Sendgrid doesn't trigger webhook when email is sent - webhooks

I'm using Sendgrid in an ASP.NET WEB API project, and I'm testing the webhook call with ngrok.
I first followed this guide:
Therefore i turned on Event Webhook and tested it with their integration test.
The problem is that it works only during test, if I send an email with my software, webhook is not fired. ( I receive the email, but Ngrok doesn't record a request)
This is how i send the email:
var client = new SendGridClient(Config.sendGridApiKey);
var x = MailHelper.CreateSingleEmail( new EmailAddress(Config.mymail),
new EmailAddress(to), content, content, content);
return await client.SendEmailAsync(x).ConfigureAwait(false);

I didn't choose the event triggering the webhook from the panel.
Now it works!


Send email from NestJS, deployed to Firebase functions to the associated Gmail account's address

I've a NestJS application deployed to Firebase wired up with Firebase functions. I've an API which accepts a form data from a different Firebase Angular frontend project (I prefer the BE and FE projects to be separated).
I'd like to send that contact form data through my NestJS backend due to validation purposes via email to the Firebase admin email address (my Google account email) with all the form data, after the validation is succeeded.
So it's basiacally a contact form, by the user, to the admin. I've digged through the documentation and I've found solutions only for the other direction, so the app sends email to the users after something triggers this function (with Nodemailer, and with a 3rd party SMTP mail service).
Is there a solution to send the contact form data to my Gmail (associated with the Firebase account too) in the desired way? Do I really need to use Nodemailer and a 3rd party service to send an email to myself with the data from the contact form?
The process flow should be the following:
Users fills out the contact form
After FE validation the data is sent to the NestJS API
After BE validation the data is sent to my Gmail email address
Thanks for the suggestions in advance!
Using Nodemailer would be the easiest option to send an email. You can use the same recipient email as the sender so you don't need any other mail service like SendGrid. Just specify the same email in both from and to:
const mailOptions = {
from: "",
to: "",
subject: "New registration",
text: "<Details>",
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function (error, info) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log("Email sent: " + info.response);

AWS SNS or SES for password reset

guys! I have a task to create AWS lambda endpoint for resetting user's password. I have to send a new password to user's email. I have read a lot about SNS and SES and currently have no idea what service is better for my purpose. Will be glad to hear from you advice!
Here is my lambda code
const requestData = AdminResetPasswordDto.from(event.body);
const errors = await AdminResetPasswordDto.validate(requestData);
if (errors) {
return new BadRequestError({ message: "errors.invalid-request-params", errors })
const repo = new UsersRepo();
const entity = await repo.getOneByEmail(;
if (!entity) {
return new BadRequestError({ message: 'errors.user-not-exists' })
// const newPass = generatePassword();
// sending newPass to user via SNS
// use SNS or SES ???
const user = UserDto.fromEntity(entity);
const result = await repo.updateUserPassword(user.userId, user.userRole, newPass);
if (!result) {
return new BadRequestError({ message: 'errors.password-not-updated' })
return new ResponseSuccessNoBody();
SES is meant for sending high-volume e-mail efficiently and securely. Once you have verified that you are the owner of an e-mail address, you can send e-mails through SES to any other e-mail address without the recipient's consent. SES takes care of the engineering required to ensure the delivery of their e-mails.
SNS is meant as a channel publisher/subscriber service. In order to receive e-mails from SNS, the end-user must first subscribe and approve that subscription through e-mail before amazon delivers e-mails from the subscribed channel to that end-user. End-users can subscribe via e-mail, SMS, webhooks, and other means up to the user independent of the publisher.
On a practical level, we use SES to send our users e-mails about their content and we use SNS to send our developers notifications (via SMS and e-mail) when servers go down or have issues.
In short,
email messages
push notifications to mobile device
messages between services/apps
Clients have to subscribe, to receive above notifications
email messages
No subscriptions required
SNS is used for “technical” notifications; delivery as e-mail is possible, but rather limited. First, you need to create dedicated subscriptions and provide the destination mail address at this point. Second, you can’t really “design” your messages, it will just be a blob of text. You should go with SES for messages where the recipient is determined at runtime and you want to have control over the message layout.

Not getting response to DocuSign webhook listener url

For getting envelop status, I followed these steps
docusign developer account, under connect, I created a connect with webhook url.
In code , I have given eventNotification with webhook listener url with https:// address of my application.
I am getting response in connect logs. But I am not getting any response in my application webhook listner .why?
I have used Laravel code, with route
Route::post('webhook', [TestController::class, 'webhook']);
But I am not getting any response in function?why?
Ensure that your server (the "listener") has an https URL that is visible (callable) from the public internet. Best way to confirm this: implement a GET function at a URL such as It should reply with "hello" when called. Then try entering that URL on your mobile phone.
Look at DocuSign's Connect error log to see what it says.
To assure yourself that DocuSign is sending notification messages, first use to get a test webhook listener URL, and configure DocuSign to use it.
If you feel that the messages are being sent to your server but are not being received by your software, check your web server's logs. For example, if you're including documents in your notifications, the notifications will be very large and may exceed your web server's default configuration limits.
One issue which I have found, the response which is sent from Webhook to our own custom API, which will receive request from webhook does not match
For e.g.argument webhook sends json payload , so make sure you have same object which is supported by your api from docusign connect
// this is C# code
public async Task Post([FromBody] JObject envelopeData)
To test locally, you can use ngrock, which will create local server but you will be able to debug
You can try something as below. The same worked for me.
if (!Request.Body.CanSeek) { Request.EnableBuffering(); }
Request.Body.Position = 0;
var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8);
var body = await reader.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

Twilio - sending sms doesn't call the statusCallback URL

Twilio free account.
This is how I send the message:
const args = {
to : '+15005550006', // magic test number
body : "test",
statusCallback: '' //twilioCallback.getUrl()
message = await this.client.messages.create(args)
Results: postbin never receives a request. nor does my own twilio callback url. Do I need to subscribe, create a messaging service, pay for a sender phone number, and use that messaging service id in the args? Does that make it work?
Magic numbers / test credentials don’t send requests. Use your production Account SID and Auth Token and a real Twilio number to send the request.
Why aren't my test credentials working?

Google Cloud Platform pub/sub - messages aren't being being delivered to subscriber

I am setting up push notifications for gmail based on the guide provided by google ( I want to have my node app register a client with .watch(), and then receive emails at a specified endpoint, as described in the documentation.
I have created the pub/sub topic, added gmail as a publisher, added a subscriber, and called watch() in my node app. watch() returns the appropriate { historyId: xxxx, expiration: yyyy } object which, according to google's documentation, means the call succeeded.
handler for receiving email notification on backend:
export const receiveGmailEmail: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
log('Received update from google!');
log(JSON.stringify(req.body, null, 2));
return res.status(200);
const watchRes = await;
log('====> Watch Response <=====');
log(JSON.stringify(watchRes, null, 2));
Server log that shows it is registering properly:
====> Watch Response <=====
"historyId": "6560",
"expiration": "1562025255689"
I never receive messages at the receive endpoint on my node app. According to the server logs, I never actually receive any request when a message is published. The problem appears to be that my messages are undelivered. I have confirmed through the Stackdriver monitor that the pub/sub topic is publishing messages when I send an email to the email address, but if I view the details of the subscription in Stackdriver, it shows an increasing number of undelivered messages.
Any thoughts on why messages in a subscription are sitting around undelivered?
It turns out this wasn't a Google pub/sub issue. Amazon Cloudfront blocks POST requests by default, so I had to edit the caching behavior to enable POST requests.
