-ia32\node_sqlite3.node. I don't understand enough about servers in general, or even node's environment to figure out how to get it pointed to the right location or the other version installed. It appears as though Azure has one machine building the code and another machine running the code, where they have different specs.
Try to set the Node JS version to 0.12.0.
This can be done from the Azure portal with the following steps:
Select the website
Select "Settings" and then "Application Settings"
Then under "App settings" change the value of "WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION" to "0.12.0"
