How to detect change in the URL - Dart/Flutter - string

I'm trying to fetch a specific part from the youtube URL. For example:- if the user has put the following URL
I would fetch the following part KOjE7cQ0FkA using the below method
String url = urlController.text; //
List urlList = url.split("=");
String urlCode = await urlList[1];
but sometimes people copy the video link from mobile and this is how it would appear In such case, above code wouldn't work
So how can I detect which URL is put by the user and perform a split operation accordingly
Sorry, if my question sounds stupid but I hope you got an idea that what I'm trying to achieve here

There are many ways to approach this. One way would be to parse the URL (have a look at this SO question).
With this approach you could check if the query parameter watch is present -- if not the URL is probably in the mobile format.
Another approach would be to define a regex expression for the Video-ID (KOjE7cQ0FkA) part of the URL. That way you can extract the Video-ID regardless of the format of the URL. I would probably go with that approach.
Your regex could look like this: ([a-zA-Z]+(\d[a-zA-Z]+)+)
I used this site to create the regex. You probably need to modify it a little bit. Also if the ID has a fixed length that is a great criteria to filter by.


Custom query string in domino URL

Need a way to pass a value between to pages using URL query strings if possible. However everytime I add "?customquery=customvalue" at the end it ends up to the 404 page of the website.
I want to basically make it look like this.
hello+world is a document that is equivalent to a webpage.
I tried this plus a javascript that collects the strings after the number sign and it works.
However, I couldn't use the hash sign because they told me not to use it and use another unique symbol instead. I am not aware of any symbols that could work the same with hash sign. If there is, please enlighten me.
Apparently, I was able to find an answer.
Now I could pass values by means of this format. Basically it has to be preceded by "OpenDocument" parameter before putting custom ones.
This documentation also helps:

Friendly URLs when using a Record ID for dynamic content

I've read a bit on the matter of friendly urls and I'm a little unsure as to what is better.
I currently have my website using a structure of
I am using the record id to determine the content of the page. My record id's are numeric and increment for new pages added. The content of existing pages can change completely over time. But, still use the same record id (this is a cms so the client may do this).
The way I understand it I have two options for friendly urls:
Now because I identify the content by the record id, I would assume the first option would make more sense.
My client seems to want option two.
After some reading I found two conflicting points.
As per Tim Berners-Lee (the architect of the WWW) he states that you want a URI which will have the potential to remain the same 2 months, 2 years, 200 years from now. So you DO NOT want to use a page title or something similar for your pages. If you change your pages content you are either forced to change the content and leave the URI alone, or change the URI and are stuck with dangling links. You can read his article here (
However, a number of other people on the internet (with no know authority to me) clearly state that you need to have a descriptive yet short URI for the best SEO value. From what I read, mostly for the purpose of backlinks and having keywords in the anchor text since people just use the link itself for the anchor text. So having keywords in the link itself helps search engines know what the link is about without a custom title.
It seems to me the difference has to do with long term VS short term.
Am I grasping this correctly?
If I am to use a slug style URI as defined by the user, do I have to just allow my user to type in whatever they want to a field and check against the current database to see if it exist? If so, am I supposed to anticipate static links by running a query for the know record id and then use the result to generate the url which would just be rewritten back to the format:
It seems to me that would be a lot of extra overhead.
I would suggest something in the middle of those two:
or without page:
You can still get page Id from the Url, and there is a title as well! And what even more important, you're still able to get correct content, even when page title change later.
So think about situation like that: User creates a page, it receives Id=4 and it's title is My great title. From that information Url is generated, and is e.g. After 2 months user changes the title to This title is better then the last one!. Url changes as well to However, there is still 3 within the Url, so you're able to show right content! You can also check, if the rest of Url is actual, and redirect (301 would be the best one) to new one to let search engines know, that Url changed.

How to place search query in the URL?

With a lot of search engines, you can find the string you are searching in the URL.
However, does not let me do this. When I search something, the resulting URL is no matter what.
Is there any way I can find out whether I can search the website by adding something to the end of the URL, like "?query=searchstring" instead of using the form provided on the page? Basically I need a unique URL.
that website you pointed at uses POST to send data for its search query which means you wont be able to see or append it on the URL bar. The reason for that is either for security or the search query it generates is a complex object or too long and does not fit in a url. websites such as search engines uses GET, with that you can append your search query in the url by following the syntax it generates.

Setting a TextFilter's value from a Query String (URL) Filter

I'd like to start off by saying I'm very new to Sharepoint, so I'm sorry if I'm asking something very obvious. I've done quite a bit a googling and can't find an answer to my question. This leads me to believe that maybe I'm asking the wrong question. So, here goes:
We have a Sharepoint webpage that currently contains 3 Web Parts (2 lists and a text filter). The text filter can be used to filter the two lists. I've been asked to provide the following functionality:
A user must be able to open this page from an http link (easy)
The Text-Filter must be automatically filled-in and applied, thus immediately filtering the two lists
This seemed pretty straight-forward to me: Pull a parameter from the page's URL and feed it into the filter.
I found and added a Query String (URL) Filter and I managed to pull the parameter from the URL, but I can't feed it to the existing Filter!
Sure, I can pass the value to the two lists (effectively coding the same filter two different ways) but that seems wrong. So, my question boils down to this:
Is it possible to set a Text Filter's value from a Query String (URL) Filer?
Am I asking the wrong question? Am I looking at this problem in the wrong way? Any help is much appreciated, thanks.
I was asking the wrong question!
It seems you can set a Text Filter's value on page-load through the URL. Here's how:
Where Text%20Filter%20Name is the name of your Text Filer (in this case, with spaces in the name), and where 999 is the value you're passing to the filter.

How can I make clean search urls?

If I have search that has a lot of different options, then url becomes very long and looks very bad. Is there anyway to make urls look better? Using POST to make search would keep urls clean, but people couldn't share search urls.
Try doing an advanced search with many options on Google: the URL is long and not especially human-readable. I really don't think that's a problem; I don't think many people read URLs often. If you expect people to share search results, then show a button on the search results page that will generate a tinyURL-style shortened URL for that particular query.
A POST is meant for something that changes server state (e.g. a database update) and really shouldn't be used for a search.
You can encode all of your search criteria into something like a hash and then have a single parameter in your querystring that has that value:
I'm not sure exactly how you'd encode everything, but it wouldn't be too difficult.
Do the different options actually need to be in the URL? For example, a quick search from my Firefox search window gives a URL like:
If I'm sending the link to anyone, I habitually cut off everything after q=search. Why not have the URL be the bare minimum that you need to send the link to someone (or bookmark), and make the rest as invisible POST variables?
