Telegram bot no longer receives private mesage - bots

I created a bot in visual basic that worked fine for a year. now he no longer receives any kind of private message (I am able to send regularly!). I tried to generate a new token but nothing, while if instead I insert the token of another bot it works. what can it be? thank you


Send private message to a slackbot without other users of the workspace seeing it

How can i send a private message to a bot other without users seeing it on the channel?
Im using node js and the module slackbots. And each time i communicate with the bot it goes something like this: "#robot hello" but everybody on the chat sees it.
Your example is not a direct message, but a so called "mention" in a channel, which is always visible by everyone else in the same channel.
But you can also send a real direct message to a bot user. It works the same like sending a direct message to any user. e.g. click on the plus next to "Direct Messages", select the bot user from the list and click on go. Now you got a direct messaging channel with that user which is 100% private.
Your bot obviously needs to be ready to receive messages via DM in order to respond correctly. e.g if your are using Slack's Events API you need to subscribe to to receive posts in the direct message channel to your bot.
Check out this help desk page on how to send direct messages.
Another approach to communicate "secretly" with your bot user in a channel is slash commands, e.g. by posting /mybot hi in a channel. Both the slash command and respond from your app will not be visible to anyone else in the channel (that is default - but can be changed).

No access token delivered to webhook after normal account linking

Conversation Flow : android device/web simulator - google assistant - - webhook - [websocket/FCM push] - android device
From end of last week, access token is not delivered to our webhook server even if account linking was successful and it is displayed on web simulator debugging window. When we logged on webhook server, the account token value from was NULL. After this happened, next account linking is not processed even if I reset (turn it off and on again) agent.
I tried to make new actions project and migrate agent to new one, but it was the same. I make sure the same test has been successful before last week.
If anyone has gone through the similar issue, I hope your help.
I was also very confused because I was expecting the accessToken to be in the same JSON format as shown in the simulator.
if still not working please send the body of the request you receive not what the simulator show you.
but it's under
if you are using NodeJS you don't need to parse anything you will just need to call :
from ApiAiApp object in the actions-on-google node library.

BadArgument:Security token not valid for this conversation

I'm trying to use Direct Line API of microsoft bot framework,
Following steps are followed.
Got Conversation Id from application(running on node.js)
Create Conversation Token from postman
Get Conversation Messages using conversationId123 & Authorization header using ConversationToken456
I receive
BadArgument:Security token not valid for this conversation
Did I miss something?
Hard to know what's going wrong without seeing the whole flow; though the error indicates that the token is invalid.
Here is a DirectLine sample using Node.js. You might want to use it as the baseline for your sample and I'm pretty sure you will find out the error.
I think before sending a message to the BOT you should call the URL stream that returns from the initial "Start conversation" POST request. At least that appears at the documentation
In my case, using C# I'm able to retrieve a token, then message ID and even request the bot to send me a list of activities, but I'm unable to send a message (the POST request never comes back with an answer)

Skype Echo Bot for NodeJS: Messages Not Appearing in Skype App

I am following this Echo Bot Tutorial, and have gone through all of the basic steps regarding setup and registration. I am following the steps (near the bottom) regarding local testing, and have been using ngrok successfully.
I was able to add my Skype Bot as a contact, and I also have the latest version of the Skype app (Mac). When I send a message to the bot via the Skype app, I see the message appear in the debug notes in my terminal window. So I know that the messages I type are coming through.
I also see this:
skype-sdk.MessagingServiceClientV2 Sending message to 8:username with content Hey 8:username. Thank you for your message: "test".
However, I do not see any kind of reply in my Skype application. My expectation is that the bot would echo back my message to me.
My questions are:
1) When testing locally using the ngrok method described in the tutorial, should I be able to see activity from the Skype bot (in terms of messages to me)?
2) I am guessing this may be some an authentication issue? How can I best troubleshoot things, and get the Skype bot to actually respond in the Skype app?
I feel like I am incredibly close to getting this working, in that the messages I send are coming through... but the messages I expect from the Skype bot are not coming through. Any help or ideas greatly appreciated!
Found the fix, and posting it here should anyone else run into the same issue.
During the setup process, when I was using the Application Registration Portal, I selected the wrong string as my Application Secret.
Originally, I clicked on Generate New Key Pair, which resulted in a new entry appearing in the admin labeled Private Key. I used this string as my App Secret.
However, it appears that what I should have done was click on Generate New Password and used *that string instead**. Just gave it a try, and my bot is now responding back to me locally (in the Skype app), when testing with ngrok.
I think this particular distinction could have been made clearer in the documentation, as I lost a great deal of time due to this one oversight. Oh well, at least I can start developing now...

Getting onStartChattingMessage to fire in a Kik bot

I have been playing around with the Kik bot framework using Node and have a bot to chat with. I am using the onTextMessage event successfully, but have yet to get the onStartChattingMessage to fire. The docs are not very detailed, any idea when this gets invoked? I thought it would be when I start a new chat with the bot but that doesn't seem to be it. Or I am just holding it wrong. Code is on GitHub at
Per this only happen
Under normal circumstances, you will receive this message once
when user that starts chatting with you for the first time.
If you are trying to get it to work but using the original username you have already chatted.
You'd have to make a new account to be able to get the first-time experience and have that StartChattingmessage
As an example I went and messaged your bot and I got this response `
