How to change Content Security Policy by meta tag? - security

I build a MERN app in which I used Stripe for payments but when I upload it over heroku the following error comes:
I tried to set Content Security Policy meta tag in header of index.html as
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src *; script-src *; img-src *; connect-src * ; style-src *; font-src * ">
Even then I got the same error while I set script-src to '*'.
I have also used helmet to set headers as:
Please just some ways to remove this error.

You can't relax a CSP by adding another one, by adding another one the result can only become stricter. You need to identify where and how the preexisting CSP is set and modify it to allow whatever you need to run.


Content Security Policy - unsafe eval error. Allowing a specific node_module file : node_modules/aurelia-webpack-plugin/runtime/empty-entry.js

I want to enforce CSP as a security measure in my web application.
From the server end , I have set the policy to "allow" self for all of its resources.
However there is one particular front end node_module file , which is throwing error as attached below.
The CSP header set is :
script-src 'self' 'node_modules/aurelia-webpack-plugin/runtime/empty-entry.js'; script-src-elem 'self'; style-src 'self'; img-src 'self'
Please help , I have been trying to find a solution for more than a week now!
Solutions tried:
Try the front end to make it ignore this file since it is an empty file. But I am not able to get it to ignore.
Trying from server end to bypass this particular file by changing the rules
Error message
UnCaught EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as Javascript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'"
at ./node_modules/aurelia-webpack-plugin/runtime/empty-entry.js
The file seems to be allowed to load as it is loaded from the same source and you have allowed script-src 'self'.
The problem seems to be that the code in the file does eval(), new Function(), setInterval() or setTimeout(), which requires 'unsafe-eval' to be allowed. This is strange given that the file should be empty. Your console errer may provide you with a direct link to the offending code.
You could add 'unsafe-eval' to script-src. This would make your CSP less strict, but it is of course a lot better to set "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval';" than to not restrict scripts with a CSP at all.

Content Security Policy nodejs program

I am developing a site and I have a problem with the Content Security Policy. It is triggered when I try to retrieve images from my DB for example or when I want to retrieve my font from google...
Here is the github link of the project:
Thank you for your help.
You have defined a policy in a meta tag here:
However, your policy sets img-src and the browser console says you don't. The most likely explanation is that something sets another policy in a response header with "default-src 'none'". You will need to disable the other policy or move your own policy there. Then your image will likely show and you need to add that google domain for the font ( to font-src.
Hi I found my policy and it'is <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src * gap:; script-src * 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src *; img-src * data: blob: android-webview-video-poster:; style-src * 'unsafe-inline';"> thanks for your help

antiClickJack snippet's style tag part being inline requires unsafe-inline. How can we avoid the use of unsafe-inline?

I am working on Drupal 9.3.8 site and using CSP module to setup the CSP header.
There are few core dependencies or contrib modules which require unsafe-inline in CSP header but scanner recommends not the have unsafe-inline, so looking for the fix to remove the use of unsafe-inline.
Dependencies that require unsafe-inline:
Drupal core ckeditor, modernizer and AJAX calls - which can be handled by CSP module used above which adds unsafe-inline only when ckeditor renders, but not when only modernizer is required.
Google Analytics module - which adds the script inline instead of putting it in a file and include it on each page. We have the patch compatible with D7 but not for D8/9.
AntiClickJack snippet which is as below:
<style id="antiClickjack">body{display: none !important;}</style>
Installed and setup CSP module as mentioned above to handle Drupal core libs/dependencies requirement.
To handle only rendering of modernizer.js and unsafe-inline, will need customization to the CSP module.
For antiClickJack and google analytics script and style tags, cannot add hash or nonce as unsafe-inline will be ignored which will break the handling of Drupal core requirements
CSP header that I have is as below:
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'; frame-src 'none'; img-src 'self' data:; object-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src-elem 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'none';
How to handle antiClickJack snippet to avoid the use of unsafe-inline?
Do we have a customized approach to add the google analytics script to a file instead of adding it inline?
Add the following hash to your style-src: 'sha256-NHgJfLahpnqTyd+gTNfZfM2wjTUfB3Wk1CvqZfZpeHY=' Most browsers will suggest a hash for you, or you can use Note that the hash works as long as the content is unchanged, so only use it for static code.
Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager are not easy to implement without 'unsafe-inline'. You might be able to move to a file, but I don't know if that has an impact on the order of events. You will also need to look into CSP nonces for the code they insert. You will need to configure them to use your nonce and make sure that a new nonce is created for every page load. My experience is that setting a custom value for the nonce and change it for every page load is not trivial or possible within some frameworks, but worth giving a try.

How to fix CSP script-src-elem Error although it is being defined?

I have something like this in a meta tag in my pug. I have a ton 2 3 CDN in my File.
meta(http-equiv='Content-Security-Policy' content="default-src * 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; script-src-elem * 'unsafe-inline';" )
I get an error something like this although I have defined the script-src-elem.
Refused to load the script '<URL>' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'". Note that 'script-src-elem' was not explicitly set, so 'script-src' is used as a fallback.
I would really appreciate your help. Thank you in Advance
Let me guess. You use PUG linked with Express. In the Express you use Helmet security middleware.
The point is that Helmet 4 publishes CSPs by default via an HTTP header, and
script-src 'self' is a fragment of this Helmet's default CSP.
Since you have one CSP published, you can't relax it using a meta tag. In case of 2 CSPS published all sources should pass unscratched through both CSPs. Therefore your script-src-elem * 'unsafe-inline' from meta tag does not trigger violation, but script src 'self' from the CSP HTTP header - does rise it.
You have to remove meta tag and configute Helmet via helmet.contentSecurityPolicy(options). Or disable CSP in Helmet and use a meta tag:
contentSecurityPolicy: false,
Seems like your browser does no support this directive.
The Message you get is explained on MDN script-src-elem
If script-src-elem is absent, User Agent falls back to the script-src
directive, and if that is absent as well, to default-src.
And by the way:
specifies valid sources for JavaScript elements, but not inline script event handlers like onclick

Content security policy including a gumroad script

I am developing a website with Wordpress that includes a Gumroad script, in the console it throws the following error:
extended_bundle-2dd0f46384e8ed974d932b1190b99d42941abe18a7b69f4e8bd492fa0a309a13.js:1 Refused to connect to '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src 'self' * * * * *".
I tried to fix it by putting the info in the meta, but I'm sure I'm wrong. what is the best solution to fix this? (I have never faced this problem before).
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src https 'self'; child-src * data: blob:; connect-src 'self' * * * * *; font-src * data: blob:; frame-src * data: blob:; img-src * data: blob:; media-src * data: blob:; object-src * data: blob:; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' * * * * * * * * * * blob: 'self' data: 'sha256-VM/GRb7zfHAoT0vOuAlUed7we+jp8z0wsVKkGxFFsqI='; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; worker-src * data: blob:">
I tried to fix it by putting the info in the meta, but I'm sure I'm wrong.
To fix the issue you have to add host-source to connect-src directive.
It's 2 ways to publish CSP:
via meta tag <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="...">
via HTTP header "Content-Security-Policy: ..."
Avoid to use both ways at the same time - in case of 2 CSPs the rules will join with logical "AND" and you'll failed to get expected result.
Therefore you need to know in which way your Wordpress publish the CSP, and then to add the into meta OR into HTTP-header respectively.
Typically WP uses plugins to publish CSP. It can also be published in the .htaccess file.
Note 1: the console error you described could be not yours if you use iframe with third-party content (some external widgets, Google auth etc.). Because browser use one console to display CSP violations in any iframes.
Moreover, you could have installed some browsers plugins which tries to modify the viewed page. This can cause CSP violations too.
But lookes like it's caused by Google Adsense you place in web page. ` is used to collect stat of Google Ads.
