Tabulator table: Change font - tabulator

I'm trying to use the Tabulator table. Changing theme (including different .css), I get new background and foreground colors but the font is always times new roman. How do I change it ?

Use it like this:
.tabulator {
font-family: "Courier New";


How to change Column Header Font size , Color, Background color in Syncfusion EJ2 Tree-grid on click event?

How to change Column Header Font size , Color, Background color in Syncfusion EJ2 Tree-grid on click event ?
<button (click)="Onclick()"></button>
<e-column field='Name' [customAttributes]="{class: 'playernamecss'}">
Typescript / JS:
var r:document.querySelector(':root');
.e-treegrid .playernamecss{
background-color : var(--NameBGcolor);
*Same Applies for font-color;Size;width..ect...It worked for me, Hope it works for you too, thanks:)

How to change table font size

How to change tabulator table font size? There is no description.
Looks like kind of solution
.tabulator { font-size: 12px; }
Here they have specify a variable textSize under can try this one.
textSize - The text size for all text in the tabulator

How to change default color of SVG in MathJax-Node

I am using MathJax-node to generate SVGs of equations. I would like to change the default color, but so far nothing has worked.
I looked at this answer and tried
mjAPI.config({MathJax: {
styles: {
".MathJax_SVG, .MathJax_SVG_Display": {
fill: "#FFF",
stroke: "#FFF"
I also tried
mjAPI.config({MathJax: {
SVG: {color: "#0FF", fill: "#0F0", stroke: "#F00"}}});
and several variations, like including the styles under SVG, but so far nothing has worked.
I can work around this by setting the style from within the TeX expression, but I would prefer to be able to set a default configuration so I can process expressions without altering them.
MathJax-node wraps its output in a group with fill="currentColor stroke="currentColor" so that it inherits the color from the surrounding text. So one way to change the color would be to set the color of the container that will hold the SVG output. The configuration you give above would do that for MathJax in a browser, since MathJax surrounds its SVG output in a container with class="MathJax_SVG" or class="MathJax_SVG_Display"; but MathJax-node does not produce the container HTML elements that MathJax does, so there are no elements with class MathJax_SVG or MathJax_SVG_Display being generated. In any case, the styles are put into a stylesheet that would be added to the page, not used to add explicit styles to the SVG generated, so you would have to include that stylesheet into the page where the SVG output is being put in order for your configuration above to have an effect, even if the containers with the proper classes were being generated.
What you probably want, however, is to have the currentColor be some specific color instead, so that there is no inheriting of colors. Because SVG is a text-based image format, you can do that using a string replacement in your mathjax-node driver file. For example:
math: "x+1",
format: "TeX",
svg: true,
useFontCache: false,
ex: 6, width: 100
}, function (data) {
if (!data.errors) {
console.log(data.svg.replace(/"currentColor"/g, '"red"'));
would set the color to red in the output.

how to remove the label in the linechart in primefaces 3.3.1

I am trying to remove the label in the linechart. For that i have tried by giving empty label but in the graph it dispayed color box without the label .
ChartSeries boys = new ChartSeries();
If i tried without setting the label. It displayed color box with "null" as label.
I don't know if this is an option for you, but you could hide the entire legend box using css. Something like this:
.jqplot-table-legend {
display: none;
Solved my issue
yourChart.options = {
legend: {
display: false,

Is there an easy way to give a MediaWiki wiki page a specific background colour?

We're looking to give pages in a specific category a specific background colour. Since every page in this category makes use of a specific template, we're ideally looking for a template change.
Can this be done?
Use the PageCSS extension, you should be able to put the css in your template, which would then apply to the pages it is on.
#bodyContent { background-color: yellow; }
For the MediaWiki 1.18, you only need CSS and this code:
#bodyContent { background-color: yellow; }
body {
background: navajowhite;
This will give the part of the page with text a yellow colour and the rest (border) a brown-ish colour.
For best results, put this in a template, e.g. {{Page colour}}, so that it can be called with, e.g. {{Page color|red|yellow}}. The template code will then be:
#bodyContent { background-color: {{{1|yellow}}}; }<!-- Page color -->
body {
background: {{{2|navajowhite}}};<!-- Border color -->
where 1 & 2 are parameters (page and border respectively) with default colours (yellow and brownish).
