Using node.js, I cannot get the stdout from a macos app until the process finishes - node.js

I've created a helper app with Xcode. It's a command line app that keeps running using RunLoop (because it will do Bluetooth things in the background).
I want to spawn this app using node.js and read its output. I've sucessufully done this with other applications using the spawn method. However, with this MacOS app nothing is visible until the app finishes.
My node.js code:
const { spawn } = require('node:child_process')
const child = spawn(PROCESS)
child.stdout.on('data', data => {
My Swift code (helper app):
import Foundation
var shouldKeepRunning = true
print("app started")
let controller = Controller()
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: + .seconds(10)) {
shouldKeepRunning = false
while shouldKeepRunning == true && RunLoop.Mode.default, before: Date.distantFuture) {
In node.js app started is only printed after 10 seconds, when the app finishes. When running the app using Terminal, I see app started immediately.
Does anyone know why this happens and how it can be solved?

This question is actually the same: swift "print" doesn't appear in STDOut but 3rd party c library logs do when running in docker on ECS but instead of node.js Docker is not logging the output.
I fixed it by adding the following to the top of my code:
setbuf(stdout, nil)
This will make print() write to stdout directly without waiting for some buffer to be full first.


debug library not working in conjunction with amqplib (rabbitmq)

We run our app in two "modes":
Our REST API (express js)
Our background processor (amqplib)
Our REST API that starts using nodemon runs completely fine with debug, however our background processor does not work with debug.
We declare DEBUG=app:* in our .env file and yes, we do see it when we console log but for some reason when we do the following, nothing reports when running our background processor.
We do see that one of amqp's dependencies called bitsyntax uses debug. I am wondering if it does anything to turn off debug but cannot find anything in their code that does that.
Is there anything I can do to resolve this problem?
import amqp from 'amqplib/callback_api'
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
import debug from 'debug'
const testLog = debug('app:worker')
const rabbitmq = `amqp://${process.env.RABBITMQ_USER}:${process.env.RABBITMQ_PASS}#${process.env.RABBITMQ_HOST}`
console.log(process.env.DEBUG) // app:*
const worker = () => {
try {
amqp.connect(rabbitmq, (err, conn) => {
// ...
testLog('this does not show up')
console.log('this does show up')
// ...
} catch (err) {
// ...
We run our background processor using the following command:
NODE_ENV=development nodemon ./src/workers/index.ts
As per the following github issue response,
on workers the following code needs to be enabled:

Not receiving DistributedNotificationCenter in Swift Command Line Tool

I'm building a small app in node.js that uses execa to read print statements coming from a compiled Swift application. The idea is similar to Sindre Sorhus' (who else!?) do-not-disturb
Although I'm no Swift-programmer, I put together a pretty straightforward solution. The binary is compiled by running swift build --configuration=release from the CL to be used in a node-app. It also compiles fine (without the CLI-part) in a Swift playground from XCode and I can see the correct print statements coming in.
import Cocoa
var isLocked:Bool = false
DistributedNotificationCenter.default().addObserver(forName: .init(""), object: nil, queue: nil) { notification in
print("Screen is locked")
isLocked = true
DistributedNotificationCenter.default().addObserver(forName: .init(""), object: nil, queue: nil) { notification in
print("Screen is unlocked")
isLocked = false
struct CLI {
static var standardInput = FileHandle.standardInput
static var standardOutput = FileHandle.standardOutput
static var standardError = FileHandle.standardError
static let arguments = Array(CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst(1))
switch CLI.arguments.first {
case "status":
print("Unsupported command", to: .standardError)
// Some other functions omitted for brevity
Now, when I run the code below from Node.js, everything seems to be working fine. However for some reason, the observer doesn't receive the notification.
'use strict';
const execa = require('execa');
const electronUtil = require('electron-util/node');
const binary = path.join(electronUtil.fixPathForAsarUnpack(__dirname), 'IsLockedOrNot');
setInterval(async () => {
const {stdout} = await execa(binary, ['status']);
console.log(stdout) // keeps logging false, also when screen is locked
}, 1000)
Does anyone have any idea WHY the notifications are not being received in this scenario? I tried various things, like explicitly disabling sleep mode shell.exec('sudo pmset -a disablesleep 1')and compiling the app with the --disable-sandbox flag. No luck however until know..
Use spawn from the base child_process library not execa, make sure you are following stdout, and the most important part for nodejs and swift is that you flush the buffer after every line. Otherwise you have to wait for the program to die before you receive any output. Use "import Darwin.C" and "fflush(stdout)" after every "print" where you want a 'newline'

Forked child process keeps terminated with code 1

I wrapped a module using Electron Packager. Because it has heavy computation, i put it in a sub process that would be forked from renderer.js when user clicks a button on index.html.
Pseudo-code renderer.js from :
let cp = require('child_process');
let subprocess;
function log(msg) {
// A function to log messages sent from subprocess
document.querySelector('#create').addEventListener('click', ev => {
subprocess = cp.fork('./subprocess.js');
log('A subprocess has been created with pid: ' + + ' with exexPath = ' + process.execPath);
subprocess.on('exit', (code, signal) => log(`child process terminated: signal = ${signal} ; code = ${code}`));
subprocess.on('error', log);
subprocess.on('message', log);
The real problem is: this subprocess runs smoothly when i call electron ./ from console in working directory, but the build generated by Electron Packager wouldn't.
The subprocess does not show up in Task Manager, or rather, it is terminated as soon as it appears. The log says child process terminated: signal = null ; code = 1.
Although i guarded at the beginning of subprocess.js with this to catch uncaughtException
process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => {
process.send(`Caught exception: ${err}`);
Nothing is recorded in log. What should i do to overcome this situation?
System specs:
Window 10
Node 8.6
Electron 1.7.12
Electron Packager 10.1.2
I have experienced this too. One reason i came up with was because the child process will be the child process of electron itself.
In my case, it will not recognize the node modules i defined.
I suggest using spawn with the spawn process being node.exe. But that will not be practical once you build your app.

NodeJS not spawning child process except in tests

I have the following NodeJS code:
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var Unzipper = {
unzip: function(src, dest, callback) {
var self = this;
if (!fs.existsSync(dest)) {
var unzip = spawn('unzip', [ src, '-d', dest ]);
unzip.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
unzip.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
callback({message: "There was an error executing an unzip process"});
unzip.on('close', function() {
I have a NodeUnit test that executes successfully. Using phpStorm to debug the test the var unzip is assigned correctly
However if I run the same code as part of a web service, the spawn call doesn't return properly and the server crashes on trying to attach an on handler to the nonexistent stdout property of the unzip var.
I've tried running the program outside of phpStorm, however it crashes on the command line as well for the same reason. I'm suspecting it's a permissions issue that the tests don't have to deal with. A web server spawning processes could cause chaos in a production environment, therefore some extra permissions might be needed, but I haven't been able to find (or I've missed) documentation to support my hypothesis.
I'm running v0.10.3 on OSX Snow Leopard (via MacPorts).
Why can't I spawn the child process correctly?
For #jonathan-wiepert
I'm using Prototypical inheritance so when I create an "instance" of Unzipper I set stdout and stderr ie:
var unzipper = Unzipper.spawn({
stdout: function(data) { util.puts(data); },
stderr: function(data) { util.puts(data); }
This is similar to the concept of "constructor injection". As for your other points, thanks for the tips.
The error I'm getting is:
unzip.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
TypeError: Cannot call method 'on' of undefined
As per my debugging screenshots, the object that is returned from the spawn call is different under different circumstances. My test passes (it checks that a ZIP can be unzipped correctly) so the problem occurs when running this code as a web service.
The problem was that the spawn method created on the Object prototype (see this article on Protypical inheritance) was causing the child_process.spawn function to be replaced, so the wrong function was being called.
I saved child_process.spawn into a property on the Unzipper "class" before it gets clobbered and use that property instead.

Spawned phantomjs process hanging

I'm trying to create a node server that spawns phantomjs processes to create screenshots. The grab.js script works fine when executed and I've confirmed that it writes to stdout. Problem is the node code that spawns the process simply hangs. I've confirmed that phantomjs is in the path. Anyone know what might be happening here or how I might troubleshoot this?
Here's the phantomjs code (grab.js) that renders the page and writes the data to stdout:
var page = require('webpage').create(),
system = require('system'),
fs = require('fs');
var url = system.args[1] || '';
page.viewportSize = {
width: 1024,
height: 1200
};, function() {
var b64 = page.renderBase64('png');
fs.write('/dev/stdout', b64, 'w');
And here's the node code that spawns the phantom progress and prints the result (hangs):
var http = require('http'),
exec = require('child_process').exec,
fs = require('fs');
exec('phantomjs grab.js', function(error, stdout, stderr) {
console.log(error, stdout, stderr);
I have had similar issues with exec and then switched to using spawn instead and it worked.
According to this article , Use spawn when you want the child process to return huge binary data to Node, use exec when you want the child process to return simple status messages.
I had same problem, in my case it was not in nodejs, but in phantomjs (v2.1).
It's known problem when phantom`s open method hangs.
Also, found second link (I guess same person wrote) in which author points that requestAnimationFrame is not working well with tweenJs, which causes freezing. PhantomJS returns unixtimestamp but tweenjs expects it to be DOMHighResTimeStamp, and so on...
Trick is to inject request-animation-frame.js (which is also provided in that article)
