Downgrade Node Js version - node.js

I want to downgrade the NodeJs version to 16 as some of the dependencies I am using in my React app do not support NodeJs 17. I tried this method (another post on stack overflow) also but this thing is not getting installed on my PC.
OS: Windows
Any sort of help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

You can use Node Version Manager(NVM).where you can downgrade or upgrade any node version. Please check

Clearing the local installation of node, to find out where is and delete
where node
Install nvm
For Windows
For others
Show all the versions
nvm ls available
Install what you want
nvm install 16.11.0
nvm use 16.11.0
Check node version
node -v
I have tried several ways and this works, hope it helps.

2022 update with examples
Install nvm (See link readme: Windows uses installer, Linux has a CLI copy+paste bash script).
Restart the shell (if it was open when installed) to register the new path.
If you want 14.18.1, for example: nvm use 14.18.1
If you don't have it installed, it'll let you know. In that case: nvm install 14.8.1 -> repeat #3.
node -v to verify. has previous releases versions in their distribution directory. Find the node version you need and install it.

n is the simplest package to manage your node versions.


How to properly update Node js in windows?

I want to update my Node js to the current LTS version on my windows 7. Do I just let the current version be, and install the latest version from the website? Or do I need to delete the currently installed node? If so, how do I do that?
The best way to have multiple versions of Node is by using nvm.
Nvm for Windows (guide)
Nvm for Windows (GitHub repo)
Download the version you want, for instance msi for windows. Run the download and it will update the version to the one you have downloaded.
If you install the latest stable version. Please use the below comments with the administrator command prompt
nvm install lts
Once complete the installation. You received the message
Downloading node.js version 16.15.1 (64-bit)...
Installation complete. If you want to use this version, type
nvm use 16.15.1
next step
nvm use 16.15.1
I believe that since npm installs Node.JS as a package (just like it would React or any other package) to your project, you can just 'npm install node' to get the latest version.
If you're looking for npm, the NPM website says this:
To update your npm, type this into your terminal:
npm install npm#latest -g
Follow you can find several ways to update the node.
Install nvm by running:
curl -o- | bash in bash
wget -qO- | bash
Then run the editor as administrator :
nvm install 14.18.1 (example the node version that you want or use lts for the latest)
nvm use 14.18.1
Make sure the node version to be used is the one installed after nvm install. If you already have one, delete it first.
node -v will give 14.18.1

NodeJS can't install it properly

I had problem with create-react-app and turned out I gotta update my version of nodeJS. The thing is that I can't do so. when I type node --version I get v11.10.0, however when I type sudo n stable, I get:installed : v10.16.3 (with npm 6.9.0).
However when checking version of node I all time get this 11.10.0. How can I get this last stable version 10.16.3?
turned out nvm was installed on laptop and it controled node version
I would suggest you use nvm to manage your node versions. It allows you to download multiple versions and you can assign versions on a per project basis. It also allows you to choose which version you want as default
Install nvm it will allow you to install and use any version you want.
Installation steps on ubuntu 18.04

Downgrading to a different version of Node

I accidently upgraded my Node server and it broke some stuff.
I'm using robot-js that only supports these versions of node -
How do I erase my current version and install the darwin-x64-14.node one?
I can't quite figure out the right command to install node-darwin-x64. What version do I put in?
I personally prefer to use nvm instead of directly installing node.js
it allow me to change any version of node instantly.
you can find a detailed instruction of how to uninstall node here.
then install nvm
curl -o- | bash
then to install a specific version of node just use
nvm install any-version
to change to a specific node installation
nvm use version
please for osx installation refer to the Important Notes section on their readme

Can I upgrade Node.js using command line in Windows?

Is it possible to update node using command line/PowerShell in windows 10?
Surely, I can download the latest version from the official site and install, but, I'm hoping for a way to do it from cmd.
Right now, I've npm and yarn installed on my system if that helps.
Perhaps nvm-windows is what you are looking for.
After installing this program on your computer, you will be able to use nvm command (Node Version Manager) in windows command line and manipulate with node.js versions.
Commands that you probably need are:
nvm install latest: To install the latest stable version
nvm list available: Show a list of versions available for download.
nvm use <version>: Switch to use the specified version.
More information here
Since you have npm you can use this command in powershell:
npm install npm#latest -g
If you want documentation to refer to you can use:
npmjs documentation

How to backup my Node.js setup when upgrading

I want to upgrade Node.js on Ubuntu, but I want to make sure that if anything goes wrong I could revert back my source code, installed modules and node binary to the working setup. How to achieve that?
You can install any version of node.js just go to downloads. Go into Other Releases and download what version you want with respect to your OS and 32-bit or 64-bit.
node-vX.XX.X-OS-x64.tar.gz (64-bit)
node-vX.XX.X-OS-x86.tar.gz (32-bit)
Then, follow the instruction on the Building and installing Node.js
Another way is to use NVM, the Node Version Manager (it works in a very similar way to rvm for ruby). This allows to install and manage multiple versions of node. Here's a snippet (source):
nvm install <version> Download and install a <version>
nvm use <version> Modify PATH to use <version>
nvm ls List versions (installed versions are blue)
You can also check this n. A Simple flavour of node binary management.
Update (as per comments):
If you have installed the nvm after node.js. You can check already installed by using nvm ls which lists already installed version(s) ready to use.
amolkulkarni#ubuntu:~$ nvm ls
current: v0.10.18
You should use Node Version Manager
