How to select keyframe in tool mode? - godot

Is there anyway to select keyframes in tool mode like we do with mouse?
I have a lot of key frames and need to automate the selection process
Selected with mouse:


In nvim, how can I I make it so the mouse will select a split, but not select any text. I only want the mouse to control window focus

I want to be able to toggle on and off this potential feature too. Sometimes, I don't want to change the cursor position, but I want to use my mouse to select a split to focus on.
I tried disabling mouse and fiddling with in by typing :h mouse in nvim, but nothing I could find in the docks helped

How to scroll android screen by AndroidViewClient

Currently, I'm working on Snapchat and I want to scroll the screen slightly"").touch()
Now I want to scroll the screen to findViewWithText My friends. so how I can do it,
You can use culebra and generate the python code needed for scrolling or dragging.
culebra -Gu --scale=0.25
then right-click and open the command dialog, select Drag dialog and grab the points clicking on the device image (using Settings here as an example)
something like the following code will be generated
device.dragDip((184.73, 699.64), (176.0, 443.64), 1000, 20, 0)
When executed you will see the device scrolling.

How can I change project view on eclipse to hierarchical only using Linux terminal command?

How can I change project view on eclipse from flat to hierarchical only using Linux terminal command without right click on the menu?
Although there is no command line option for this, it is possible to switch the presention between flat and hierarchical using only the keyboard, if you are already in the Project Explorer view.
Press Ctrl+F10 to display the view menu. Use the arrow keys to highlight the menu item you want (in this case, the Presentation menu item is the first, so just one press on the down arrow), then use the right arrow to show the sub-menu for that item. From there, you can either use the hot key (underlined in the submenu, so "f" for "Flat, "h" for "Hierarchical) or use the up and down arrow keys, then hit Enter when on the item you want.

How can I set the default orientation of labview windows?

Whenever I open a new labview project, it opens two small windows, one for the block diagram and the front panel. Since using labview effectively requires simultaneous use of both, is it possible to set things up such that, upon starting a new VI, it opens these two windows in pre-determined positions and sizes?
I do not know setting to do so (and think there is no such setting), but your problem is easily solvable if you press ctrl+t when new vi is opened.
ctrl+t will set front panel on the left half part of the screen and block diagram on the right part. Pressing ctrl+t a second time will set the panel to top half and diagram to the bottom half.
Shortcuts In LabVIEW
Another workaround:
Create a new empty VI
Resize and reposition the front panel window as you wish
Do the same for the block diagram window
Save the VI as a template (.vit)
Double click the template to use it (position and size of windows will be as they were when saving)
Alternatively if you want to be doing manually everytime. You can press WIN+LEFT on one of the windows and WIN+RIGHT on the other. This will evenly distribute the two windows over the screen.
You can set window position for individual VIs by pressing Ctrl+I to open the VI properties, and setting the desired appearance under "Window Size"

xorg source code copy paste

Anybody knows where in xorg source code is located copy/paste routine which is bind to left(copy) and middle(paste) mouse buttons?
More datails:
When you select any text in X session by using left mouse button (normal text selection), it is copied to some "clipboard". Next, when you click middle mouse button in any input control/window text is pasted.
Why I need it:
I need it because I want to change this functionality a little. It is very useful comparing to MsWindows Ctrl-c Ctrl-v. Much faster. But it would be even more if under some button we can reach for previous clipboard content. In this case we can replace one text by other like this:
selecting text A
selecting destination text B (in this moment under middle button text A was overwritten by B)
paste text A using SOME button (not middle button)
It's not in the Xorg source code, but in the sources for each X toolkit or application. The X server simply sends the application the mouse button events, which get processed through its event handling to whatever functions they've bound to those buttons. The copy & paste mechanism you describe is a common convention most toolkits & applications have implemented in their own fashions.
You can read much more about this mechanism in the specs under Peer-to-Peer Communication by Means of Selections in the Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual
