Using Findstr to find a serial number in a line - findstr

I am using devcon to query a verifone device to get the serial number and I a trying to find the serial number below "123-552-666" and output that to a text file. I have been playing around with various commands but just cant seem to get it.
I have used this:
findstr /RC:"[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]" "verifone1.txt"
But just got this lie returned
Below is the full data I am searching. Would appreciate any assistance
Name: Verifone V,P Family USB UART device (COM7)
Driver is running.


How to identify identical USB dongles connected at the same time to an USBhub

I have an USBhub (D-Link DUB-H7) connected to my laptop with Windows 10. Connected to the hub are 4 identical PEAK dongles to talk to a CANbus. Now, my problem is to programmatically identify these 4 seperate dongles and knowing which one is which. The dongles are fixed in the hub.
To start I downloaded and installed USBDeview to view my devices. In the program I can see my 4 PCAN-USB dongles and I can see that their Instance ID are different. That's good, now I have my identifier. However, once I try to get the ID's with Python things aren't looking good. This is my following test program:
import win32com.client
wmi = win32com.client.GetObject("winmgmts:")
input("Connect the hub")
dongle_list = [(, usb.DeviceID) for usb in wmi.InstancesOf("Win32_USBHub")]
input("Disconnect the hub")
nod_list = [(, usb.DeviceID) for usb in wmi.InstancesOf("Win32_USBHub")]
diff = list(set(dongle_list) - set(nod_list))
for d in diff:
Running this gives me only 2 new usb devices and the ID's point to the USBhub rather than the dongles connected to the hub. I also tried with wmi.InstancesOf("CIM_USBDevice") but the result stays the same.
('Generic USB Hub', 'USB\\VID_05E3&PID_0608\\5&4A43CD6&0&4')
('Generic USB Hub', 'USB\\VID_05E3&PID_0608\\6&9EBFB9C&0&4')
So how can I retrieve the usb information of the devices connected to the USBhub using Python or powershell/cmd invoked by Python?
Another route I was thinking I could take is by using port identifiers. If I disconnect a dongle I can see that it was connected to Port_#0001.Hub_#000x, where is x is a positive integer. So maybe I could poll the port to see if the dongle is connected and then I too know which one is which (dongles are fixed in the hub). Although I think that using the Instance ID is more foolproof.
I ended up creating a powershell command and invoke that using Python. I noticed however that the InstanceID's are hardware addresses of the the USBhub and not the dongles.
I also noticed that the dongles sometimes switch their addresses related on how they were connected. So I also needed to disable them and enable them again in the order I want.
This is what I have now:
poll_cmd = """
$ret = (Get-PnpDevice | ? {($_.description -like "*pcan*") -and ($_.status -eq "ok")} | sort instanceid).instanceid;
$ret | % {Disable-PnpDevice $_ -Confirm:$False};
$ret | % {Start-Sleep -Seconds 1; Enable-PnpDevice $_ -Confirm:$False};
usbs = (
subprocess.check_output(["powershell.exe", poll_cmd])
usbs holds the list of usb dongles I'm interested in.
However this gave me one more problem: UAC. I need admin rights to enable the usbs. And used the top answer from Request UAC elevation from within a Python script? to give my program admin rights.

Bluetooth device name unable to resolve in Pycom

I am using WiPy 2.0 Pycom Board.
When trying to resolve the names of the available devices the names are not resolved properly.
This line prints the following data.
When print the short name
It prints out "None"
How to get the proper name of the scanned devices. I am new to this
Thank you!
Using manufacturer data, we can get the proper data from the sensor.
mfg_data = bluetooth.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_MANUFACTURER_DATA)
advData = binascii.hexlify(mfg_data)

gpsd parsing GPRMC data incorrectly

I've connected my Nokia N9 to my linux laptop via bluetooth-serial using the extGPS app from Ovi. Everything seems to work fine im able to connect gpsd to the serial device and get GPS output.
But theres a problem with the GPS output, the longitude is always 0.000E when, in my case the correct GPS longitude should be something like -9.13245
gpsd:IO: <= GPS: $GPRMC,184922.0,A,3842.126000,N,0-9-26.781000,E,000.10.0,131.15,211013,,,A*49
gpsd:IO: => client(0): {"class":"TPV","tag":"RMC","device":"/devrfcomm0","mode":3,"time":"2013-10-21T18:50:48.000Z","ept":0.005,"lat":38.702000000,"lon":0.000000000,"alt":74.000,"track":126.0800,"speed":0.000,"climb":0.000}\x0d\x0a
The problem might be with gpsd parsing the GPRMC data.
Is there a way to solve this or an alternitive to gpsd in linux ?
The fault is not the gpsd.
Look at the RMC sentence.
This is garbage! especially: 0-9-26.781000
What is that? This is not a coordinate, and for sure not in the format as specified in the RMC sentence.

Serial Port Communication

I want to send data hex format (0x01) or (0xff) to the port where rs232 cable is connected. I am using the MSCOMM control in VC++ 6.0. Is that the correct way to send the hex data. This is the code I have.
CString output;
UCHAR data1,data2;
If it is not correct, please tell me how to send hex format data to the port.
Thanks in Advance
If your data is simply a hex value that you want to send out (as opposed to a hex formatted string), you probably want "%c" rather than "%x". Given a data value of (e.g.) 0x65, "%x" will produce two bytes on the serial port: '6' (ascii value 54) and '5' (ascii value 53). "%c" will produce a single byte on the serial port: 'e' (ascii value 100 or 0x65).
As far as sending data on a serial port in C, have a look at CSerial or CSerialPort: they may simplify things for you a bit (note that I've not used them, I tend to do serial port apps in python with the pyserial module or in wxWidgets with the ctb library).
Edit: The other one that's quite good (I have used it before, but couldn't find the link when I wrote the original post) is CSerialFile, part of the WFC libraries. As I said, I tend to use wxWidgets now, but if you're using the Microsoft foundation classes, CSerialFile does make serial access very easy.
I'm no familiar with MSCOM but it seems like it won't work. Format may re-format the data to an ASCII string representation instead.
Alternatively, you can just use any serial port as a 'file' in Windows. Look at the windows api for opening files and you will see that you can address certain devices as files by using a filename like 'COM1:' instead.
Then, you can read/write from it like a file.

Getting Device IMEI

How to get the IMEI of a Java ME device in a common way that is applicable to all devices
Usually, using java.lang.System.getProperty() can return the device IMEI.
Unfortunately, the String parameter you need to use to get the IMEI will change from one handset manufacturer to the next.
Strings to try:
you get the idea.
you may need to uppercase the last part of the string.
the format of the result can change too.
it can be a full imei with a "IMEI" prefix and 3 "-" in the middle of 17 digits.
it can be a normalized imei of 13 or 15 digits...
there is no standard way to get the IMEI via Java ME. some phones expose the IMEI as a system property, but others don't or require the midlet to be signed to operator or manufacturer domain (ie. not by you).
In the game i'm developing, to get an unique id for every cellphone (so that they can't duplicate and share savefiles) i use the bluetooth mac address that is different for every single bluetooth device and the java code to get it is the same on every device =D
I have tried what is suggested by both ax and quickrecipeonsymbianos however they both solve the purpose in an elegant way. However, in the BlackBerry we have the getDeviceID() to get the unique id of the device, but Java ME lacks this functionality
