EXCEL Prevent range from being deleted - excel

I want to be able to delete or add rows in Section A without moving Section B without protecting the sheet.
Is there a way to sort of 'freeze' all those columns so they won't move? so if the user just wants more columns they can just right click on a entire row to add, or delete
Help is appreciated!

Select exactly what you want to delete. Press Ctrl + - (Control and Minus Sign) or choose Delete... in a context menu. Choose Shift cells up in a pop-up menu.
Select the range to insert. Press Ctrl + + (Control and Plus Sign) or choose Insert... in a context menu. Choose Shift cells Down in a pop-up menu.
Answer to additional question
Is there a way to sort of freeze all those columns so they won't
move when the user wants more rows to add?
In general - no. But if you manage to convert the left side (A in your picture) into an Excel Table aka Excel List then you can operate with rows and columns inside of it.


Hide/unhide specific cells

Is it possible to create a code that allows a button to hide specific cells (e.g. (B10:B15) + C17 + C19 + (D10:D18)) when pressed and then have the reappear when pressed again? Alternatively another button for the reapearing can be accepted.
You cannot hide a single cell. But if you want to hide/unhide e.g. a number of columns using a shortcut key you can do as follows:
In the View toolbar, click Macros, then Record Macro....
Enter a key, under shortcut key (Ctrl + ...). [Let's assume you put 'h'] Then press OK.
Hide the columns you want to hide (or anything you want to happen by pressing the shortcut key).
Goto View toolbar, click Macros, then Stop Recording.
Now when you press the defined shortcut key (e.g. Ctrl+h), the desired columns will hide.
You can follow the same steps to define a different shortcut key for unhiding.
If you want to make some single cells (kind of) invisible, you can do that by changing the font color to match the background color. Again you can use the same steps mentioned above to create a shortcut key for that.

How to make column A reappear after resizing a table?

I clicked the resize button for a table on Excel from A3:O10 to B3:O10, and the column A permanently disappeared.
I tried resizing it to its initial address but doesn't work.
Check your "Freeze Panes" and "Split" settings. I've 'lost data' behind some silly visual representations with these.
You can see that my Column A appears to be Column C because I moved the wrong quadrant in a way I didn't actually want.
A simple solution to unhiding column "A" is to select all rows and columns (CTRL + A) and then right click on any column. After you right click then select "unhide" from the right click drop down.

Excel columns to multiple rows

I have a set of data that consists of a product SKU, and then the sizes as multiple columns. I need to transpose this data to list the sizes in one column (which I can do) but, each size needs to list the SKU as well which is something I can't seem to achieve with transpose. See images for an example.
Follow these steps...
Click on a cell to the right of your data.
On the keyboard press Alt and then while holding Alt down, press D and let go.
Now press P on the keyboard.
The ancient PivotTable Wizard should now be displayed.
Select Multiple Consolidation Ranges. Click on the Next button.
Select I will create the page fields. Click on the Next button.
For the Range field at the top of the dialog, select the range A1:J6. (This is your sample data.) Click on the FINISH button.
You will now see a PivotTable. You are going to double-click one particular cell... and this will create a new worksheet with your data transposed and normalized. That cell is the bottom-right cell of the PivotTable (at the intersection of Grand Total and Grand Total). Double-click it.
On the new sheet that is now displayed, delete column B and click on the little arrow in cell B1. Uncheck (Blanks) and click OK.
That's it. It seems like a lot, but it's not. It takes just a couple of seconds once you get used to it. And you can go ahead and delete the PivotTable now. And you can copy your normalized data out of the filtered rows and paste wherever you like... and then just delete that temporary sheet.

Protection in Excel

Is it possible that in excel certain fields are allowed for user input and other cells are to be protected (can't edit directly)?
Example:Suppose I have 3 column.
1. On column A (Name) user can edit directly by double click.
2. On column B (id) will auto generate unique number when a data is entered into column A. User will not be able to double click on that cell.
3. On column C (gender) a drop down list.User will not be able to double click on that cell.
Thanks in advance.
Under format cells in the right click menu, make sure that all cells in the worksheet where you want to restrict user access are locked. This option is found under under "protection".
Next select the cells you want the user to have acccess too, and enter the same dialog, but this time make sure that the cells aren't locked.
Finally, turn on sheet-protection, and in the protection menu, allow the user to select unlocked cells, but not locked cells:

Excel: Return the last entries from a list of entries

Please excuse me for the wording of the title. Not sure exactly how to word this so it's probably best to just show.
I have a list that looks like this
Name Date Updated
==== ===========
Item 1 1/1/2015
Item 2 1/2/2015
Item 3 1/3/2015
Item 2 1/4/2015
Item 3 1/5/2015
Item 1 1/6/2015
This will be an ongoing list. As items are updated they will be entered in like this. I would like to create a second sheet that gives me the last date that each item was updated. So the result based on the above table would look like this.
Name Date Updated
==== ===========
Item 1 1/6/2015
Item 2 1/4/2015
Item 3 1/5/2015
I have found a few solutions on the web that work when I first input the formula (Links below), BUT when I add more entries in the first table the results wont update or they'll show the wrong data.
Thanks in advance for any help.
You can simply omit the numbers in the formula to get the whole column:
(following the formula from your second link).
You can record a macro as you do it manually one time. Then assign that macro to a button. Then click the button anytime you need the sheet updated.
Start on a sheet other than the one with the data. Explanation in #3 below.
Start recording your macro by going to View > Macros > Record Macro. In the bottom left you'll now see a square stop button for when you want to stop recording.
Select the sheet with the data. This way the macro will always remember to select the right sheet regardless of where you are.
Select the two-column range of cells that has your data, then continue selecting a few hundred rows down, or at least well beyond where you think your data will eventually go down to.
Select the sheet where you want to have the summarized data.
Sort by name (ascending) and date (descending) all at once (rather than two operations). Do this by going to the Data tab in the ribbon and selecting the white and blue sort button that has two A's and two Z's and says "Sort".
With this pasted and sorted range still selected, remove duplicates in the name column. To do this, do not change the selection. Go to the Data tab and select Remove Duplicates.
Now your items will appear once and the date will be the most recent date.
Click the "stop recording" square blue button in the bottom left to stop recording your Macro.
You can assign this macro to a button or to a shortcut. To add a button you need to show the developer tab and then draw the button using one of the options on the developer tab. I can't remember offhand how to show the developer tab. Once you have a button, right click and assign the macro to the button.
13A. If you want to customize the macro, click ALT+F11 to get to the visual basic editor. Double click on one of the things named something like "module" on the left and you can edit your the range in your macro, for example if your data suddenly goes down 100 more rows than what you planned and you want the macro to cover it. Save with CTRL+S. The next time you run your macro, it will reflect these changes.
13B. View > Macros to edit your macro if you want to assign a shortcut key to it instead of adding a button.
Try all this with a copy of your spreadsheet so that you don't delete data by accident.
Does it work for you?
You could easily do this with a Pivot Table. Drag Item to Rows area and Dates to the Values area. Then format the values as Date, and select to return Max.
