SVG Graphics node is not working properly in Node Red - svg

When I am adding SVG Graphics node in the Flow, its properties are not showing as intended. Not able to change the URL for the SVG editor as well. Please advise.


I'm trying use flutter svg, but load with black svg

I'm trying to use Flutter SVG dependency, i put in the svg in assets, set in pubspec.yaml, and set in my widget, but, the svg load with black container
I've already tried change the svg, and the another svg works fine, but the other not...
final Widget svg = SvgPicture.asset(assetName, semanticsLabel: 'Acme Logo');
the svg in flutter
Here the svg
My expected response was colored svg like the link in codepen, but i got this
This is probably happened because of the corrupted SVG files from the internet. I faced this problem earlier and tried many ways to solve it. But finally, I solved it with the help of this software, svgcleaner.
Download the application into your OS, from here
After installation,
import your SVG.
Click run.
Success! Here you can see your SVGs' cleaned successfully.
After cleaning, you can grab those SVG files from the output folder location and add those files into your flutter app without seeing any black coloured SVG.
It works perfectly fine like this.
I think I am late but this might just help someone. Just make all the styles in your svg image use inline styling otherwise all colors and styling won't be rendered as the tag is not readable by the SvgPicture.
I tried this SVG asset with the latest version of jovial_svg, and it works great! Here's the result:
This version of jovial_svg should be released in a couple of days, but for now it's 1.1.4-rc.4.
(This asset helped me flesh out stylesheet support - thanks!)
I found this site it solved my problem with the svg file that was out of color.
use this configuration in illustrator before you add it to your project.
If You don't have solution try to convert your image from svg to png and use:
Some SVG images uses style tag and if you try to load such image using flutter_svg, image won't render as expected. Currently flutter_svg supports styling through inline styles only and not the style tag that some of SVG files may contain (in my case, I exported image from Adobe XD and it has all styles in tag). When you try to load such SVG images, you will get below error:
======== Exception caught by SVG =================================================================== The following UnimplementedError was thrown in parseSvgElement: The
element is not implemented in this library.
Style elements are not supported by this library and the requested SVG
may not render as intended.
If possible, ensure the SVG uses inline styles and/or attributes
(which are supported), or use a preprocessing utility such as
svgcleaner to inline the styles for you.
This error mentions to use inline style instead of style tag, you can use svgcleaner (as mentioned in #Alif's answer) or similar utility to convert SVG file with inline styling.
For more detials, refer this link to check SVG compatibility with flutter_svg and handling other use-cases
try this:
child: SvgPicture.asset(
fit: BoxFit.contain,

SVG image not rendering correctly in some screens

We are seeing a weird issue in rendering an SVG image in Chrome in Acer machine with AMD processor. We have an SVG image and it shows up properly in most of the laptop screens.
In Acer (with AMD processor), the SVG file is rendered with green patches on top of the image as attached.
Has anyone faced this kind of issue? Any pointers or solutions are highly appreciated.

FabricJS Text vs NodeJs Node Canvas Text - The Fonts Look Different

I am really stressed out with this, i have built an entire designer with Fabricjs, gone through some right hoops with the text to make it work how it's needed. The problem is now when the data from the canvas is sent to the server for a full resolution render with NodeJs (fabricjs in node) the fonts are coming out looking different to they do in the browser.
All the fonts are installed on the server, and the correct font does render, it just seems to have different spacing between the characters even though the fabric version is the same and all the extension code is the same on browser and server side, all the TTF fonts are the same etc etc
Here is the browser version:
And here is the node js version:
As you can see the font is correct on the node one compared to the browser one, but it's being rendered slightly differently.
Is there a solution anyone knows of to fix this?
I don't believe that there is any way to solve this problem when using fabric.js
Text in fabric.js can be scaled arbitrarily, but then it is rasterized and displayed as a canvas object like any other image.
You can see in the fabric.js demos that the text will stretch like an image until your input is complete, then it re-renders to a new image at that scale.
Knowing that this is how fabric.js handles text, it is possible to select two scales that produce quite different results:
In the image above you can see that the two fonts are pretty much the same size, but the one on the right (slightly larger) has been rasterized such that it appears to have a bolder appearance. It's the best example I could reproduce with limited time.
This is why rendering the fabric.js objects in your browser at a smaller resolution than the server will lead to the font appearing slightly different.
If you try rendering the browser version at the same size as the server you are likely going to get the same results.

SVG gradient not applied on MS Edge in Aurelia application

I am building an AureliaJS based application which contains a SVG based component. My problem is that in MS Edge, the gradients of this SVG are not rendered (see image below: the "gauge" is supposed to be transparent and the two circles green). It is correctly displayed in all the other browsers I tested (FireFox, IE11, Chrome).
The gradients are defined inside the SVG in a defs section. They are then used by their ids.
I tried:
To open the SVG part of the component as an SVG file in Edge. Strangely it renders correctly. So I guess the SVG is correct.
To remove the Aurelia markup: the problem is still here.
To change the value of fill (currently fill: url(#gauge-fill-2)) into fill: url('#gauge-fill-2') or fill: url('/#gauge-fill-2') without success.
I also get the message below in the console, which disappears if I remove this SVG (I translated it from French as I have a French edition of Windows 10)
XML5633: The name of the ending tag doesn't match the name of the starting tag.
Line. 60, column 7
However, when I read the code, I couldn't find any problem about closing tags. To be sure of this, I remove most of the code and left only one element with a gradient on it. This message was still there.
The full code of the component is available here:
Any idea of what the problem might be and how to solve it?
The problem is solved by the creators update. I just need for it to be widely deployed.

Center screen at a SVG object

I'm developing a gps tracking app for android using custom SVG maps. I can print my exact position at the SVG map through the device's GPS but I'm having some difficulties when I want to pan/center the screen at my position. Basically the idea is to keep moving/panning the map automatically while i'm moving so the user won't have to do it by himself. I'm using the jquery.panzoom ( Has anyone did this before, would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks
You could try using SVG fragment identifiers.
Basically you can supply a viewBox in the URL of the SVG you are linking to. That's assuming you are using an external SVG file (ie not embedded).
So for instance, if you want to show the top left 200x200 of an SVG, you can do:,0,200,200))
An example:,1600,400,400))
Then when the GPS position changes, you just update the URL. It saves having to mess about with the contents of the file.
The only proviso is that I haven't checked that the Android WebView supports it. I'm assuming you are using a WebView??
